MANA de Kansas City Collection


Nine Mexican American women stand in a line during a MANA de Kansas City event
Nine Mexican American women stand in a line against a wall during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A audiovisual screen is on the wall behind them and a banner that reads MANA De Kansas City. A National Latina Organization.", September 30, 2006, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Nine Mexican American women stand together during a MANA de Kansas City event
Nine Mexican American women stand together in a line against a wall for a photograph during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. Each woman holds a single white rose., September 30, 2006, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Older Mexican American men and women go through a buffet line
Older Mexican American men and women talk over a long table filled with food as they go through a holiday buffet line at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Older Mexican American women perform at a holiday event
A group of older Mexican American women stand in front of a Christmas tree and look at sheets of paper they hold in their hands as they perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
One white man and three Mexican American women stand together
One unidentified white man stands with his arms around two Mexican American women, Grace Marion to his left, and Sally Ramos to his right, as Esther Valladolid Wolf, is standing on the right of the group at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Grace Marion's eyes are mostly closed., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Patricia Lopez and Evelyn Lopez
Patricia Lopez and Evelyn Lopez, both Mexican American women, stand together at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event and smile at the camera. They both wear name tags., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Patrons of the Menudo dinner are seated in the restaurant
Mexican American men and women patrons of the Menudo dinner at Herrera's Tenderloin Grill in Kansas City, Missouri are seated at tables in the restaurant and the Mexican American women who are helping serve stand on both sides of the counter., November 1989, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
People begin to arrive for the MANA de Kansas City mole dinner for the Mattie Rhodes Center
Mexican American women and one Mexican American man are seated at a long table eating as people begin to arrive for the MANA de Kansas City mole dinner for the Mattie Rhodes Center. Another long table is behind them. This is likely at the Guadalupe Parish Center is in Argentine, Kansas City, Kansas. The seated woman on the left is Freda Mendez-Smith., November 1988, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten note on back in green ink, "Freda Mendez-Smith 11/88." Handwritten above the photograph on the photo album page in green ink , "MANA raises $1000 for HIspanic Women Support Group."
People go through the buffet line during the Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees
Mexican American women, men, and children go through the buffet line or wait in line to go through the buffet line during the MANA Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico., 1988, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten note in green ink at the top of the photo album page, "Posada Christmas Dec '88."
People line up for the buffet line
Mexican American men and women and a few white men and women line up in a buffet line at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
People make their way through the buffet line
People make their way through the buffet line during an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. The woman farthest to the right side of the photograph is Delmira Quarles. Next to her is DaLinda Galaviz, then an unidentified white man, followed by other unidentified Mexican American women. The table is decorated with lit candles., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
People stand on a balcony visiting during a MANA de Kansas City event
Three Mexican American women and a couple stand on a balcony talking during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event., June 25, 2006, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
People visit the MANA de Kansas City booth during the Hispanic Heritage festival
A Mexican American woman attending the MANA de Kansas City booth, Carolyn Ruiz, bends to hand a basketball to a Mexican American boy waiting in line to shoot baskets for prizes. Another Mexican American boy is in line behind the shooter. A Mexican American boy and a white woman are looking at items on a table inside the booth on the left side of the photograph. A white man and a white boy are looking at items on the right side of the photograph during the Fiesta Hispana or Hispanic Heritage Festival. A banner hangs in the back of the booth that reads, "mana. Mexican American women's national association. Kansas City Chapter.", September 1987, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten on back in green ink, "Fiesta Hispana 9/88." Handwritten in green ink at the top of the photo album page, "Fiesta Hispana. Sept 1987." [1988 marked through]. Handwritten in green ink above the photograph on the photo album page, "Carolyn Ruiz."
