\ _ _ '3 - , . . ' ‘ "" ' \ > .‘ v o ‘ . V _,_ . .," -. ,'-.;.."; .' L}. 1§“~s“_.(1f;.. .'..‘..:p . N, -,... . A. ....<,.. -—s4¢.—po A . . ‘ . ...L_.;«. . _ —_f.,q_.’./-,f,El‘.l:tb', .,ii:: s-§1‘UgpAy_JANUY!2‘ ,_ fa . 3 .'..*.x,..,,. . A _ ‘V, p , "_a',"w ' " '3 aueouook.2onoi.otu.so .._ B 4'3 .‘3'_ "_'-l -~ L‘ ’ _ fibula at $5. ne _ - , 0' -_— ‘,. . . :‘;,_:;_fi3° ‘"133: TheNews.a mi sixntserfiounrcesc (:‘Ic0e.ntaW'oula'fiay " s,,,,,,,; M U m~— Wm uflmmm ml ,. Telephone, .—i——°ou—A,,D Bom_Rm; . . Track Star on Recent Vtsit - .____ * -n... (‘nlunibia its-oouriu la a incur .a '.,.,ma_ '15,“ m“ ‘m ‘en, g ‘hum’ reasonable. 2 meal: “.50. 3 mealsl ' A \\%t:'.Co- l l . » {rod roona. of 0- - "CV13 1 1 " ;',_,,,,.,“‘,..,.C..‘.’.‘.‘.'.‘.‘.'‘i''i.:..... .. '10? has than it out to build tiooitau. wnooo mono. Phone au~“~ ‘”5’ “’°'’‘ ‘M’ “°" 3"“ Rauteriatratch, or -'-""‘-' ‘the industrial engineering depart- Drake Stock Drops Aftcrfmi or corms. Unit-eraity .1 co.-iodo. to-aunt A All!-lfli mm’ $20425; -e-Minoan tbaub -5W'¢- - ,.. .....o: and haa r is an on . N seam.‘ why; Wat ! , , ...‘...f.".'.-...... .1’ :.._..o..i...°'..o ..u..o. ¢.,.§.'.,, pfl ,.,,,._ ,3,” “mt roit aimr—sio;io or double 30011 AM? B0ARD—For xuls. " down. ' , ,1...ar...i ad-1-fining. -no cg... “,0”, [ct 50” Ah‘, ‘u..‘,_ 1% l-2 block from White Campus, 207— ,N¢V ‘NICK C40’. ldt Coll-imbll UH! W l__,_,,_,,_ ,_ .,,_.u _, ,_,,’.._. V . EA Phone :38. T1224” cdkfl. Phone 2136 ‘ram. , _ morning raft‘.-r spending several days o--ton ..r the it.....c.uoo. alcvora u I .‘|'0°II Itrlttly modern house, 2, FOR '88:“, 1,. no up." H118-123 , Plkers. hereaathe gr.-.-t «:11. C. Babb. llr. yrfllt only trail’-Y-It _"'“" Q“ "‘ "" ‘H953 5'03 clllflllo "SW. ‘loam; — o E‘ " “‘ f - . och it making a business .,.,.g«oa2~ hr tin: _iu attention called O CO Ra nvenbneea for born. Sll “I9! and W Vinfilfll l>°‘]trip to the West. He went to so . ’"°"” I'iz|Il_a! V5011 Gymnasium took « dalla today. and from there will re- ‘ a boost laat niggtnvben Vlaahinl-‘turn to New Y "" ""‘*"""""‘ '°‘ °""""""" "‘ "We have other barxaino ace Gar-~ - hi h-'l I . ’ 5 —-— 1 ....»_.~;:—:—._—;_———__. '3' and Frail" Rea"! 0% Boom FOR BliN'l'-—Rooni for student I-‘OR SALE-—A 3-wt» radio set; rl:. .. -.—-.0 Q-. goo-uo-cu -o--o:n -- _ ,1 aIid~2Il|lei-Bldg eornerot 5 - ed .-'1}, rho, 32', cu in nos, iouunovedthe uuderth , W , LMPLOXIENT 8th and Broadway, plione 619 or 3,: $2.?‘ mpg; hgffii l‘lileltard:ot:‘ 8l.!'('t:l:. n S121t.f1 wont defeat suffered by a conlei-7 rrfgfifimorir‘mkilficnfitffiflitn)_ ' "om; Btxmr-,._n.......u.!°_” ‘'l':lf-___ _. 113433 red. size-127‘ _ . ‘ ’ Wm '0 7|?» 9* isaouri in 1903. His wife. who prices. Phone l0Tl green. FIX‘ nousb W FOR SALh_A" mmquo bu"‘“'3 ; um‘ t of her or f(‘f"‘b¢'!'!}' M *5 Minnie Babb of com“ °" Yonkers. N. l'.. is ‘also a graduate POR RENT—'I\i boya. one aer- all nicely finished in wax, ready tot llA'l'l'l{E88 RE!\OV!i.TDlG--. ' ond floor room, one lower floor ure. Call and see it between 11 , uid“_n “nae” Co. b_ FOR Bl-Zl*l'!