. 3,00 462 __ . .. Bowling Iron. Stanipctl B.O. Railway Tire Bars Rivet U011 Locomotive and other Axles Locomotive Frame C10 Boiler Plates Bars. and every other description 0 ‘this superior Iron. The subscribers,agents for the sale of Bowling Iron, are prepared to execute orders for importation, espec— ially for railway and machinery uses, with despatch from the niaaufacturers. _ _RAYMOND 6:. FULLERTON, 45 Chlfst. "' i’ioleotson., Brotliors 8; Cois CELEBRATED CAST STEEL ‘I Best Cart Steel Royal Iin1p1'dved Files, well known as better adapted for Engineers’ and Machinists’ pur- 11 ;_ ow in are in ‘he Uritcd States. Pogggexiseiyraldebzifipltion of bSqudre, Obtagon, Flat and Round Cast Steel, Sheet, Shoveland Railway Spring Steel, ctc., and Steel to order for any purposcs—-—1nan- szfactured at their'worl{s in Shefiie-ld~—and universally known by the old stamp “ Globe.” HENRY I. IBBOTSON, Agent., ‘Z18 Pearl st... New York. “"’—"""-'—: 3 Smith & Tyson” 2- IRON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BALTIMORE. EFINED J uniata Charcoal Billet Iron for Wire. Do. for Bridging, of great strength. .l.*’v‘t’at Rock,.B0iler and Flue Iron, rolled to pattern. Elba, Wheel Iron of great strength and superior chil- ling properties. Elba Forge Iron, American Shot Iron, Out Nails, Spikes and Brads, Nail and—Spike rods, Railroad Spikes of superior quality, Wrought Chair plates of any pattern, punched or plain. 'V'l7llLLIAl\I. JESSOP Sb SONS’ CELEBRATED CAS'I‘——STEEL. The subscribers have on hand, and are constantly re- ceiving from their manufactory, PARK WORKS, SHEFFIELD, Eflouble Refined Cast Steel—square, flat and octagon. Best warranted Cast Steel-—squa1-e, fiat and octagon. Best double and single Shear Stcel——v/arrantcd. Ida chinery Steel—round. Best and 2d gy. Sheet Steel~—for saws and other pur- oses. Gellman Stcel——fiat and square, “VV. I. d: S." “Eagle” and “Goat” st-am s. Glcnuine “Sykes,” Blister Steel. Best English Blister Steel, etc., etc., etc. All of which are offered for sale on the most favora— ‘ole terms by WM. JESSOP &. SONS, 91 John street, New York. ’ ’ Also by their Agents- Curtus <31. Hand, 47 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Alex’r Fullerton do Co., 119 Milk street, Boston. Sticlrney &. Beatty, South Charles street, Baltimore. May b, 1848 Railroad Iron. B. 0. Railway Tires, Railway Wheels, Scotch Pig Iron, Tin Plates and Banca Tin, ' Muntzs Patent Metal Sheathing, Baltimore Copper. Contracts for Rai‘s made on behalf of the manufac- turers, for delivery at any ports in the United States, at fixed prices. . _ _ Bowling Tires and Tire Bars and Scotch Pigs im- ported to order. Muntz’s Ship-sheathing, and a general stock of Tin Plates and Banca ’I‘in in store, and for sale by RAYMOND do FULLERTON, 45 Clilfst. RONDALE PIG METAL, MANUFACTURED and for sale by the Bloomsbur Railroad Iron Co. ' LINDLEY FIS ER, Treasurer. 75 N. Water St., Philadelphia. Car ‘Wheel Iron. HE celebrated cold blast “ Conowingo” Pig Iron, tor Railroad Wheels, Chilled Rolls, ctc., for sale E. PRATT dz. BROTHER. Baltimore, Md. Rafliroatl Iron. TONS C. L. MAKE 63; lbs. per yard, now landing and to arrive. Also contracts made for future delivery of above su- perior make English Iron. 300 Tons Banks Best Iron, Round, Square and Flat. 200 “ En lish Bar “ “ “ “ 10 *‘ 911 Square Iron for Railroad Spikes. For sale inlcts to suit purchasers ~ TMORE. . I 3111 I T by b « DAVID W WE New York, March 26, 1850. THESE Springs are composed of a Plate of Steel with Oak or Ash VVood, firmly riveted thereto, having saw kerfs in which are inserted flat plates of metal. The Spring is very powerful and yet sensitive. They are now being manufactured and sold by the Excelsior Spring Company, under a Patent granted on 20th May. 1851. The above Drawing, No. 1, represents a side View of the Spring when it is at rest. No. 2, shows the same when under heavy pressure. No. 3, represents a Spring having only two plates instead of the usual number inserte in the wood. ‘ This is undoubtedly the best Spring of the day—it is very simple--easy of application-—-—light—cannot get out of order—and it is without any exception the most adjustable spring now made-—-for it will spring fifty ets, etc. TIIE Subscribers, Agents for the sale of James S. Spencer-’s, J1-., Railroad and Boat Spikes, Boiler Rivets, and 'WroughtIron Chairs for Railroads, made at his Works near this city, will execute all orders with promptness, dos atch, and of the best quality. « ALSO IMPORTE S of English refined and Mer- chant bar Iron; Extra refined Car and Locomotive Axles (from 3%; to 6% inches in diameter); B. 0. Lo- comotive Tire (welded by Baldwin). Also, supply Boiler and Flue Iron cut to pattern or otherwise.