AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 2." been reduced to a system, and faithfully carried out by those in his charge. The estimated cost of this 1'oad,incl11d— ing equipment, is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $320,000,000 Amount already expended. . .. 17,000,000 Yet to be expended . . . . . . . . . . . . . $103,000,000 Length of main line completed . . . . . . .. 308 miles Galena branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .146 miles Of which are firlislled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..120 miles Yettobefinis11ed............ ..'17mile8 Length of’ Chicago branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-50 miles Of which are completeli . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..150 miles Unfinished.... ..1001niles Making completed . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .587 miles And unfinished.... ..117 miles “ The amount to do on tile Galena bralleli will be (lone by tile 1st of April next, it‘ the weatlier continues good for work during tllo winter, and the Chicago branch some time during the sum- mer of 1855. This road has now 181 locomotives finished, 46 pzlsscl1gel' cars, ' and 1,154 freiglit GETS. “Preemption claims allowed on connpany’s land, 97,103.25 acres. Casll I‘l:(:UiV'l:(1 on saline to 30th November, $242,758 12. lands to 30th November, 20,65-1.46 acres. received on same, 3ls2.4,23:$ 05. sales $B2‘.l3,318 1-:1. “Average price for which the above lands were sold, per acre, in 3810 88. Large amounts are now selling daily, and in nearly all cases to actual settlere. This road pciletlultca the best part of Illinois, and will cause rapid eettlclnont on its line.” The number of miles of railroad opened on tile let January, 1855, the G()VGI‘110l"Hti.lh(3H to have been 1837; besides 8-17 in progress, which will he finished in two years. Sale 01 ll"lol‘tga,r;e Casll . ...............- . 4 Debt or the Consolidated any of Philadel- pllhlo Below is a statement of‘ the debt of the con- solidated city of Pllilaclelpllia, and the dates at which the 0211110 is payable. It all bears an inter- est at the rate of 6 per cent. It clrlbracel-1, of course, the debts of the various municipalities or corporations which new compose the city. Up to a recent date what was terlned, I’/Lilazlc/])/Lia was the aggregate of‘ nuinerousl clistillet and indepen~ dent 77()l'itical organizations, the city proper con- , taining only 126,000 people while the aggregate po- pulation exceeded 400,000. A considerable por- tion of the above debt was contracted ill aid of railroads. ' Redeemable :-— 7 Jan. 1, 1855.... .. ....$t'152,550 00 July 1,1855.... .1.. .. 107,678 00 ~---------—--- $260,228 00 Jan. 1, 1856 ........ ..0-050,150 00 July 1, 1856 ........ .. 41,868 75 —_—___.. 200,518 75 Jan. 1, 1857 ........ ..810l,557 30 7 July 1, 1857 ........ .. 52,100 00 an}... Jan. 1, 1858.. .....‘114,950 00 July 1, 1858...... .. . 50,078 26 Jan. 1, 1850.. ....'-.....875,805 20 153,657 80 171,028 26 July 1, 1850 ..... .1. .1. 10,820 80 - _5 . —-——— 115,210 00 Jan. 1, 1860 ...... ..&‘l1,008,480 05 July 1, 1860 ...... .. 