AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURN AL. 271 NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AND TRANSPORTA'I‘lON COMPANY. VV_ §,1a~C,111§D§-,l§;3g,rfe>eItV,$,Ie-WE§(f§r,,fN§=,~f,1]jfialfigélgfi JWN 8' DAR“: E59‘: President‘ ROBERTSCHUYLER’ Esq! Vme President‘ nals’ roads, docks, wharves dams and bridcreas of -7- 13- JACKSON: E591: S0°1'eW~‘Y- J‘ WORTHINGTON) Esq‘! Treasurer’ eveI’Y description, witblllans and Specifications? I-I6 Lew, New York, foot of I 1) A I L Y .’ S U N D A Y . will also act as agent for the sale or purchase of ma.- Cmmland wee,‘ A_ M 1:, M. A. M. P. M. cl1ineryr,olpa]I;