‘—EIitire second § § 3? E. 3 2 3: 2 § h 39' at ‘ mom. ‘N! hm .. ta? room. Vfry dfllfibllh 3“ C005}. and l p. in. at lll5 l-Lust Ash street. vllkh Coach Bond will pit Ill"!!! 0! ‘he Un':fl.:_;:t_.';___ , aund ‘: N, M Em J. A. T0“'n5Cfld. . Ch“ "0. ID- on “re 3*‘ '""i“- °“"‘""°" "°"‘- 95°" Phone 1849 stock or con mini FOR ttr.N'r—-nonoio room (or ’}.-lo}; §AL[.‘ ’}{-"Q. " “If 3, “*'”n”,"‘,:"_' ms“ °°.;" an-irks which haw been on 905 ML mun Pm‘ 7 r ’hed 5°” "‘ ‘"3 S"*‘°"‘- W122-123 i-ewinz! n-‘aching’ tr: .l:\-r- ‘ailing’ ‘7..'?a°o.. Ito:-as Antes in odditioni"mi‘ d‘""'' .’H“"""'‘' W"'‘ l" — -room urnia '_ ' ° r - Whltten Hall were sold yesterday. young m‘n .9‘ ul wlflllnflflll lll ‘hf ll“ thl'9C -rue pxnttfds {nun the ‘.103 ill FOR I! . house on Ruaernary, lease expires FOR REN‘l'—One roo torxlinc University, it position at June 8_ . and 000,, (“hot mm“ mo, dogs} hahy buggy. Phone 2131. 310 tame; pla ** M “ed W M] _ ._ _ . . r . . _ 1 . _ * - 3 pa)‘ the ca- :,",,',‘,::,,:‘,,".,,‘,‘;,"',,‘.‘,':',;" 22:: ‘:m"°°'*‘ ll-roost‘: liaise with steam heat. for boys. Phone 1482. Ji22tr *’°""' °‘"”‘- "'3"25z be‘:‘,R“;',°“,“‘,';"i"°“. ‘°"‘::"u":‘:. venues of the rxliibitiwhirh wax in I _ "'15- i _ --— , f na e at nation u 5.”, , - ~ _ Jlddn-.~r« Box 11. care or iinoourion. ,',':,"";,.,,,,,,f°"t°d’ "°°""" °‘" '3” ma Ill-Z.\"l'—l-‘urniahcd mains f I703 :uALE-bfl-"- '*°"': *_'*;‘,;*°“‘ determine the ‘riser erappleu who ' “{ °.'"."r'.m‘:""‘.'.’'’ ‘M’ Rum‘ 8-morn brick house near White {M b°5"' ma’ b°lh ‘he 8°‘! C""" "M" P as’ p""’°""°' ‘” 3° 95* will meet Oltlahoina in the (if! Try a Ilia:-ourian want ad .4- J. -.—-- -_ vi - , oi grim 655 white. siio-124‘ ' \\'.\.\’ll'-ll! .\‘A‘LES3lA1\' —— for mmmwd t F,‘:m.::y,,.;h,-Tu7oC; 9:3. 139$ M _ 113°“ ':°:“the';°':n°.';h°’;?::‘::"f{ . ., _ 1 rm;-u’.:«r 1o'llIi!Io‘t riL’:ir:~. Full llflll‘ Redoolc." Ifnfubcn green. L121“ FOR SALE-—l-‘lorenec automatic under w.” ‘mmu“.tE'y fo‘l°'m - ‘ 1' ni--i-m. l”:1p'_‘t'l('fl(‘t' unneces- nu’ mp"? _ reoal oil stove. 4 burner: and mom. ‘h ’ 3. ml 1 t bu. .~.u_. .\'.'il;n_t- n."‘(‘0I'l'll'!'ll$3lOnH. Send ynn nun’ 203'“ Gulul FOR Rl'INT—Rooni and l~2 room’ Reasonable price, phone 2104 white.; ' ‘Nth "J not C “W ‘K .-t.-mzpt-d. Sultll'l'.“.\(‘d envelope. Gulflnldlr” phone mm °' “03- for iioya. lll2 Paquin, phone I266, . C1151!’ ' me . ('u;i.~l (‘trier i’-L. Tunipa. Fla. 123 .___.._....,.-. _ 1 rod. l2!-126, I :°‘e”mwm mu’ V ‘ 'H_:—~"' . "“"'"" F0 SAL!-‘.——W od t bl ’ - ' .- \\.\.\"i I-Ll». The National no... APAR‘fllBl~‘l‘S FOR RENT ‘ mi: REN‘l'——0ne—hnlf room for pm.“ phone 22;} ‘ '°,’{’,‘3'.'.‘,3'j ‘ gain _will no rt at .-.30 1 .~'«mr.~,- Huh. Atlanta, (3a.. {ur- _‘il.ble t t quiet boy. Block from either v_——:—;—: o'clock. Dancing will start about 9 . i ;. liulirr liI:i’.'.‘ll:tl:' and pays women once ‘ummud ‘put t 7‘? mi: pu:-.~ Phone 859. - 120-123; {San CARS {'93 SALE °Cl°¢k- _i_ . S I 3’ l1lnt!.iii_‘. lit. féallfy \\‘0l'k (.l0h¢ It 3 . 