‘526 Tue li)llo\t'i:;;_-,‘ .~.otice of T. G. Btu:-:::;. . I r PROPOSALS will be l‘Ct"-C'.l\~"r)i’i on the 1 it » ,, 5:-'.';li':.'illSblt)."-1'51 035' Ohio, will E3q., C."-.tt‘ll we hope, giro o are now s»:el:iiri; Wt). ... From the Dayton (Ohio) Journal, of 2'.ltlr July. EXTENSION OF 'i'HE Ml.ll‘.'.ll A CANAL. NOTICE To coN'rn.«.c'roas. t ilfiili to m:*.=.:':.> tar:-.: I i September next, at.Sydney, Shelby County, Ohio, for constructing 17 miles of canal, along the _valloy of the Great Miami, from the mouth of Loramies Creek, to a point 6 miles above Sydney. The work to be contracted for, consists chiefly of an unusua1propcr- tiou of bluffand steep hill side cutting——rnuch high embanl;ment—several small aqued ucts——a number of cirlverts and 8 or 10 stone locks. ‘ And on the 15th same month, proposals will be re- ceived at the town of St. Marys, for constructing ab- out 26 miles of ‘canal along the Valleys of Loramies Creek and St Marys river, from a point 5 miles above Piqua to the town of St. Marys. The work on this part of the line, consists of much very heavy oxcava tién andembaukvment, several small aqueducts and many small culverts. At the some time and place embanlrments for the great reservoirnear St. Marys ‘Will also be offered for contract. The commissioner will expect certificates of cha- racter and qualifications from well known or unques- tionable authority, to accompany each proaosa1,un- less the bidder is personally known ‘to him ctr to the Principal or Resident Engineer. ‘A For further particulars, plans, &c., pply to the Engineers on the line of canal or at their offices in Sydney and St Marys. “ . A T. G. BATES. 33—t. 11th. Sep ‘ ' RAILWAY IRON , LOCOMOTIVES,&c. 'lI‘HE subscribers offer the following articles for Ba . ' Railway Iron, fiat bars,with countersunk holes and raitrodjomts, , 350 tons 2.’; by 3,15 fti'nIe'Ii'gtli,t\‘eigl1ing per ft. ti 2 u 31;, it u. ‘ H 3_5_0__ H ‘ l U 0 770 H H. u g.’ H H H 2.; 4 u. 80 u H, u .1.’ ‘st. u 5 it -[T2956 u 90 H 1 tt *1 H u u .3. Au with Spikes and Splicing Plates adapted thereto. To be sold free of duty to State governments or incor- porated ccmpariies. Orders for Pennsylvania Boiler Iron executed. Rail Road Car and Locomotive Engine » Tires, wroughtandt ‘med or unturned, ready to be fitted on the wheels, viz. 30, 33, 36, 42, 44, 54, and 60 inches A oianleter. . E. V. Patent Chain Cable Bolts for Railway Ca aides, in lengths of 12 feet, 6 inches, to 13 feet 2%, 2% 3, 3%,‘ 3%. 3%, and 3% inches diameter. , Chains for inclined Planes, short and stay links, manufactured frcmtho E. V. Cable Bolts, and proved at the greatest strain. . India Rubber Rope forlnclined Planes, made from Ncw”Ze’ala‘nd flax. ’ ; ' , ~ .A1so“Patent Hemp Cordage for Inclined Planes, aiid‘Caaal Towing Lines. " .‘ - Patent Felt for placing between the iron chair and stone block of Edge Railways. r - ‘ Every description of Railway Iron, as well as Lo- comotive Engines,imported at the shortest notice, by the agency of one of’ our partners, who resides in England for this purpose. A highly respectable American Engineer, resides in England for the purpose ofinspcoting all Locomo- tives, Machinery, Railway Iron dltc. ordered through us. A. (9.5 o. RALSTON & co., 2s tf’ Philadelphia, No.4-_, South Front-st ARCHIME on s wonits. (100 North Moor street, N. Y.) , i v ‘NEW«-Y" ‘RK, February 12th, 1836. THE undersigned begs leave to inform the proprie- tors of "Railroads that they are prepared to furnish all kinds ($flV_Iacl1inery for Railroads,Locon1otive Engines ‘pf.-clay size, Car Wheels, such as are now in success- dl-pperatton on the Camden and Arriboy Railroad, .wnB,_ ,hu;h have _failed~—.—Castings of all kinds, 110618, "xles,tind Boxcs,furuished at shortest notice. . 4—~vt.rt —~ ' r ,H.~-It.._DUNHAM 62; Co. is , ”r.trsrrio.rs a.rrr.a?o;trt .ronttNAL,a1§if) 7t«'i.-U3HlNE VVOR OF ROGERS-. ‘{E{"i":"EiUM AND <‘:ltt)sVt«‘.r\‘€.:R, Paterson, New‘ lorsey. ".i‘l1e umlcr.~:igimvl rm:-'~ive orders for the: fol l-.rt\'u'igrt1't.ir:les, in-.mi1i':tr'mrml by tiwin, ofthe mos ~ill)-.':l'll.1‘r"_l@St1l‘l;|ll()Il in every particular. ‘their _wot'|.s ‘rlritig extensive, and tl)<'ltlltl1i)ei‘ of hands (‘lll1)l0yt-- nving lz11‘go,{,l1ey' are enabled to execute both larg- atid Sniall orders with protnptness and tlespatch' RAILli()AD ’WOlllL. Loeoruotivo’ Ste:nn-Engines ‘and 'l.