74.28 , AM ERICAN RAIL ROAD JOURNAL. AY’S EQALIZING RAILVVAY TRUCK.--TH E SUBSCRI- river, (of which firm the subscriber was late a partner) under the imincdiat her having recently formed a business connection in the City of New supervision of Mr. Ray himself. Several sets of trucks containing the latest improvements have recently been turned out for the New York and Eric railroad, and the New Jersey Transportation company, which may be seen upon said roads. _ _ The patronage of Railroad Companies and Car Builders 1S respectfully solicited. New York, _Ma_7/ 4, 1846. W. H. CALKINS, and Others. To all whom it rr1ayc0ncern:——-This is to certify that the New Haven, Hartford and Springfield railroad co., have had in use six sets of F. M. Ray’s ll’ ! . l T l , v -up v lai:.lili|. have proved to be the bes ti [Signed,] patent trucks for the last :20 months, during which time it appears to me, thei and most economical truck now in use. VVii.i.i.iM Ron, Sup’t' of Power. I certify that F. M. Ray’s Patent Equalizing Railroad Truck has been in use on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad for some time past, under a passenger car. For simplicity of construction, economy in cost, lightness of material, and extreme ease of motion, I consider it the best truck we have ever used. Its peculiar make also renders it less liable to be thrown oil the track, when pas- York, expressly for the manuiacture of the newly patented and highly ap- sing over any obstruction. We intendiising itextensively under the passen-- raved Railroad Truck of Mr. Fowler M. Ray, is ready to receive orders for ger and freight cars of the above road. ailding the same, from Railroad Companies and Car Builders in the United States, and elsewhere. '1‘lie above Truck has now been in use from one to two years on several ‘I roads a suflicieiit length of time to test its :iui‘ability, and other good qualities, Reculing, 1%., October 6, 1845. [Signed,] G. A. NrcoLL, Sup,t Transportation, etc., Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. To all whom it may concern :——This is [O certify that the N. Jersey Rail- road and Transportation company have used Fowler M. Ray’s Truck for the and to satisfy those who have used it, as may be seen by reference to the cer- last S€V€Il'II10l’ltllS, during which time it has operated to our entire satisfaction. tificates which follow this notice. There have been several improvements lately introduced upon the Truck, such as additional springs in the bolster of passeng jghtful riding cars———adapting it to teiiders, trucks forward of the locomotive, and freight cars, which, with its original good qualities, make it in all re- spects the most desirable truck now oifered to the public. Orders for the above, will, for the present, be e Screw Mill, corner '33d street and 3d avenue, (late P. Cooper’s rolling mills) . and at the Steam Engine Shop of T. F. Secor <87 G ~g-page , first rope put upon Plane No. 3, Portage Railrord, .-.». -x--\/u‘A».\/\’~4‘>/V‘/L’\.\r~\/yts/\.'\/v\J\fsI\.>/srv~J\’V\r\.'»’~‘\r WoMifIi"i"i:fi?5I{i3”<3M(3"ivIi5IiN1Es AND BUILD- ERS or MARINE AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES AND BOILERS. ' PASCAL IRON WORKS. WELDED WR0ll(lll'l‘ IRON TUBES From 4 inches to} in calibre and 2 to 12 feet long, capable of sustaining. pressure from 400 to 9500 lbs. per sqiizi re inch, with Stop Cocks, Tf. L-, and other fixtures to suit. fitting together, with screw oints, suitable for STEAM. \VA'l‘ER, GAS, and for OCOMOTIVE and other STEAM BOILER I Luau. Manufactured and for sale by MORRIS, TJLSKER. 6:. MORRIS- flarehoiile S. E. Corner of Third ac Walnut Streeu, PHILADELPHIA. "TKNUFACTURE OF PATENT WIRE M Rope and Cables for Inclined Planes, Stand- ing Ship Rigging, Mines, Cranes, Tillers etc., by JOHN A. ROEBLING, Civil Engineer, » Pittsburgh, Pa. These Ropes are in successful operation on the planes of the Portage Railroad in P_ennsylvan1a., on the Public Slips, on Ferries and in Mines. The M hasii ow run 4 seasons, and is still in good condi- tion. ‘ 93V 11! ICOLIBS PATENT SAFETY SWITCH , for Railroad Turnouts. This invention, for some time in successful operation on one of the prin- cipal railroads in the country, effectually revents engines and their trains from running ofl" t e track at a switch, left wrong by accident or design. _ It acts independently of the main track rails, being I have no hesitation in saying that it is the simplest and most economical truck now in use. er cars, making them de- Jersey Ct"/.3/, November 4, 1845. This is to certify that F. M. Ray’s I’.'il,ent Equalizing Railroad Truck has been in use on the Long Island railroad for the last year, under a freight car. For simplicity of construction, economy in cost, lightness of material and [Signeil,] T. L. Sh/Il'l‘H, N. Jersey Railroad and Transp. Co. xecuted at the New York ease of motion, I consider it equal to any truck we have in use. Long Islcmd Railroad 0., foot of 9th street, East Jamaica November AILROAD SCALES.