Congressional Research Service
Top corporate executive compensation and economic performance
Abstract -- Introduction -- Recent Compensation Increases. Industry Perspective -- Beyond Compensation?. Customs and Norms -- Efficient Markets?. Rational Expectations -- Compensation and Performance. Positive Relationships ; Corporate Structure ; Corporate Size ; Corporate Performance -- Policy Implications -- Conclusions -- Appendix., CRS 84-664 E, "July 3, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3, The report scanned is missing several pages. Its missing the abstract page, all even numbered pages between pages 1 and 31, and page 33.
Transportation for elderly and handicapped people
The Federal Government aids transportation-disabled people by providing communities with financial assistance to establish or operate special transportation programs for elderly and handicapped people, and by regulating public transportation services to ensure accessibility by handicapped people. This report reviews the principal financial assistance programs and the most recent Federal regulatory proposal concerning accessibility. It also discusses some current issues related to transportation of elderly and handicapped people., Lenore M. Sek, Analyst in Transportation, Economics Division, CRS 85-699 E, "April 26, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Treatment of state-local taxes and tax-exempt bonds under tax reform proposals
This report compares the potential economic effects of several tax reform and deficit reduction proposals on the State-local sector, through their treatment of deductibility of State-local taxes from Federal taxable income and the exemption of interest on State-local bonds. The proposals considered are the Treasury, Kemp-Kasten, Bradley-Gephardt, DeConcini, and Quayle tax reform plans, and the floor and ceiling deductibility proposals for deficit reduction. Among the more important conclusions are that these proposals would differ in their potential effects on the State-local sector's own tax revenues and the distribution of the sector's revenue losses across States. Also, the effect on the State-local bond market from the Treasury, Bradley-Gephardt, and Kemp-Kasten proposals would differ from the effect of the DeConcini and Quayle proposals., Dennis Zimmerman, Specialist in Public Finance, Economics Division, CRS 85-503 E, "January 18, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Trucking regulation
The following bibliography lists important published information and opinion about the Federal regulation of trucking in the United States. The entries of the bibliography appeared in print from 1975, when the deregulation of Federal control over trucking routes, rates, entry, and exit became a prominent issue nationally, to June 1984, the date of this report., Dr. Stephen J. Thompson, Specialist in Transportation, Economics Division., CRS 84-665 E, "June 1984.", This bibliography updates an earlier bibliography by the same title, dated March 1982., SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
U.S. agricultural statistics at a glance
The charts and graphs in this report provide a brief look at U.S. farm operations, their importance to the U.S. economy, recent financial problems on the farm, and Federal agriculture program spending. They were compiled from selected publications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the General Accounting Office., Geoffrey S. Becker, Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division., CRS 86-610 ENR, "January 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
U.S. agricultural trade
The United States Loses Its Competitive Edge -- What Happened?. A Strong Dollar ; U.S. Farm Policies ; Trade Protectionism ; Export Subsidies -- Complex Solutions, Difficult Choices -- Can the United States Regain Its Competitive Position? -- Appendix I. Impact of Declining Exports ; Impact of Rising Imports -- Appendix II. Selected Bibliography on U.S. Farm Trade., The U.S. agricultural trade performance has deteriorated over the past six years. The value of exports has fallen some 40 percent, while import value has risen 20 percent, cutting into what had been a healthy agricultural trade surplus. This report examines the reasons behind the deteriorating agricultural trade performance, recent policy changes to increase U.S. agricultural trade competitiveness, and a number of other options likely to be considered by the 100th Congress., Penelope C. Cate, Specialist, Environment and Natural Resources Division, with a bibliography by Rebecca Mazur, CRS 87-66
"January 8, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
U.S. automobile industry
Gwenell L. Bass, Analyst in Corporate Finance and Industrial Organization, Economics Division., CRS 85-792 E, "June 13, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
U.S. housing
Morton J. Schussheim, Senior Specialist in Housing. Prepared at the request of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs, Senate of the United States., CRS 87-6 S, "January 29, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
U.S. military satellites and survivability
This paper describes satellite survivability measures in general. It then provides separate write-ups on each generic type of U.S. military satellite system, including national security. Each write-up states the current situation, with regard to satellites in orbit, and future plans, emphasizing survivability measures., Arthur F. Manfredit, Jr., Specialist in Aerospace Policy, Science Policy Research Division., CRS 86-581 SPR, "February 26, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
U.S.-Latin American trade