0' ‘ . - " ' - “-_ -—— — V: ,,U,,,_ ,\,,.,,,....,,_ 3,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,,,.,,,,,,, mm venue. phone :61 l~'l*'(;¢;Y(1‘-1.,‘ roit itzx'r—iuoo first floor I-‘OR_ SALl:.—I)odite roadster. _ pec ; 12:; ' " ~ ;;1<>;5 ‘ < 4 -— i . ' r arage. ' -e w _ \\.\.\Tl-2li*.\\~Qmw to "uh: FOR REX'l'—Six room modern . i__§3_f’,_._ , .7 , .; -~— t‘. l.. Ilrevur. director of athletics; Jackson V. Sholt. one ol the! . - _ apartment iurniahod or unfur- FOR RENT N I - ' K I . lI.'0nt’_\ ti: home-'. Plain home aew- "fished. {vet}, n“on.b1o Phone { _' '“ m°m'G "3 LOST AND I-‘()L'.\'D tino.-it noted sprinters in the world who left Columbia this week after ;‘= my. _\.. ('&ll\'S£.“«.\‘llljI. To prevent X311 ' B120.“ :°-V: ord '°c£:f ”?“;"' god , _ a \isit here; Robert I. Sirnpoioii. tract. coach. "*‘."" .......~.r_. ..-.-um, send 10 mi. 1 9* '1' P 3' 0 ‘>1; “ _'-4 L0s“r—/Upha Don» P» iun_-fied-s _ c c or w_-_"____ Jefferson City Suffers. a ,, l('nll‘.l fur snniplt-s and particulars, FOR RI-:,\'f_Ljg}-it },ou“.k,_.¢p‘mg"Ph°"° E88 ‘teen’ ‘03 Co '3‘: ‘"3’: "¢3d3}' mghl l_"'“"°“" ““"”’: ‘lltlfii ” T ' - _" l ' O "l M 7" ‘s’ T?’ Fourth Defeat 5 ;5 Merv» N-wins: S;-‘stem. P. 0. Bo! apartments at 1511 Rosemnr>'- me. Gmmzav 5'9"‘ Dd” p' h°"'“" L1‘?”]‘)Z‘5 H COOPEI‘ H3llSVllle - ' ' ~ i’ 5.7. i.....- Bruiirh. N. J- 123 Phone 1797 white. F122-123' non RENT-—-One room and . mg-;_m,,,;,, g,,',‘’_-,_» ’ ' ' ‘ ° ' ’ v by Columbians. IS , ne st:-a.!}'. Spare time or full. Sell large efficieu.-y apartrnt in Au- FOL'.\'D-Lady’: handbag, tm-r~.- r Jefferson City are becoming o I INN" 3“ ‘W05 50115 dirt“ "Om tin 705 lliaaouri avenue. FOR R!-Zl\"l‘—One single room for or may have same, i._.- id:-ntifying J. Hulvlt *'~<-P!'r- 8 -*¢‘¥HvY W 1h"'-\'”r1?u'u1t. count)’ t~UP¢'finl¢'fld¢’M 09in tradition. Last night the l{cI'- ;: 1iUli4'!.\' __<‘°"-‘UWW; R91‘ €10 Plwfie $2 K7¢¢fl- C1111! boy! at 301 C0u¢8¢. phone 2274 and paying for this iid. .\‘¢~t- F. E, llzrll.-w..llr lli;:li School. hm I‘-"'"W‘I .-chi-«.l.-s. and as the rt-suit int; given-pies opened their fodrth sucrea.» ; ‘“‘”"~‘*5-"~"‘- 3°!‘ ‘““"- "~’-“’- j‘:“"“"""‘—““* Rd 811%! Frasier ut Carey and Pruner ltcziltv as state It-tier awarded for tn‘.-11i'r:'i~' a trio in the State Fair. ‘in! season arninxt the Capital C-1)’ ‘ ‘giilw ""5. '”.““.-“° 0’ '":‘d°r{"' % ROOMMATE WAKTED FOR FNT De . bl . ‘ .Co. . 1:531 in Fclltilllfhlllp in it i~urvey of hikh school seniors boys by defeating them 31 to 12 9 \‘il ui-.-. Vurnniisslon in at \'linct'. . . . _ - '— 5"‘ .1‘ ‘W80 0" 5. d M(.,‘-.‘__ ii _-, , i , h, (R, A f in um high sumo] gymmuium hen-_ We deliver and collect. Complete’ “:c:T*;a.:‘ Fgfit d°“l’l€ l’°°m5- 1115 U"“'°"'l)' |"'~" ~ REWARD-—l’iiid for the return; :‘_::n”:;:_u_d ‘‘ 1.053 A. . .. p;.;’d:o"o“y l;"f'l:£:"Un‘;- At no “me dufln‘ aw “me w“ e flmplr uutfit—-nee. Write today. . ' pm 9° ' . ' 3109- e, 130-135 of silver D006“. mllrkt‘ 15- '8'?‘ - 1 r ” ~ . -. - ~ the score close. The first half (‘pg irgjcuhrs this ‘vondef. brick house‘ Puquin sweet“ ""“"‘ ‘*““““‘-n*"“"* if)‘-“sen and nun TO, f(,up-! p°‘nL" "0 more 1 \0r'."'’ 