---THE ATTEN- tion of Railroad Companies is particularly re- quested to Ellicotts’ Scales, made for weighing load- ed cars in trains, or singly, they have been the iii- ventors, and the first to make platform scales in the United States; supposing that an experience of 20 years has given a knowledge and superior advan- tage in the business. The levers of our scales are made of wrought iron, all the bearers and fulcruins are made of the best cast steel, laid on blocks of granite, extending made of wood. E. Ellicott has made the largest Railroad Scale in the world, its extreme length was one hundred and twenty feet, capable of weighing ten loaded cars at a single draft. It was put on the Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven Railroad. VVe are prepared to make scales of any size to weigh from five pounds to two hundred tons. ‘ ELLICOTT & ABBOTT. Factory, 9th street, near Coates, cor. Melon st. _Oflice, No. 3 North 5th street, 1y25 Philadelphia, Pa. L A P ——— W E L D ED WROUGHT IRON TUBES FOR TUBULAR BOILERS, FROM 1 1-2 TO 53 INCHES DIAMETER. [Signed,] ly19 JOHN LEACH, Depot ’ ‘E Sup’t Motive Power. 12, 1845. TO RAILROAD COMPANIES AND MAN ufacturers of railroad Machinery. The subscri- bers liave for sale Am. and English bar iron, ofal. sizes; English blister, cast, shear and spring steel; J uniata rods; car axles,inade of double refined iron; sheet and boiler iron, cut to pattern; tiers for loco- motive engines, and other railroad carriage wheels, made from common and double refined B. 0. iron; the latter a very superior article. The tires are made by Messrs. Baldwin & Whitney, locomotive engine manufacturers of this city. Orders addres- across the pit, the upper part of the scale only being sed to them, or to us, will be promptly executed. When the exact diameter of the wheel is stated in the order, a fit to those wheels is guaranteed, saving to the purchaser the expense of turning them out in- side. THOMAS SLEDMUND GEORGE, a45 N. E. cor. lflth andMarl(et sts., Philarl., Pa. I-IE NEVVCASTLE MANUFACTURING Company continue to furnish at the. Works, situated in the town of Newcastle, Del., Locomotive and other steam engines, Jack screws, Wrought iron work and Brass and Iron castings, of all kinds con- nected with Steamboats, Railroads, etc.; Mill Gear- ing of every description; Cast wheels (chilled) of any pattern and size,’ with Axles fittedhalso with wrought tires, Springs, Boxes and bolts for Cars; Driving and other wheels for Locomotives. The works being on an extensive scale, all orders will be executed with promptness and despatch. Communications addressed to Mr. William H. Dobbs, Superintendent, will meet with immediate attention ANDREW C. GRAY, ‘ These Tubes are of the same quality and manu- facture as those so extensively used in England, Scotland, France and Germany, for Locomotive, Marine and other Steam Engine Boilers. THOMAS PROSSER, Patentee. {aid down, or removed, witlioutcutting or displacing them. It is never touched by passing trains, exec I: when in use, preventing their running ofi the trac . _It 15 simple in its construction and operation, requiring only two Castings and two Rails; the latter, even it much worn or used, not objectionable. Working Models of the Safety Switch may be seen at Messrs. Davenport and Bridges, Cambridge- I _ort, Mass.,ai1d atthe ofiice of the Railroad Journal, ew York. , Plans, Specifications, and all information obtained , on application to the Subscriber, Inventor, and Pa- ; tentee I y . G. A. NICOLLS, 28 Platt street, New York. AVVRENCE’S ROSENDALE HYDRA- ulic Cement. This cement is warranted equal to any manufactured in this country, and has been value tor Aqueducts, Locks, Bridges, Flooms and all Masonry exposed to dampness, is well known, as it sets immediately under water, and increases in solidity for years. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, in tight paper- eo barrels, by JOHN W. LAWRENCE, . 142 Front street, New York. fl Orders for the above will be received ant ja45 Rearl-ing, Pa. promptly attended to at this oflice. 3213 pronounced superior to Francis’ “Roman.” Its a4Ei President of the Newcastle Manuf. Co. _ NORWICH CAR FACTORY, . NORWICH, CONNECTICUT. A ‘ R T the head of navigation on. the RiveriT7Lames, and on the line of the Norwich and, I/Vorcester Railroad, established for the manufactory oi RAILROAD CARS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Viz: PASSENGER, FREIGHT AND HAND CARS, ALSO, VARIOUS KINDS or‘ ENGINE TENDERS AND SN OVV PLO UGI-IS. V TRUCKS, WHEELS dz: AXLES , Furriishedand fitted at short notice. Orders executed with promptness and despatch. $1‘; Any communication addressed to JAMES D. MOWRY, Gerteml Agent, A Norwich, Coma, Will meet with immediate attention. ly8