Congressional Research Service
Medicare, Medicaid, and maternal and child health programs
This report traces the major Medicare amendments which have effected hospitals, physicians, and beneficiaries since 1980. It also reviews the major Medicaid amendments affecting Federal financial participation in the program, coverage of pregnant mothers and children, as well as those amendments designed to give States increased flexibility in administering their programs. Lastly, the report describes the consolidation of Federal health service programs for mothers and children under a new block grant authority., Janet Kline, Jennifer O'Sullivan, Specialists in Social Legislation and Joseph A. Cislowski, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 87-296 EPW, "April 3, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Meeting the pension obligation
Abstract -- Overview -- Background. Administration of Pension Law ; Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ; Pension Funding ; Single-Employer Pension Plan Amendments Act ; Solvency of the PBGC -- Underfunded Plans -- Overfunded Plans. Background ; Reversion Transactions ; Rules and Regulations -- Administration's Proposal on Funding and Termination of Pension Plans. Employer Access to Assets of Overfunded Plans ; Minimum Funding Standard and Deductions ; Termination of Underfunded Plans ; Funding of Health Benefits for Retirees ; Variable Rate Premiums -- Selected References., While most private pension plans are sufficiently funded, some are seriously underfunded. This paper discusses these issues and the legislative options being studied to address the problems confronting the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) and the optimal funding of private pension plans., Ray Schmitt, Specialist in Social Legislation and Carmen D. Solomon, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 87-412 EPW
"May 8, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Mergers and acquisitions
Every profession develops specialized vocabularies; these serve to rid its internal discourse of cumbersome usages and to render complex ideas and practices in simple, concise terms, which, simplicity notwithstanding, may be perfectly opaque to the laymen. The field of corporate mergers and acquisitions describes its own participants and transactions with a set of terms which, if not lurid, is extremely colorful. A striking number of these terms derive from predation, crime, and warfare; some observers have cited this violent lexicon as evidence of a need for reform. This glossary presents short definitions of a selection of terms associated with mergers and acquisitions which have appeared in the extensive literature on the subject., CRS 86-786 E, "July 16, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Minimum universal pension system (MUPS)
Abstract -- Introduction -- Brief Description -- Analysis. Arguments Against MUPS ; Arguments in Favor of MUPS ; Defined Benefit Versus Defined Contribution Plan., This paper provides a brief description and reexamination of a proposal to establish a minimum universal pension system (MUPS) as a public policy response to low and stagnated pension coverage. It also discusses the trade-offs between traditional defined benefit pension plans and a defined contribution arrangement such as a MUPS., CRS 87-197 EPW
"March 6, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Minimun wage
The Federal minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act was last increased on January 1, 1981, to its current level of $3.35 per hour. Early in the 100th Congress, considerable interest has been expressed in re-examining the level and structure of the Federal minimum wage. Congress may use the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the adoption of the Fair Labor Standards Act (1938-1988) to subject the statute to significant oversight. This selected bibliography cites works on the issue of minimum wage., Felix Chin, Senior Bibliographer, Economics, Library Services Division, CRS 87-162 L
"March 1987"
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Minor children's income
The Tax Reform Act of 1986 made five changes in the taxation of minor children's income: changes in the personal exemption, changes in the standard deduction, changes in the taxation of unearned income of children under age 14, changes in the taxation of grantor trusts, and changes in the tax return filing requirements. This report summarizes these changes., Marie B. Morris, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 87-21 A
"January 9, 1987."
