LAMERICAN, RAILROAD JO~URNA.L, TDAVENPORT C AR V.VORI{.‘S, -and l..:ltl.l ml .; I .-' "1 ' ‘I llllllml nttantttt tttttttt |ltlIII'liltil|l I it F - llt'tl , , .'V 3.121‘ 3 _ ___ CAIVIBRIDGEPORT, IVIASS. i.<.'.!;'t l.1.;i..-. L.»-. 'll!l lllillillllllilflillillllllli’ ‘ll Ill llllllllllllllllltll llllllilllil llllllilflllllillllllllllllliliiflll llillltllllltlllll lllltlltllllilllillflitllilliltlllillllllllllllllllllllllllllltlillllllllllib I ' lllllllll' lilllllllll|llll‘lllllilllt;t limit} illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l &IHHDGES’ llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllll ll .4 lllltllllll lllltllllllll i ..... ‘$1 ...l “t,ttsf‘tl| ll l;...i.‘..-',;l |lL:Ji.;.ll ‘ I ti“;tl lltttlllllllltlltlllllllt illlllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll llllllllllllllHlllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll lli llll ,.. 1\»flanufacture to Order, Passenger and F‘reiglit Cars of every desCt‘i})ti0T1, and oi’ the most improv'en‘ pattern; also t'urnish Show PlOl1fJ,‘llS and Chilled VVhccls of any pattern ind size. Boxes and Bolts for Cars at the lowest prices. All orders punctuully executed and lorwarderl to Our VVorlts are within titleen minutes ride from State street, B-;ston———L)n1nibuscs pass every filteer. minutes. TIIE XII ERRON It W -‘ I ') .:.-,,__ -. 2 As seen stripped VA GOLD I\1ED.'lL AVVARDED 'l‘XIE HE UNI) ERSIG N E l) R ES1"EC'l‘lt‘UL- ly invites the attention of Et1;;ineers, and Rail- roatl.Companics, to some highly important in) prove- inents he has recently made in the lslerron systetn of Railway structure. These i tnprovements enable him to etiect a very large reduction in the tpnnitity of Timber, and costofconstruction, without impair- ing the strength oi‘ the Track, or its powers ol'resist- ing frost, while they secure additional features of excellence in the Drainage and facility of making lteprtirs. T . y The above cut reprcs:cnts the “ Hcrron 'I‘rack” as it3is'laid on the Philadelphia and Reading, and on he Baltimore and Susquehanna ltailroztds. The intersection of the sills otthc trellis are 5 feet from centre to centre, while in the new construction they are only 2}; feet. This renders the string piece un- necessary, llll.lS removing the only objectionable fea- ture found in the Track. The resultot‘ experiencehas proved thatal_l_.-’I_‘i:acks constructed, with longitudinal »ti’tnbe’rs,t~suel1-as"m'ud sills, and more especially, the, continuous bearing string pieces retain the rain water that falls between the Rails,which, being thus confined, -settles along those timbers, and accumulating in quantity flows rapidly along them on the descending grades, wash- ing out the earth from under the timber, and fre- quently ('ill1Sll1g_lii,l‘g6 breaches in the embanlcments of the road. Wl1et'eas all water intercepted by the oblique sills of the trellis, is discharged immediately into the side ditches. in the 5 foot plan, the Track occupies a Road bed nearly 1 1 feet wide,.while the, new construction takes the top’ ballastin INVl-INTOR BY THE AMERICAN Forged Axles, Springs, am’ part of the cou1'm;y. J 04f ILWVAY 'I‘RACI{ 9 699 LAP~—\VELDJ:.D 7 tvnoootir inoixt TUBES FUR TUBULAR BOILERS, FROM 1.1-} T0 (5 l1\'Clr1l*1S DlAl\:ti:l'1‘ER, and ANY t.r.m:'rI:, NOT r.xcm:1>mo 17 I~‘l~.'E2'!'. These Tlll_tC.‘.‘~ are of the sarne quality and manu- facture as tho:-e so extensively used in England, icotland, France and Ge.rman_v, for Locomotive, vlarinc and other Stealn Engine Boilers. Tl}-IOMAS PROSSER, Patmlrc. 