0‘ Mlhsourl (loopcr rank‘ { th . b. {:3 , k. . Phone 1294 black. C1201: FOR RE!\'T—First floor room‘ . ' L0 . (. rd _ l h fthun lll'\'('li3!I!‘}'.‘ as one of the upper twelve boys be- °_" 12 ‘*0 1- A We _ "°“ 3 the best 8 “ ’"""‘-‘ "“' "'5 °“"°"““"""-——““"i ::—‘——“ co“-—' -’——--'-‘—‘ for how board if desired Phone “’"‘ "°"' "‘ -’" "~ °"'" '”' ”- The i.-rm ‘ii is‘ in: chosen for further study. lie 5°"°“>' “""’ -‘em-'"°" C">' "‘°"‘ pee lurid. .7101. Joplin U. L0l'l8Wo!1.l'i and Rooms Po“ Rm ‘mo o 80- M vhnd - ‘ ‘link. NO question will lit‘ asked. T - . hm‘ r-nked hi h in ‘tho ’ycholo‘y_bcin‘ ‘oL."}. .nnihi1au.d_ Rofiqk. .\-,-r:-. ifzul-ll W. Congress street. ‘ ‘ M." ‘ ‘"3 line‘, 204 Agricultural Bldg. 12'} l’l°" ‘h””“° °“, 1 _h. h be‘. -p. J. Turner and Craig were all find-. - - ‘.hm““_ 123 F“ Git‘. A22-124 LOST Buck 8., 1‘ M ;;i lincltxzruunrl 0: tr-«It; n it \e n fnzn. in‘ the mtkc‘ ‘Dd Bxwlhh ‘Dd CI brick we cream we r _ A _ _ _ . « — 1 in. l.rII\(‘lng g. whjtc gnd re _ 1- ex ts to war its way .1. ' u u_ . - FOR RI-ZrS‘l'—For girls. one ‘:08 RENr'_s°mh. mom hr‘ between Columbian Hotel and 5 {¢1;_ . through the Univeruity of Missouri. mu. wt" to" . n ’ -muuuu RLAL ESTATE . bo)s. Phone 2274 white 303 Colo . . up their opponent: passing and h . . d _, .lari:e comfortable room, with or I C ’ 1”“ miles north cn llinton road. 802- (-0,,,,(., is Q (’—-—“?‘—;l'." nu ‘booth’. HVC CV Cr ma Co F-rm~for.Sal'- {“’“h°°t W-‘cuinx porch. 1415 8ou- W’ ‘‘"'V'' t° C°'""‘b'“" "°“"' 7 I“-vi-urn old. lle ti: é..i.°.3 rot." m M e’ Before the some had ended ‘ u ,‘ a , q ' . a at , o) «' _ '* ' Ml-!.»\'.l1..~t"“}d(i)hl. thelle. phone 160.! irrt-on. Blot“;13I;‘é)RUR.ENr:‘E;Tw(;‘r!?eo[[E$;)fblb:§£. jloiroo. Moberl). Mo. C1..5} tws burn in no. ]_\'D[.jp[:jx[)[-;NCE_ M0__ _i,m_ 24_ clout, cnnion 5:;-ox“ ind ‘W ; M ' - . nive '. o .. , ' -. ‘ __ o~ ' ~ _ ‘ .. ‘ ' _ I » M‘ ]___0_M_n_ ‘Mm. loaned ‘bowl FOR R531-__0,,c. too-m for “.01 P Inn“, LODGE ho-I-was itigiin _iind lived rwarnet Big lflunn heavyweight eeigen men in t " ne-up n . .1 —. . .ladies at 101: University avenue. ‘ - ‘ , tn Pariix,Mo.,{or wrestling champion. has filed ap- third quart". ‘MI 31¢ Tetllllf ,°_“""' 'J:i:r_m" (folugbm on rt°:_k r::d'lphon¢ 371 ,¢¢_ p122-123i FOR REN1-_.l-0 boys “o "it! ACACL; u)D(;E' };O_ 502 four years. lie is plication for a restraining order to KPWpl¢" team of! the field. Jeffer- - ‘. N ‘ ‘l “ mom °°“~ W‘ ’ “comfortable rooms loin Locust A. F. It A. I. * MD of Mrs. .11 (‘earn l‘F¢‘\'l'ht Eu (“Stranirl¢-r") 14-um. I-on 01)‘ ’~°°k MW bu?‘ Ind h('u,’c'_1‘mv mm’ deep well’ ‘lid’ FOR RENT‘—R°°mF 70? Kiflso 004 sun,‘ h M, -86 ' Rum‘ spa-1.] ¢onm,up_i(~;,rio,, J. Q. ('oop¢'r. llis father war the former champion. and Billy Sandow.-15¢‘ 313"’ ‘N’ 31011‘ ¢“'¢'fll)' ill!" “Ii Mb” necuury °m'bm1d.ic°nl°}'« P50"? 