-‘-1. the Boulingrin, after having passed through a tunnel. of 2,796 metres. M. Mellet had proposed, before the engineers of the Poms- et-Chausees,'a line to Rouen, which like the preceding, would pass by Gisors and Charleval, but which from that point would follow the valley of the Andelle, and after- wards run along the Seine to Rouen.—— Lastly, Messrs. Polonceau and Bellange, propose a line quite different from the form- er two, which would keep on the left bank of the Seine, and after passing by Poissy, Mamas, and Vernon, would pass the river at two points, Criquebceuf and Oissel, and arrive at Rouen in the Place de St. Sever. After having quitted Rotten, where it would again cross the Seine, the railroad would AI)VO'CATE7 on INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. take the valley of Deville, as far nearly as Houlme, where it would divide into two parts; the one would proceed to the valley of Arques, near Rosay, in order to reach Dieppe; the other would rejoin the Seine at Duclair, by the valley of Austraberthe, and would then follow the right bank of the river to Havre. Lines not less different from each other, have been presented for the railroad from Paris to Orleans. A first, by the valleys of the Seine and the Essone; a second by the valley of the Seine, la Ferte~ Aleps, Artenay, and Gidy; a third by the _ commenced. valleys of the Seine, the Orge, and the lie- narde, Anton, and Toury; and a fourth by Versailles, St. Hubert, the wood of Ram bouillet, the hamlet of Thcrinillc, the for- ests of Ivelines and Souch amp, and Artenay. As to the Lille railroad, two lines haverbeen J ‘ surveyed by M. Vallee, chief engineer of the Ponts et Chausses, the one by Amiens, and the other by St. Quentia, with branches i ' to Valenciennes, Boulogne, and Calais. We may add that other lines less extended are in contemplation- The iron railroad from Alais to Beaucaire is on the point of being A grant of permission for another, from Cette to Montpellier,has been applied for. The projected road from Bourg to Lyons, as laid down by M. I-Iageau, is about to be again taken into consideration. it is also said that at road from Elbeuf to Louviers is about to be undertaken, a part of the funds peing already subscribed.” .___ ‘ANAo TO ‘INCORPORATE TI-IE NEW.-YORK AND ALBANY RAILROAD ooirPApr. i T T/I6 People of the State of Nata-Yoi"7c, representccl in‘. Senate and flsscinbly, do enact as follows : . §l. Nicholas Fish, Elisha Tibbits, Samuel Swartwout, Ben- Janiirrwright, William C. Redfield, James B. Murray, William M.P,rice, David 1). Field, Alexander E. Hosack, Henry I-lone, Samuel G. Witeeler, Campbell P. \Vhite, Jesse Oakley, lsaiah Townsend, John '1‘. Norton, John P. Cushman, \Villiani Aikin, Abraham P. Holdridge, James Vanderpoel, Joel Benton, Albro Aikin, Robert Sedgwick, Charles Henry Hall, John Townsend, Benjamin Knower, Abraham Bockee, Townsend McCoun, John Hone, Cornelius Harsen, Lynde Catlin and Gideon Lee, with such other persons as shall associate with them for that pur. pose, are constituted abody politic and corporate by the‘ name of “ ’I‘he New-York and Albany Railroad Company,” with power to construct a sinrrle, double, or treble railroad or way betwixt the cities'ofNew'. ork and Albany, commencing on the island of New-York where the Fourth avenue terminatesat the Har- ‘ laetn river, and passing through the counties of Vhlestcliester, Putnam, Dutchess. Columbia and Rcnsselaer, and ending at some point on the said river Hudson, opposite or near the city of Albany, with power to continue and extend the same to the city of Troy ; and with power also to construct a branch or branches to the easternllimiits of each or any county or counties, ‘within this State, into which the said Railroad may enter, where such branchyot: branches shall be necessary to connect said main road Wltlltlny Railroad ‘already or hereafter to be constructed in either of 'thé‘States of Massachusetts or Connecticut, to transport, take andcarry property and persons upon the same, by the power and force of steam, of animals, or of any mechanical or other power, or of any combination of them, for the term of fifty years from the passage of this act, and the whole of the said road shall be made within this State. .§2'.i If the corporation hereby created, shall not, within three years from the passage of this act, commence the construction of said Railroad or way, and spend at least the sum of two hun- dred thousand dollars thereon, and shall not, within ten years from the passage of this act, construct, finish and put in opera. tion, the said single, double or treble Railroad or ways, then the right of the said corporation shall be null and void: and ifa suf- ficient amount ofthe stock ofthe said company shall be subscribed within the county of Rensselaer to construct and continue the Railroad ,fi-orn_.the, villagenofflrreenbusli to the compact’ part of the cityof Tif'_c'),'y‘,“t,liet1 the said company shall construct and continue said‘ Rai'lirbad‘fl"_ro'ftlie”s'a'id city*"bfi“"'T.roy,’lw”ithin‘fouei*"" years after said arnountof stock shall be