Abstract -- Introduction and Summary -- General Trends -- The Impact of the LDC Debt and Other Factors -- Geographical Distribution -- Commodity Structure -- Impact of Latin American Trade on the United States -- Impact of U.S. Trade on Latin America -- Conclusions -- Appendix -- Tables. U.S. Trade with Latin America, 1970-85 ; Share of Each Country in U.S.-Latin American Trade, 1985 ; U.S.-Latin American Trade in Manufactures and Non-Manufactures, 1981-85., U.S.-Latin America trade flows have changed dramatically over the last few years. This paper briefly examines U.S.-Latin American trade to determine, among other things, the cause and possible consequences of the shift in trade flows., CRS 86-570 E
"May 27, 1986"
SuDoc # LC. 18/3
Unemployment insurance loans
The Social Security Amendments of 1983 (P.L 98-21) established several temporary fiscal relief provisions that were aimed at providing incentives to strengthen the solvency of State Unemployment Insurance (UI) programs. These provisions allowed States meeting certain conditions to defer interest payments on UI loans, receive a discounted interest rate, and receive a partial cap on Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) tax credit reductions. Most of these provisions expired on September 30, 1985. This paper describes these provisions., Emmett D. Carson, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-543 EPW, "February 4, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
United States merchandise trade and trade balances with Japan 1960-1986
International trade may consist of goods and services. This table shows the value of merchandise historically traded between the United States and Japan as collected by the Bureau of the Census, from original documentation processed by the Customs Service. The balance of trade reflects the surplus or deficit resulting from a comparison of a country's exports and imports of merchandise only. The balance of trade does not include other items such as services and capital movements which are accounted for in the balance of payments., CRS 87-304 E, "April 7, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Unstated interest and the tax treatment of property sales
The Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 changed the way IRS is to determine the correct interest and principal components in debt instruments that do not provide for a market rate of interest. This paper describes these new rules for "unstated" and "imputed" interest on mortgages and briefly discusses the controversy they have generated., CRS 84-735 E, "August 30, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Video display terminals
The possible adverse health effects of chronic occupational exposure to video display terminals (VDT's) are discussed. There persists a controversy about the possible causes of wide range of maladies, including pregnancy disorders, reported by many VDT operators in the United States and Canada. It is not clear at this time whether adverse health effects are caused by low levels of low frequency non-ionizing radiations or other ergonomic factors in the VDT workplace., Abstract -- Introduction. The Issue -- Background. Continuing Public and Congressional Concerns -- Legal and Regulatory Action -- Health and Biological Effects of Low-Level, Low Frequency Non-Ionizing Radiation. Public and Occupational Exposures ; Basic Research on Reproductive Effects -- Some Theories About VDT and Electromagnetic Health Effects -- Summary and Conclusions -- Table 1 -- Table 2., CRS 84-500 SPR, "January 6, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Vocational education and proposals for trade competitiveness
The inclusion of vocational education as a component in some of the recent legislative initiatives related to American trade competitiveness is analyzed. The proposals are described, and sponsors' statements summarized. The history of vocational education, studies of its effectiveness, and its role in current recommendations to reform the American educational system are reviewed as they might relate to current trade problems., Abstract -- Trade Proposals for Vocational Education. HR 90, as Introduced ; S 406, as Introduced ; Administration's 1987 Trade Proposal ; HR 4800 (99th Congress), as Passed by the House -- Summary of Supporting Statements -- The Role of Vocational Education in Trade. Education and Training in Trade ; Federal Vocational Education Programs ; Effectiveness of Vocational Education Programs ; Educational Reform and Vocational Education -- Summary and Conclusion., CRS 87-340 EPW, "April 17, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Vouchers for the education of disadvantaged children
Abstract -- Introduction -- Background. The General Concept ; Past "Voucher-Like" Programs -- The Specific Concept of Chapter 1 Vouchers -- Earlier Administration Proposal -- Current Administration Proposal -- Pro and Con Arguments -- Possible Alternative to Both Chapter 1 Vouchers and the Current Program., The Reagan Administration has recently renewed its proposal to authorize Federal aid for the education of disadvantaged children (Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act) in the form of vouchers, this time proposing that the parents of all children served by the program have this option available to them. This paper provides background on the voucher concept, an analysis of existing proposals, and pro/con arguments regarding vouchers for the education of the disadvantaged, plus a discussion of possible alternatives, CRS 85-1022 EPW
"November 15, 1985"
SuDoc # Lc 14. 18/3
Welfare reform
This report provides brief summaries of selected proposals to revise programs of aid for needy children and their families. All proposals would alter treatment of recipients of the program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), and some also include recommendations to revise cash welfare for the needy aged, blind, or disabled (Supplemental Security Income--SSI).
