6'92 AIVIE RIC AN RA.ILROA.D JOUR.NA.L.. EORGE VAIL do CO., SPEEDVVELL IRON Works, Morristown, lVIorris Co., N. J .—-Man- ufacturers of Railroad Machinery; Wi‘oiiglit Iron Tires, made from the best iron, either haininered or rolled, from 13 in. to 2;‘, in thick:-bored and turned outside if required. Railroad Companies Wishing to order, will please give the exact inside diameter, or circumference, to which they wish the Tires .nade, and they may rely upon being served accord- ing to order, and €LlSO,_l_)‘L1l.’1C't1J.ZLlly, as a large quantity of the straight bar is kept constantly on hand.—— Crank Axles, made froin the best refined iron; Straight Axles, for Outside Connection Engines; Wro’t. Iron Engine and Truck Frames; Railroad JRCK Screws; Railroad Pumping and Sawing Ma- chines, to be driven by the Locomotive; Stationarfiy Steam Engines; Wro’t. Iron work for Steaniboats, and Shafting of any size; Grist Mill, Saw Mill and Paper Mill Nlaeliinery; Mill Gearing and Mill Wright work of all kinds; Steam Saw Mills of sim- ple and economical construction, and very effective Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. lyl ALUABLE PROPERTY on THE MILL . Dain For Sale. A lot of land on Gravelly Point, so called, on the Mill Dam, 111 Roigbiiry, fronting on and east 01 Parker street, containing p'1r:3c,4g[’)7n feet, with the following buildings r . mg. Main brick building, I20 feet long, by 46 it wide 0 . ‘ ’ two stories high. A machine shop, 47x43 feet, with larfge engipe, flace, scrlew, and other lathes, suitable to 0 any zinc or wor I. Pattern shop, 35x3:Z ie. with latlres work benches _ . _ 2 r Worrclshop, 86x35 feet, on the same floor with the pattern s iop. Forve shop, 118 feet long by 44 feet wide on the ground floor, with two large water wheels, each 10 rect long, 9 It diameter, with all the gearing, shafts, drums, pulleys, &c., large and small trip haniiners, furnaces, lorges, rolling mill, with large balance wheel and a large blowing apparatus for the foundry. Foundry, at end oi main brick building, 60x_4-55 ieet two stories high, ivith a shed part 45§x20 teet, contammg a large air furnace, cupola,crane and corn oven. gofitfori lliouselrzaéiiange of buildings for storage, etc., ee one‘ y wire. Locolnaoifire shop, adjoining main building, trom- invr on ar ‘er street 51x25 feet. 1lso——A lot of land on the canal, west side 0 garlkler stzhcontainiirg-(£5000 feet, with the following uiunvs ereon stan ing: " Boiled‘ house 50 feetlong by 30 feet wide, two sto. ries. ~ Blacksmith shop, 49 feet long by 20 feet wide. S For terms, ap ly to HENRY ANDREWS, 48 rate st., or to CURTIS, LEAVENS 62. CO., 106 State st., Boston, or to A. S: G. RALSTON & Co., Pnuadelphia. jaqr, O RAILROAD COMPANIES AND BUlLD.. ERS OF MARINE AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES AND BOILERS. PASCAL IRON WORKS. WEDDED WROUGIIT IRON TUBES From 4 inches to % in calibre and 2 to 12 feet long, capable of sustaining pressure front 400 to 2500 lbs. per square inch, with Stop Cocks, T-. LI, and other fixtures to suit, fitting together, with screw joints. suitable for STEAM. VVATER, GAS, and for LOCOMOTIVE and other STEAM BOILER Fnuzs. NORRIS’ LOCOMOTIVE WORKS; B U S H II 1 L L, P III L AD E L P H I A, Pe7msg/l'va.72.z'a.. _‘_tions, viz : Class 1, cc 2, T 14 u u cc 3, 14% c cc cc 4’ 1g% u 1.: cc 5, 111;. cc in C 6, (6 LI Castings of all kinds made to order: and for ire 'l‘i'i1i~lrs of Locomoti'ves.:;'!‘enders and Cars ANUFACTURE their Patent 6Wheel Combined and 8 Wheel Locomotives of the following descrip- 15 inches Diameter of Cylinder, X 20 in clies Stroke. H X $4 6‘ N X H (C H X (4 (L (C X LC 66 H X H 66 With VVheels of any dimensions, with their Patent Arrangement for Variable Expansion. they call attention to their Chilled Vi heels, NORRIS, BROTHERS. I-IE NEWCASTLE MANUFACTURING _ Company continue to furnish at the lVorks, situated 111 the town of Newcastle, Del., Locomotive Manufactured and for sale by MORRIS, ’.l‘ASI{ER «So l'lIOR.R.1So Warehouse 5. E. Corner of Third 8: lvulnut Streets, PI-H LA_DELI‘IIIA- ATLROAD IRON.——THE NEW JERSEY iron Company, Booiilon, N. J ., are now pre- paring to make Railroad Bars, and are ready to take orders or make contracts for Rails, deliverable alter the first of December next. Apply to FULLER & BROWN, Agent, No. 139 Greenwich, corner of Cedar street. September 18, 1846. 10t39 and other steam engines, Jack screws, Wrought iron work and Brass and Iron castings, of all kinds con- nected with Steainboats, Railroads, etc.-, Mill Gear. ing of every description; Cast wheels (chilled) of any pattern and size, with Axles fitted,_,also with wrought tires, Springs, Boxes and bolts for Cars; Driving and other wheels for Locomotives. The works being on an extensive scale, all orders will be executed with proinptness and despateh. Communications addressed to Mr. William H. Dobbs, Superintendent, will meet with immediate attention. ANDR.EW C. GRAY, 345 President of the Newcastle Manuf. Co. AILROAD IRON AND LoCoM0’T‘IV'E Tyres imported to order and constantly on hand y A. &. G. RALSTON Mar. ‘.20lf 4 South Front St., Philadelphia. in I EARNEY FIRE BRICK. F. W. BRINLEY, Manufacturer, Perth Amboy, N. J. Guaranteed equal to any, either domestic or foreign. Any shape or size made to order. Terms, 4 mos. from delivery of brick on board. Refer to J aines P. Allaire, Peter Cooper, New York. Murdock, Leavirt & Co. J. Triplett & Son, Richmond, Va. _ J. R. Anderson, Tredegar Iron Works, Rich- J mend, Va. . P J ‘. . . C0h,E,‘g1(1)I:§’L 60 Philadelphia, Pa. J. M. L. & WV. H. Scovill, Waterbury, Con. N. E. S C . . Eagle S C: gProv1cenee, R. I. William Parker, iipt. Best. and Wore. R. R. New Jersey Malleable Iron Co., Newark, N. J. Gardiner, Harrison do Co. Newark, N. J; 25,000 to 30,000 made weekly. 35 13'