Pete Rodriguez and Bea Marie Mejia
Pete Rodriquez laughs and Bea Marie Mejia smiles, a Mexican American man and woman, as Pete holds a wrapped gift and they bother smile at the camera in an auditorium at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Possibly a Mexican American family
A Mexican American family stand together at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event and smile at the camera. There is a woman on the left in a sleeveless red sweater. Next is a man wearing a black business suit with a red and black neck tie. Next is a woman a white business jacket. Next is a little boy in navy blue suspenders. On the right is a woman wearing a three-quarter sleeved red dress., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Possibly a Mexican American family one of whom is wearing a name tag
A Mexican American family stand together at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event and smile at the camera. The woman on the left, Socorro Zamora, wears a sleeveless red sweater. Next is a man wearing a black business suit with a red and black neck tie. Next is a woman a white business jacket. Next is a little boy in navy blue suspenders also wearing a name tag that is obscured by a suspender. On the right is a woman wearing a three-quarter sleeved red dress., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rachel Estada speaks at an event
A Mexican American woman, Rachel Estada, holds a microphone as she stands behind a lectern and speaks to a crowd at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City awards dinner. Bea Marie Mejia stands behind her., April 1994, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rebecca H. Jaramillo and Marguerite Martinez show the awards they received
Rebecca H. Jaramillo and Marguerite Martinez, Mexican American women, show the Community Service Awards they received during the event. A flower arrangement is between them on the table behind them. A handwritten label attached to the top center of the photograph says, "CSA, 1989.", 1989, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten on back in black ink, "CSA, 1989."
Refreshments and conversation during a MANA de Kansas City event
Two Mexican American women stand in front of a window discussing the program for the event during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A table filled with refreshments and punch is in front of the ladies., June 25, 2006, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Retirees sit as they enjoy the party during the Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees
Mexican American retirees, a Mexican American woman and child sit as the younger Mexican American women stand in the back during the Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees., 1988, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Retirees stand and sing during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees
Mexican American female retirees stand around a piano and sing during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees. The woman playing piano has her back to the camera., 1989, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Richard Ruiz speaks during the community services awards event for MANA de Kansas City
A Mexican American man, Kansas City, Kansas Councilman Richard Ruiz, stands behind a lectern with a microphone on it and speaks during Community Services Award event at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri. A sign on the front of the lectern reads, "Hyatt Regency Crown Center." Part of the MANA de Kansas City banner can be seen hanging on the wall on the right side of the photograph. A flag of the United States of America is on the left side of the photograph., 1988, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rosario Gomez and Mary Lona
Rosario Gomez and Mary Lona, two Mexican American women, stand together and smile at the camera at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Both wear name tags. Rosario wears blue satin and Mary wears white pressed silk., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rose Vest and Teresa Rodriguez
Rose Vest and Teresa Rodriguez, both Mexican American women, smile at the camera at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event at Posada del Sol. This may be a holiday event since Rose has Christmas stickers on her shirt. A man stands behind them with his arms crossed., No date; likely 1980s, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rose Vest from MANA de Kansas City visits the Los Alamos National Laboratory booth during the MANA Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico
A Mexican American woman, Rose Vest, who is a member of MANA de Kansas City visits the Los Alamos National Laboratory booth during the MANA Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She holds two bags of swag, one in each hand., May 1989, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten note in green ink at the top of the photo album page, "MANA Annual Meeting May '89 Albuquerque."
Rose Vest speaks during the community services awards event for MANA de Kansas City
A Mexican American woman, Rose Vest, stands behind a lectern with a microphone on it and speaks during Community Services Award event at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Missouri. A sign on the front of the lectern reads, "Hyatt Regency Crown Center." A flag of the United States of America is on the left side of the photograph., 1988, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections., Handwritten on back in blue ink, "1988 CSA Co-Chair Rose Vest."
Rosie Chavez speaks during the Hispanic Family in the year 2000: Parents in Action conference
Rosie Chavez, a Mexican American woman, speaks into a microphone on the panelists' table during the Hispanic Family in the Year 2000: Parents in Action conference. Julia Zapata Dye on the left and Diane Rangel Thompson on the right listen as Rosie Chavez speaks., 2000, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Rosie Chavez speaks during the Hispanic Family in the year 2000: Parents in Action conference
Rosie Chavez, a Mexican American woman, speaks into a microphone on the panelists' table during the Hispanic Family in the Year 2000: Parents in Action conference. Father Richard Vogt, a white male, Julia Zapata Dye, and Diane Rangel Thompson, both Mexican American women, look out at the audience as she speaks. Name cards are on the table in front of them., 2000, Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
