Scientiae baccalaureus, vol. 1, no. 3 (February 1891)
Geometrical researches on the theory of parallel lines / Nicolaus Lobatscheusky ; translated by George Bruce Halsted -- An elementary expansion of the sine and cosine in terms of circular measure / W.H. Echols -- The two-term prismoidal formula / George Bruce Halsted -- Copy multiplication table / Levi W. Meech -- The transit of mercury across the sun's disk on May 9th, 1891 / H.C. Williiams -- Note on stadia measuring / W.H. Echols -- Historical note on "A new elementary demonstration of the Pythagorean Proposition" / Artemas Martin -- Solutions of Exercises 4, 7, 8, la, II, 12, 13, 14, 15 -- Exercises 21-27.