164,203--55 , 1,227,724 20 Jan. 1, 1801;... ..8255,678 16 5 July 1, 1861.... .. . 16,700 00 Jan. 1, 1862.... “$100,800 00 July 1, 1862.. .... 55,796 (10 —--—----—-—--~-« 156,196 49 272,378 16 0001 To tal‘ amount cl‘ 9 Jan, 1, 1863 . .......0il7804.8 00 July 1,1863... . . ’ . 103,815 00 Jan. 1, 18661 . . . . . . . . ..:ill‘104,82O 00 July 1, 186-1 . . . . . . . . .. 83,140 00 Jan. 1, 1865 . . . . . . . . ..&£100,1r10 00 July 1, 1865 . . . . . . . . .. 302,337 47 Jan. 1, 1800.... ..,.:814,500 00 July 1,1860..... . . 01,872 “2 Jan. 1, ‘I867 . . . . . . . . ..3l$109,506 28 July 1, 1867.. 50,020 75 0§185,45.1 01 155,827 80 0107110 15 2,880 20 Jan. 1, 1868.. July 1, 1868 . . . . . . . . .. Jan. 1, 1860.. July 1,1860.... .. Jan. 1, 1870.... ..al254,301 25 July 1, 1870.; ...... .. 25,128 85 Jan. 1, 1871.... ..1t—805,004 06 July 1, 1871.... .. 28,750 00 Jan. 1, 1872 . . . . . . . . ..3i:2-114-, :12 33 July 1. 1872 . . . . . . . . .. 1A1,:.l()0 00 Jan. 1, 1873 . . . . . . . . ..:l§(311,éi80 '53 July 1, 187:1 . . . . . . . . .. 81,400 00 Jan. 1, 1874 . . . . . . . . . ..fll;108,0fi1 70 July 1, 1874.... .. 10000 Jail. 1, 1875.. ......1lT188,cl0ll 00 Juty 1, 1875 ........ .. 8,500;,00 Jan. 1, 1876 ...... .. ...8167,008 76 July 1, 1870.... . £88,754 50 Jan. 1, l877........1l;54.,:s76 00 July 1, 1877.... ...258,500 00 n. 1, 1878. ........ $108,031 45 ly 1, 1878.... 221,800 00 .. .. .fH€417,70() 00 Jan. 1,187f,l,..... .. .‘.t5(),0()0 00 July 1, 1870.. .. Jml. 1, 1880 ........ ..:=ll;(1()8,‘20;El0 July 1, 1880 . . . . . .. 227,400 00 Jan. 1, 1881.... ..%ll3603,120 64 July 1, 1881 ........ .. 340,000 00 .-..__...._..—.._.._... Jan. 1, 1882.... ...fila‘46,4OO 00 July 1., 1882.... . ..528,652 88 Jan. 1,1883...........3t'22,501 10 "July 1, 1883.... .......252,000 00 Jan. 1, 188. . . . . . . “$51,012,600 00 July 1, 188-’ 348,800 00 Jan.1,1885.... ....1l§83,860 00 July 1, 1885.... ...158,000 00 Jan.1,1886.... July 1, 1887.... ..... July 1,1888 ........... . III: IIICI Jan. 1, 1880 ........ ..8764,200 00 July 1, 1880 ........ .. 250,000 00 Jan. 1,1800..........'0.-500,000 00 July 1, 1800.... .. 250,000 00 u...-.....« Jan. 1,1801 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Jan. 1, 1802 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Jan. 1,1893.... ..:’;{$170,000 00 July 1,1898” .; . . . . .. 21,072 61 Jan. 1, 1894 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jan. 1, 1904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .._....-...-— 277,768 00 187,160 00 501,477 47 100,:17() 3'’ 250,427 00 210,781 42 110,020 1 270,510 60 208,8-11 06 0-113,7-80 100,061. 70 141,500 450,058 807,876 00 220,801 45 207,700 00 885,602 20 1,003,120 01 575,052 33 264,501 10 1,361,400 00 247,850 00 250,000 00 256,400 84 225,000 00 1,014,200 00 750,000 00 250,000 00 025,000 00 200,072 61 7,500 00 15,202 23 815,607,455 73 ltullroads in Georgia. .1?" Below is a list of‘ ollicers of several railromis in Georgia, recently elected for the present year. Cerwral Railraarl rmtcl Brut/:i7zg Crlrnlpang/.—— R. R. Cuyler. John W. Ande1'son. '1‘l1o1nas Puree. W. Crabtree. Andrew Low. L. O. Reynolds. John R. Wilder. J. B. Gallic. .l. W. Web3te1'. Mr. Luyler \Vill~i1'O-l,‘-1l'i(2l.(:l1 I;’l-e8i