‘com pany. AM.E RIC AN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 7711 seen, by comparing the statementsannexed with those of last year, that the whole un- funded debt, amounting to upwards of $47,- 000, has been paid oil‘, out ofthe net surplus receipts ofthe road. After paying the inte- rest on the funded debt, and the current ex- penses for the year, there will be a balance in the hands of the treasurer of $12,413 11, which, added to the amount paid off, shows that the profits derived from the business of the road are more than nine per cent. on the capital stock of the company. _ -From the progressive increase of business, and the irnprovetl condition of the road dur- ing thelast three years, with the prospect of a still greater increase from the Pennsylvania railroad, the stock of the Harrisburg and Lf11lCiiSl'.€l' railroad company cannot fail to become one ofthe most desirable railroad in- vestments in the country. The board of directors flatter themselves that the company is now in such a condition that the net profits of the road will be amply adequate, (after paying interest on the loans) to pay regular dividends to the stockholders, besides making appropriations towards a con- tingent fund, to liquidate the funded debt of the company. Since the last annual meeting, the board has been seduously employed in improving the condition of the road. The twenty four miles of track laid with T rail isin excellent order; and that portion laid with flat f-ar iron is in as good astate as a road of that kind can be made. Twenty five tans of new T rail have been laid on the latter track during the year. The whole distance from Harrisburg to Dillervillevis now run in less than two hours ———and the board is happy to state, that no ac- cident has occurred on the road during the last year. The bridges and cnlve-rts along the line of the road are in good repair. The flooring on the Big Chiques bridge has been relaid, and the structure otherwise improved. The locomotives and machinery are all in excellent order; and the two new engines, the Washington and Franklin, perform well, and require but little expense to keep them in repair. The wcirchonses, wrtterslips and depot at Harrisburg, are in as good a condition as they were at the last annual report, and are now rented for $2200 per annum. A The attention of the board of directors for some time past, has been directed to the con- struction of a branch railroad from the Har- risburg and Lancaster railroad to Marietta and Columbia. . , The importance ofthis connection. in rela- tion to the geographical position of this route, as well as theinterest of the company, is ob- vious. It will not only secure a very large additional amount of trade and revenue,which has heretofore been carried through other channels, but it will putto rest any danger of coming into competition with any other rival Thisbranch or route can be so located, as to pass along the thickly populat- ed region of the Susquehanna, passing thro’ and Columbia, the great lumber marts on that river. I The citizens of the town on the line ofthe contemplated road have a deep interest in the construction of it, and are sensible of the importance and advantage it will be to them. They came forward, in the most cordial and liberal manner, to aid and assist the commit- tee in their examinations, and have given the board the strongest assurance, that a libe- ral subscription can be obtained from the the thriving towns of Brainbridge, Marietta, parties in that locality, interested in the con- struction ofthe road. A charter has already been procured, au- thorising the company to construct a railroad from I-larrisburg to York, on the western side of the Susquehanna; the construction of the branch referred to, will, however, do away tne necessity of making that road. VVith a view to accomplish so desirable an object, the board of directors made application to the legislature of this State, and obtained a supplement to their charter, authorising them to construct a branch from any point; on their road, west of Mountjoy, to Marietta, with the privilege of extending to, and con- necting with the Philadclphia and Columbia railroad, at Columbia. Soon after the charter was obtained, a com mittee of gentlemen from the board of direc- tors visited the ground, examined the