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Missouriana: Civil War in Missouri (Collection)
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Annual report of the Adjutant General of the State of Missouri, December 31, 1863
As I saw it
Autobiography of Samuel S. Hildebrand
Battle of Lexington
Battle of Pea Ridge, or Elk Horn tavern
Battle of Westport
Battles and biographies of Missourians, or, The Civil War period of our state
Bibliography of slavery and Civil War in Missouri
Border states
Brief narrative of incidents in the war in Missouri
Camp-fire and cotton-field
Campaign in Missouri
Charles W. Quantrell
Chronicles of the Civil War in Monroe County
Confederate mail carrier, or, From Missouri to Arkansas through Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee
Cora O'Kane, or, The doom of the Rebel guard
Discourse delivered before the members of the "Old Guard" of St. Louis
Fight for Missouri from the election of Lincoln to the death of Lyon
Fremont's hundred days in Missouri
Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, and Missouri in 1861
General Fremont, and the injustice done him by politicians and envious military men
Historical sketch of the "sixties" in Chariton County, Missouri
History of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas
History of the First and Second Missouri Confederate brigades, 1861-1865; and, From Wakarusa to Appomattox, a military anagraph
History of the Third Missouri Cavalry from its organization at Palmyra, Missouri, 1861, up to November sixth, 1864
History of the United States cavalry
Illustrated history of the Missouri Engineer and the 25th Infantry Regiments
Jasper County, Missouri, in the Civil War
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