I ,0 AMERICAN uA1'LR0Ali)' J OURNAL. 39 1 Railroad BOIldS. Onncinnban muck sales, '‘ -4 BY KIRK OHEEVER. COMPLXNIES ,2 d E, m 5} For the week egg;rggéJune 102]», 1856. P cu - - _ - _ _ _ . . (yvlefouowmg quomnm-W are ex. 2 3 Descrlptlon of Bonds. E Interest pay- '8 lg ' E '3 Iglttle Mmmi, 6 per ct. Mm-t. -.--.- -... ......... ....- ....-é.!§1m interest.) 4 SE able. E g. E g E (6g:7onr:§;ztfig;‘urue0iI31\(r3<3lr[1t‘lrl;l<>t_i)-l---- ; ggl59l1.§c1>t... :: 1865 .-.. _I0ex1ngqtou, 14_—DLy;on and Western. 1m’._Eacon zfuio $1331. 0_ do_ do. ____ 4652000 Dd do 1-,. \ 1 r1 0-.- 7 M. .m. -0 July “ 1867 _--- 91 , 16301:, _.2.~Il:_lduu.:l-a L,em.ml, 50.——1nand C,-]i-c-£g-5-- 1,233,333) 18‘? II]1)%rt2,agc,c doim --.- lg 1Apnl, Qctober. 1868 ____ 91 E:-‘¢l<31(§1%i1_>e¥)1:tg(l:.?3. 1858 2 gfiubgrlfltfilgmb‘ ¥83$§“75 flu‘ 55:)“ even sonfe sales at‘ 75' City and Count); b0DdS—1- bio and 104' __________ _:_: ""' ’ 1 i "" 2 ~~- ~—-- ‘ .- .. - 4 0 . - om, 1,923,330 32- 2: llifii“ 2: 132; 9° “'06 Wed scale as Do. 0. -....-.. .... ..:..: 2:0OO:00O Income; c0nvertible:--.- 7 Aprll O‘I;l.I—l------... _._- 080,00 Do. conv.,slnk’gf’d 8 Fcb’y, August. N.Y. 187 ____ 85 Vzlmced /23 _E“_e 1883, ii; New York Central 6s, . E .0“ '35’ --------- -- 000.000 Do- let sec.,conv-- 7 May, Novumb. “ 1861 _____ -_.. 1/4; and lllmols cemyal declined 11 1 E.- Steubenvllle and Indmnu 1 "O0 0 D - ' ~ /1.: am 113 I _ ----0 ....... .- ,0 ,0 U o (..0lJVc1'tlbl0 ---- 7 Juu‘y, July--. “ 1805 _____ 80 1571 B d~ 1 - , , a , ,. ,_. Terra Hanna and Indlam1polls--.- - 600000 Do do 7 March Se 1;. “ 866 on 5’ Rmhodd bh‘“eS‘"]"‘”e W35 ‘b9 """" '' v 1 ' - -—-- . 3 ; _ '.l‘errel:Iautez1nd.Alton.... . . . . ' " 1o0o’oo0 Do" do. 7 Feb’}’ 'Au§us'£ “ l802v7=72 193% °“]5' "cm" “O”-“ dumlg W’ Week‘ 811 the other D°' “°' --------- 2»°°°»°°°2°‘ ‘1° ‘1°- 3 Fel>’>'3Ausust-‘ “ 1870 7 75 33001“ have been more or less quien. Erie declined NAMES ,8 1;}; New‘Yor$l: Cenl_.I‘al', 4} ; Reading, 13/4; Mi0hi_ 0 03' Egg . .5; Q _ §_an Cenlnal,/1; Mxchlgan Sounhern, 1%; Cleve. (ThefDu0QQMPANIE_S. _ 3 ,o Descriptiouofnonds. lg; Interest pay- 53% '53 3 ‘‘*“d and T°1‘=“°_= 13/4. 3 C1eV*=1aUd aUdPlllh'0111'g, 1; tkzzrgguizofgfzgenégnclude EH . E. ab10_ EE E i Galena and Chlcago, 1;; Chicago, and Rock 1S_ . <4 :4 9- A o <1 iiznghiedC;:$7:éa:;1,1Eo1u:x§abus end Cincinnapi sold ’-"““‘,3".,‘3*'° and 5-gggzggg Morgggge ----------- --0 ---- -- ggggiv. ggover Igagg 03:35 83% say. [gins _°n call. 5a7— I3iscoun‘?'§i3>T1§§'§lyc:3333335; Ch_icago_ and Rock Island. ....... --:.- 230001000 131: mor'tg§l{_v'e:‘c'cI:§Cv."ti-11"1'z33'8': 7 16.;-31.103137; Il\lt.lY 1870 55"‘ 33 gold toils names 1.3.33 ].m°wn‘.8a9 5 mock °°”.»”"