XMERICLAN RAILROAD JOURNAL. 307 AILROAD IRON AND LOCOMOTIVE Tyres imported to order V by A. 65 G. RALSTON Mar. 20tf 4 South Front St., Philadelphia. HE NE\VCAS'l‘.Ll:‘. MANUFAU'l‘UR.l.NG~ Company continue to furnish at the Worlrs, situated in the town at‘ N etvcastlc, Del., Locomotive. and other steam engines, Jack screws, Wrouglit iron work and Brass and Iron castings, oi alllcrnds con- nected with Steamboats, Railroads, etc.; Mill Gear- ing of every description; Cast wheels (chilled) of any pattern and size, with Axles fitted, also with wrought tires, Springs, Boxes and bolts tor Cars; Driving and other wheels for LOCGlllOllV€S. The works being on an crtctisivc scale, all orders, will be executed with promptness and despatch. Communications addressed to Mr. Willia1'n H. Dobbs, Superintendent, will meet with immediate attention. ANDREVV C. GRAY, a-1-5 President of the Newcastle l\l.anut'. Co. and constantly on hand « plicait-o.ns must be post paid. USHMAN’S COMPOUND IRON RAILS- ‘ etc. The Subscriber having made important improvements in the construction of rails, mode of guarding against accidents from insecure joints, etc. -~respcctl'ullyf offers to dispose of Company, State Rights, etc., under the privileges of letters patent to Railroad Companies, lron Founders, and others in- terested in the works to which the same relate. Com- panies reconstructing their tracks now have an op- portunity Glf‘I:'?}é1‘:‘/I'()l,“."/leg their roads on terms very ari- vantageous to the varied interests connected '«x7.u. their construction and operation; roads having in. use [lat bar rails arc particzularly interested, as such are permanently available by the plan. W. MC. (3. CUSHMAN, Cvlvi£E41q.qi1wc:r, Albany, N. Y. _ Mr. C. also announces that Railroads, and other works pertaining to the prolession, may be construct- ed undcr his advice or personal supervision. Ap-. N ORRIS’ BUSH HILL, PHILADELPHIA, Penrtgllooaia. LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. O RAILROAD COMPANIES AND BUILD- _ ERS OF MARINE AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINES AND BOILERS. PASCAL men ‘WORKS. WELDED Wlltllltllll IRON TUBES » From 4 inches to §- in calibre and into 12 feet long, capable of sustaining pressure from 400 to 2500 lbs. per square inch, with‘ Stop Cocks, TI, L-, and other fixtures to suit, fittin together, with screw joints, suitable for STEAM, A ER. GAS, and for LOCOMOTIVE and other STEAM BOILER Fm-no. , I" _ Manufactured and for sale by MORRIS, TASKER &- MORRIS. Warehouse 5. E. Corner of Third &-. Walnut Street. PIIlLADEI.~PI{IA. , REAT SOUTHERN MAIL LINE ‘! Washington city, Richmond, Petersburg, ‘Wel- don and Charleston, S. C., direct to New Orleans. ,The only Line which carries the Great Southern Mail, and '1"wenty-four Hours in advance of Bay . Line, leaving Baltimore same day. Passengers leaving N ew York at 43 P.M., Phila- delphia at 10 P.M., and Baltimore at 6} A.M., pro- , ceed without delay at any point, by this line, reach- ing Richmond in eleven, Petersburg in tltirteew. and a half/tours, and Charleston, S. C., in two days from’ Balumore. 1, Fare from 'Balti1nore to Charleston . . . . . . . . $21 00 (l (L (1 Richmond . . . . . . . . . 6 60 5 v For Tickets, or further int'orm:1tion, apply at the Snuiiwm Ticltet (Ivfflioe, adjoining the I/Varsltsnglon. , Railmad Oflicc, Pratt street, Baltimore, to STOCTON do FALLS, Agents. EORGE VAIL dz C0,, SPEEDWELL IRON W'orks, Morristown, Morris C0,, N. J.--—Man- ufacturers of Railroad Machinery; Wrouglit Iron , Tires, made from the best iron, either hammered or i rolled, from 1% in. to 2; in thick.-—bored and turned _ outside if required. Railroad Companies wishing to order, will please give the exact inside diameter, .nade, and they may rely upon being served accord- . ing to order, and also punctually, as alarge uantity 1 )f the straight bar is kept constantly on 1and.—— Crank Axles, made iirom the abest refined iron; Straight Axles, for Outside Connection Engines- .W1'o’L Iron Engine and Truck Frames; Railroad 1 Iacxscrewsg Railroad Pumpiing and Sawing Ma- _ chines, to be driven ‘by the Locomotive-; Stationary L Steam Engines; Wro‘t. Iron work for Steamboats, and Shafting of any size; Grist Mill, Saw Mill and ;Paper Mill Machiner ; Mill Gearing and Mill Wright work of all lrin s:; Steam Saw Mills of sim- ple and economical construction, and Very etlective ‘ Iron and Brass Castings of all descripionst ja45l y r — I(JOIuL’»S PATENT SAFETY SWITCH for Railroad Turnouts. This invention, for , some time in successful operation on one of the prin- cipal railroads in the country, eliectually revents engines and their trains from running off t 1e track at a switch, loft wrong by =aocident or design. It acts independently of the main track rails, being ' laid down, or removed, without cutting or displacing them. fltions, vm: MANUFACTURE their Patent 6 VVhce1Co1nbincd and 8 Wheel Locomotives of the following descrip- Class 1, 15 inches Diameter of Cylinder, X 20 inches Stroke. (4 2 14 » an it it X 24 4! #4 tr 3’ 14% cc :4 at X 20 :4 u t u 4’ 12% u :4 X go cc ti . ‘ cc 5, 11; 4: at X Q0 ct I4 at 6,, 1031; cc (1 X 18 It “ 'ith Wheels of any dimensions, with their Patent _Arrangerncnt for Variable Expansion. Castings of all kinds made to order: and they call attention to then‘ Chilled Wheels - the Trucks of Locomotives._,Tendm's and Cars. I «J millil- , tentee. It is never touched by passing trains, except when L in use, preventing their running oil the track. It is‘ simple in its construction -and operation, requiring only two Castings and two Rails; the latter, even it’ much worn or used, not objectionable. Workingg Models of the Safety Switch may be New York. G. A. NIcof.Ls,‘ ja45 Reatling, Pa. AILROAD IRON WANTED. WAN~ ted, 50 tons of Light Flat Bar Railroad Iron. The advertisers would referisecond-hand iron, if NORRIS, BROTHERS. not too much worn. A dress Box 384 Philadelphia P. O.——Post paid. 8 41: VIA A or circumference, to which they. wish the Tires ’ seen at Messrs. Davenport and Bridges, Cambridge- - port, Mass, and at the oflice of the Railroad Journal, V Plans, Spe-cifiecations, and all information obtained on application to the Subscriber, Inventor and Pa- *