Congressional Research Service
Federal funds for school construction, FY 1981 through FY 1985
This paper lists annually, by program, the Federal funds that have been available specifically for school construction during the past 5 years. For FY 1985, $129 million has been appropriated for such purposes out of the Department of Education's budget of $18.1 billion., CRS 84-834 EPW, "December 4, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal housing administration
In its Fiscal Year 1987 Budget the Administration has proposed several changes to FHA's basic unsubsidized single-family housing program -- the program authorized under Section 203 (b) of the National Housing Act of 1934. This report examines the impact on potential moderate-income homebuyers and on the solvency of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund of the proposal to (1) increase the one-time mortgage insurance premium to 5 percent of the mortgage, (2) require that the premium be paid in cash, and (3) limit eligibility in the FHA program to applicants earning $40,000 or less., B. Elliington Foote, Analyst in Housing, Economics, CRS 86-613 E, "March 14, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Federal policy for the education of the gifted and talented
This paper provides background information and a discussion of the issues relating to Federal policy for the education of gifted and talented children since the late 1960s., Introduction -- Part I: National Recognition of the Special Education Needs of Gifted and Talented Children: 1969-1974 -- Part II: Development of Federal Categorical Programs for the Education of the Gifted and Talented: 1974-1978 -- Part III: Withdrawal of Specific Federal Support for the Gifted and Talented: 1981-1983 -- Part IV: Current Legislation Issues: 1984., Angela M. Evans, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-640 EPW, "May 16, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal programs aiding the rehabilitation of single-family housing
This paper provides a short summary of programs for the rehabilitation of single-family homes in urban and rural areas. While these programs are targeted to low-income households, they aid moderate-income households as well. The Federal agencies involved in the loan process, loan limitations, and eligibility requirements for each program are discussed., Susan Vanhorenbeck, Analyst in Housing, Economics Division., CRS 86-527 E, "January 24, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal spending for education
This report portrays and discusses Federal spending for education programs in the context of a 26-year span: the past 20 years of actual experience (1965-1984) and the spending plan for the next six years proposed in the President's 1986 budget. In addition to the 26-year review, various measures such as spending in constant dollars, as a percent of the gross national product (GNP), as a percent of total Federal budget and annual and cumulative change analyses are produced to provide context and perspective., Abstract -- Preface -- Notes -- Overview -- Table 1: Outlays for Education Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 2: Outlays for Education Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 in Constant 1984 Dollars -- Table 3: Outlays for Education as a Percent of Gross National Product Fiscal Year 1965- Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 4: Outlays for Education as a Percent of Total Federal Budget Outlays Fiscal year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 5: Outlays for Education as a Percent of Total Human Resources Functions Outlays Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 6: Outlays for Education as a Percent of Total Education Cluster Outlays Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 7: Education Percentage Change in Budget Outlays Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990 -- Table 8: Education Percentage Change in Budget Outlays Using 1984 Constant Dollars Fiscal Year 1965 - Fiscal Year 1990., Angela M. Evans, Specialist in Education, Richard V. Rimkunas, Analyst in Social Legislation, and Gene Falk, Technical Information Specialist, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 85-577 EPW, "February 21, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Federal spending for education
This report portrays and discusses Federal spending for education programs in the context of a 26-year span: the past 20 years of actual experience (1964-1983) and the spending plan for the next six years proposed in the President's 1985 budget. In addition to the 26-year review, various measures such as spending in constant dollars, as a percent of the gross national product (GNP), as a percent of total Federal budget and annual and cumulative change analyses are reduced to provide context and perspective., Angela M. Evans, Specialist in Education, Richard V. Rimkunas, Analyst in Social Legislation, and Gene Falk, Technical Information Specialist, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-582 EPW, "March 16, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal spending for education
This report portrays and discusses Federal spending for education programs in the context of a 26-year span: the past 20 years of actual experience (1963-1982) and the spending plan for the next six years proposed in the President's 1984 budget. In addition to the 26-year perspective, various measures such as spending in constant dollars, as a percent of the gross national product (GNP), as a percent of total Federal budget and annual and cumulative change analyses are used to help the reader gain a sense of context and perspective., CRS 83-532 EPW, "July 14, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal tax payments by state residents and federal expenditures in individual states, fiscal year 1983
This report uses statistical information designed for other purposes to develop interstate comparisons of Federal taxes paid by State residents and Federal funds expended within the State. Emphasis is given to figures showing percentage distributions, per capita data, and State rankings. The analysis does not draw Federal policy inferences concerning the allocation of Federal funds or their impact on State or regional development., Abstract -- Introduction -- Federal Flow of Funds to Individual States, Fiscal Year 1983 -- Federal Expenditures for Defense and Domestic Purposes -- Other Forms of Federal Assistance., CRS 84-777 E, "October 19, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Federal tax provisions relating to the production and consumption of alcohol fuels
This report is an outline of those provisions of the Federal tax code which provide incentives for the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol fuels.
