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Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum
2021 Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievements Forum
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Bateman: Area-Selective Growth of Metal Oxides on Graphene Flakes
Buratovich: Optimization of Infrared Sensing Microbolometers
Capps: Autonomous Systems in Nanoenergetic Materials
Dahir: ClaimChain: Secure Blockchain Platform for handling Insurance Claims Processing
Davis: 3D Modelling of Urban Cities for Use in Virtual Environments
El-Jayyousi: Electrode development for the characterization of intrareal communication between frontal cortex and striatum during reward-based action selection
Elfrink: Zero Trust-based Collaborative Drone System with Intelligence-driven Edge Routing
Emeje: Laser scribed MoO2 on Flexible SEBS and their application on wearable UV sensors
Foster: Effects of Non-cellulosic Components on Lignocellulose Nanofibrillation
Grant: Zero Trust-Based Collaborative Drone System with Intelligence-Driven Edge Routing
Haughton: Using Boston Dynamics Spot
Hemmerla: Alternative Hydrogen Sulfide Delivery Molecule for Oxidative Stress Mitigation: Synthesis of t-butyloxycarbonyl-protected thioglutamic acid
Herrington: Effects of Neutron Damage on Hydrogen Near Grain Boundaries in Tungsten
Kaess: Benchmarking Stability of Nitrate-Sensing Materials
Lattanzio: 3D Modeling of Urban Cities for Use in Virtual Environments
Liu: Optimization of Printing Parameters for Low Molecular Mass Polymers: 4D Printing of Low Printability Materials
Madison: The effectiveness and benefits of bridge deck systems in stormwater management
Mahmoud: Conductive porous liquid metal nanocomposites with outstanding strain insensitivity and minimal smearing
Muckerman: An Enzymatic Process for the Production of Hydroxybutyric Acid
Reddy: Investigating the deformation of Pyramid Tessellated Surfaces
Ryoo: Sleep Stage Classification Using Non-Invasive Bed Sensing and Deep Learning
Shum: Antibody Response From Self-Assembled Peptide Amphiphile Micelles as an Influenza Vaccine in Mice.
Stafford: ClaimChain: Secure Blockchain Platform forhandling Insurance Claims Processing
Stafford: Creation of EMA-KN -- A Knowledge Network for Ecological Momentary Assessment
Tesfaye: Sleep Stage Classification Using Non-Invasive Bed Sensing and Deep Learning
Vyas: Sleep Stage Classification Using Non-Invasive Bed Sensing and Deep Learning
Winters: EMA-KN -- A Knowledge Network for Ecological Momentary Assessment