SuDoc Lc # 14. 18/3
Minority ownership of broadcast facilities
In James Steele vs. FCC, 770 F. 2d 1192 (D.C. Circ. 1985), which involved the award of a broadcast license to a woman using in part a preference system that allowed the Commission to award the license despite the existence of a competing application from a more broadcast-experienced male, a Federal appeals court in a two-to-one ruling in August 1985, struck down preferences for women in awarding FCC licenses. This report reviews the event that led to the FCC's original decision to implement a minority preference system in awarding broadcast licenses, and summarizes chronologically FCC policies and rules that have been implemented since then to increase minority ownership. An assessment of the effects such policies and rules have had on minority broadcast ownership is also provided. This is followed by a discussion of congressional reaction to the FCC's position on preferences and legislative initiatives that have been introduced to date in support of diversifying ownership of broadcast facilities., Background -- Federal Communications Commission's Minority Policies and Rules. Tax Certificates and Distress Sale Policies ; Financial Qualifications Standard ; Minority Buyer's List ; Minority Ownership Policy ; Lottery System for Awarding Licenses ; Multiple Ownership Rules ; New FM Channels ; AM Station Assignment Standards -- Effectiveness of FCC's Minority Ownership Polices and Rules -- Assessing the Effectiveness of FCC's Policies on Minority Broadcast Ownership -- Congressional Reaction to the FCC's Position on Preferences., Bernevia M. McCalip, Analyst in Business and Government Relations, Economics Division, CRS 87-273 E, "March 27, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Mitigating acid rain
CRS 83-585 ENR, "May 16, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3, An additional report by Parker was added to the end of this report. It is titled "Impact of Proposed Acid Rain Legistlation on the Illinois Coal Industry", and is dated "February 21, 1983."
Most-favored-nation treatment of foreign trading partners by the United States
"Most-favored-nation" (MFN) status entitles the country to which it has been granted to the same advantages that have been extended by granting country to any other country; MFN treatment, consequently, means in fact: nondiscriminatory, equal treatment. The United States extends the MFN treatment in foreign trade to all countries except to most Communist countries. Generally, MFN status can be granted by the United States to Communist country only if the latter's emigration policy is substantially nonrestrictive. Under this procedure, in effect since 1975, MFN status has been extended to Romania, Hungary, and China, which together with the earlier Communist MFN beneficiaries, Poland and Yugoslavia, are the only Communist countries to which the United States accords the MFN status., What is Most-Favored-Nation Treatment? -- United States MFN Policy in Foreign Trade -- Denial of the MFN Treatment to Communist Countries -- Current Application of the MFN Treatment., Vladimir N. Pregelj, Specialist in International Trade and Finance, Economics Division, CRS 87-241 E, "March 20, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
National minimum drinking age
The National Minimum Drinking Age (NMDA) law reqiures that States not in the compliance with the 21-minimum-age-law by fiscal year 1987 face a loss of a portion of their Federal-aid highway funds. The report discusses the provisions and sanction effects., Abstract -- Legislative Background -- Provisions in the NMDA Law -- State Status Under the NMDA Law -- Sanction Effect on the States., William A. Lipford, Analyst in Transportation, Economics Division, CRS 84-784 E, "October 29, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
National sales tax
A national sales tax has been frequently discussed as a possible new tax source to reduce projected large budgetary deficits. This report contains estimates that a national sales tax with a comprehensive tax base could yield up to $22.44 billion for each 1 percent levied, based on data for fiscal year 1987., CRS 86-790 E, "July 23, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
National teachers' examination
This paper provides background information on the current proposals that would require all new teachers to pass a national teacher competency test before becoming eligible for internship or certification. In addition to providing an overview of the current proposals, brief discussions are provided about the various problems and experiences with testing programs of other professions such as law, medicine, nursing, and professional engineers.
Current teacher examination practices among the States are summarized, and alternative responses for professional organizations and teacher education institutions are explored. The last sections of this paper address procedural questions, potential impact, and Federal options., Abstract -- Proposal -- Background -- Admission Examinations for Other Professions -- Current Status in the States -- Alternative Responses -- Procedural Questions -- Impact -- Federal Options., K. Forbis Jordan, Senior Specialist in Education, Office of Senior Specialists, The report was missing page 27., CRS 85-731 S, "April 29, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
New directions in antitrust law?
