AME psivn Anvocnfrn or EEITEENAL 1‘Iitr?EowVEIuE1v1*s . R. GEORGE C. SCHAEFFER, ":l' C » ~' - 1 CA 3 mm H ’ ' Wt W llllliwgléiliml 1 I -1 4%? Ziimsiifiihiiii‘ .:1‘s1.e ,.nigliie1ei*1I:ig1§IiaeI »- . ‘ : _ ..“ ,___> .. " ‘ ' - .<~.~_—Z-£1¢:..» -:-===- 1'.’- .....-..... ,.. :1. J. ..'n.?'u"' nascent, o %.Ii' . PUBLISHED WEEKLY, AT NO. 132 Nassau s'1*1iEEr, NEw—Yon1<, AT‘ FIVE 1)oLLIx1ts PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE I _ D. MINO and §EDI'l‘0RS AND PIl.0ltIETO‘Rs.] SATURDAY,’ MARCH’ 18, 1837.‘ [VOLUME VI.-—No 11. coNrENTs:, Adver-isements ; Editorial Notices ; Railroad and i1'iCanal Stoclrs....... «Correspondence between Major McNeil and the Contractors of Boston and Providence R. R . . 162 Internal Improvement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Improvement Bill ; Board of Assistant Aldermen 16 River Thames ; Frankliiz Railroad : Iten1s.... Builder's Manual. . . . . . .. . . . 167 .Agriculture,‘etc.. . . .. . . .. . . . 172 3 6 -_-¢.ns-no-up--an .AdvertisemeI1ts....;.......»...........;..... 175 x AMERICAN RAILROAD JOURNAL» NEW-YORK, MARCH 13, 1837., LIST ‘OF -SUVBSCRIBERS to the Railroad Journal, that have paid, (continued) J. L.Smith, City Jan. 1, 1838 J. Matthiew, “ Jan. 1, 1838 Astor House, f‘ July 1, 1837 .G. W. Bruen, “ Ju‘y 1, 1837 W. Taylor, “. L in full ll. Ely, 8 Jan. 1, 1838 J. W. Crane, Binghampton, . Y. Jan. 1, C ‘ 1838 : I I ‘ ‘ New Castle Manufacturing Co., New Cas- , ', tle, Del., Jan. 1,1838 7 A. McGrew, Cincinnatti, Ohio, I an. 1, 1837 S. ‘Williams, Florence, Ala., Jan. 1, 1838 Richard Ellis, Richmond,Va., Oct. 1, 1837 TO EN GINEERS. —WE are granfied to be able to announce to those desiring INSTRUMENTS, that Messrs.lE. & G, ,BLUN'l‘ of this city, are now prepared to fur- nish at short notice, ,LEVE.LS, from different manu- facturermatnong others’ from Troughton‘ dz ‘Sims, whiclr1theyi.Ewurrant of; the '-fi.i_=st,qua.l1vy; yg-i,,,umfe. rentors, Levelling Staves, Prismatic =Gojmpasse"’s,* Mathematical instruments,‘ Books for Engineers, etc. constantly on hand. . _ One of the above firm is now in England superint’ tending the manufacture ofTl1eodolites, Transit In- struments, etc.—a'id any orders for Instruments, no- now on hand, will be forwarded him, and executed promptly. ‘ _ _*,,,"‘ Orders will be received and promptly attended tojby the Editors of this Journal. 9: 4t _ I It will not \do, these hard times for money, tobe too modest. The Paper Maker must be paid, the Engraver, the Ink Maker, and the Printer must beppaid, -—then why not Pay the Publishers and the Editors the ACtL4)'?'8')tl yéar and all arrear- ag es for the Journal’! . It must be clone.-— , PLEASE i>.E1w1I1‘ BY MAIL. TRANSACTIONS on THE INS'I‘lTU'TION /or CIVIL ENGINEERS orfclnrzar BRITAIN. Thepfirst volume of this valuable work, has justmade its appearance in this country. A few copies, say" twenty-five or thirty only, have been sent out, and those have nearly or quite all been disposed of at ten dollar.