M-111 Series 2: Other Pamphlets


Ohio State Fair, 1855
Premiums and Regulations with the Names of the Awarding Committees of the Sixth Annual Fair of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture
On Stimulants
Extract from a larger book on the dangers of stimulants such as liquor, smoking, etc.
Oratio Inauguralis, Quam in Academia Harvardiana, Canabriglae Novanglorum, Nonis Octobribus, A.D. MDCCLXXXIII
This is an inaugural oration delivered in 1783 by Benjamin Waterhouse, who was the first Professor of the Theory and Practice of Physic branch at Harvard Medical School. The main text is in Latin.
Oration Delivered Before the Sons of Temperance, Saint Louis Division
On the Anniversary of the Birthday of Washington, February 22, 1847, Together with the Proceedings Observed at the Festival
Organization of the House
A speech given in Congress on the effect of new territories and the balance of political parties on the organization of the House of Representatives.
Our Obligations to God
A Discourse, Delivered in Peoria, Illinois, on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1852.
Pamphlets Written In Chinese
A collection of pamphlets in Chinese characters. Currently, no translation is available.
Parker's New and Improved Tobacco Press
Patent Right Secured, April 27, 1852
Pathological Reflections on General Diseased Action
Read Before the Vermont Medical Society
Pathological Reflections on the Supertonic State of Disease
Read Before the Vermont Medical Society
Peace With Mexico
A document on strategies to end the Mexican-American War and establishing peace between the two countries.
Platform and Principles of the American Party
Statement of the platforms and principles of the American Party from their National Council in Philadelphia, PA on June 9, 1855.
Preface. Introduction.
Inscribed on first page: "Mrs. Partington Outdone" - "David Miller" - (illegible) - "1850"
Prize Essay on the Importance and Necessity of Petitioning Parliament
To Prohibit the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday
Proceedings of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance
Of the State of Missouri. At the Semi-Annual Session. Commencing on April 23, 1851
Proceedings of the National Railroad Convention
Which Assembled in the City of St. Louis, on the Fifteenth of October, 1849. To Which is Prefixed the Proceedings of the Primary Meetings of the Citizens of St. Louis, Held Previous to the Meeting of Said Convention
Proceedings of the Sabbath Convention, Held in Frankfort, Kentucky
On Tuesday, February 10th, and Wednesday, February 11th, 1846
Professor Drake's Introductory Lecture on the Intellectual Improvement of the Medical Profession
A lecture on the improvements experience by the medical profession leading up to 1844.
Reasons for the Necessity of Silent Waiting
A religious text on the benefits of prayer and patience for personal spiritual improvement.
Religious Liberty in Danger
A defense of the Whig Party against accusations of hostility against Catholics and foreigners.