Much legislation to deal with various aspects of antitrust laws' impact on the United States business community has been introduced or enacted during the past several years. This report places them in the context of the background controversies surrounding antitrust damage reform, merger law standards and the role of antitrust law in the worldwide competitiveness of United States industry., CRS 86-1014 A, "May 5, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
This report presents the most recent available statistical data on the United States' trade with Nicaragua and Nicaragua's overall foreign trade. It contains a survey of trade sanctions imposed by the United States against Nicaragua, and a listing of articles of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that are most relevant to the imposition of trade sanctions., Vladimir N. Pregelj, Specialist in International Trade Finances, Economics Division, CRS 86-754 E, "July 8, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Nicaragua v. United States
Daniel Hill Zafren, Specialist in American Public Law, American Law Division, CRS 86-748 A, "June 30, 1986.", SuDoc# Lc 14. 18/3
Nonpoint source pollution control
Claudia Copeland, Specialist, Environmental and Natural Resources Policy Division, CRS 83-588 ENR, "July 14, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Nonpoint source provisions of the clean water act amendments of 1987
Introduction -- State Responsibilities. Report ; Program ; EPA Review of State Reports and Programs -- Interstate Nonpoint Source Pollution -- Grant Assistance. Conditions of the Grant ; Groundwater ; Funding -- Reports of the Administrator. General ; Annual ; Final Report -- Related Clean Water Act Programs. National Estuary Programs ; Chesapeake Bay Program ; Great Lakes Program., The Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 (P.L. 100-4) make control of nonpoint sources of water pollution a national policy. New section 319 creates a nonpoint source management program. While the primary responsibility for developing and implementing controls on nonpoint sources is vested with the States, the Environmental Protection Agency must approve the State programs and is authorized to provide technical and financial support. After three years, EPA is required to report to Congress on the program and its success., John Blodgett, Senior Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division, CRS 87-154 ENR
"February 17, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Nuclear powerplant emergency planning
Controversy continues regarding the adequacy of emergency plans to protect the public in the event of a nuclear reactor accident and the role of State and local governments in emergency planning. This report, prepared under contract for CRS, reviews these issues., CRS 84-635 SPR, "April 13, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Nuclear powerplant licensing reform
Three bills to reform the nuclear regulatory process have been submitted to the 98th Congress and draft sections of a fourth have been circulated. All four bills share the same general purposes which include: encouraging the standardization of nuclear powerplant designs; ensuring early and effective public participation in the nuclear powerplant licensing process; promoting the stability of regulatory standards; and improving the efficiency of the licensing process. This report compares the major provisions of the four bills and analyzes their potential impact., Introduction -- Pre-Approval of Designs. Overview of Pre-Approval of Designs ; Analysis of Pre-Approval of Designs -- Early Site Approval. Overview of Early Site Approval ; Analysis of Early Site Approval -- Combined Construction and Operating Licenses. Overview of Combined Construction and Operating Licenses ; Analysis of Combined Construction and Operating Licenses -- Limits on Modifications and Backfits. Overview of Limits on Modifications and Backfits ; Analysis of Limits on Modifications and Backfits -- Side-By-Side of Pre-Approval of Designs -- Side-By-Side of Early Site Approval -- Side-By-Side of Combined Construction and Operating Licenses -- Side-By-Side of Limits on Modifications and Backfits., Robert L. Civiak, Specialist in Energy Technology, Science Policy Research Division., CRS 84-645 SPR, "May 14, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Outdoor advertising control along federal-aid highways
The original legislation created a Federal program to control advertising along federally funded highways was enacted in 1958, but major restructuring occurred in 1965 trhough enactment of Highway Beautification act. Current proposals now before Congress, if enacted, may remove some of the obstacles which have slowed the removal of billboards along Federal-aid highways. This report reviews the Federal program for controlling outdoor advertising along Federal-aid highways: the status of the current program, its evolution, and proposed amendments., Current Program -- Before the Highway Beautification Act of 1965 -- Highway Beautification Act. 1968 Amendments ; 1974 Amendments ; 1978 Amendments -- Status of Removal Program -- Proposals for Change. Administration Bills ; Gorton Bill., Malcolm M. Simmons, Specialist, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division., CRS 86-605 ENR, "May 2, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Overview and analysis of the Reagan administration's budget requests for programs administered by the department of education