§ eaCh_—a price, although not the value of the work, yet one, which will prevent many of our young Engineers from possessing it.» In order theref'o1'e, to place it within their reach, and at a convenient price, we shall reprint I the entire work’, with all its engravings, neatly done on wood, and issue in six parts or numbers, of about 48 pages I each, which can be sent to any part of the United States by mail, as issued, or put up in a volume at the close. , V A Theilprice will be to’ subscribers three dol- lars, or five dollars for two copies._always in advance. The first number will be ready for delivery early in April-—Siubsc1‘iptions are soliclted._ , 4 I I . I 05"’MISSINGwNHMB;l§§7§fl/ll5,$,l${iT35§i3.;7g{E_at;y‘ at are 'sunssra5*e*rs have nuriibers 4;" Fania 1 7, of Volume or fire last year, which they do not desire to-‘preserve, they will confer a special favor by sending them to us, that we may completea few copies of’ the volume. *,,;* If any of our subscribersare in want of any other nu1fnbe1' of the same volume to Complete their_volume they will please, give early notice and they shall be sent; The Title, page and Index for last year, or volume five, will be forwarded to subscri- - bars with our next number.-_ :. RA1LROAD’1r5tI) CANAL sroc1:.-,= I11 l\'ew'-A‘ York and Phil'a‘clel’phia. SALES‘ OF STOCK IN NEW-YO'R‘l§ : . Ma-sch; 14111‘. - Mohawk Railroad cash .' 79 ‘Paterson Railroad ‘f 65 Boston‘ and Providence “ 102? ‘N ew~Je1-sey '1‘rans ‘f' -100 Stonington I “ 69 Worcester Railroad "_ 91 Lung~1sland Railroad " 74 .l’aterson Railroad I "‘_ — - 65' Stonington Railroad ~ " 69- Harlaem Railroad ‘ 66 Utica and Schenectady cash 118%’ Delaware and Hudson Canal‘ “ 90 Morris Canal “ 95 New Orleans Canal ' “i 95‘ PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. March 10th.-. 3 .2 W ‘A-4 9 T3 6. . , .3 g .-‘,5 ’ ’ . E o ,<: RAILROAD STOCKS ‘I ~ New-Castle and Frenchlown 2.1‘ 31% 212.7 Do loan, 51*: per cent 100 99 '10} Wilmington and Susquehanna 50 33 - 42 Camden and Amboy, shares, 100 135% 136% Do loan, We ‘ 1836 " 100 110 120 Danville and 1’ shares 50 25 35 Norristown, 50 34 34% ’ Do 6 per cent 1oan1_ 1110 85 100 Valley Railroad 77‘: 1 3 ‘Westchester do _50 20 28 1 Minehill do , 50 59. 57 N. L. and Penn. Tp. do 40 34l 35 Philadelphia and '1‘:-e-.iton do 100 125 1'27 West Philadelphia Railroad , 50 20 30 ~ Harrisburgaiid Lancaster ‘ 50 146 48 Gutxiherlhnd L 25 15-" 20‘ . ‘Beaver‘an§l_llIeado_}y_‘;_5: 1., _»_. V50 ,_ 57. hi} 1 ,MIscE* “TAN, ous STOCKS ‘I ~ W 1 North American Coal Company 25 12 , 14 Steam Bt.-Sta. Colombian 100' I8 22 Exchange Stock 100 70 80 Arcade 100 55‘ 75‘ Tl1eutres—-Cl1estn'ut street 600 625 675 * --—Walnut street 280 175 220 ‘ —-—Arch street 500 325 345 Gas Company . 100 100 102 . CANAL s'I‘0CKs._I p Schuylkill Navigation, shares 50 163} 164% Do loans, 5‘ I 1845' 100 98 100 Do do 1855 100 100 161 Do V do 5% _1837 10¢) 93 mg Lek’ h—Coul and Navigation ' 50 85 37 loan, 6 1838 100 92, as Do do 6 1839 100 97*“ 85.. Do do 6 1844 100 99 300; 1 Do do 5 1840 100, 96 I 97%}