Fzlzzzmber 22 THE SMNT LOUIS iresEEKLY REvE1LLE. i V. Inicrms.—coffin inakers «must » and people «« must die, « and the one should be a sufficient apology for m» other, if making a living by any honest empjoynient required one. Dead people Dort-over, must have cotfins, but as dead eopkz cannot make them, why living peo- 19 must take the job otf their hands, ,,,·j-altogether we must have coflin mak- e» still, there is always sucli an air of zgsolation about a coffin sliop ;—zmc1 Sims- kgd iii a bustling thoroiighfare, moreover, the singular contiguity of life and death »» kiever fail to iinpress disagreeably tlie azzek by. Here seems agapingtomb filled with all dismal associations of the grave, Un, perhaps, next door is a tavern, where may be heard sounds of merriment and jol- lity- We pass almost continually a shop of the Und, and have never failed to look in when crossiiig the door. lt would seem as though the glance was as much a matter »[ course and of necessity as our perigrina- tiontlirough the neighborhood We have hecoine farniliar with all the objects aiid arrangements of the interior. We can tell jsz cofiin has been removed since we pas- sed the day before. It is so seldom, too, that you see a soul about a cotlin shop. The tenants are always away in the hack koomsgiishereyoumaysometimes hearknives snd plates rattling, or children romping at play away behind tlfe old dusty cotkiiis This we have frequently heard, in passing the skiop we mention, and the etfect of it upon our feelings was very strange and un— usual. The idea of hearing merry and bouyant childhood making such a place re— sound with gay evidence of life and joy, while every object in sight told of man’s gloomy and certain doom, has in it some- thing singular and startling enough. And then the odd connection that« you of- ten observe by the strongly opposite pieces of furniture in immediate contact. The ciiidle and the crib are ever close neighbors ofthe coflin. The same mechanic makes them. You may see at one time, in a cabi- net maker’s shop things forming a complete and curious train of association, from earli- est infancy to the period of infallible mor- tal decay. There is the childkt cradle, the bed stead, the table, the cloclc sei-e, and the cofhn ! Our whole progress through life is attended by the uses of these things. They are familiar to our notice during every step we take« alongour pilgriinaggp Jsszlaasnrp and paiiysfoy and Zorn-us, card and eiccite- ment, all the changes and varieties that make up life, are connected by household associatiosn with articles manufactured by the cotlin rnaker. Wisdom may be in the refiectiom The bed upon which we repose, the table from which we eat, the clock case in which our dying moments are re- corded by the time piece, all rest side by side with our wooden boxes in the cost» drop. Prinzip-ca. il«- necesslty Desriiocrrva Pius in Pirrr.avixnriiira -A letter from Philadelphia to the Editi- inore American, dated on sunday evening, the 7th iiist., says: J· The westerly ortion of our city was visited at an early our this morning with one of the most destructive fires that has occurred for many years; noless than three Of» our most extensive forwarding and com- mission houses were entirely destroyechand all believed to have originated in the work Pl« anincendiary. About2 o7clock a build- MQ occiipied as a stable in the rear of Messrs Ufer, Janes s; coLs start-hause, in Broad streckt, near Art-h, was discovered to DE» on firez the fiames spread with a strong Und, and soon enveloped the storeliouse sbove named, which was filled with mer- Ohandise, mostly cotton and grainz the next uilding was occiipied as a dwelling and a store for a large number of ice carts—the sUrniture burned, the carts say-ed. Adjoin- Ulg was the large storehouse and depot of Isme- stesi z: Co» aus-i win- souy costs-i, FOR, ör·c.z this building, with most of its» Wirkens, was d stroyed, and the flames Wke ata fearful eight and spread across llsrry streckt, into the depot of Messrs. t Eis, Bellas sc Co, condiictors of the Por- IIUS Transportatiou Line, where was a Tkge uanti y of hour, grain, wool, sc» a Pskt o which was saved, but in a damaged Eis« Portunately, most of the goods in- Mled for the west had been sent from eskh of the stores on saturday evenin , and Here thus saved. The loss is various y es— ist-taki st from 840,000-to 850,0o0, but it S believed that each house was wholly cofskod by iixsurance.« khC0Jsjngal.