This report contains detailed analyses of each of the Reagan Administration's budget requests for selected programs within the Department of Education for the fiscal years 1982 through 1985. Included are comparisons of each budget request to the funding level in effect at the time the request was submitted to the Congress and to the final appropriations for the fiscal year addressed by the request. In addition, the report contains a brief overview of the aggregate budget requests and funding levels for the Department of Education between fiscal years 1981 and 1985. Supplemental appropriations and rescission requests are discussed separately. Funding levels used in the report are in current dollars and are not adjusted for inflation., Angela Evans, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-559 EPW, "March 14, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Overview of major legal issues under section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Introduction -- Coverage of Education Under Section 504 -- Impact of Grove City College v. Bell on Section 504 -- Section 504 and Sovereign Immunity -- Interpretations of Southeastern Community College v. Davis -- Transportation Accessibility -- Summary., Nancy Lee Jones, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 85-814 A
"June 5, 1985."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Overview of state lottery operations
The report uses published data to chronicle the historical experience of States now offering lotteries. Additional information is provided about suppliers and vendors, and for marketing techniques used by the States. The report also discusses the various organizational structures of lottery administrative agencies and commissions, and considers the effect Federal law and regulation have on State lotteries., Kevin F. Winch, Specialist in Industry Economics; Bernevia M. McCalip, Analyst in Business and Government Relations ; Gary W. Shorter, Analyst in Business and Government Relations; Mark Jickling, Library Technician, Economics Division; Kent Ronhovde, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 85-520 E, "January 14, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Overview of the farmland retention issue
Richard W. Dunford is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Washington State University (Pullman). He has written extensively on rural land use problems, conflicts, and policies. This report was prepared for the Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service in the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.) in partial fulfillment of contract 83-30., This overview of the complex farmland retention issue begins with a reveiew of recent empirical evidence on farmland conversion trends. Concerns associated with farmland conversion are then presented and analyzed. State and local farmland retention efforts are summarized in the third section. Finally, Federal farmland retention efforts to date are examined., Executive Summary -- Introduction -- Farmland Conversion Trends. Recent Empirical Evidence ; Future Prospects ; Summary -- Farmland Conversion Concerns and Analysis. Food and Fiber Concerns ; Other Concerns ; Summary -- State and Local Farmland Retention Efforts. State Programs ; Local Programs ; Integrated Programs ; Summary -- Federal Farmland Retention Efforts. Executive Efforts ; Legislative Efforts ; Farmland Protection Policy Act ; Recent Developments ; Summary -- Bibliography -- Appendix I: Content of Recent Books on Farmland Use, Conversion, or Retention -- Appendix II: Review of NALS Data on Farmland Conversion and Criticisms of These Data -- Appendix III: Text of the Farmland Protection Policy Act., CRS 83-635 ENR, "December 9, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Overview of the independent counsel provisions of the ethics in government act
This report provides an overview of the provisions of the Ethics in Government Act concerning the appointment of an independent counsel (formerly "special prosecutor"), the duties and authority of the independent counsel, and the congressional oversight of the independent counsel., Jack Maskell, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 86-1015 A, "December 3, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Overview of whistleblower protections in federal law
This report discusses the protections under federal statutory law for federal employees who engage in "whistleblowing" activities, that is, the disclosure by the employee of illegal or improper government activities. The protections cover most employees of the executive branch of government, and would apply where a covered employee makes a "protected disclosure" for which the agency takes a "personnel action" as a "reprisal" for such disclosure., CRS 86-1018 A, "November 26, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3