2295 l»‘l-3¢k- 121426 . P o ‘ green. V Mondav Jiinuorv 263 at 7 late Dr. J. Q. (’o0p('r. lie is the the lattcfs manager. "Om ClTCl-l1l|¢-im“‘h°d- s¢“'W")' ‘OWN! 039 l"’k°‘ ‘Iii-u:{t:“,:r:.u“: :2, FOP REV-r Room. for girls FOR ltl'I!\"l'-—Several choice P. m_ g~;,_., drg,-'1... uwmg- grandrmn of J. T. Cooper of (u- mg reports that Munn was no; the. T00? 1351:! {":dMbl'i°‘lK‘:t ol;'l3d:‘lmn'£ ,- p ‘ - - - ‘ ' - — -= - . - - ~ ' . » ~ . ' :scor-e ou 0 not: - .- ‘ t;u.~r)' and Frasier. Rooms 1 and centrall)’ located. 0PPOsite the _I.i-doom’ N L M’ C‘ “' _ 12‘ 133 rtntliin. N‘c0nd d¢t.'Tt'€ (”‘{"‘l”r""-‘vi‘1‘]:d 31"‘ 1" F.‘ ‘h"mp’°“‘_ _ __ ‘but but ‘",m an xe',pk “palm” It ‘ 2 Miller Bldzo corner of 8th and brill‘;-, evcrnhing modern. hot we-, l-‘OR llEN'l'—Nice rooms for mi-n n3";"n~ WRIGHT W n poop” hm mnkod high in h” ham” 5.“ Frau,“ ..mp.o.“_.. 1”’ "id up ‘mm the gap‘! “on: V llroudwuy. phone am or 692 black.‘ ltr heat. 619991“! PORN. at P0PU1flf»'or as an apartment for l!lIlTl(‘(l- ' ' ‘ ' .1 .. H U h .h 1 W, . 1 . Md-uiiough xeobir. 1'5,” hm-d. .g.in_ s 1 . -' . leis. Also am is. {ill Lowr‘ ' . . . . J. M. LONG. Secretary. L u.-mt.- ll irot.g M on. H“ N . ' .._..._o.__.__ ‘, ' A1812‘; W C K R )' ‘°”l’l°- Pk“) "f heat and hm “M 1-- -.- .—. —~~ v —— was irriuluatvd from the i-iphtli lvr. Wlm t‘0mP¢‘lv¢'d "' ‘hi’ h°P- 5w!’ o ’ Ephone 1550. R12]-l23'('t'. Rood l0(‘Ill0n.L Phone 18‘? ltllaclhg ' _ A "’ ’ mAL _ “Huh, hr ”,u,W',d H“, hicm__,1 L,,.;,d{, “ml jump- in u". Olympic gym“, at IJCIII. LIE! RCCHVCI ' 1'01: .<.i1.i;_i2u acres ‘about 7 '50‘; 5_ 5”, ,3‘... Liciit. John P. Lake received as . 234 ‘mi’... “um ‘.“h'"fl'ia’ good .tu,‘ct.n,e ‘rout. in B,“_"', (rnunzyi Al (mt. “nip he [‘xtTl! laq summer. llgx rpcth’ I Dairy l-‘Hi: >’.\l.l-2-_-—10acr-es chiclten and for girls for next Iomcatcr. BOARD FOR l?.l'ZN'l‘——2 or 8 rooms. pri-it :’m"‘." Cm“, ,“_,,,,, ._, ,5,-,, "mm Throw on.-. ....... or i--.-. it in... the I ,, lrurl; i.'il‘ni in Columbia school i- ‘O!’ boy: and Klfll. 703 Jliaaouri ‘Wu’: mmbrn ‘nd 45'?“ ‘7r3nW°d f0T,d,,,,,. 0; u,,,g.¢.1..g mg ion. 43., q! 0.. -'"U"'CI‘ |'='l "V 9" ''‘’'u'‘'‘'‘ 'l‘‘‘'"‘'' it I and recorded in the ofllee ol 0' 0" """"“""“ "“‘""' "7 5"'”"'" N" ‘H di amt. city water and light, ex-Em.-cnue. J109tf liirht liouaclwt'nim!- Close In. S¢"'1eemlit-r. A ‘ c . _ 3 ' .n~ i. 1' i_. 3 _ ,_ ~ _ c_ (:_ , am « Forseetit Gilllapie Drug. Co. the no-oonior or Do-eda or llonno County. °"""‘l‘ “"" ""'_"‘ 1"" | ' g '. O , I _ }...1.'.:‘.....'1& ..;;':‘;;'.~..E°° "§“..o..o.' ma um—noom- for sun» o n22~x2«?--M ‘- -~--' -* -' ~' '..':"..‘..".. .:.’:., 2...’..'::.: ::".'.:::1 - .. .__ ,_ ipflces reaiimable. good location, _ ,2» ‘Lou’ umflio 2;‘: mo» M. “l "M ‘M '1" ‘D “IN V.“ 1 e S X m S _’ i-‘Hit >'Al.l3-—-\’ei-_v desirable hrickllteani hut. furnace managed by FOR RE!\T—Com!ortable. thor- "" ° "3 3°°'" I [look ‘ _~ 1.0".“ ‘._.°u'L '9'“: ho. Rm 5“ “) 1, dated Nov. 9th. ll!‘ and n Club-aloe‘ Saeaad .1 . ?..-«flair.» » i \. |.um.“|,,“_ 5 ,.o0m5_ hm ‘ad b,uk,§¢f{‘3¢ng ‘u¢na.ng_ pgmne 1153 oughlty gabniurfoé-sooagnakt 5lC7lg.?;:i 1; C, . Addition to thr ill. Daeaeder, Ollie: la Boone .4 . ‘S’-*1 -0 . th hl modern ndtxteen. 