—A gentleman was wzked i» S kllght and told that his wife was dead. eturned rouud drew the coverlet closeiz PUHSJ down his night cap, and cnuttered, « be went to sleep agaiu, ·· Ah, how griev- e« I shall be in the morning. « s V· The. Picayune tells the story of a kisaks that swallowed a mule twice. It knclked its way out each time, and finally n« Ell the ,snake. The miile was bought 0111 the lcxclcapoo tribe of Indiens. III· Mrs. C. Louise M. Mille, an eastern poet, puts the following questions to some- body: can-sit ever forget love, that soft sumrner night— Wilt ever regretz love, that niomant so hright When trembliiig with rapture you kjzkski w im. fold The secret your dear eyes had long ngo toxd ? Dotst rnind all the scene, love; the blne spanglsd Ukks The islsnd so green, love, the rnoon rjdjng high, The echoes of music that broke on tlie our, The beautiful kivulet murrnuring hear? Who could forget such a ·· nice time« as all that ! Doktor-san Tns4Tans.--Mr. Eclwin For— rest, the tragediaii,tiuished a sliort but bril- liant engagemeiit at Brighton, on the 6th ult.; so niuch to the satisfaction of the pub- lic as to cause regret that it was not at pre- sent in his power to piolopg his stay. He gave lcing Lear for his benetit. Miss Cushman has appeared at the Brigh- ton Theatre, as Bienen, in Milman7s tragedy of Erz-to, and although tlie audience was very scaiity, her walcome was most enthus siastic. she intendsto visit Dublin, Bdin- burgn and Glasgow Panny Ellsley the danseuse, has bought a delicious residence on tlie banks of Lake coino. ’I’agliorii has also a resideiice in the same beautiful spot, and the iininortal Pasta has resided there for years. Mr. kludson lcirby has, accordiiig to the down-east phrase, ··hitclied terms« with a Miss Melvillez aii actress in the north of England. Risley and his «childi»eii, froin the United states, have recommenced their popiilar performances at the Porte St. Martin Thea- tre, aiid attract great crowds-—indeed, as large as they did soine inonths back- « Priiicc Jahr« o FTghfing.—Ä fracas took place in the» icircuit Court room, at Huds0n, New York, betiveen Mr. A. L. Jordon and Johii Yan Euren, Esqsp state Attorney,.ivhile conducting a case. some streng laiiguage ensued betiveeii the partie-s, when Mr. Jordon called Mr. Van Biiren ··a liar,« upon which the latter striick the foriner in the face. Three or foiir rounds occurred, and the affair was put an end to by Judge Edinonds coniinitting botli piirties for conlemptofcourt for tweiity-foui- hours. The parties wished to be released on pay— ment of a tine, but the court refuscsd the ap- plication. —- —· was fouiidsrs a black fish recently taken at New London. 0n one side is the figure of a liead, with these words around it—·« ra- wiuckii rii Ko. v. PKUIISSZNU -»—·and underiieath — «« tin-reist« It appears to be a Prussian grosh, and is worth about nine mills. ITsivts.—Lord Melboiirne, who has been lost to the world since he vacated the Pre- rriiersliip, emerged froin his obscurity at a receiit dinner party of the fish-mongers. The representatives of the Morning pa- pers, sent to the Continent to trace her Majesty’s steps, and «· do-lge « her wlierev- er sl·ie goes, for the especial enliglitenment of John Bull at honie, perform their duties with surpassing fidelity. lii July there iii-as snow to the depth of upwai·ds oftliree inclies on the surface of a tract of country, tliree miles in extent, near Bangor in Wertes. At the croydon assizes an action was brought by a Mr. cook, an attorney, against the Rev. Mr. Weatheralh a minister ofthe church of England, aiid rector of l3yfield, in Northamptoiishire,foi«criminal conversa- tion with liis own daughteix the wife of the plaintifk A verdict of L3000 daiuages was returned.« E· Jossph Brelsford, an ex-custom- liouse office-r, at Phi1adelphia, brother to the present coroner, has been arrested, charged with palming oft fraudulent checks upon various banks, and held to bail by the Re- corder. - Lottery gamb1ing ·· led to it.« II« The Knickerbocker publishes the fol- lowiug as the last letter written by the late Mr. klood : Dann Mann-Sud bless you and your-s and good-by. I drop these few last line-s, as in a bottle from a ship water-logged, on the brink of foundering—being in the last stage of dropsical debilityz but, though auf— fering in body, serene in inind. so, with- out reversing my union-jack,l await my last lurch. Till then, believe me dear Moir, Yours most truly. March l3th. c? 1n the case of ·· De Neufbourgz us. Mccardle,« the jury could iiot agree on a verdict, and were dischargeth Mons. De Neufbourg will have to infuse other ideas of justice and huiuanity into the ininds of the citizens of New Orleans than those they at present possess, before he can get a jury who will say that the prcss, in expos- ing tlie cruelty inflicted on tlie boy Syl- veste, tihelted him.