M-111 Series 2: Other Pamphlets
- Constitution and By-Laws of Laclede Division, No. 9
- Of the Sons of Temperance, of the State of Missouri
- Constitution and Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Tract Society
- Includes a copy of the organization's constitution as well as a report on the proceedings of the organization at the time of publication.
- Constitution of the Mercantile Library Association of Charleston, S. C. Adopted 7th February, 1855
- A compilation of administrative documents related to the library including constitution, by-laws, regulations of use, lists of members and officers, and proceedings of the annual meeting.
- Constitution of the South Boston Dorcas Total Abstinence Society
- Constitution of Ladies' Abstinence Society. Instituted 1844
- Constitution of the St. Louis Young Men's Christian Association
- Organized October, 1853
- Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations, of the Mercantile Library Association of Louisville
- Founding documents of the Mercantile Library Association of Louisville, Ky., compiled.
- Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order
- Of the Sons of Temperance. Howard Division, No. 45, Pa.
- Currency: The Evil and the Remedy
- A document discussing the issues involved in maintaining a national currency and recommending reform in the United States.
- Dangers of Jesuit Instruction
- Comprising: I. Sermon on Jesuit Instruction, by W. S. Potts II. Review of Dr. Potts' Sermon, by O. A. Brownson III. Reply to Brownson's Review by W. S. Potts
- Discourse on Congregationalism
- And the Expediency of Forming a Congregational Church in the City of St. Louis
- Discourse on Fever; Delivered Before the Massachusetts Medical Society
- At Their Annual Meeting, At Their Request
- Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race in the United States
- Delivered on the 24th of October 1836 Before the Penn Society for Commemorating the Landing of William Penn.
- Dissertations on Cynanche Trachealis or Croup; And on The Functions of the Extreme Capillary Vessels in Health and Disease
- To Which Were Awarded the Boylston Premiums for the Years 1820 and 1823
- Dowling's Reply to Miller, A Review of Mr. Miller's Theory of the End of the World in 1843.
- John Dowling's response to a prediction of the end of the world in 1843, cautioning readers against accepting this at face value.
- Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary Bible Society, Missouri Tract Society, and Missouri Sunday School Society
- Presented with the Treasurer's Report, a List of the Officers, Auxiliaries, &c.
- Eighth Annual Report of the Missouri & Illinois Tract Society
- Presented at the Annual Meeting
- Estimé De Certaines Dépenses Du Gouvernement Civil De la Province Du Canada
- Title: Estimate of Certain Expenditures of the Civil Government of The Province of Canada for the year 1854, for which subsidies are demanded.
- Eulogy, Pronounced at the Funeral of the Late Horace Clark, Esq.
- At West Poultney, Vt.