Royal Fingerbowl, a blues-rock band comprised of Kevin O'Day, Alex McMurray, and Andrew Wolf, stand outside in front of trees and possibly a house as the band member in the center looks to the right smokes a cigarette. The band member on the left also looks right. The band member on the right is the only one that looks at the camera and smiles. His t-shirt reads, "New York String Service." Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Royal Fingerbowl. (L. to R.) Kevin O'Day, Alex McMurray, Andrew Wolf. photo by Jim Merrill. TVT Records 23 East 4th Street, New York NY 10003 phone 212.979.6410. management: Scott Aiges, Arts International Group, 516 South Renson Street, New Orleans LA 70119, phone 504.827.9855. TVT Records [logo]."
No date; likely 1990s
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.