AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. "409 Steele & Mi(ldlet0l1’S Colnfflhiolllld Bridge Rail, Febmlary, 1849. For the American Railroad Journal. dicate the same defects in existing plans there, as have been observed in America, and that the same remedies are proposed. We therefore take the lib- erty of submitting to you, and through your Journal to the world, a new plan of rail which we have in- vented for the purpose ofcorreciing these well known defects, and for which we made application for a patent on the first of March last. it will be seen by the above sectional diagram, NOR'I‘I{ CAROLINA. Wilmington and Iihinchester Railroad. We learn from L. J. Fleming, Esq., resident en. gineer, that this important road is now under full headway. Its location was completed on the 25th of April last. Contracts have been made for grad- ing nearly the whole line, and in the course of a month the timber for bridging and superstructure will also be contracted for. The following is a list of the president, directors and engineers of this road : President——Gen. W. W. I-Iarllee, Marion C. H. Directors——G‘rov. E. B. Dudley, J. A. Taylor, Esq., Henry Nutt, N. N. Nixon, of VVilinington, N. C ‘ Alfred Smith, of Columbus county, N. C.; J. Eli Gregg,.of Marion, S. C.; J. S. Gibson, G. J. VV. McCall, of Darlington, S.C.; Capt. R.B. Muldrow, Col. 3. J. Moore, of Sumpter district, S.C. Engineers——Maj. Walter Gwynn, of Richmond, Va., chief and consulting engineer. L. J. Fleming, resident engineer. Assistant Engineers-——T. P. Cooper, Darlington, S.C.; S. S. Solomons, Marion, S;C.; J. D. Barnes, Manchester, S. C. ; A. C. Dickinson, Wilmington, N. C. - Sub-assistant Engineers——R. H. Drane, Sumpter- ville, S. C.; W. H. Stith, Darlington, S. C.; J, H, Swift, Columbus, S. C. . General Agent——Rev. J. M. Timrnons. , that the rail is intended to be made in two parts so fB.V Your T101106 0f the P1‘0C@€diI1g5 01 the Inslilule arranged as to break joints, and that the front or Z improvements on the common rail The hollow oC"l«'-- 2» .- ~. . - - .' . Ceivellglll éltrligineeis on lthc 8th of lVfla,y,l"ist, wepei shaped part is to lt.V€l‘S€ and presentalternately two cylinder is the strongest form the rail can take with ,and Guam 19 ‘;)1f3‘V§ ”_1*‘3‘} b3’ the P 0 CW0“ 1“ 1‘~*“_S‘ surfaces to wear ; and also that it has a much wid- lhe Same quantity of metal. These improvements, ie su ]€Cl of iailroad supeistructurcs, in- er base mm, bridge mils Ofme u,-3,131 form, by which therefore, increase the strength of the rail, and by its vertical strengtli is considerably increased. The centre space is tntendcd to be filled with a core of wood against which the iron portions will be press- ed by screw bolts or rivets as maybe found the best, which will unite the several parts in a mass equal almost to a continuous rail. J. Dui"ro_N S'riiai.i7, Ricn’D H. MIDDLE’PON. Pottstown, Pa., June 18, 1849. New York. Bzmizlo and State Railrorzrl.-—The board of direc- tors have chosen Geo. Palmer president of the coin- pany; A. P. Yaw, treasurer; and H. C. Frisbee, secretary. D. Richmond, A. P. Yaw, and G. W. Tift, were appointed executive committee. A reso- lution was passed that it was expedient to enter im- mediately upon a survey of the route for said road. The Eric Rruhnad Coizipany have just purchased 500 tons of iron rails in England, probably in their recent mortgage bonds. The rails will costtlie com- pany delivered in New York, less than $542 50 per ion. This is the lowest price at which any railroad iron has been sold. the stockholders of the Northern railroad company was held at Champlain on the 4th inst. I‘I1ghly sa- tisfactory reports were made by the president and treasurer, and the following persons were chosen di- rectors for the year ensuing, with great unanimity: Robert G. Shaw, J‘. W. Edinands, B. T. Reed, T.P. Chandler, Boston; Isaac Spaulding, Nashua, N.H.; Charles Paine, Northiield, Vt.; I-Iiram Horton, Ma- lone, N.Y.; G. V. Hoyle, Champlain; A. C. Brown, Ogden: burg; Geo. Redding, Waddington; Geo. N. Seymour, Ogdensburg; Henry Van Rensselaer, of Canton. Abbott Lawrence and declined a re-election. At a meeting of the directors, T. P. Cliandler, Esq. was chosen president; W. T. Eustis, treasurer, and J. G. Hopkins, secretary. Votes of thanks were passed to Hon. Abbott Lawrence and Geo. Parish, Geo. Parrish (late president) Ogzlensbm-g Rail2'oacZ.—-The annual meeting of The above appears to us to possess some decided presenting a double surface to the wear, vastly adds to its durability. The two parts of the rail can be made to breakjoints so as to give the rail the effect of one continued bar. We have submitted the plan of this rail to several. scientific gentlemen who have expressed themselves highly pleased with it. We shall be happy to call attention to it in another number, and we hope soon to see its value tested by its introduction upon a line of railway. Louisville rznzl 1«7rmi/rfort R. R. Oflice, Louisville, K_v., June 15, 1849. E To t/ze Editor of MC Amcricrm Rzzilmarl Jutmial: Dem Sm: Agrceably to your requestin your pa- per of the 9th i’nst., I will give you the information desired. Our road was chartered in 1847, and the preliminary surveys made by myself in the tall of that year. In the fall of 1848, a section of ‘.27 miles next to Louisville was let for grading, and is ntw neai'l_v finished; ‘Z700 tons of T rail, weighing 58 lbs to the yard, were purchased, and other materials necessary for the track. We commenced laying track about the 1st of May, and are now laying ra- pidly—intend to open for running the 27 miles to Lagrange by 1st December. On the 9th July we otter for letting [the remaining section of the road to Frankfort, and intend to have it ready for use by lst July, 1851. We llEl6iC0l1l'1BC[ with the Lexing- ton and Frankfort road, which is now being re-laid with a heavy rail, and will make a continuous line to Lexington. Having fornine years been engaged upon the Lexington and Franltlort road, I can give you the returns necessary to fill out your table :—~ Lexington and Frankfort, 29 miles-—no branches——- all nearly finished——cost ?;S450,000——per mile $15,500 paid in $300,000-debts not known-—grade 61 feet-— earnings, 1848, t*r£50,000——expenses 30,000—net ear- nings 20,0t)O——price of shares per 100, 82 to B5.-— Louisville and Frankfort railroad, 65 II_iiles——-no Esq. for their etiicient and valuable services as for- mer members of the board. - ~ ~ . branches--in progress-—-ruling grade 628.