ADVOCATE on INTERNAL IMPROVEME'1ViTS., first flange, that flange would fall on the top of the rail, and the wheel‘,for a moment would roll on it, but with such an increased diameter as would restore it in half a revo- lution to its proper position. The effect of this is so obvious and simple, that a further description is deemed ‘unnecessary. Respectfully, S. D. STEELE. In our last we referred to the New-Castle Manufacturing Company. We now give the names of the geiitlemen who have the direction and management, and the Agent’s circular. C DIltE(‘.’I‘ORS. Geo. B. Rodney, President John Moody Thomas Stockton Charles I. DuPont, of Braudywyne. William D. Lewis, of Plnladelpliia. James Cowper,jr., Secretary and Treasurer. E. A. G. Young, Superintendent. John D. Bird, Assistant Superintendent. Mr. Young, who has charge of the whole establishnient, is, \ve understand, an expe- rienced and successful builder of Locomo- tive Engines, and an able and skilful me- chanic. From his talent and character there can be no doubt, we should think, as to the quality of the work which he shall send 1'93,-do from the Company’s shop. NEW-CASTLE FOUNDRY AND Locomo- TIVE ENGINE MANUFACTORY, INCOR- PORATED BY THE STATE or DELA- WARE, WITH A CAPITAL on TWO I-IUN- DRED THOUSAND noLLAns. The subscriber has the pleasure to an- nounce that he is now ready to receive and execute in the shortest and best manner, and at the most reasonable rates, all orders con. nccted with the business of the establish- ment. Particular- attention will be paid to the manu'factu1'e of Locozuovrlvm ENGINES, which will bewarranted equal in every re- spect, to any others, whether imported or made in this country. , The works consist of Machine shops, upon a large scale, and extensive Foundries for furnishing Castings of every description both in Iron and Brass. They are situated in the south-western section of the town of New-Castle, directly upon the New-Castle and Frenchtown Rail Road, which forms a part of the great thoroughfare from North to South, and upon the hold waters of the Delaware River. This last circumstance gives great advantages over most similar establishments. All manufactured articles maybe shipped from this port to any sec- tion of the country, even during the severi- ties of an ordinary winter season. . Its posi- tion the Rail Road, also, renders it easy of access, from every quarter, to those who may wish to visit the Factories. It is the determination of the subscriber to furnish no article but of the very best materials and workmanship. . Besides the Locomotive Engines. the sub- scriber will manufacture : N High and Low Pressure Steam Boat and Stationary Engines, \ Wroiiglit Iron and Copper Boilers, of all descriptions, ' I . 0 Do. Do. -130. Water Tanks, St1gzu‘_Mills,. Rollers, &.c. got‘ New-Castle. V Cotton, Tobacco, and Paper Rollers and Screws, V Jack Screws, Screw and Lever Presses, Heavy Wrought Iron ‘VOl‘l{, of all kinds, connected with Factories, Railroads, Steam- boats, &c., Railroad Work, such as Wheels from thirty inches to five feetdiameter, with cast Naves and Felloes, and wrought Spokes and Rims, with anyfirequired depth of Flange and width of Tread, Cast Wheels, (cl1illed,) of any pattern and size, with Axles fitted, Switches, Frogs, 8Lc., ready to insert, Brass and Iron Castings, such as Cylin- ders, Pipes, Fly Wl'lG6lS, and Shafts, Bed Plates, Kettles, Rctorts, &c. t