‘enders; Driv 'mg':unl other Locomotive Wheels, Axles, Spl‘ll’l;:.SI1i‘l(l 1'-‘t.~u..__re ‘Fir-es; Car Whr-els of cast iron, from a va riety ofpatterns,andChills; Car Wlicr-ls.of castir-3:1.’ with wrought Tires; :-‘txlos ofbesr. American refined iron, Springs; Boxes and Bolts for Cars. - CO'l"l‘ON VVOOL A.\.D FLAX~fl1A_CHINERY, Of all descriptions and of the most itnprbvcd Pat- terns, Stylo, and l/Vorkmanship. Mill Gearing and Millwright work. generally; Hy- draulic and other Presses; Press Screws; Cullen. dcrs; Lathes and Tools of all kinds.-, Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions. ROGERS, KETCHUM & GROSVENOR Patterson, New-Jersey, or 60 Wallsti-‘eet, N. . 51tf AMES’ CELEBRATEDSHOVEL-‘3, r spaces, am. 300 dozens Aines’ superior back-strap Shovels 130 do do do plain do , 150 do do ' do caststeelShovels& Spades 150 'do do Gold-mining Shovels ' l00 do _ do plated Spades S 50 do do socket Shovels and Spades. Together with Pick Axes, Churn Drills, and Grow Bars (steel pointed,) manufactured from Salisbury re- lined iror1—for sale bythe manufacturing agents, ' WITHERELL, AMES & CO. ' No. 2 Liberty street, New-York. BACKUS, AMES & CO. _ 9 ' No. 8 State street, Albany N. B —Also furnished to order, Shapes of every dc. srlriptinu, made from Salsbury refined lron v4-—t«f FRAME BRIDGES. THE undersigned, General Agent of Col. S. H. ‘LONG, to build Bridges, or vend the rightto others to build, on his Puterit Plan, would respectfully inform Railroad and Bridge Corporations, that he is prepared to make contracts to build, and furnish all materials for super-structures of the kind, in any part of the United States, (Maryland excepted.) Bridges on the above planare to be seen at the fol- lowinglocalities,viz. On the mainrcadleading from Baltimore to VVashington, two miles front the former place. Across the Metawarnkeag river on the Mili- tary road, in Maine. On the national road in Illinois, at sundry points. Onthe Baltimore and Susquehan- na ltrailroadut three points. On the Hudson and Patterson Railroad,in two places. On the Boston and Worcester Railroad, at several points. On the Bos- ton ahd Providence Railroad,at sundry points. Across the Contoocook river at Hennilter, N H. Across the Souhegan river, at Milford, N. 11. Across the Con- necticut river, at lfaverlrill, N. H. Acrossthe Con- toocook river, at Hancock, N‘. H. Across the~An- droscoggin river, at Turner-Centre, Maine. Across the Kennebec river, at \’\:TO.i'.Gl'Vll185 Maine. Across the Greuesse river, at S uakiehill, Mount Morris, N'ew'-York. Across the hitc River, at llartford Vt. Across the Connecticut River, at Lebanon, N. H. Across the mouth of the Broken Straw Creek, Penn. Across the mouth of the Cataraugus Creek,‘ N. Y. A Railroad Bridge diagonally across the Erie, Canal, in the City of’ Rochester, N Y A Raalroad Bridge at Upper Still Water, Orono, Maine. This Bridge is 500 feet in length ; ‘one of the spans is over 200 feet. It is, probably the I-‘IIIMEST W0Ol)t«..N BRIDGE ever built in America.’ Notwithstanding his present engagements to build between twenty and thirty Railroad Bridges, and se- veral common bridges, several of which are now in progress ofccnstruction, the subscriber will promptly attend to business of the l-rind to much grreterextcztt and on liberalterms. '_llrIOSES.LONG. Rohester, Jan. 13th, 1837. , 4-——y STEPHENSON,_' i Builder of ti superior style of Pdssenger "Cars for Railrocicls. No. 264 Elizabeth street, near Bleeckorstreet, t ., New-York. _, I « RAILR‘OA_DCOMPA.NIES we 'ld"dovt'ellto exa mine tliesie Cars; a s iecimeu of vvliiclt may be seen on that part of’ the ew-Yorkanpd Harlaem Railroad now‘__in operation. 125;; f *5 <-...... t M i.’..‘.rTl.dN'.l‘ RAILROAD, SHIP AND BOAT SPIKES. ' 'l‘he Troy iron and. Nail Factory keeps con; -;.