.6 20 _:§ ENGINEERS. Atkinson, T. C., Alexandria and Orange Railroad, Alexandria, Va. Bancks, C. W., Civil Engineer, Vicksburg, Miss. Buckland, George, Troy and Greenbush Railroad. Clement, Wm. H., Little Miami Railroad, Cincinnati, Ohio. Cozzens, W, H,, Engineer and Surveyor, St. Louis, Mo. Alfred W. Craven Chief Engineer Croton Aqueduct, New ‘Fork. Davidson, M. 0., Eckhart Mines, Alleghany Co., Maryland. Fisk Charles B., . Cumberland and Ohio Canal, Washington, D. C. Felton, S. M., Fitchhurgh Railroad, Boston, Mass. Floyd-J ones, Charles, ‘ South Oyster Bay, L. I. Gzowski, Mr., St. Lawrence &. Atlantic Railroad, Montreal, Canada. Gilbert, Wm. B., Rutland and Burlington Railroad, Rutland, Vt. Grant, James H. Nashville and Chattanooga R. R., Nashville, Tenn. s. W. Hill, _ Mining Engineer and Surveyor, Eagle River, Lake Superior. Hewson, M. Butt, Memphis, Tenn. Holcomb, F. P. Southwestern Railroad, Macon, Ga. Johnson, Edwin F. New York and Boston Railroad, Middletown Ct. Latrobe, B. H., Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Baltimore, Md. Miller, J. F., Worcester and Nashua Railroad, VVorcester, Mass. Morris, Elwood, Schuylkill Navigation, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 5» Stark, George., B°5t-3 Con. and Mont. R. R., Meredith Bridge, N. H. Steele, J. Dutton, Pottstown, Pa. Trautwine, John C., Panama Railroad—-Address through oflice of Panama Railroad Co., '78 Broadway, N. Y. Trimble, Isaac R., Philad., Wil. dz. Baltimore Railroad, Wilmington, Del. Tinkham, A. W., United‘ States Fort, Bucksport, Me. Thomson, J. Edgar., Pennsylvania (Central) Railroad, Philadelphia. Troost, Lewis, Alabama and Tennessee Railroad, Selma, Ala. Whipple, S., __Civil Engineer and Bridge Bullder, Utica, N. Y. Williams, E. P., Auburn and Schenectady Railroad, Auburn, N. Y. Williams, Charles H., Milwaukie, Wisconsin. HOTELS. Exchange Hotel, Adjoining Eastern Railroad Depot, BUFFALO, N. Y. . BY: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..FLS'K 47- SPERRY, Late of Dclevwn, House, Albany. J. . D. Abraham, An:/titect, N0. 300 _MAIN STREET, BFFFALO, N. Y .' Fountain Hotel, Morton, A. C., ’ . Atlantic and St. Lawrence Railroad, Portland, Me. Mckae, John, South Carolina Railroad, Charleston, S. C. N ott, Samuel, Lawrence and Manchester Railroad, Boston, Prichard, M.‘ B., East Tennessee and Georgia R., Cleveland, Tenn. Roebling, John A.“ Trenton, N. J. ‘ ‘WV. Milnor Roberts, Bellefontnine and Indiana Railroad, Marion, Ohio. Roberts, Solomon W., Ohio and Pennsylvania Railroad, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sanford, C. 0., South Side Railroad, Virginia. Schlatter, Charles L., Northern Railroad (Ogdensburg), Malone, N. Y. Sours, Peter, Runway, New Jersey. LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, P. TIIURSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..P'I‘0}77"L'C‘15(ZZ, D UN LAP’S HOTEL On the European Plan, ' N0. 