722 lliasouri-avenue. 5”?!‘ - Nit - ‘ . city or cot.-bin. Iiaaourt la , o . . - ‘ ' ' oi~.:«.:i..i:: in f§§l','7o§}.si. A x2. 1- 1.120.125 FOR B3m._.,‘,n hm ,,,,,,,,’E'3':°""“,°'," §"'_",',"f;,°f,,',,,,,°'{‘f,".; tru'ath‘:v :in°°'o« om-om"... ."'.:o.: And believe 08 they are the hottest ‘ Felulfllll one of the 104- J i Lilitlllioll. l0(‘J|I(‘d a.l ‘Ill lbd mlfy.i f w“ M‘ ‘nd 3''’ too‘, 1 H.‘ ‘.‘| 1;.‘ “R ..u 5 ‘a .3 pfihofy nob la.sald ‘Ci dfitrlhdl ~ , . , ' ‘ i .\..- no {or full info on. Co.‘ PO: ‘n°'e.“r Rdlampm. 507 south 53;1:.,..a, aorogu hviac _baea male is no “A: 1;: He-Men S OXf0'l'd8 you hflve CV81‘ 3%) am sAnP8oN ,_ ‘ "‘"""“ ""“"“‘"“° ‘"4 ‘W’ -*¥°"°i'°°°° mm ‘ '1 troet. Phone istztioou. iiiis-1.-.3""""'" "““°" to J. or .i....... from Boone Count! . - «4 ._._ um i . mom}. . ,“,.-:5 3? 3._.;..::.....‘ ..m... o... __mL 0, __,, ,,,_,,. ...... anytime or anywhere. So do not fail lnurzl colored tan c and _. pm; 5Au.;__13.,oom hon” F", I-‘OB REN'l‘—'l‘o glrla. large well‘ FOR RENT—P‘our unfurnlahed‘_, on 1.“, ma, 0, “,4 N,‘ ',_' ,5, :a‘el-l'und:'a:I'l dad oiduu-J‘ oziuo 3:‘ - .. p _ _ nky f ;- c 10!. Six luhlld I 1 ' _ x ' 1,. {u,»,,;,.},¢d .11 mo,“ ,.,,,,',,,,' .illQCOd room. 11-! block from Wlilte,3‘°°'M ‘ml! 5091- up-taln °'9l’.aalaI5lSd truataa. will an tho womb an fix, _, ”.:°,“Co_" _,,_ ,“,,,,,,,,., g.‘ fl) take the OIDXI ta 0 $3‘ {alt Jlfllol ‘_,___* - mu Mum“: mu]. ,,,,..i in an 1,.¢.._;Vo¢uo lllllnary Store at 18 Solllhiahovo not-cu‘ at;:hl.l: ‘z-a.:uiom:: ‘h an Hm am a______ ____t . . 3‘ gm? 5. 51$. 1 «‘ i New 6~rooin low "'°°° 2135 ‘"955 397 C°n'-'3" ’9u""°°"' ’h°"°88' N “‘~:o-rorthu-:5-oooio Oalauh|a.lloua 9* -*-°~--°' -' -ail in-W '0 W’ “" mg “'18 smartest f0r ‘ VIUQ. O I‘ & n __,. hm‘ ' - ‘ ..u my .‘ m .’ [ha b . , - down. i 3115433" 1103 31:31-_[‘,.'. gu,-.§.§.‘:cocno. Ii-curt. on ‘h-Isa. «_la-any :7. n. ‘Nd I. ‘it h mm ,_, ,. ,_., . . . ‘ in W559’ “'7 4 ‘Lroorn house, lartv lot. C-1.000.? iroolna for girls for aeeood TC-Inn" """"“""“""_'.,:°.:":_,";‘,' ...-o and argon. or an!!! out al nut that We ll8V€ CV81‘ 8ll0Wn. $1!!! LOCI. aho our e:i"terina. 2 """' i"""'°"“""" -an-iiu-u--r-Jun--I-NU» . . ‘-- . iiew'‘Gaala¢—hat’'liial -- ”""°mYl‘5id€Dt‘¢0||'WI1l°fl.auiall iron iti=1~'r——ror boys. phoue[Paqulaatroat.pliooa821lwhlte. iaIuatuaeauaatNahIIII- “';*_,"""',,_,;___,,,,_,,,,,,..,_ after exams, relieveoyour the neivleaiauaaod clique. o,, - l'3'.\‘mfl=t down. 890 white. :80‘! larylaud place. Plfltf " " "°"""u’ ‘"""" so-o Out and cousin aaoall. a-a a . . . T . '0 ‘ " - ' - .*.‘'>'m}ue~1:rco.noom-zou-os. ; 122.124 1 uonoooT‘*"“'umoom-run. -i--cu---v-------u*- ‘ refresliyourfeetinapmrof is , A i ,, nmtur Bldg, phone 1520 of 1103,, . 1 FOR ltl-:N"l‘—Booi:i at 1: Kohl- mu” ._ _~ .,,,, 4.. 5. a... by the honor at all out -I . ~ . , 1 A V .. 11943‘ P03 REX‘-mce hr" "M”'°°”'t"u°u’”.uh”""V’h“"!