28 Platt street, New York. RAJ L ROA D IRON. .uoUN'r SAVAGE 1 11 on w 0111.15 T[;l_lS (jtmtpatty are prepared to execute order»! , tor l{_Att.rtnitJ llttxwl, oi any pattt_=.i_-n, and equal .1} point 0! quality to any other inztnulactm~cd, Address J. M. I-IOWJQ, Pres’t. Ml. Savage Iron V-Vorlrs, Maryland. 1 3'25 Dec. 25, lyi- nxatnntattsv AND su1zvn1'm:s= IN.‘i’l‘RUl\Il'JN’l‘S BLADE BY EDMUND DRAPER, Snrvivingr partner of F‘ W: ‘Z. ltll"Jttl.lllllllllll . ‘"I'''‘'-‘ ll No 23 Fear street, mu,” below Valnut, lyltl near Third, Philadelphia. HE SUBSCRI- %;.,,. bcr has on hand a good assortment of his best Levelingand Surveying Instru- lNS'l"l'I‘U’I‘E. ‘but 8 feet, the "timber being more concentrated under the Rails. A blocl: of hard wood, about :2 feet long :1 nd 15 inches wide, is introduced into a square oi" the trellis tor the purpose of giving an additional, and eflcctual support to the joints of the Rails, which rest upon it. Should these joint blocks be- come t-.hal‘ed and worn by the working, and imbeci- ding ol'thc chairs, as is now the case on all Rail- roads, they can be readily replaced without any dc- rangcmen: oi" the timbers less liable to wear. The following is a general estitnatc of its cost near the seaboard. In the interior it will be considerably less. ll-.‘.S'l‘IMA'I‘E or TIIE PROBABLE cog‘ or ONE MIL!-1. 1 ‘EPA Timbers, 11 ft. long, 3 x 6 inches 2 G8,(i‘.)t3 lt., at 3510 = . . .. .. .. . .3686 96 587 (_)'tth'jUll1tbl«.)Cl{b ‘.2 it. X 3 x 1:’) in. = 4,>ll)3 ft. b.m., at $13 = .. . . . . .. . . 57 24 13,000 Spikes 2,250 lbs. at 4; cts.C.; 10r_25 Worlixnanship free oi patent charge. . ._ . _. 600’ 00 Cost of onémile including the laying of - the Rail.... .... . . . . . ...$i3l,4=i5 45 He has made other important improvements, which will be shown in protperly proportioned mo- dels, that givea much better i ea of the great strength of the Track than a drawing will (10. Sales of the Patent right to all the will be made on liberal terms. * ' T JAMES HERRON. Civil Engineer and Putentee. ‘ No. 277 South Tan!/L SA, P/Liladelpltia. 33tf distant States ments, among them his improved Com- ‘pass for taking angles without the needle-— also‘ Bells, suitable for Churches, Rail- road Depots, etc. _ ANDREW MENEELY. ‘Vest Troy, May 12, 1847. 1y*2l lC‘r AND BLOOM lRON.———'I'I~IT.‘. SUBSCRI- bcrs are agents for the sale of numerous brands of Charcoal and Atttlimcite Pig ‘Iron, suitztble for Machinery, Railroad Wheels, Chains, Hollomvare, etc. Also several brands Olililf‘. best Puddling Iron, Juniatta Blooms suitable for Vl."ire,31oiler Plate, Axe Iron, Shovels, etc. The attention ' those engaged in the mauutacttlre of iron is solicited b * A. VVRlGI~1,'1‘ «St. l\’EP}'-IEW', Vine St. \Vharl', Philadelphia. 12:1‘ AILROAI) IR0N.5 THE “' l\l()N'l‘()UR Iron Company,” Danviile, Pa., is prepared to execute orders for the heavy Rail Bars of any pattern now in use, in this country or in Europe, and equal in every res ect in pointof quality. Ap~ ply to MUllD()()l{, Ll‘_‘.AVl'1"‘ & CO., A_=_'e1t(5. ty-18 77 Pine St., New Yolk. * — .l‘WR'ENCE='S‘-‘ROSENDALE HYDRJA‘--= ulic Cement. This cement is warranted equal" to any manufactured in this country, and has been pronounced superior to Francis’ “Rom2t11.t” Its valne1orAqueducts, Locks, Bridges, Flooms and as it sets immediately under water solidity for years. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, in tight aper. cu barrels, by JOHN W. LAVVRENCIE, 0 1453 Front street, New York. promptly attended to at this oflice. all Masonry exposed to dampness, is well l:nown,: , and increases in.‘ fl Orders for the above will be received a*n‘a‘* 321}