I74 AlVl.ERlCA.-N RAILROAD JOURNAL. [(JOLL’S I’A'l‘E.N'l‘ SAI¢‘E’l‘Y swrrci-i for Railroad Turnouts. This inven_tion, for some time in successful operation on one ol' the prin~ c'i-pal railroads in the country, effectually irevents engines and their trains troin_ ritiiiiing oli t e track at a switch, lctt wrong by accident or design. _ . It acts independently of the nia1ntracki'a1_ls, being laid down, or removed, withoutcutting or displacing 1 em. “It is never touched by passing trains, except when in use, preventing their running oil the track. ‘It is simple in its construction and. operation, requiring only two Castings and two Rails; the latter, even it much worn or used, not objectionable. ‘ Working Models of the Safety Switch may be seen at Messrs. Davenport and Bridges,Cainbridge— ort, Mass, and at the oiiice oi‘ the Railroad Journal, ew York. _ _ _ _ Plans, Specifications, and all iniormation obtained on application t tentee ja45 AILROAD IRON.--THE SUBSCRlBER’S RNew Rail Iron Mill at Pheenixville, Pa., is ex- acted to be ready to go into operation by the 1st ol eptember, and will be capable of turning out 30 to 40 tens or finished Rails per day. They are now prepared to receive orders to that extent, deliverable after the 1st of Octobet next, for heavy rails of any attern now in use, equal in quality and finish to st imported. PIG IRON:-They are also receiving weekly 150 to 200 tons of No. 1 Phoenix Foundry Iron, well ada ted'for li ht castin s. P g REEVES, BUCK & CO, 45 North Water St., Philadelphia, G. A. NICOLLS, Rcrtrlilng, Pa. or by their Agent, RUBT. NICHOLS, mostemiiient enginegrs Englztlndican _be ShO\:’tI1 aslto tpeir eflilcigiicy, and) any additional information‘ 2311 ‘T9 Water St., New York. required respectingt e 1 eient escriptions an app ica ion W1 1 e given LFRED L KEMP ‘ HE SUBSCRIBERS, AGENTS F0}? 75 Broad street, New York, sole agent in the United Statizs. » the Sggilglfus Sltzbclitclt/10f Trial mczrle at the WooZwi'c7t Royal Drfk Yam], Jf the Patent W'i7'e Ropes, as C0'l7L_7)C(/l‘C(b writ/1 , " Hempen Ropes and Iron C/uzins 0 the same stv-mo-tlt.—— Oct11bc7' 1841. Glendon ‘ - "-’ ’ Spring M i1 and Pig Iron" WIRE norms. IIEMPEN norms. '___ CIIAINS. STRENGTH s no‘5?3.°’éhpp1y. and rr=specmmy.soucn me ram. weimerramom- I s:;~;.';*.r'-‘2:.*?':'.:::' I’a“3°“ag° °f P5359‘-1-S~e“gag.3f.1...i“ the makulg of M3’ « W INCH. ~ Lns. oz. mcir r.r.s. oz. LBS. i won. , ehinery, tor which purpose the above makes ol ,1 4,; 13 I 5 10 It 2, _ 50 I 1545 20 Pig Iron are particularly adapted. h , V ,3 3,, 8 3 8, ,6 _ 27 1146 13% They are also sole Agents for W_a.son s _celebrat- 14 3, 6 11 .7, 12 8 17 946 10, eddFire Britfiisfimd PreP‘“°‘,l 1901;? 3" We 0'33’ 15‘ 23 5 2 6+ '9 4 wt 1.2 rt or ers for w ic are prompt ysupp ie . 2. 3 ‘ 10 .-_H» -- 7 SAM’L. KIMBER, & CO., - "’ _3 , 4 _ ,6 8 f3 ” ’_ ’ _ . . . 59 North Wharves, N.B. T/Le wnrlmtg load, iozilt (L pcrpeztzlzmtlar lyt, may be talgcn‘ /‘zit; mat. for every lb. 'zuczgitt p_erfa.t/m'_/It, so Jam. 14, I846. [1y4] Pltzladelpltza, Pa. that a rope ‘I1Je’I,,t__”/1.2,‘)?/g 5 lbs. per fat/tom would safely lift 3360 lbs., amt so on 1.71. proportzoit. ly“24 fiAY’s EQALIZING RAILWAY TRUCK.:--'l‘_HE sir ‘ her having recently formed a business connection in the City 01‘. New AILROAD IRON .--Tl.-IE NEW JERSEY . Iron Company, Boonton, N. J., are now pre- paring to make Railroad Bars, and are ready to take orders or make contracts for Rails, deliverable al‘ter_the first of December next. Apply to *—r O C0 D1 0 '1‘ I V E ‘AND CAR _AX.LES. orders for the well known and approved Rear/ing pattern from Bloom. II'(I7t 0"Ill‘I/. Address the Subscriber, Inventor, and Pa- SAlVl’L KlMBl£R & Co., FULLER _& BROWN, Agent. , . Willow Street Wliarf, ‘ ‘ No. 139 Greenwich, corner of Cedar street. September [8, 1846. l0t3[) AVVRENCE’S ROSENl)AI‘iE HYDRA- ulic Cement. This cement is warranted equal to any manufactured in this country, and has been pronounced superior to Francis’ “Roman.” lt.~ value tor Aqueducts, Locks, Bridges, Flooms and all Masonry exposed to dampness, is well known, as it sets immediately under water and increases in solidity for years. , For sale in lots to suit purcliasers, in tight paper- eu barrels by JOHN ‘W. LAWRENCE " 142 Front street, New Yoik. fl Orders for the above will be received and promptly attended to at this office. 