Blues guitarist and vocalist Tab Benoit looks to his left as he rests his forearms on the body of the guitar lying across his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Vanguard [logo]. Vanguard Records, A Welk Music Group Company, 2700 Pennsylvania Avenue, Santa Monica, CA 90404, PH (310) 829-9355, FX (310) 315-9996, website:, Tab Benoit. Booking: Piedmont talent, Steve Hecht, 311 Oakdale Road, Charlotte, NC 28216, Phone (704)399-2210, Fax (704)399-2261. Thunderbird Management, Rueben Williams, P.O. Box 1686, La Rose LA 70373, PH (504) 798-5665, FX (504) 798-7622, EMAIL: Thunderbird[at]" Printed in the right margin, "Photo by Robert Hakalski."
No date; likely 1999
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
2 copies.