-——sPicoyicsic. THiHiZFsDAY iiiongrivo,sgrf.idsrssis. THE ANr1-htosiuons.—At last accounts, Backenstos, tlie Mormon slieisitf, had start- ed alone toivards tlie scene of i-iot, expect- ing, as he said, to « lay down his life.« The Untier are reported to have continued their outrages, the Mormons remaining quiet and expressing their delermination to do no more than defend themselves when com· pellecl to do so by the last violence· Rccoiknniss Cornet-There were seven cases yesterday before this tribunal, for dis- turbance of tlie peace, in which fines of from one to five dollars were imposed. End-tschi) Arn) liuisiiovicv.—The Otfnusa Free Rad« comes to us coiisiderably en— larged and improved. We hope its success may föllovv suit. its· The Felicicnio lssiliig takes ourarticles without the slightest acknowleclgemeiif The editorss name is Slcipvvith, which may account for it. Mk. Dass-The Frisch-on our first page will be found a notice, from the Lin— glo-.-Jmericaii, of some of Deus« reccnt works. Mr. D. stands alone in the striking and attractive patli which his genius calls to. The paintings mentioned are indeed inimitable. Crrv lvloikranrrv.—Tlie Register reports thirty-eight deaths for the week ending on the 15th inst., of which twentydbur were children under five years of age. II· The seven slave pirates convicted in England and sentenced to death are likely to escape through a legalquibble, tlie criine having been coiiimitted on board a Brazil- ian vessel on the higli seas, and thereforc not within Englislijiirisdictiom A new triul has been granted. sosiiv ro Haar: rr.—Geiieral Grünes, it is said, will be coiirtunartialled for his late proceedingtd «— For( Tini: Wriisrc Housr:.—Messrs. Wil- liams di, stevens, Broadivny, N. York, have been manufacturiiig a set of coriiice for the celebrated East Room of the Presideiips House. The one for tlie centre iviiidow is completed. lts length is 16 keck, and in the front are carved the arnis of the Union. Good judges pronounce it tlie most elegant piece of workmanship of the kiiid ever seen in this country. Trinken« Durst-neun out: Damit-v.- Within a- shorts time tin-lass thsh thirteen individuals, of oiie of the oldest and most respectiible families iii Attakapus, Lin, have died of congestive fever. This rnortality is certainly unprecedented. Dann-i WAiia4n·i·.—The Governor of Pennsylvania has issued his warrant for tlie executioii of Jabez Boyd, convicted of murder in chester county, to be carried into etfect on Priday, 2lst of November· next. Post oiv «riir-: Arumric.—«The stcam ship »Great Western was eighteen days on her last passage to Liverpool. This loiig tr·ip was caused, it is saht, by had fuel—by using bad cumberland coal that would not give sutlicient heut. sziskior..—-Diivid curry, foriner sheritf of Murengo county, Alabama, was killed at Linden on the inorning of the 25th ult. by Thomas Gaines, tlie son of his wife by a foriner liusbaiid. Report says, that he killed curry with a pistol after a rencoiitre with siticksspqg » »— «· m»- Busincss.—Tlie Laøiding.—The citizens of St. Louis have frequeiit moments of grat- ificatioii in listeiiing to the commenks ofj their friends froin a instance, as they walk the bustliiig landing, oi« tread the wide and extending streets ofa city uneqiialled in its dzjly progress. «Al1,tllis is file PiSCSPY is the constant ejaculation,and with a hearty confidence does the citizen confrrm it. At present the appearance of· general activ— ity is truly spirit stirring. The immense line of boats in constant employment ; the piles of goods, the stores of produce, and the evideiice of every man having ·· some- thing to do« and being about it. All these eombine to make the present prospect flat- tering as the future one is brilliaiit. Activ- ity is the spice as well as the grace of life. THE: sreaiurxix BANGoiI.-—A gentleman who visited the scene of the burniiig of the Bangoh writes from Belfast, Maine, under date of 2d just: «« We visited the wreck last evening, and found her aground, and men employed in bailing her out and mak- iiig preparations to get her afloat. The de— struction of everythiiig was complete—not a piece of woed of any description was left. The only signs of freight were casks of nails melted to a solid mass, and bunches of glass of tlie size of a harre-L« Adiixiiicxu sraaiisikaskskkhe first of the American Mai! Steam Shtpi for Europa is now receiving cargo at New York for Liv- erpool. she is called the Massachusetts, one of Harnden s: Co.9s new line, propel- ler, and will be able to make tlie passage out in about fifteen clays. The Post-office Departrnent is in treaty with the time for the transportatiou of the mail. The date of sailing will probably be the 10th and 25th of each month from New York, and the l2tli and 27th from Liverpool. Piurics.