subscribed therefor. § 3. The capital stock of the said company shall be three mil- lions of dollars, and shall be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and shall be deemed personal property, and trans~ fei-able in such manner as the said corporation shall by by—1aws direct. « ‘ ‘ ' §4. Daniel Le Roy, Walker Todd, Enos Hopkins, Thomas Taber, £2nd., Cornelius Harsen, James B. Murry, Jess Smith, William Jay, J John Townsend, ‘John T‘. Norton, ‘Benjamin Knower, Townsend McCoun, Gideon Tucker, William Aikin, Abraham P. Holdridge, Rufus Reed, Albro Aikin, Elisha Tib- bits, Samuel Swartwout, John Hone. Lynde Catlin. John L0- zier, Gideon Lee, John Snyder, Augustus Treniain, Walter: Cun— ningham, and Elias Pattilsori shall he comniisaiciter_s; the duty at rt/lictin it strait lie, within the period: zresrtiittitttaattfit the Passed April 17, 1832. t - passing of this act, at some suitable place in the cities of New- York, Albanyand Troy, and in the town of Amenia, in the, county of Dutchess, to open books to receive -subscriptions to the capitalstock of the said corporation; and twenty days pub- * licinotice shall be given by-the said commissioners *of the time '- and place of the opening of such books in one of the public news; % papers in each of the said cities, and in» the countyof Dutchess ;‘ -' ‘ and as soon as the same shallbe subscribed, to give a like no- tice for a meeting of the stockholders at such time and place as the said {commissioners shall appoint, to choose seventeen di- J rectors; and such election shall be then andtthcre made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by lawful proxy]; each share of thecapital stock en- titling a stockholder to one vote; and the said commissioners shall be inspectors of the first election of directors of the said corporation, and shall certify, under their hands, the names of those duly elected, and deliver over the subscription books to the said directors, and the. time and place of holding the first meeting of directors shall be fixed by the said commissioners; and the said directors shall have power to appoint an engineer, and to cause such examinations and surveys for the said Rail- road to be made, as may be necessary to the selection by them . of the most advantageous line, or lines for the location of the i road; and the said directors shall, «after such» «erramina.tien‘s-wand- surveys shall be made, select, and by certificates under their hands and seals, designate the line, course or way which they may deem most advantageous for the said Railroad; one of which certificates shall be filed in the office of the Register of the city of New~Yorlr, and one in the office of the clerk of each ' of the counties through which the said road shall pass; which line, course or way so selected and certified shall be deemed the line, course or way, on which the said corporation shall con- struct, erect, build or make their single, double, treble Railroad or ways, as hereinafter mentioned, the expenses of all which‘ surveys and examinations, and all manner of incidental expen-- , ‘ ses relating thereto, shall be paid for by the said corporation. § 5. If within three days after opening the subscription books as aforesaid, a sum exceeding three millions of dollars shall be subscribed, the commissioners shall proceed to apporeion the stock among the subscribers, and shall complete the apportion- ment within sixty days after the opening of said subscription, and if the full amount of capital be not subscribed within three days as aforesaid, then it shall be the duty of the commission- crs to open the subscription books from time to time, until the whole amount shall have been subscribed. The commissioners shall receive no subscription unless five dollars on each share: ’ subscribed be paid at the time time of subscription. . §6. The said directors to be chosen at such meeiing, or at. such annual election, shall, as soon as may be, after every elect-iv :tion‘,a choose out of their*own number. one President, and one“, ,:o_th.~e?r pcrsonxtof -be Vice%President:;1. and. in case of-. Lille‘.-'Cl6-8:th9' res-t..g_, » . tstgnation 3bB"é‘nGE*‘i:0f:.tb8’.‘.EIs%id§nt, the-Vice.Presiden“t.‘tshstl1= t preside until the next annual election thereafter,‘-mr='until ~an.. <: other President shall be chosen ; and in case of the death or re- signation of the President or Vice—President, or of any director, a such vacancy or vaeincies may be filled for the remainder of then. vear by the board ofdirectors; and in case of the absenceof. the.:; President and Vice-President, the boardzofdirectfors shall hm; power to appoint‘ a. President pro tempore,.who -sh-all havei and ii» exercise such powers and functions as the b'yi.law‘sV.of tl1e;Sfi1jdT‘ corporation may provide; A . c it . ' §7. In case it should at any time happen that an election of " directors shall not be made on any day, when pursuant to this , act it ought to have been made, the said corporation shall not, for that cause, he tlsemed to be dissolved; but such election may he lteitl titty othrir ttirstt tiritlztziaistr stars thrraattrr= ’*