The Hilton Hawaiian Villagers from the paradise of the Pacific will meet with the Panorama City Shoppers at the 30th annual American Legion Fireworks Spectacular in the Coliseum on the evening of July 4. Players of both teams are 10, 11, and 12 years of age. The nines from the 50th state and California will meet on the Coliseum diamond at 5:15pm. In the photo: Front row (left to right) Mitchell Takahashi, Carol "Casey" Kishimoto, Gary Oshita, and Ryan Kurosaki. Middle row (left to right) Gerald Ige, Noland "Chico" Ramirez, Patrick Fujika, Alan Izutsu, and Randy Bisho. Back row (left to right) Dudley Ogata, Armond Moriboho, Irv Noren, Hawaiian Islanders manager, Carl Kawakami, and Keith Kasparovitch (from photo caption).
No date; likely between 1961 and 1965
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.