- Spring, Shear, and Cast Steel, etc.. etc., etc. T. §z E. GEORGE. Philadelphia, November 14, 1850. ltt.a1l1'oa(l iron. 7I\I-IE Undersigned, Agents for Manufacturers, are prepared to contract for the delivery of English, Welsh and Scotch Rails, of any pattern and weight, also for every description of English, Welsh, Scotch, and Swedish Iron, Railway Chairs and Spikes, Riv- ets, Bolts, Nuts‘, V’Vashers, Chain Cables, Anchors, ’I‘in Plates, German Spelter, Iron Castings, and every description of Machinery. . WILLIAM BIRD do CO., Iron and Tin Plate Merchants, 44 Wall st., New York. And at 5 Martin’s Lane, City, London, and 140 Buchanan st. Glasgow. July 27th, 1850. . T Railroad Iron. HE “ Montour Iron Company” is prepared to ex- ecute orders for Rails of the usual patterns and weights, and of any required length not exceeding 30 feet per mil. Apply to TI-10S. CHAMBERS, President, 66 Broadway, N. Y., Or to the Agents, CHOUTEAU. MERLE dz. SANFORD, ND. 51 New st., New York. Scptrernher. I850. Rallroad Iron. THE Undersigned, Agents for the Manufacturers, . are prepared to contract to deliver free on board at shipping port in England, or at port of discharge in the United States, Rails of superior quality, and of such weight or pattern as may be required. ‘st. VOSE, PERKINS 61. CO 74 South New York, J une 1,1851. Railroad Spikes, Boiler Riv- Aainrtroas n‘Arr.12oAn JOURNAL. P PATENT EXCELSIOR SPRING for Railroad Cars, Locomotives, etc. No. l.—A& Rest. 23-‘ or five thousand pounds with the same case. The cast of the springs is very much less than that of any other. “ The Ezzzcelsior Sp1-ing Co., determined that every spring shall be of the best quality, have established a Factory, where each spring is made directly under the eye of Mr. Bissell, the inventor——-and before a sprmgis allowed to leave the factory it is subjected to a much severer toot than it ever can be when at work. Each Spring is guwranteecl to perform the required work. Any person infringing on this patent will be prose- ute . Office of EXCELSIOR SPRING COMPANY. 38 Broadway, New York. June 7, 1851. Railroad Iron. 1 6 Tons, weighing about 61 lbs. per yard, 40 tons, weighing about 52 lbs. per yard, and 825 tons, weighing about 53% lbs. per yard, oftl1elat- est and most approved nttcms of T rail, for sale by BOORMA , JOHNSTON dz. CO., 119 Greenwich street. New York, Aug. 26, 1850. N .B.—B., J. dz. Co are also prepared to take con- tracts for English rails, delivered in any of the Atlan- tic ports of the United States. 0 T1°c(leg.a1' Iron ‘Works. . OLLING MILL FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. The undersigned continues to manu- facture at his Works in this city (from best charcoal metal) Bar Iron of every description, embracing-— Rounds and Squares, from it to '5 inches diameter. Flats, from i to 7 inches, all thicknesses. Bands and Scrolls, all sizes. Boiler plate and Plough Iron. Railroad and Locomotive Axles and Tires. Lo- comotive Frames, Spikes and Plates. Hoops, Ovals, I-Ialf Ovals, Half Rounds, Angle, T, L, and indeed ev- ery description of Iron usually manufactured, all of which he warrants to be equal to any made in this country. He also manufactttres at his Foundry and Machine Shops all descriptions of Railroad Work, say, Locomotives, Railroad VVhcels and Axles complete and ready for the road, Railroad Chairs, etc. Also, Marine and Stationary Engines all sizes, Sugar mills and Engines, Horse mills, and every kind of Machin- ery usually required for the operations of the country. He has paid particular attention to getting up machi- nery, etc., for Gold Mine operations, and those in want of such work might find it to their advantanre to give him a call. J. R. ANDE SON. Richmond, Va., Sept. 10, 1850. C, or NAILS on BEST QUALITY, BAftT1id1v by (including Flat Rails) manufactured and for sale FISHER, MORGAN dz. C0., '75 N. ‘Water St., Pltiladelifihia. T0 RAILROAD COIVIPANIES, CAR. DIAN- . UFACTURERS, etc. TEIE Undersigned hereby gives public notice, that the Commissioner of Patents, pursuant to his de- cision in relation thereto, on the 8th day of October, 1850, issued to him a Patent for the sole right to man- ufacture, and exclusive use of the INDIA RUBBER. CAR SPRING, on account of priority of invention of said Spring. . New York, Oct. 23, 1850.