‘°““": Em R”-‘11'°‘ld - 3,000,000 1st mortgage .............. -- 7 May. Novemb. “ 1867 105% 107 "‘ ‘ x°b3“§‘*°"**"3 3-CWVB 305- have sllghnly 130- 4,000,000 2d mortgage, convertible --.- 7 March, Sept.-- “ 1859 97)» 98 advanced‘ London 109}-?”-110' Paris 5 17 V (1 D0. (5_()()()’()[)() 3d mortgage ______________ __ 7 March, septa“ L1 1883 94% 95% 5&5. & K’ /2 133- 4,000,000 Not conv. 5iul<.Fund, $420,000 7 lI‘eb’y, August- “ 1875 90 ;<. 91 A ‘ - 4,351,000 Convmrtible Iuscri Lion .... .- 7 F l’ A t._ “ 1871 8' r / D°- -------------------- -— 3,500,000 Convertible’ .... "F ........ -- 7 J35»? J1‘11§7u.S-- “ 1862 873/, §‘§§* E“"‘°" f"°m D“ COPPGE 54'» C0-’s Money H““;3°g§ R“’°":;;;'_ -------------- -- mcfoweragea 1DS°§lg>ll°n gfglgghgggtbsgs ff 130 ‘1’;':“‘i'“' ‘W “1'=.Eur0Dwn Summer of the Do. _. __--::::: III: "'000’0oo ‘a l ' l " "" ' ' ’ ' - ‘“ ‘ ‘mt’ Illinggi 0entra1(.E;--..I:.-a 1710003000 ‘lilortéggge, incocl§)vn«§'lLt§l§'lE§1_e_IIII ?;lN{?,’;ll,IE]l§¥§l§r§;f 2: 1332 3;“ gig ['mANsm'rEn.] - ree ......... __ '',0()0,()00l\l11 :0 - .. ' _ -,-v - . _ u r V, , Michigan SOuthe1'n__f_I:_fi _________ __ ‘:00, 000 1,§,:,;4:§gl,39::;:g;§g,i5,';;* *3 ?,l,*;:;;,°'g,§,;I,;:,-,—,, ., 1333 ggh 3; Th NEW YORK: 7 way. June 16. 1856. NBW Y0l'k and Hzzrleln _____________ __ 1:80();00() 0. D ’ (]0_ 7 May: Novembi u 1861_72 84 85 h e “Fee” of our sum!‘ marktfi bi?-S bC&ICt‘1y‘ New York and New Haven ........ .. 750,000 No mortgage, do. .. 7 June, Decemb. “ 1855’60’6 75 80 C anged Smce our last‘ advices Vt Eh“ 1”‘-11 illblniilllh New Haven and Hartford.... ...... .. 1,000,000 1st mortgage, do. -- 6 Jzln‘y July___ H 1373 9”,» 93 As a uafluml consequence of 3, dis 051010“ :0 . 0 Northern Indiana ___,_________________ 1000 000 Do do 7 Feb: ‘Au mm at 1861 ~ 91 " 9. , - f-_ _ . , .1’ _. _“ “ 3' Do_ 1:5Oo:0O0 Do: do: I 7 Feb’? August: “ 1868 85% 8% L010 0 mm ope: anng, mouey 1s Leudmg Lowazds New Y°1'k 0GDl‘-1‘3L- --------------- -— 3,287,000 No mortgage, do. .. 6 May, ovemb, “ 1333 57% 372/ gwawr “b““da“ce» especially l0I‘ loans on call. P D°' 10 d°- ---~-------------- 32000090 N°m’%6°°nV-fr°m-7113057-59 715~June15-Dev “ 1864 103' 103»: Tile Sam“ Cause nvlictd 3 Weak ago Inainmins a tmam ‘ .______ __________ __ , ~ - . .,_ ,- . , . . Doiinzfl lfiglge “_m_m__m"“ 12030330 Conwggflble Egg :2: --- 3 £33,-" $22 130 vague um.a0}uess m_ we pubhc mxud as regards Reading, issued 1843 .......... .-.. --.- 1,573,000 Mortgage, inconvex-tible ____ 6 Jmfy: July:__ Phj]a_ 1350 __~ 0}" dlplommdc r‘-"1M*10[l3 WllhEugland, 3.1111 con- go. do. 1844,143’a49___________ 1,300,000 130_ 00m,0,m,10 ____ __ 0 Junty, J01y___ at 1800 02“ I: Lluucs to exercise ins influence in reducing c,on~ °- °°~ 1349-—--- ---------- -- 3-459»°0° 130- m°°nVert1bl6 6 AWL Octoben “ 1870 84:4 85 alder-glbly the auwuut’. of busi11ess’,whi'c‘h for 500- CITY SECURITIES. Intlst payable. OfI’d Askd CITY SECURITIES. lnvst payable. On’d Aska l§:$33;,l;dr],:,3:0a€_lpg2a:t§~ 15:6: gmysdi-aad ..._.. _ . la ' e n 5 1: e Newggrk. E pc3:;)ct;____1_§g%§gg ]1“Ie;)7y, 180% 13% I1vvIi1\v231|;ee, 7 1301- ch. (‘::oup...]i.fi.. § Di]V)'ers .