Missouriana: Geology (Collection)
- Large springs of Missouri
- LSO ID: umlr000011., 1. Springs -- General Information. 2. Description and Flow Of Individual Springs., Includes bibliographical footnotes and index.
- Life and scenery in Missouri
- "Under the heading 'Excursions through Missouri,' many of [the sketches] first appeared in the columns of the American Celt ... while others were written for later periodicals."--Preface., LSO ID: umls000011.
- Lime and cement resources of Missouri
- Includes index., LSO ID: umlr000029.
- Mineral and water resources of Missouri
- Cover title., Issued also as Senate Document no. 19, 90th Congress. 1st session., Includes bibliographies., LSO ID: umlr000033.
- Occurrence of oil and gas in Missouri
- Six maps folded in pocket., Includes bibliographic references and index.
- Oil and gas possibilities in the Belton area
- LSO ID: umlr000023.
- Oil and gas resources of Cass and Jackson Counties, Missouri
- "A portion of the material in this report was submitted... for master of science and doctor's degree at the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of North Carolina respectively.", Bibliography: pages 115-116., LSO ID: umlr000028.
- Preliminary report on the coal deposits of Missouri
- LSO ID: umlr000062. OCLC/WorldCat number: 3680373., Includes index., At head of title: Geological survey of Missouri. Arthur Winslow, state geologist., With 131 illustrations., By Arthur Winslow.
- Preliminary report on the structural and economic geology of Missouri
- LSO ID: umls000008. OCLC/WorldCat number: 7152222.
- Stratigraphic succession in Missouri
- LSO ID: umlr000014., Folded plate inserted in pocket in back of book., Includes index., Bibliography: pages 159-176.
- Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Roubidoux formation of Missouri
- LSO ID: umlr000015., Bibliography: pages 109-112.
- Stratigraphy of the Pennsylvanian series in Missouri
- "Notes of the fossil floras of the Pennsylvanian in Missouri": p. 256-262., Bibliography: pages 377-397., LSO ID: umlr000017.
- Structural reconnaissance of the Mississippi Valley area from Old Monroe, Missouri, to Nauvoo, Illinois
- Published also as Illinois. State Geological Survey. Bulletin no. 45., Part of illustrative matter in pocket., Includes bibliographical references., LSO ID: umlr000019.
- Subsurface geology of the Mississippi embayment of southeast Missouri
- Part of illustrative matter in pocket., Bibliography: pages 48-50., LSO ID: umlr000020.
- Surface waters of Missouri (stream-flow records) 1927-1939
- Prepared in corporation with Water resources branch of the United States Geological survey., LSO ID: umlr000054.
- Water resources of Missouri, 1857-1926
- Appended to the 54th biennial report., Bibliography and supplementary data: pages 408-417., LSO ID: umlr000053.