——Tlie Iron Znsine».-——-The Prench Minister of Marine has lately ap- pointed a commission to inquire whetlier it would not be expedient, in consequence of the great demand for froh, to cause re— diictioii to be made in tlie import duties on foreign iroci, so as to enable it to be em- ploycd extensively in ship building. Codiriioivriss wirkt J sW1NDLEK·—ThS New York Tribune says, that the German Kosten got offlast year, it will be rememY hekestzwiih s20o,0oo or s3oo,o00, wiiicii lie liad swindled southern banks and brokers out of by dravving on New York against cottoii, wliich he afterwards shipped to Eu- rope. We understand that after- being pur- sued through England, France and all over tlie swiss Cantons, by the indefatigable agents of tlie swindled, he was at last brouglit to a compioinise and disgorged twenty per cent. of his plundeiu Exronrnrion o! Woor..—-There have been shipiuents of wool to England lately to the extent of 100,000 lbs., and there are furtlier roders in market. The reason of these shipiiients is, that wool can nowhere else be bought so clieap as in this coiintry· Miicic Dirne-We wish souie one ac- qiiaiiited with the evrrly history of the West would furnish us witli some accouiit, aii- thentic,ofthefainoiis Mike, and liis com- rades. Mike was a riative of this coiinty, at all events. lndeed, iifew years back his brotlier was residing, and is still pei-liaps, within a few iniles of our city. The story that he was shot by one of his compiinioiisz oiit in Missouri, has often been related, we know not witli how much truth. [Pitt·rt«««gli Erfol- ··The Death of Mike Iink,« as piiblished by the Reveille was authentic, our ··senior« was tin-r. ifnucsn or« «·WaarckIds"——-Loncsvillc.— Our universally popular friend has been ex· tending his well known establishmeiit— should like tose "·t. s» ·· Gegner« says: The ·· Rxchaiz i tlie largest arfd most coniplete establ equal to any in ttse Union, and refiects no little credit on the city, as well as its well known, enterprising, and popular proprie- tor. Every body in town vvill, of course, be at the ·· opening." «! Fortune Und» Bank-Mr. J. L. Eid- (lle, of Boston, the Post says, the otlier day picked up, in Congress street, opposite his stoie a plain pine box, which upon exami- nution proved filled witli five bags of sover- eigns,s16,000. Before he laid hold of it, acouple of foot passengers favored it with a kick. He caused it to be. deposited in thc Sufiolk bank. It has been claiined by a Mr. I)orr, wlio says it dropped from his carriage, behind which he had placed it, in preference to trustiiig it to a handcart— man. Betst-nd a carriage that had an inside to it ! Fast-non nur) Pein-on« in com»- Banks, the jeweler, of Broadway, New York, has made a sportirig broach repre- sentiiig these two nags contending for victory on the Long lsland course. Dscr-.Asr:r).—l«jdw»ard Dyeiz Esq., Ser- geaiit-at-arms to the United states senate, died at his residence, near Washington city, on the 8th inst., of bilioiis fever. He was a respected and esteerned citi2en. Christi: am) snrciviz — We yesterday mentioned that a young man who refused to give any name, had been arrested for coun- terfeiting a check of Sl,500 on the Pennsyl- vania Bank, in the name of J. B. smith, broker. From the Philadelphia papers we learn that on sunday morning week, he was found in his cell in a dying condition, and he lived pnly untilöotclock in the evening. No Fort mai-fern examination had been made, and it was thought he had died from mental sufferiiig and the agony of remorse, attendantz perhaps, on the first step in ci«ime. His name remained unknown, and he had moodily refused to make any com- munication. c? com. Elliott has recovered from his severe illness, and is now out of dringet. The sorcophogm is still in the cellar. J Grau-sing Boy !—The saco (Me.) Dem— ocrat states, that the son of Mr. Robert P. Barry, of Waterhorough, aged only nine years, iiveighs one hundred aiid fortyisix pounds. Sixteen pounds a year, tokirä it regutarl ment öri thi- Wepy and— f« — cr- Tiie iii-is aoiisk cspisriv ais-Iowa below, the Louisville Time« says, was a New York Tanne, and had III a boat on the liudson nine years : Two boats were up for St. Louis the other day, one askiiig iiina and the other-five dol- lara. About an hour before starting the spokesiiian for a large nilgratory party, who had taken seats ou the five dollar boat, asked the nine dollar captain why he char ed so much, when tlie latter confi- dentigy whispered to the man as follows: ·· The fact is, my frisnd, that ehiip has ob- tained a large qiiantity of gespart-der as fieight, at high rotes, while l refused to en- danger the lives of iny passengers with it, so you see he can oford to take you cheaper than lcan!