135 FULTON STREET, Between Broadwa and Nassau SIL, NEVV, ¥'ORK. MANSION, Corner of Maine and Exchange Streets, P. DORSHIMER. BUFFAL0_ ‘ GUY’S United States Hotel, (Opposite Pratt street Railroad Depot,) BALTIMORE. JOHN GU V. __ WILLIAM GUY, American Hotel, Pratt street, opposite the Railroad Depot, BA LTI MGR E. HENR Y M. S1141 TH . . . . . . . . . . . Pr0_m'z'etor. Late of the Exchange & St. Charles Hotels, Pittsburg._ Washington Hotel, BY JOHN GILMAN, . $51 Per Day. No. 206 Pratt street, near the Depot,) , BALTIM RE; , 7 . ‘I ' Barnum’s A City Hotel, ZlION UMEN T SQUARE, BALTIMORE This Extensive Establishment, erected expressly 50! it HOW. with every regard to comfort and conven- ience, is situated in the centre and most fashiofiable part of the city, and but a few minutes’ walk from the Railroad Depots and Steamboat Landings. The House has lately undergone a thorough repair embracing many valuableimprovements and will ac: commodate 250 Guests. BARNIIM dz. CO JONES’ HOTEL, N0. 15201-IESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. ’ Bernese}. Vvnr, . , . . . . . Proprietors, AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. BUSINESS CARDS. Lithography. JOHN P. HALL dz. CO., 161 Main st., Buffalo, (Commercial Advertiser Build.) Are prepared to execute all kinds of Lithography in good stole and at reasonable rates. Particular at- tention wil be paid to Engraving Railroad Maps, En- gineer’s Plans and drafts, etc., and orders in this line are respectfully solicited. , J. T. Hodge Will attend to the examination of mining tracts near Lake Superior, and prepare Reports and Maps. Address, during the Summer, ;Ontanagon Postoifice, Lake Superior. Cumberland Steam Coal, mom THE FROS TBURG MINES, MD. H. A. TUCKER, Agent of Frostburg Coal Co. No. 50 Wall Street, New York. Eaton, Gilbert & Co., Railroad Car, Coach and Omnibus Builders, OY, N. Y. Charles '1‘. Jackson, M. D., TATE AS SAYER, late Geologist to Maine,Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and the United States, offers his services to his friends and the public in mak- ing any Chemical, Mineralogical or Geological re. searches that may be required for the improvement of Agriculture and the Manufacturing Arts. Particular attention wili be paid to the exploration of mines and to assaying of ores of the metals. State Assayer’s ofiice, 31 Somerset st. Boston Sept. 3, 1860. To Railroad Companies and Mechanical Establlshments. A Person of considerable experience and practical knowledge in Mechanical, Civil and Marine Em gineering, is anxious to meet with an en agement with either a Private Individual or Public ompany, who may have works either to design or execute in the above branches of the Engineering Profession. Address Z. Y., 47 Atlantic st., South Brooklyn, L.I. STEEL AND FILES. R. S. Stenton, 20 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK, . AGENT 1-‘on J. &. Riley Carr’s BAILEY-LANE WORKS, SHEFFIELD, Manufacturers of Cast, Shear, German and Blister T E E L Of all descriptions. T'Var1'anted Good ' FIL . Manufacturers of Machinists’ Warranted Best Cast Steel Files expressly for woring upon Iron and Steel, made very heavy for recutting. aé’ A full Stock of Steel and Files at all times on hand. 6m4 Walter R, Johnson, IVIL AND MINING ENGINEER AND AT. torney for Patents. Ofiice and Lab0ra1,m'y, F st., opposite the Patent. office, Washington, D. C. Dudley B. Fuller & Co., IRON COMIVIISSION MERCHANTS, r A No. 139 GREENVVICI-1 STREET, NEW YORK. Manning & Lee, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N0. 51 EXCHANGE PLACE, BALTIMORE. Agents for Avalon Railroad Iron and Nail Works MaTY131'1d Mining C0mpany’s Cumberland Coal ‘CED —~‘Por.omac’ and other good brands of Pig Iron, Cop ‘Waste. ' < ' - a 10 I - ' _ . stantly an hand and forsale by MW ngmeq’ cw ‘ . KENNEDY <36 GELSTQN, P’ . 8-. October 27, 1849, mp f ’ N"“’3,‘,§°""*