M-111 Series 2: Other Pamphlets


Constitution and By-Laws of Laclede Division, No. 9
Of the Sons of Temperance, of the State of Missouri
Constitution and Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Tract Society
Includes a copy of the organization's constitution as well as a report on the proceedings of the organization at the time of publication.
Constitution of the Mercantile Library Association of Charleston, S. C. Adopted 7th February, 1855
A compilation of administrative documents related to the library including constitution, by-laws, regulations of use, lists of members and officers, and proceedings of the annual meeting.
Constitution of the South Boston Dorcas Total Abstinence Society
Constitution of Ladies' Abstinence Society. Instituted 1844
Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations, of the Mercantile Library Association of Louisville
Founding documents of the Mercantile Library Association of Louisville, Ky., compiled.
Constitution, By-Laws and Rules of Order
Of the Sons of Temperance. Howard Division, No. 45, Pa.
Currency: The Evil and the Remedy
A document discussing the issues involved in maintaining a national currency and recommending reform in the United States.
Dangers of Jesuit Instruction
Comprising: I. Sermon on Jesuit Instruction, by W. S. Potts II. Review of Dr. Potts' Sermon, by O. A. Brownson III. Reply to Brownson's Review by W. S. Potts
Discourse on Congregationalism
And the Expediency of Forming a Congregational Church in the City of St. Louis
Discourse on the Surviving Remnant of the Indian Race in the United States
Delivered on the 24th of October 1836 Before the Penn Society for Commemorating the Landing of William Penn.
Dowling's Reply to Miller, A Review of Mr. Miller's Theory of the End of the World in 1843.
John Dowling's response to a prediction of the end of the world in 1843, cautioning readers against accepting this at face value.
Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Auxiliary Bible Society, Missouri Tract Society, and Missouri Sunday School Society
Presented with the Treasurer's Report, a List of the Officers, Auxiliaries, &c.
Estimé De Certaines Dépenses Du Gouvernement Civil De la Province Du Canada
Title: Estimate of Certain Expenditures of the Civil Government of The Province of Canada for the year 1854, for which subsidies are demanded.