______ 37 38 felt upon State stocks, aud"1'nVesIm¢m. sccurinies, ' -’ —--~ ' GVV TBHHS, ere . ' . . . . .....-...... r ' ‘ ' w- ~ ' o g . . . Do. . 5 do. ......1870-’75 August, and Q2 95 N.Orleans 6perpct.cp.:r?unicip. X Jan’; July 1” Wh-wh wme Lmn‘ dfvmons hdye Lgkgu Mdbe’ ‘*8 Do. 5 do. . .... ._1s9o November. - 94 95;; Philadelphla, 6 per ct.--1876-’98 Jan’:/. Jul): 90 Qox we“ M E” °1’"“.’‘ ““ ’°" Am”"“"*“ “°”°““'"~ 5W8‘ fifiazlfilgngDg1£)g:.c(;:)1:1;E%871-'81§ §eb:y,§u1gust- --... Pittsburgh, 6 per ct. coup.-i§.6§}X; Divers ....--...- 72% 7 :I'°cks'"Ml;“°u“ 65 have ‘men “cuvtx c1°5i“£ 31» 3; . ..-......_ . a , ___ ____ ' t_ ______ 3 ___ _u__ 0 ’ 0. ' ' '. A , 30.000; 6 ct....-.1879-'90 Qu';:le,l‘;?_--_ 97 98 %::;:::z;-, 52:: :33; X i;.°;;b:§,“‘xug 1-9°."’” T“ /4» V*~’é;“*°* 6*, ‘W W av « Boston, 5 De!‘ Ct- collpm----_..-X April October. 98 99 Rochester, 6 per cent. coup. -'.- X Divers -:.. ...-. 55“ lmlwd’ amount’ at’. 4 ‘per cum? .dec!m°’ aud 16”" Brooklyn, 6 per ct. coup._Long X Jaffy, July___ 100 101 st-_Louis, 6 per ct. coup..-Long X Do. _____ __ 73 .5" nessee. 63 aI.‘~1/1, advance. California 73, redeem- 0l9V’1’d»7P°*'°’°' °P~lW-W-1379 X D0. (10. --- 101% ---- D0- do. Municipal.-. X Do. _..._._ 795 30 able in 1875 (new loan ) lmvlng been ressed f - Cincinnati. 6 ‘lei’ 01'» G0llP- ----—-X Divers ..-....-.- 89 90 S0crumento,10 p.ct cp. 1862-’74X Do. ___,, _ -5% .1 ' .1’. K 7 * ’ » . p 01 gh~,0,,g0,0p01~ 00 000p__1g73_:77 X J0,,»y, J0,y___ 00 0000 s.Fr.0,000 7p_0.0p.1s00,pay.N_Y_ X May NOVGHH) ~--- :30 s.: e, In argt. :3\mounLs',_ thgy have fallen several ; D.o_ 7pe‘ o(;_c0up_____]_380 X Janvy, July___ 100 100% D0’ io p. ct. cp_ ~____1871X Dé‘ do. : 66" per Centn, Selllng an l5flI6. The fi.I'ST: illlerefitl Detro1t,7per cr.ug.W,W.1073278 X Feb’y, August. 100 102;; Do. 10 do. pay. N. Y.-- X Jan’y Jul --_. ____ 1 ’ coupon on these (for ei ht. months’ innere L ' d Dubuque, 8 per ct. cp. -..Long X March, Sept.-. 101 105 Do. 6per ct.pay.N.Y.1875 X Do’ yo 57% 155 J auuar 1857 - fg . S ) is ue Jerseycity,6p.ct.cp.WW.1877 X Jan’y, July ..-_ 94. 97 Wheeling, 6 per ct. coup ..... .- X Divan.-s ..-- -.':: .. - 57;; - ' y’ .’ a-Let “'4” the °°uP‘_9US are ,Louisvil_1e,6perct.cp.--188o.>53 X Divers ...-....'l ....-. 79);, } Do. 6 p.ct.cp. Mun..1874 X.Ma1-ch, Sept,’__, __:_ 81 seml-annual.‘ ludlana 53 are quoted ex Interest lM°mPh|3a‘3P°F ct. coup.--1882K Jmfy, July... 70 Z0.nesvi11e,7 do._ ......... X.Apri1, October ..... 97;,» ,1Sl’» July, Guy and County Bonds-—We nolice a