2 15 itf JOURNAL lor sale at the oliice, No. 105 Chestnut street. A-. &'-G. South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. KA[iS’l‘0N & C()., NO. 4 180 tons 2% x & inch Flat Punched Rails, 20 ft. long. 25 “ 2§ x i “ Flangetlron Rails. '75 “ 1 xi Flat Punched Bars for Drafts in Mines. A full €lSSOl'tlI1Qi1L0l’ Railroad Spikes, (E 0!) cute orders for every 111‘ and Fixtures. ‘ description 01' Railroad Ir for sale or i mportcrl to order by the subscriber. These Ropes are manufactured on an entirely d most exclusively used in the collieries and on the railways in Great Britain, where they are considered to be greatly stiperior to hernpcn ones, or iron chains, as regards safety, durability and economy. The plan upon which they are made etfccttially secures them from corrosion in the interior, as well as the "acture. Many of these ropes have been in constant operation in the—di'ti‘erent mines in England, and on the Blackwall and other inclined planes, for three and four years, and are still in good (,-ondition. window cords, lightning conductors, signal halyards, tiller ropes, etc. heavy cranes, standing rigging, _ _ _ Testimonials irom the Reference is made to the annexed. statement for the relative strength and size. an \.\.«~.-s/\.sA/v\\ \/~/ .»vv.z-.~\»..~r.Vvvv.,,v,~’v\z«\~-CV.-vsn -vuvswv supervision of Mr. Ray himself. Several sets of trucks containing t Transportation company, which may be seen upon said roads. solicited. New York, Jllay 4, 1846. W. H. CALKINS, and Others." To all whom it may concern :———This is to certify that the New Haven, I-Iartford and Springfield railroad co., have had in use six sets of F. M. Ray’s patent trucks for the last 20 months, during which time it appears to me, thcy_ have proved to be the bes and most economical truck‘ now in use. ‘ - -— [Signed,] " WILLIAM Roe, Sup’t' of Power.’ I certify that F. M. Ray’s Patent Equalizing Railroad Truck has been in V use on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad for some ‘time. past, under" a passenger car. ' . s_ , - For simplicity of construction, economy in cost, lightness of material, and peculiar make also renders it less liable. to be thrown on the track, when pas-_ York, expressly’ for the imanuiacture of the newly patented and highly ap- proved Railroad Truck of Mr. Fowler M._Ray, is ready to receive ordersior building the same, from Railroad Compames and Car Builders in the United States, and elsewhere. _ . ‘ The above Truck has now been in use from one to two years on several roads‘ a sufiicient length of time to test its nurability, and other good qualities, and to satisfy these who have used it, as may be seen by reference to the cer- tifteates‘ which follow this notice. - ""I"her”e have been several improvements lately introduced upon the Truck, such as additional springs in the bolster of passenger cars, making them de- lightful riding ca.rs——ar.lapting it to tenders, trucks forward of the locomotive, and freight cars, which, with its original good qualities, make it in all re- spects the most desirable truck now ofi"ered to the public. Orders for the above, will,i'or the present, be executed at the New York Screw Mill, corner 33d street and 3d avenue, (late P. Cooper’s rolling mills) sing over any obstruction. We intend using itextensivel y under the passen- ger and freight cars of the above road. ' , , Reacting, Pa., October 6,1845. [Signed,] G. A. N ICOLL, ’ ‘ Sup,t Transportation, etc., Philadelphia and‘ Reading Railroad. ' To all whom it may concern :—-This is to certify that- the N. Jersey Rail- road and Transportation company have used Fowler M. Ray’s Truck for the I have no hesitation in saying that it is the simplest and most economical truck now in use. - . [Signed,] T. LVSMITH, Jersey City, November 4, 1845. N. Jersey Railroad and-Transp. Co- been in use on the Long Island railroad for t-he last year, under a freight car. ease of motion, I consider it equal to any truck we have in use. ma‘ at the Steam Engine Shop of T. F, Sccor & Co., foot of 9th street, East Long Islam’. Railroad Depot, [Signed,] J OHN LEACH, I , 4 Jmnaica. November 12,1845. ‘ I y19 Sup’t Motive Power.‘ The Subscribers are now prepared. to receive , Locmnoliw and Car A.’t‘]C.5‘-—til'il\V1'1 to any required; Pliimdelphia, Pa. - AUK V()[iUl'l'll-ES Oh‘ 'l‘l.lE RAILROAD‘ I-lave now on hand, for sale, Railroad Iron, viz: Boat and Ship Spikes. They are p:‘epai‘ed to e.\'c- ' NGLISI-I PATENT WIRE ROPESL-FOR THE USE OF MINES, RAILVVAYS, ET_C.— I ilferent principle from any other, and are now al- ' exterior ofthc rope, and gives a greater compactness and elasticity than is found in any other manu- They have been applied to almost every purpose for which liempen ropes have been used--inines,i BS(JRI- river, (of which firm the subscriber was late a partner) under theiimmediat he latest improvements have recently been turned out for the New York and Eric railroad, and the New Jersey . The patronage of Railroad Companies and Car Builders is respcc‘i'ull y extreme case of motion,’I consider it the best truck we have ever used. its . last seven months, during which time it has operated to our entire satisfaction. ' This is to certify that F. M. Ray’s I’atent Equalizing Railroad Truck has ' For simplicity of construction, economy in cost, lightness of material and . ..a