bition till. 10 o’clock . . anyioe-.~;~.:'rra on EI’sT’E‘]r’§?i't1’¢LaE'. rasiinonr-nsiErr'rs. in-" " . . ‘ _ .7‘r"cw- Yorr’-c, June 15th, 1837. » THIRD ANNUAL 1-‘AIR OF Tr-In MECHANICS’INSTITUTE or '1‘HL CITY 01? New-YORK. The Fair of the Institute will be held at Nihlo’s Garden ‘commencing Monday, September 25th, 1837. To render this exhibition worthy of the arts and of the inge- nuity of the Mechanics of our country, the Managers appointed to conduct the approaching Fair have determined to inahe such liberal arrangements as will insureto the contributors a fair op- portunity of exhibiting their productions to the greatest advan- tage. _ _ The object of Exhibition Fairs is to present to the members of the Institiiteand their fellow citizens who are engaged in the Me- chanic Arts, the means of making their skill and ingeunity known in a way no other facilities afford: the many thousands who visit such exhibitions have a much better opportunity of judging of the merits of the various productions, than they would have by a mere verbal or newspaper description, besides the ad. vantage of seeing brought together, in one vast collection, thel products of the skill, ingenuity, and industry of our country. PREMIUMS of Medals, Diplomas, 8zc. will be awarded fbr al worthy or meritorious articles exhibited, either as it respects su- perior workmanship, machinery wherein the operations are new, interesting or important, where ingenuity is displayed, or taste manifested, and particularly for all new and useful inventions. You arerespectfully requested to send, for competition or ex- hibition, specimens of the articles you manufacture; and you may be assured that the strictest impartiality will be observed in the distribution of the Premiums. Steam powerwill be provided for the accommodation of those who wish to exhibit Machinery in operation; an experienced Superintendant will take charge of this department, and contri- butors in this branch are particularly invited to send or bring their Machines or models as early as possible, on the 23d September that the necessary arrangements may be made in relation to shafting, pullies, 82c. . . The Managers, in conclusion, cannot but express their belief that this Third Fair of the Mechanics’ Institute, will exceed in variety and beauty of display, all previous exhibitions of the kind. . ' Gnonon BRUCE, Cliaimz,] ‘WM. EVERDELL, C. CROLIUS, JUN. }E.rcculz°'ue Committee. Tnos. EWBANK, | . RICHARD BRAGAW, J N. B. ~All articles for competition must be delivered to the Committee at N iblo’s Garden, on the 23d September. Those for exhibition only will be received any day during the Fair, be- fore 10 o’clock A. M. RULES AND REGULATIONS.‘ . 1.——Tl1e. Garden will be opened for the reception of Goods, on Saturday, 23d of September, from 6 o’clocl; A. M. until 9 o’clock P. M., and - it is respectfully urged that all articles in- tended for competition may be se. t in early in the day. Those articles intended for exhibition only will be received any day during the Fair, before the hour of 10 A. M. V ‘ 2.--The Fair Wlll open for visitors on Monday, 25th Septem- at 10 o’clock A. M., and continued open every day of the exhi- 3.-.—-Competent and ‘impar‘tiaI‘Judges‘_‘ wil,l_.-be~‘_apipointed to ex-, all such as shall be declared worthy. . V . 4.—-The Committee on Premiums, and all firms or partner- ships in which they may be interested, shall be excluded from c_omp.etition or the award of any premium. , 5.--—-All persons depositing articles, either for competition 0 exhibition, must attend to have them registered by the Clerk, a which time they will receive a certificate, which will be required of_them when the articles are returned. . .A,_£,i.»—-Proof of origin must be furnished if required, for any specimen offered for Premium. ~ ’7.