“'"‘~~“‘°'-“uu.rutr::uuuumvn~ '8 l'll'l8'0Xf0ld8._,_ - 'f’~ Lg f-rhoyaatllAllenplace,phooeiparclaaaInandeaired.Prlvltolluflti-aiielaaloaaaal. -llmaoaaal ‘.u‘_‘‘ u“ c . .. l v. _ HOUSES FOR sit1.s—is—rooa 774 black. sizarsooo iota. siutr~:_-_uI-*_: 9*, ,"""",“,,_':‘,',‘,“,',‘_.f"'o..""".....o" or lb lull o.n."".¢ call _ * . .' .;‘::.¥‘;.;":°;:" '~'-,:°'u,,,.,**‘°."' on»... o..... m‘:.'......."°’-‘:,.. .' ......oio......—.o 3-,,--3 ~ -,-,:-:-.-.:°:m.-, ......." '''-':‘..r.':'‘'..':.''.....''.‘.'*. 2 a « . ~. o 3.3!) . I . ‘- b ' M a$ ‘mm 2w 7?" *"""riIJ,u.fIIrnII|I-¢|otIIIfIIr- _,, m”“"""‘*"""""""""' 5‘? ‘ e-ooraoa-a-an _,.gv ~ : M5594, nnallpaynmt. ,1 __omd“|.'.1 ‘hi . - hfilafie ylbxldfl . ’ 8-rot-in lnoikrn lloula. I bloekflslud ”..u‘m‘f: ‘:00 rain fiIlClll'fl!l'.?07I.BCl'd§f . 10-room mac. with ‘aloeplng.ph...7“fl.*_7m aaitadxofifitaat .,;gi*',t . '9|II'th2blocbfromCaupus.$l ‘ah '~ ‘ ‘. " '5 2 V fine Inca for mu“, "“’- 2 V133] mun at-anaoo-nun. sun-ui. at _ « ‘ A .. . V . « --'’» -: bungaloiv 2 acme FOB ea-‘I-‘—To quiet hop, no ~ ‘ ‘ - , _' . . - n . 1‘ » -. -‘;;;;s?~':7:;-: .*-."'fi§'-“’P‘_'3.= .--.I~._"'? -, '1 ' - , V V - _‘-:, . ‘ . H ,7‘... .'.V .--_ '_ .. ".3 I V ~: ._ ‘;.‘-‘~¢ ‘. ‘_ ‘.~«‘.-‘:14 :.-.--_. .‘ ' _ - .- _ ~ : .\r~ -C» .\~ A“-,ai.,’ ‘no, ‘ ' -'-‘-‘.2: "L ""1" ' ' -~ r‘-‘ i‘ . V -' l ‘ 7' i ‘l V . I ,- 77 fr _ i V I ' ll)’ 4 ll!‘('.‘ . ; -—-« -— l OVC i - - , .. ; -. , - . - medal this morning given to the, I ,....u»rn.-v.;..:::.nrl lxmd.$65 per 8lCf(‘.oTu0lD for two irirls. loft‘: closet. FOR RENT-Rooms for huys.§ D“‘v!S ("cm-!,:(,(,'o(30_l "‘”'’‘’'"l W" ,l"'“l““‘ ‘*""‘l" '“ ",' iimnmn {mm irofch Obmmc coaches of rifle team: who find . N) ._“_ru .._ l_: mu“ ‘mm CO_i“o5 Uniwrsuy. phone 2008 “,d_ ~(_“_rythi modem at "_um'mbk_- ‘|vu'b.‘h Station ‘imiii:i‘.:ur:~. mun by Fn.-urlv-: l.. “flit-i::l.-‘.! Upon I ltflwulifirhliifthlg in the nuionfl much” hfl“ l‘.-nzlun. uvvml improvements, 870} $1181.! - price. 406 Conley. Ph°"° 1535 ‘"°"" ‘ Count)’ Coal ’ imifitn K as 8 C0 M 0 1924. Li was the PM“? , _ ‘ " "__ _"* ' 'j_'_ - ~ _ -7’ '-'-~ . '.". H105. . V ‘"7 .. . 1 I-‘on l".F.\"l'—Onc nicely fur~ ‘” "R",‘. mB‘*‘V:l: ‘W 1-...” ..r 1...... coo-y. Iluk-nun. to In ‘“ ,:,____ coach of the I-liahth Co-in At-gal . ..u :it'lI'.~, 1 rum from Culuinhm. ‘nmwd room for cm‘ “M I, um ; 00 8 BB. huldr-.. at .~,.t.mi.:.. L‘: ....i ('1'.-fnu, no the win.“ g-wring to buy or aoll anyo R. _0. T- C. team at Lamp Perry, ~s :“.-ii“ """"'wl' Wm mm“. mlfihone 1297. Mrs. wt’ ll. Brown. 'i ran ai:.\'r—itoo/ i or married LEGAL NOTIC M “"" "' 'l':.l'l‘:f'l'l?itfll;).. ii“.-........... thin: to’ - Mim°uI'i-n '8'“ 0¢ °*"°v"“‘ '°'""’"- , . r~— - '. . . B113.123« on lo tr girls, with ight huui»'.o- 1 t -..o—i I 1-!» 3. V c . _ .-. .. 7 - -. .- ....- --x~.-- - - -- - ,“" ""5? "W" b“'“"'"‘ "' "mu"! i:('(‘[‘:lDK ’privil¢!i!t's. 307 South 5th WAll£ll0lYilKIAN'8 iinuz "_ 1 7‘-_4-—:——— _ , - ' ' \ .., 0.: and Lirtri-r fiirnis. sure and ‘:03 R[.:Nf]‘_]A"-gr. mcg_.]’- fu;-.2su,(_ct h c H-I black iron STORAGE Cllalttzfitl. Mufti I‘. in lllsltl. t~E'lTl.!