To promote the production and use of alcohol fuels, under present Federal tax law there is an exemption from the gasoline excise taxes, three types of income tax credits (the blender's fuel credit, the alternative fuel production credit, and the business energy investment tax credit), and an exemption on interest income on industrial development bonds., Abstract -- Introduction -- Exemption from Manufacturer's Excise Tax on Gasoline and Special Motor Fuels -- the Alcohol Fuels (Blender's) Tax Credit -- The Alternative Fuels Production Tax Credit -- The Business Energy Investment Tax Credits. Alternative Energy Property ; Biomass Property -- Tax-Exempt Interest on Industrial Development Bonds., Salvatore Lazzari, Analyst in Taxation and Fiscal Policy, Economics Division., CRS 84-682 E, "June 28, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Government in the sunshine
Rogelio Garcia, Analyst in American National Government, Government Division., CRS 86-715 GOV, "May 7, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Graduate programs in higher education Title IX of the Higher Education Act
Title IX of the Higher Education Act authorizes funding for graduate education. Institutional grants are authorized for fellowships and program improvement. National graduate fellowships are authorized in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Programs are authorized to encourage under-represented groups to enter law schools and to encourage law school clinical programs., Abstract -- Institutional Grants -- Graduate and Professional Opportunity Fellowships -- National Graduate Fellowships -- Legal Training for the Disadvantaged (CLEO) -- Law School Clinical Experience Programs -- National Commission Report -- FY 1986 Budget Proposal -- Program Issues -- Program Options., K. Forbis Jordan, Senior Specialist in Education, Office of Senior Specialists, CRS 85-624, "March 18, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings and Department of Education programs
This paper describes the application of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, P.L. 99-177, popularity called "Gramm-Rudman-Hollings," to programs administered by the Department of Education, particularly, it will focus on provisions establishing "emergency powers to eliminate deficits in excess of maximum deficit amounts." All of the programs within the Department's jurisdiction are subject to the automatic spending reduction provisions of this law. Two programs are subject to special treatment, the Guaranteed Student Loan and the Vocational Rehabilitation State grant program. The remaining programs are subject to a uniform percentage reduction, estimated to be 4.3 percent for FY 1986., Angela M. Evans, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-544 EPW, "February 3, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings legislation
Balanced Budget and Deficit Reduction Act (commonly known as Gramm-Rudman) calls for a balanced Federal budget by 1991. This Editorial Commentary looks at how Federal spending reductions may be achieved. It also includes comments on how the process for providing automatic budget reductions will effect the balance of power between the executive and legislative branches in the years when Congress cannot agree.