The report summarizes several provisions of current law and then describes how the proposals would change them. Examined are: benefit rules, work/school obligations, treatment of earnings, job refusal on income grounds, eligibility of two-parent families, the Federal funding share, and the interaction of AFDC with other programs., Vee Burke, Specialist in Social Legislation and Carmen D. Solomon, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 87-309 EPW, "January 20, 1987"
"Updated August 17, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Welfare reform/workfare
List of Employment Programs -- Editorial Section. Atlanta Constitution (Georgia) ; Billings Gazette (Montana) ; Birmingham News (Alabama) ; Chicago Tribune (Illinois) ; Dallas Times Herald (Texas) ; Des Moines Register (Iowa) ; Detroit Free Press (Michigan) ; Detroit News (Michigan) ; Houston Chronicle (Texas) ; Los Angles Times (California) ; Miami Herald (Florida) ; Milwaukee Journal (Wisconsin) ; Minneapolis Star and Tribune (Minnesota) ; New York Times ; Newsday (Long Island, N.Y.) ; Record (Bergen, N.J.) ; Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia) ; Sacramento Bee (California) ; St. Petersburg Times (Florida) ; Salt Lake Tribune (Utah) ; USA Today ; Wall Street Journal (New York, N.Y.)., This Editorial Commentary provides a sampling of opinions on ways to reform the Nation's welfare system, including comments on proposed changes to Federal regulations and on State workfare experience. It is arranged in two sections: the first contains a list of States having workfare programs, and the second includes editorials on the topic selected from regional newspapers throughout the United States. The editorial section is arranged in reverse chronological order., CRS 86-568 L
"February 1986"
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Will the social security system take in more taxes than it needs?
Recent projections suggest that by the end of the decade social security taxes may be higher than necessary to meet the benefit commitments of the program. The excess income would be invested in Federal securities and would be used to finance other government activities in the 1990-2020 period. In later years, however, governmental resources could be strained as the securities are cashed in to help pay for the benefits of the post World War II "baby boom" retirees., CRS 84-783 EPW, "October 22, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Work incentives in the SSI program
Before 1980, when a disabled person's counted income exceeded the substantial gainful activity (SGA) level, his Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits were ended. This caused the loss of Medicaid benefits too in many States. Critics argued that the low SGA amount created a disincentive to work.
The Social Security Disability Amendments of 1980, P.L. 96-265, allowed disabled SSI recipients who worked and earned more than the SGA amount to receive a special SSI benefit and thereby remain eligible for Medicaid. The 1980 amendments included a number of provisions designed to encourage disabled recipients to attempt to return to work. This paper analyzes the current rules on work-related earnings and also examines past policies., CRS 84-825 EPW, "November 26, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Worker relocation assistance
One characteristic of the dislocated worker problem is that a mismatch exists between the number and kinds of jobs offered by employers and the number and kinds of skills possessed by workers in the same geographic area. At the same time, other geographic areas have unfilled job openings and relatively low unemployment rates. Government-assisted worker relocation is one tool of employment policy that might be used to reduce these regional imbalances in labor supply and demand. This report describes the U.S. experience with both unassisted and Government-assisted worker relocation. It examines the applicability of this experience to the current dislocated worker problem, as well. In addition, the report evaluates the feasibility of establishing a nationwide worker relocation program., CRS 83-526 E, "May 26, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3