AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 717 J NORRIS’ LL00 OMOTIVE WORKS. B US H HIL L, PHIL ADELPHIA, Pe7tn.\'y[va.7Lia.. "i;«"‘ I AP-WELDED {Vl{OlJGll-51% IRON TUBES J for Tubular Boilers, from 1; to 15 inches dia- meter, and any length not exceecling 17 feet——man- ufactured by the Caledonian Tube Company, Glase- gow, and for sale by ' ' IRVING VAN WA R13, 12 Platt street, New York. , JOB CUTLER, Patentee‘-. These Tubes are extensively used by the. British Government, and by the principal Engineers and Steam Marine and Railway Companies in the King dom. ’ ' 281!’ PRING STEEL FOR L()CODIOTI\’ESg MANUFACTURE their Patent 6Whee1 Combined and 8 VVl1eelLocomotivep of the following descrip- tions, viz: Class 1, 15 inches Diameter of Cylinder, X 20 inches Stroke. (6 2 H H H 1!» H at 3, 14% c 4: cc X 2.0 H 4! It 4: 12,} u at at X 20 cc “" H 5, H H H H “' It 6, 10% at H is :X"'18 :4 cc/'_ With Wheels ofanv dimensions, with their Patent Arrangement for Variable Expansion. —\ Castings of all kinds made to order: and they call attention to their Chilled Wheels, for the 'I‘ruc'lrs of Locomotives. Tenders and Cars. NORRlS, BROTHERS. EQEARNEY FIRE BRICK. F. ‘V. ' BRINLEY, Manufacturer, Perth Amboy, N. J. Guaranteed equal to any, either domestic or foreign. Any shape or size made to order. Terms, . mos. from delivery of brick on board. Refer to James P. Allaire, Peter Cooper, Murdock, Leavirt &. Co. J. Triplett 65 Son, Richmond, Va. J. R. Anderson, Tredegar Iron Worlrs, Rich- ‘ New York. mond, Va. _ .-‘C’,-0f:f},:t,fi»bJ(§’;)‘ . Philadelphia, Pa. J. M. L. do VV. . Scovill, Waterbury’, Con. géglié gfffvy é Provicence, R. I. William Parker, upt. Bost.iand Wore. R. R. New Jersey Malleable Iron Co., Newark N. J Gardiner, Harrison & Co. Newark, N. J _ . 25,000 to 30,000 made weekly. 65 . tug of every description}. I-IE NEVVCASTLE MANUFACTURING Company continue to furnish at the Worlrs, situated in the town of Newcastle, Del., Locomotive and other steam engines, Jack screws, VVrought iron work and Brass and Iron castings, of all kinds con- nected with Steamboats, Railroads, etc.; Mill Gear- Casnwheetls (chi1led).o1 any pattern,-giid.vsi2e,‘»un'th Axles fitted", also with wrought tire‘s, Springs, Boxes and bolts for Cars; Driving and other wheels for Locomotives. The works being on an extensive scale, all orders will be executed with promptness and despatch. Communications addressed to Mr. VVil1iam H. Dobbs, Superintendent, will meet with immediate attention. AN DREVV C. GRAY, 2145 President of the Newcastle Manuf. Co. AILROAD IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE Tyres imported to order and constantly on han (1 y A A. &. G. RALSTON Mar.’20tf 4 South Front St., Philadelphia. Tenders and Cars. The Subscriber is engagep in manufacturing Spring Steel from 1; to 6 inches in width, and of any thickness required: large quana titles are yearly furnished for railroad purposes, and wherever use , its quality has been approved of. The establishment being large, can execute orderrs with great proinptitude, at reasonable prices, and the quality warranted. Address . JOAN F. WINSLOW, Agent, Albany Iron and Nail VVOTIIS, HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE PREPARED TO ‘exrcute orders at their Phoenix Works for Rail- road lron of any required pattern, equal in quality and finish to the best imported. Ir REEVES, BUCK db C0,, Philadelphia. ROBERT NICHOLS, Agent, 26tf No. 79 Water St., New York. ‘ A'l‘EN'I‘ INDESTRUCTIBLE VVATER Pipes. The subscribers continue to manufac- ture the above PIPES, of all the sizes and strength required for City or Country use, and would invite‘ individuals or companies to examine its merits.- This pipe, unlike cast iron and lead, imparts neither color, oxide or taste, being formed of strongly rivet- ed sheet iron, and evenly lined on the inside with hydraulic cement. While in the process of laying’, it has a thick covering externally of the same-—thius forming naturc’s own conduit of stone. The iron being thoroughly enC'.O-‘SEQ or. both sides with cement, precludes the possibility of rust or decay, and ren- ders the pipe truly 2"ndesl.9"uctibZe. The prices are less than those of iron or lead. "We also manufacture Basons and D. Traps, for VVater Closets, on a new principle, which we wish the public to examine at 112 Fulton street, New York. . 28ti' , J. BALL & CO. ONNECTION BlE’l‘VV Tl-llx‘ BOSTON and Lowell and the Boston and Maine Rail- ‘ rzroads. On and alter April - - . - 1st, 1847, passenger trains . K = - between thesetwo roads, will run as follows, viz; Leavirg Lowell at 7, 11 1-4 a.m., and 2 1-2, 4 1-2, and 6 1-2. p.m., to connect at the junction in W'il— mington with the eastward trains-*~‘——at '7 a.m. and ‘2 1-2 pm. with those to Portland; at 4 L2 pm. to Great Falls only, with a detention ol'45 minutes at the junction, and at 11 1-4 a.m. and 6 1-2 pm‘. to I-Iaverhill only. Leaving the junction in V’Vilmmg- ton, for Lowell, at about '7 1-4 a.m. on arrival of the morning train from Haverhill ; at about 9 a.m., on arrival of the morning trains from Great Falls. At about 11 3-4 a.m., on arrival of the morning train from Portland. At about 5 p.m. on arrival of the al'ternoon trains from Haverhill. At about '7 1~4 p. 3m,g:Q1y—=,a¢'z5ival_=.ot;—.tho.aiiern’oon.. train from Portland. ‘ WALDO HIGGINSON, Agent .. PATERSOTN RAILROAD . ’ ‘"" Summer Arrangement. Commencing April 20th, 1847, the cars will leave Paterson at New York at 8 o’clock a.m. 93, o’clock a m. 113; 0’:-lock am 12 1-4 o’clock pm. 4 o’c1oclr p.m. 5!; o’clock pm. - On Sunday. 8 o’clock a.m. 9} o’clock a.m. 51 o'clock p.m. 4 o’clock pm. ‘25ti‘ Otilce 75 Courtlamlt St.