188 Massachusetts Railroad Reports. $115,301. The cost of the road was $911,959, so that it yielded about eight per cent. upon the cost of construction. °r .ab°”t nineteen per cent, per annum. The Syracuse and Utica railroad is parallel with the great Eriecanal, and being owned by a company, is prohibited from carrying freight except when the canal is closed. ‘ EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT or THE BOSTON AND LOWELL RAILROAD CORPORATION. ‘ To the Honorable the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The directors of the Boston and Lowell railroad Corporation, do hereby make their eighth annual report of their acts and doings, receipts and ex- penditures, under their act of incorporation. The total amount of capital paid in, is _ $1,650,000 00 The amount expended during the past year, exclusive of amount spent and charged to the cost of the road, is For repairs on the road, including repairs on bridges and some improvement in drainage, 18,843 09 For repairs on engines and cars, ‘ 15,384 54 For fuel, oil, salaries, wages, and all other miscellaneous ' 56,923 81 expenses. __ $92,151 44 The amount received during the past year, is For transporting passengers between Boston and Lowell, 119,923 30 u " merchandize, and U. S. mail, A 101,745" 55 -t " passengers for the Boston and and Port- A p y -land railroad corporation over our road, 15,114 15 -- “ merchandize for the Boston and Port- land railroad corporation over our road, 4,436 04 ' $241,219 94 The amount divided during the past year, is $126,000, being two divi- dends of four per cent. each, one on a capital of 1,500,000, the other on a capital of $1,650,000. - Since the last a_nnual report, there has been expended towards, the com- pletion of the road, depots, and appurtenances, $32,812 71 Whole amount expended on the cost of the road and ap- purtenances at the time of the last annual report, 1 1,575.66§__5_O Whole cost of the road, to November 30th, 1839. $1,608,476‘ 21 Balance of capital unexpended, 41,523 79 - $1,650,000 00 A portion of the second track has been in daily use for more than a year. Iron rails have been ordered, and other preparations made for its continua- tion towards Lowell the coming summer. All which is respectfully submitted, P. T. Jackson, Win. Appleton, Joseph Tilden, Geo. W. Lyman, John Bri- ant, Directors. nrrn ANNUAL REPORT or ran BOSTON AND PORTLAND RAILROAD CORPORPTION. 7 To the Honorable, Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; The directars of the Boston and Portland railroad corporation do hereby make their fifth annual report " of their acts and doings, receipts and ex- penditures,” under their act of incorporation. ‘ Soon lifter their last annual report was subrnitted‘to the legislature,‘the directors proceeded to make provision for the extension of their roadrfrorn