M-111 Series 2: Other Pamphlets


Kansas Controversy
Speech from Senator Geyer discussing the movement to form the Kansas territory into a state and the issues of slavery management related to the process.
Letter of Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, to the Secretary of the Treasury
An informal report on the industry of growing sugar cane in Louisiana, 1830.
Letter of Mr. Walker, of Mississippi, Relative to the Annexation of Texas
In reply to the call of the people of Carroll County, Kentucky, to communicate his views on that subject
Letter of Senator Douglas
Open letter from Senator Stephen A. Douglas defending his position on the Nebraska Bill to the Chicago clergy.
Letter to the Hon. Jesse D. Bright
A public letter from Gordon Tanner to Jesse D. Bright addressing both personal and professional conflict between the two.
Letter to the Unitarian Society in Louisville
Letter to the parish from the former minister about the current state of the parish.
Letters from Hon. Waddy Thompson and Others
On the Subject of Mail Communication Between New orleans and Vera Cruz
Letters of Albert Gallatin, on the Oregon Question
Letters from Albert Gallatin discussing the sovereignty of the United States in western territories.
List of Acts Passed By the Eighteenth General Assembly of the State of Missouri
Includes a comprehensive list as of the publication date, including 733 acts.
Look At Your Taxes
A short tract on the expenses of the liquor industry.
Memorial of the Mo. State Agricultural Society
Memorial to change the charter of the Missouri Agricultural Society. Text begins on page nine.
Memorial of the North Missouri Railroad Convention
Presented to the Missouri General Assembly by the Committee of the North Missouri Railroad Convention
Memorial of the Senators and Represenatives, and the Constitution of the State of Kansas
A collection of texts regarding the statehood of the Kansas territory.
Memorial. To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress Assembled
Report to senate on statistics regarding commerce in the United States, with emphasis on river commerce.
Messenger and Advocate, 1834. pp. 35-46
A selection of articles from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints' periodical, Messenger and Advocate, 1834.
Minutes of the Convention of the Friends of the Lord's Day from Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia
Minutes of an ecumenical council including the Society of Friends (Quaker Church) in Baltimore, Md. 1844.
Minutes of the Muskingum Baptist Association, 1821
Held By Appointment at Union Meeting House, Perry County, Ohio
Minutes of the Twentieth Anniversary of the New Jersey Baptist State Convention
And of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Baptist Education Society, Held in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church at Plainfield, N. J.
Mormonism Exposed
Dialogue about anti-Mormonism. Extracts from this pamphlet were reprinted in the Baptist Home Mission Monthly in May 1883. It has never been fully republished.
Mr. Benton of Missouri on The Oregon Question
Transcript of a speech delivered to U.S. Senate regarding sovereignty and jurisdiction of the United States government in western territories, 1846.