routes, reported favorably, and recommended an ear. ly examination and survey ofthe ground; which report was approved, and measures taken to commence the work. The board has two routes in view, either ofwhich they believe can be made at less cost than the construction ofordinary roads. One of these routes connects with the Harrisburg and Lancaster railroad, about 1% miles east of the tunnel, extending to Marietta and Co- lumbia, distance about 8% miles. ' The other route extends from Columbia, along ihe bank of the river, and connects with the company's road" near Portsmouth, a distance of about 18; miles. The company has engaged the services of Edward F. Gay, Esq., engineer, a gentleman of well known practical experience and skill in his profession, who is now.on the ground with an eficient corps, actively employed in making surveys and examinations, with esti- mates of the cost and construction of the road. All which is most respectfully submitted. By order of 'the board, 3 Joseprr Yemen President. Philadelphia Sept. 1, 1848. [No. 1.] Statement of the whole "receipts and expendi- tures qf the company; for the fiscal year com- mencing lst September, 1847, and ending 31st August, 1848 ; also with the balances ofcash. - To balance on hand Ist Sept, 1847.. ....$2,992 80 '1‘o cash received for passengers. . . . . .. ..80,900 24 “ 1reight....,.......31,28412 “ extra freight.... 772 69 “ rents.... . . . . . . . . .. 2,093 40 “ mails . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6,300 00 “ old materials and en- gines.... 4,904 43 “ bonds at par.. .. .. . 2,000 00 “ “ 90000 _...............— 132,147 07 Disbursed as follows : By cash paid this amount of company’s debts.... .4'7,42O 86 By cash paid interest on company’s loans and debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32,309 40 By cash paid discount on uncurrent mo- 502 58 By cash paid (from bonds) in full for en«- 2,000 00 By cash paid (from bonds) commissions on assignment removed last year, as per table No. VI .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 00 By cash paid balance ofcommissions, as 73 50 By cash paid insurance, taxes on proper- ty and capital stock, as per do . . . . . . .. 1,416 03 By cash paid for Trail, and materials for reconstructing road, as per do . . . . . 2,708 36 By cash paid for repairing and running the road, including oliice expenses, sa- laries, rent, stationery, etc., as per d0.. 32,288 83 By cash paid unclaimed dividends . . . . .. 115 00 By balance on hant_l.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12,413 11 132,147 65 [N 0. II.] Abstract of freight business. ts Kc.‘ . 5% 2° 53:: E éfig ‘E3375 0 s 19?. $3 '1 E , ' E-4 E-4 18=17—September 311209 17 1,006 56 81,515 73 October . . . . . .. 16 53 1,(‘49 67 2,8(‘6 20 Novcmber.... 1,430 59 1,490 54 2,921 1.3 Deccmber.... 1,474 27 1,201 17 2,675 41 1848—~Jflanuary . . . . .. 1,906 18 1,819 02 3,725 20 bebruary. 1,994 87 2,533 08 4,527 95 March. 1,993 14 3,3238 04 5,321 18 Jelpril ....... .. 1,38; 2582 47 . '71 ".9 r 1,873 65 June . . . . . . . .. 624 01 811 58 1435 59 July . . . . . . . .. 469 50 552 36 1,021 86 August 606 06 711 66 1,371 72 13,640 81 17,643 3131,284 12 |No. 111.] Abstm ct ofpa-ssengcrr business. 3' ,9 ,, . ct. += 4 3 ‘*5 ui '35 3"} g bu » E; 53 93 3 no 8 E} at 5 co to an ,_, 5 ,,, 51, ~— :i 5 .2 C“ O 5 we 3 tn‘ ‘“ 3 eg .2 3 a rig cg '5 S‘ q 9' «-5 ct: g’ .23 2 ‘E3’ 2 <1 -38 1847-—-September. 194,479 5402 1-40 $57,563 07 October... 175,826 4884 “ 6,837 66 November. 133,470 3708 “ 5,190 51 December. 11 ,940 3137 “ 4,392 10 1848——January... 113,773 3160 “ 4,424. 50 February.. 114,991 3194- ‘: 4,471 87 March.... 165,755 4604 “ 6,446 02 April. 254,708 7075 “ 9,905 30 May . . . . .. 209,873 5830 “ 8161 72 June . . . . .. 190,754 5299 “ 7,418 20 July . . . . .. 180,704 5030 “ 7,027 37 August. .. 233,021 6473 “ 9,061 92 7 2,030,294 57,786 80,900 24 [No. IV.] freight, rents, mails, elc., for the past year‘. From passengers . . . . . $80,900 24 freight....,....... 31,284 12 occ--g--co-on oako non. - mai1s.......................... 6,300 00 rents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,093 40 extra freight.... . . 772 68 _ 121,350 44 From sale of old materials and engines. 4,904 43 Total income for year . . . . . . .;. .... . . 126,254 87 Abstract of ‘the receipts from passengers, aindt