Massachusetts Rail-road Reports. 189 its temporary termination in Bradford, to the line of the State of New Hampshire, there to connect with the Boston and Maine railroad, then and itIIi' progress of construction through" that State tothe line. of the State of aine. They proceeded to the erection of a bridge; of the most approved con- struction for stability and permanence, and 850 feet in length over Merri- mac river. The said bridge was so nearly completed, as to be ready to accommodate the business of the road in the early part of December last; and the re- maining portion of the Boston and Portland railroad, together with about nine miles of the New Hampshire portion of the same line was opened for the accommodation of the public on the first of the present month. ’ The entire cost of the addition to the Boston and Portland railroad, in- cluding the bridge, depot buildings in Haverhill, land for the accommoda- tion of the same, will not exceed the estimate of one hundred thousand dollars, as given in our last annual report. To aid them in defraying this expense, the directors have-received from the treasurer of the Commonwealth, scrip or certificates of debt, to the -amount of 50,000 dollars, so liberally g anted by the last legislature, for the promotion of this important public improvement. Little now remains for the entire completion of the work. The whole -of this railroad (as well as the New Hampshire portion of theline) is laid in the most substantial manner, with a heavy iron rail of the most. approv- ed character, for stability, durability, and convenient use; and the rail track -is, in other respects, equal to the best structures of the kind in New Eng- land. In the construction of the road bed itself, a new principle has been adopted, which the directors are confident will operate in a great measure to secure the rail track against one of the greatest evils to which railroads in this climate are exposed 5 the injurious effect of» frost. Total amount of capital paid in by stockholders. $278,165 26 ‘Massachusetts State scrip, l50.00_0__@ '4’2‘s‘,1e5 26 There has been paid towards the construction of a bridge over Merrimac river and road, ‘ 85.923 13 The amount of income the past year is, from passenger train, 53,885 20 From merchandize train, 12-304 23. “ transporting United States mail, 1,900 00 “ rents, &>c. ____4_1_1_Z9 $69,001 13 The amount expended the past year, exclusive of amount -spent and charged to cost of road, for repairs of road, 3,609 48 For repairs of engines and cars, ' 3,931 84 "‘ toll to B. and L. railroad corporation. 19.551 09 “ fuel, oil, salaries and other miscellaneous expense, ‘ l6,239__2_(_5 $43,322 67 The amount of dividends the past year is, being $6 per share on the stock, one dividend of two per cent. was made in April,tbe other of four per cent. in October, 13.000 00 Interest paid on State scrip, 5.000 00 All which is respectfully submitted, A _t Hobart Clark, En. Silsby, Sam’1 A. Walker, Thos. West. Amos Abbot. ,,.Di,mpto!sJ. ’