—-Depositors , will receive a ticket from the Clerk, which will admit them and Ladies during the Exhibition; 5] 7' ‘ 8.~—Ari'angen1ents will be made to exhibit", in operation, all working mod-uls that may be deposited——contributions in this branch are invited-—a competent person will take charge of all models sent for the above purpose. 9.——T'ne morning of each day, until fifteen minutes before 10 o’clock, shall be appropriated exclusively to the Judges. l.0.——Meu':hers willreceive their tickets of admission by ap- plying at the Institute Rooms, any time in the’ week previous to and during the exhibition. . 11.-—All articles offered by A.pprentic'es, will be received, and adjudged as the production of Appre.ntices———they must furnish a certificate of name, age, with whom, and the time they have served as apprentices. 12.—-—-Articles subject to injury by being handled, should be secured in glass cases—and contributors are requested to have . a person ‘Ito take charge during the hours of exhibition-—iIi the intervals, efficient measures will be taken to protect‘ pro‘ perty. GENERAL COMMITTEE. John Ridley, Silas B. Simonson, Thomas F. Peers, Thomas G. I-lodgkins, George L. Spencer, Peter Wemmell, George Bruce-, John M. Dodd, James J. Mapes, Thomas Ewbauk, ‘Wm. Everdel, C. Crolius, Jr., A. J. Mason, ‘ Richard Bragaw, Thos. W. ‘Bartholomew, §b’m Peitch, A. Storms, Wm. H. Hale, VVm. Ballard, Henry Cunningham, John Harold, Joseph Trench, James D. Phyfe, John H. Mead, John Conroy, Jordan L.-Mott, . Samuel Carter, George F. N esbitl, Henry W orrall, W. B. Vforrall, James B. Cummings, James Frost, Wm. J. Mullen, James T homson, Abner Mills, L. D. Chilplflr, A. Camrneyer, Hiram Tupper, H. B. Robertson, James Thomas, H. G. Stetson, Ferris Owen, N. Berry, 0. Whittelesey, M. W. Emmons, J. S. Anderson. ICKSBURG AND JACKSON RAILROAD.——NOTICE TO CON'I‘RACTORS..._Persons disposed to contract for and give personal attention to the laying of the superstructure for the Vicksburg and Jackson Railroad, about 45. miles in length, in the State of Mississippi, may receive all necessary information to enable them to propose by applying to the sub- scriber at the oflice of J. R. Van Rensselaer, Esq., 21 Wall Street, until the first of September next. R. S. VAN RENSSELAER, _ Engineer, V. 65 J. EB. N ow-York, 1st A 18ugust,3'7. t__.32. 1st TRANSACTIONS or TI-IE INSTITUTION or CIVIL ENGINEERS or GREAT BRITAIN. The first volume of this valuable work, has just made its ap. pearance in this country. A few copies, say twenty-five or thirty only, have been sent out, and those have nearly or quite all been disposed of at ten dollars each——.a price, although not the value ‘ qoftl1,_e work, yet‘ one, whichwild. -pre,ventfmany,of our youn_g;_.En-v by _ _ , _ _ , , _ _ ,_ ‘__gin‘ee1fs -:fromjpossessing.s.i,t;_ V. 5111-, ordertherefore, to place «it;~with.in_ amine all articles presented. and premiums ._vv1llgb.e‘award;edL'.on “ " ’ "their?-reiicliffihd‘ at} 'a?"c_onirenierit"price, —We"sbal1irep7£rit the .7 entire work, with 11 its enagravings, neatly done on -wood, and issue in six parts or monbers, of about 48 pages each, which can be sent to any part of the United States by mail, as issued, or put up in a volume at the close. ' A ' The price will be to subscribers three dollars, or fin e_alollors for two copies_—always in advance. The first number will be ready for delivery early in April_.Subscript.ions are solicited. . ' MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE AND JOURNAL OF MECHANICS’ IN“ STITUTE,—Published by D. K. Minor, and G. C. Schaeffer, No. 30 Wall-gt: Basement story, at $3 per annum in advance. AL»‘BO,--Published at the same place the RAILROAD JOURNAL at'$5¥- n1lii§i\iew.York FARMER and GARDENERS MAGAZINE, at so 9. ,y.,..,_ ~ both in’ advance.