The Editorial Commentary is divided into two sections. The first contains newspaper articles focusing on the passage of Gramm-Rudman and its impact. The second includes editorials selected from the editorial collection maintained by Library Services Division. Both sections are arranged in reverse chronological order., CRS 85-1131 L, "January 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Grants to state agencies for the education of neglected or delinquent children under chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act
Since 1966, the Department of Education's State agency program for the neglected or delinquent has provided supplementary educational services to this group of educationally disadvantaged children and youth. This paper provides a legislative history, funding history, and a discussion and analysis of evaluations of this program., Wayne Riddle, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 85-789 EPW, "June 12, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Gross national product and basic manufacturing industries in the United States
This report analyzes and compares trends in the growth of real GNP and real output in manufacturing and basic manufacturing in the Unites States between 1950 and 1982. As a corollary, the report also looks at trends in the real output growth of six basic manufacturing industries in the same period: primary metals, motor vehicles and equipment, textile mill products, paper and allied products, chemicals and allied products, and rubber and miscellaneous plastic products. The results indicate, among other things, that (1) manufacturing is not in imminent danger of disappearing, as some proponents of the "deindustrialization" thesis seem to believe, (2) since the mid-1970s, basic manufacturing at once is contributing less and less to national income and continues to be greatly influenced by changes in national income, and (3) it can be misleading to treat all basic American manufacturing industries as though they constitute a homogeneous sector facing the same competitive challenges and commercial opportunities., CRS 84-597 E, "April 10, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Ground water protection
This Editorial Commentary includes articles and editorials which focus on the concern over the quality and future availability of ground water. It is arranged in two sections. The first contains articles on the topic including one reproduced from the CRS Review. Editorials selected from the files maintained by the Congressional Research Service are included in the second section arranged chronologically., Abstract -- Article Section. CRS Review ; Chemical & Engineering News ; Science News ; Chemical Week -- Editorial Section., Adrienne C. Grenfell, Senior Bibliographer, Environment, Library Services Division, CRS 85-700 L, "April 19, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Guide to selected federal assistance programs for undergraduate students
The Federal Government provides financial assistance to individuals enrolled in, or accepted for enrollment in institutions of higher education. This assistance flows through many programs and takes the form of loans, grants and work. In this CRS Guide to Selected Federal Assistance Programs for Undergraduate Students, 10 programs, administered by various Federal agencies, are briefly described., Jim Stedman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, and Marcia Scott, Analyst in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, Updated by David Osman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-197 EPW, "Updated November 15, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Gun control
CRS 87-387 L, "April 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Hazardous waste issues
This three-part bibliography deals with Superfund, including evaluations of the program and discussions of its reauthorization; management of hazardous waste, including methods of disposal or detoxification as well as management of existing dumps; and the aspects of liability., Superfund -- Hazardous Waste Management -- Liability for Hazardous Waste., Adrienne Grenfell, Senior Bibliographer, Library Services Division, CRS 85-540 L, "January 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Head Start issues in FY 1986
Background -- Program Funding -- Federal Administration of Head Start. Training and Technical Assistance ; Child Development Associate (CDA) Program ; Criminal Records Checks -- Local Administration. Head Start Teachers' Salaries and Unemployment Compensation ; Enrollment and Attendance ; Liability Insurance -- Program Evaluations. Two Recent Evaluations of Early Childhood Intervention Programs., Sharon Stephan, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-554 EPW, January 15, 1986., SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Health programs appropriations
This table includes appropriations for fiscal years 1980 through 1987 for selected health programs administered by the Department of Health and Human Services. To the maximum extent possible, appropriations shown on the table include funding for program activities only, and exclude program support funds for administrative activities., CRS 87-272 EPW, "March 27, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
High power voltage lines and extremely low frequency communications systems
There continues to be public concern about the health and safety impacts of high-voltage AC and DC power lines, either already existing or planned, and of proposed United States Navy extra-low-frequency (ELF) communications antennas. The Departments of Energy and Navy have taken the position that no significant biological, ecological, or human health effects are to be expected from these technologies. However, certain members of the scientific community have presented evidence over the past four years that there may be subtle, adverse health effects of low-level, low-frequency electromagnetic radiation of the type produced by power line and communications systems. Examinations continue to confirm or deny these latter observations., Christopher H. Dodge, Specialist in Life Sciences, Science and Policy Research Division., The original report is missing p. 17., CRS 84-579 SPR, "March 16, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Higher education conditions and issues for the 1980s
American higher education is confronted with interactive challenges related to demographics, a reduced rate of economic growth, increased private sector cooperation, and rising demands from other social services. These developments will impact on institutional enrollment, role and mission, and fiscal support, as well as possible Federal options., Background -- Enrollment Trends -- Status of Institutions -- Faculty Issues -- Institutional Purpose -- Student Aid -- Institutional Support -- Private Support and Cooperation -- Federal Role., CRS 83-522 S, "June 21, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Historic preservation program
This report reviews the current historic preservation partnership between the Federal/State/local government sectors, and the private sector; the partnership evolution from 1906 through 1976; the historic preservation legislation of the 95th through 99th Congresses; the congressional jurisdiction for historical preservation in the 100th Congress; and historic preservation issues which may be debated in the 100th Congress., Malcolm M. Simmons, Specialist in Natural Resources, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division, CRS 87-302 ENR, "April 14, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3