« The spokesmau returned to tlie clieap boat, whispersd the «· tat-is« to tlie passengers, and they all tied to the· nlne dollar boat like rats from a sinking shipt 0ii landing at St. Louis it turned out that Mr. nine dollars had as much gunpowder on board as Mr. five dollars had! IckWhyTas Englandbecome eLTeminatSP Because she has lost her man-lived. A New tcrrro or·- Lroii«i·.—A new mode of procuring light has been communicated to the French Acadeuiy of Schnee, which is to obtain and use the spirit resulting from the distillation of wood. Pour parts of this spirit are to be mixed with one part of esse-ice of turpentine. Fasiiiows Coiviissriroia -—- since the withdrawal of Peytona, says the New York ·· spirit,« speculation is rife as to the hbcse which will first volunteer to·«tackle«k’ash- ion. lf cracovienne (in Mr. Kirkmanss stable,) stands up to her work well she will undoubtedly be the nag, and a better one never looked through a bridle, it is paid. But we thiiik the likelihood of lier iving way in training (for she has agauie egj is not very reniote. Boston and Nation, too, thougli now going well aiid looking like colts, are somewhat ··sliaky,« each of them, oii their pins. And so is Langfordz yet the may all train on and come to the post as ne as stars. Mariner pioinises to be a very ugly custorner duriiig the ensiiing cam- paign ; he is in the same stable with Fast:- ion, (his halfsister,) and being quite sound, we do not see what horse is to beat him at four mile heats, like sliding down liill l If he had a little more speed he would be a top-sawyer indee(l. sinooxaa am) Mnnancriour occur(- iisNci-:.—Judge Baylor, of Texas, recently met with a suddeci aiid unexpected death, at Aus-tin. A Mr. Rives, late of the state of Tennessee, liaving a revolving pksstol in his band, the hammer slipped through his fin- gers, causiiig the pistol to fire, shooting Jiidge Baylor iminediately through the .heart. , lle died instantly. Mr. Rivcs sus- » ered Hkatly from Igony of isind, and ex— pressed the deepest sorrow bn act-Obst of his being tlie cause of this fatal occurrence. Denn-n: on sr.4vi«;i(v.—Messrs· Blan- chard and Rives, two talented divines, are to discuss iii this city, about the lst of Oc- toher the question, ·· Is slaveholding in it- self sinful, and the relation between master and slave necessarily a sinful relation P» They will talk a book-full on this, one for and tlie other against, and all who hear and read will hold their opinions as before— [Ci-nciiinufi Eis-zittre« Ecroctly ! Geisen-A biichelor rooster who never makes love to the hens; a person who «· makes avirtue of necessity.« Miss Pris- cilla Prude defiiies this word in lier Low Pressure Polite Vocabulary, witli Patent safety Valves, as an amiable gentleuian hen, naturally modest and reserved in the pre- seiice ot lady biddies. she is good authority. The Pries- !—-A correspondent has sent to us the following anciecithim ·· Why was Rothschild , the Jew broker, in granting a lii-in, like Othello ? Because he exslsimed ·· Dcressde-«rixoiiey.«—[sost. Post. E· A discovery calculated to mitigata human suffering has beszeri made at Florence. lt is stated that the calculi of the human bladder can be dissolved by an electro- chemical process. Nohility Urstamm-The English papers say that the Duke of Bruuswick has been cast in damages of 56200 for libelling bis own lawyer- Lr:-r-rr-:Us.-—«I’he editor of the spirit of the Times, Philadelphia, is about to visit lreland, England, France, See» and will give fresh descriptions of ·· Life Abroad.« is· Mk. w. cuiieki izkyskxt in; iert Fuss« for ltaly. kle returns to New York in No— vember. Ancrsnr Ninavtisr.—sculptuies and in- scriptions from ancient Nineveh, recovered by the consul at Mogol, are en for-te for Paris, for the Governiuenh Monat. or srria Meere-sit Johii Fern. chel, in the Zritish Association, exhibited and enlarged upon the exaeedingly beauti- ful model of the tnoon, tbs work of use- male amateur astronomen TM« figure of the mountains in relief were all taken by micrometrical measupsrientz and their pre- cision in the model was most marvellousz the material employed was a composition of mastic and war. 499 J