‘u.t‘tLl_V for sale avery extensive assortment of“/mugh "iplke-s and Nails, from 1320 ll) inches, manufactured by the subscriber's Patent Machinery, which after :ive years successful operaticii, and now almost uni. versal use in the United States, (as weH_as England, where the subscriber obtained a patent,) are found .uperior'to any ever oticred in market. . . Railroad Companies may be ‘supplied with Spikes having countersink heads suitable to the holes in iroii rails, to any amount: and on short notice. ;Almost all the Railroads now irrprogress in the United States are lhstened with Spikes made at the abovenamed fac- as their adhesion is more than double any common spikes made by the hammer. ’ . ‘ *** All orders directed to the Agent, Troy, N. Y., will be purictually attended to. , _ HENRY. BURDEN, Agent; , Troy, N. Y., July, 1831. _ _ _ V *,,* Spikes are kept for sale, at factory prices, by I,’ & J. 'I‘ownseud, Albany, and the principal Iron Mer- chants in Albany and Troy ; J. I. Brewer, 222 Water street, New-York; A. M. Jones, Pliiladelphia; T. Janviers, Baltimore; Degrand 8.: Smith, Boston. . , P. S.—Ra1lroad Companies would do well to for- ward their orders as early as practicable, as the‘sub; scriber is desirous of extending the manufacturing so as to keep pace with the daily increasing demand for his Spikes. (1.l23am) II. BURDEN. _ TOJRAILROAD CONTRACTORS.‘ SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the Selma and Tennessee River Hail-' road Company, in the town of Selma, Alabama, for the graduation of the first forty miles of the Selma. and '1‘ennessee Railroad. Proposals for the first six miles from Selma, will be received after the first of May, and acted on by the Board -on the 15th May.’ Proposals for the ensuing 34' miles, will be received after the 10th May, but will not be examined until the 1st of August next, when the work _will be ready for contract. _ .. . ' . The line, after the first few miles, pursuing the flat of the Mulberry Creek, occupies a region of country, having the repute of being highly healthftll. It is free from ponds and swanlps, and is well ‘watered.- The soil is generally in cultivation, and 18 dry, light and sandy, and uncommonly easy of excavation.--' The entire length of_the line of the Sel ‘iii and Ten- nesscc Railroads, ‘will be about 170 miles, passing gent. erally through a region as favorable for health as any in "the Southern Country Owing to the great interest at stake in the success of this enterprise, and the amount of capital already embarked in it, this work must necessarily proceed with vigor, and I invite. the attention of men of indus- try and enterprise, both at the North and elsewhere to this undertaking, as offering in the prospect of continued employment, and the character of the soil and climate, a wide and desirable field to the con‘- tractor. _ Proposals may be addressed either to the subseri7- ber, or to General Gilbert Shearer, President of the C0mpanY- r ANDREW ALFRED DEXTER, Chief Engineer. Selma, Ala., March 20th, .1837. A 15 tf ROACI-1 &7 VVARNER, lflanufacttrrers of OPTICAL, MA’l HEM ATICAL, AND PI1ILOSOPIIlCAL INSTRUMENTS, 293 Broadway. HOW York, will keep constantly on hand plarge and general assortment of Instruments in their me. . . Wholesale ‘Dealers and Country Merchants supplied with SURVEYING COMPASSES, BARO,ME- TERS, TI-IERMOMETERS, &c. &c. of their own manufacture, warranted accurate, and at lower prices than can he had at any other estabhslirnent. .. tnstrnmen-ts made to order and repaired. '1y 14 NElV ARRANGEIVIENT. acres FOR INCLINED PLANES OF RAILROADS. WE the subscribers havlng formed 3 co-partnership under the style and ,firm*o£ Folgerl & Coleman, for the manufacturing "and selling of Ropes forinclined planes of railroads, and for other as: s, offer to supply ropes forinclined planes, of any length required withoucsplice, rat short notice, the manufacturing of cordage, heretofore carried on by S. S. Durfee&(.‘.o.,willl:!e done by the new firm, the same superintendent and machinery are employed by the new firm that were employed by S. S. Durfee do Co. All orders will be promptly attended to, and ropes willbe shipped to an-y port in the United States. 12th month, 12th, 1836. Hudson,Columbia Couhty State of New—Yorli.‘ , . " ROBT.«C. FDLGER.‘ ' 33--:.c . GEORGE COLEMAN; . tory—~for which purpose they are found invaluable,