£ll.lsT. _j_ - . ’”' (3‘"")' “Nd Fnsie? Rally 00-: nishod room in Butler apartment ' P on ‘ . ’'''’u" i’ "°""' ‘nw am we “ham “Mr.” M “N”: minimal): 0:/Md". ' , , - ‘ _ ‘ , , v 3 . a o dmintatra rix 0 9 ' "m"”‘ 1 """l J Mme’ BB5’ °°”'"'xnIsliv.-d room in Butler Antrtmcntfi. FOR lll'.!\T-—-Rooms at 801 Elm ‘:°b‘."‘”:’:"':;" :1 522:?‘ ham dwmd. “H D“. M“ r 0! bu‘ and BrU"‘d“’a.vv phone orifilc for [:ll"l.\. Phtlflc filfffl, UCTOSX {(070 "o M. C. -r,‘u,{,., ‘ad su,.,;‘. ('..m:,.,.,_ gm 9;, (ho S4-eiirmc-rit of her 5:1-(aunt) Iith aaad Ev ‘ I‘-'.".I lilurk. 118-123' V123-128 l23-l25 aiot day at January 123!» at tho in'rr~n:- ulr an Iurll admin:-tratrix at the neat '-' ""‘ : the-vi ol Plithth and ‘Walnut sire:-t:.. in use Tenn 0! the Pnuhate Court of name Cour:-v ' WI! -*'-U-|’r—Farm of 50 um: I-‘OR RI-Z!\"l'—Onc-half south ma Bl-Z.\'T-—-Room in modern? c... ..r c..r.....i.... u......... .1 o. hour at 2,. uo.....i. .. he on... .1 mo...-... .. , , _ ‘nu, g;.,.,(,m modern bougc, {inQ,,.o0m for girl, single bed, extra home for $5 per week phonc 105g‘ two o,-glut. p. in. set! at public auction ;at:lh(.v‘.:r’Y;lI. on the Mt: da! M lrbruary I’ “‘l"ll"||"'|'~ 7"? Chit-‘UH “ml ‘l"l'}'.hcatini.'. across from campus. meals whi_t¢-. l2l-126 V"; ::*u”h“:n‘;”’;;‘;'t::u"°"”‘“”‘ ""'“: ‘ ANN;"‘,.. _,”.,.,;Rs_ Mmm~,,m,,,_ — ‘ .. farm. 1.’ lllllt'.\' from Colurnbiii on if desi Phone 1253. Mist L03» "“"" "‘ K 1.1 ..._.....o.. iron, 3. ' =‘ H _ . for roomcrg ‘ d"'k ' _ ,_ __,_, ’ ~ '4 ll|(‘l‘'l,|‘‘l‘(f.'M.r‘ {firm 0" No 7 High toe Black, 515 booth GUI street. tor for nghl housekc(_ping_ modcrnlhtlt the on t-crt! at Ll nu.mtE._,,. Emu,‘ I . ' ‘I . ‘ . 9 - o‘ . ,' "I u ' ‘V ’. HI‘I, V l \ ‘ \'--'-.~. «-n|.v to M-it Flynn Realty ONE ROOM '0' I»'tr'8- 013 TI"-T uumo. mom heat. 107 bouth nth‘ i --W.‘ ""'m" W mm" d chm ..y.'...".'.r'rol.7.i'"ri.i....iy. 'ii....i....." I.iv"l:e: 5? l'“.. llvuniitt '.:U-'l~U5 her: phone 1505- "l""'l' plwnc 1799 ]22"28‘. 3:“ D-"h;r"o::‘:"_ cc-rtaiii lieu! of Trout. dalnl Frhnnry 80 , ./ -»o.- ui - - l".£ . 1:. '- . . . ' . . . . . ' I90’ 4 « 4.-i ‘ the --ii‘-rr or our L L"_'L“ " " ’"’ "°’ “ FOR R£!\T-—0nc I-um nicely FOR N-!~"F—0ue n-co room in ‘W *v,v,;-,;.g;°,-3-°g‘§,;,,";;,?;‘:;“* of" ' ' . 37 .1... .......o no ~ l!lC.\llll§.\'t'l{ 1,075 1-‘on saljzifurnished room for girls, 1-2 block Nowell Bldih. hot grid cold vi-attr. F’ B’ ,:M”_ m,u‘_n.. ,1"’m'k;,_ ..m.. u. I-rtxatv that 9". |1'|,'l€'; 1:: - _, , » ;' |..r-,».- .-h..;c.- of lots, one in ; from Red Campus. 8 Watsonplace, stoani heat nnd’ light fret-. l-ur-.“u, hunb.J“_,, 3‘. nu. :'L~‘v=*‘t‘v7c::1""Iu.-:';"‘”'-hllsfll-It ‘L W‘ ~ 3. .,\‘.”_w____',_ A_ H‘ Nc‘.,;.,,' gmiphonc 2lfll black. D120“ iifhc-d or unfurnished. Calhl;llz‘;0‘:’ir "t mC‘ ,,,_,,,,', ,,,.,,,.,,., ....¢ ..o parrrl or land . . -. vii;o'l\'.’.i\_ inlay - 2;: , °]J.".|25i . ' 4 . ° -6 _ '. . ‘ ' _', sit ted i the (‘ My r-( If-_--rte, in the " __ ‘''‘ 1 FOR RI-Z.\T—Cornlortahle rooms W~«~‘§_<;m>;u‘%;-uv~-v= :3 Lu: 0; .,_“,", 0, ,2H_,,,,. ".."...o r '