Southside Denny and the Skintones, a blues ensemble comprised of Ron Monsma, South-Southside Denny, and Tom Brown, stand together and smile at the camera. The band member on the left wears a horizontal striped shirt. The band member in the middle wears a beret, a striped business suit jacket over jeans and a t-shirt. The band member on the right wears a business suit and necktie as he holds the earpiece of a pair of sunglasses in his mouth and lets the sunglasses hang down from his mouth as he points his finger at the camera.
No date; likely 1986
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
A label attached to the back, "Southside Denny & the Skintones. Left to right: Ron Monsma, South-Southside Denny, Tom Brown. 219-289-8157, 219-289-2089 (recorder)."