Congressional Research Service
The 1986 wheat poll
The Food Security Act of 1985 (PL 99-198) required the Secretary of Agriculture to poll U.S. wheat producers on whether they favor mandatory limits on their production in exchange for higher market prices. The nonbinding poll, being conducted in early July, has resurrected one of the most controversial and divisive issues of the 1985 farm policy debate. This report describes the poll and examines arguments for and against mandatory supply controls., CRS 86-751 ENR, "July 1, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The 55-MPH national speed limit
The national automotive speed limit of 55 MPH was enacted in 1974 as an energy saving measure and was kept in place when highway fatalities dropped sharply upon its implementation. A recent NAS study endorsed the speed limit generally, but suggested that it might be modified on rural portions of interstate highways. Legislation is pending in Congress that would allow the States to raise the limit on rural interstates; President Reagan has now endorsed this concept., Abstract -- Summary -- Background -- State Enforcement of the Speed Limit -- Public Opinion -- "Fuzzbusters' -- The National Academy of Sciences Study -- Speed Limit Legislation in the 99th Congress -- Reagan Administration Position -- Changing the Speed Limit-Pros and Cons., CRS 86-634 SPR, September 15, 1986, SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act (P. L. 98-524)
On October 19, 1984, the Carl D. Perkins Vocational Education Act was signed into law, replacing the Vocational Education Act of 1963. Authorization is thorugh FY 1989, with $950 million authorized for FY 1985. Programs for population considered to be underserved are strengthened, and a stronger emphasis is placed on program improvement at the local level. This report summarizes the Perkins Act and analyzes the major changes from prior law., Paul M. Irwin, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 85-697 EPW, "April 12, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The Dow Jones industrial average
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is the oldest and most commonly known index of the day-to-day overall price performance of stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange. This stock price index has undergone much change since its inception. This report examines the evolution of the stock index's components, and method of calculation. It also briefly addresses the issue of the index's usefulness., Abstract -- The Composition and calculation of the DJIA. The Formative Years ; The Modern Era -- The Question of Usefulness -- Conclusion -- Appendix 1: Other Dow Jones Stock Price Average Series -- Appendix 2: Other Major Stock Price Indices., Gary W. Shorter, Analyst in Business and Government Relations, Economics Division., CRS 86-775 E, "July 1, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Farmers Home Administration's new regulations for handling delinquent farm borrowers
On November 1, 1985, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) published regulations instituting new procedures for handling farm loan program borrowers who are one year or more delinquent in their loan payments. This report outlines the history of the lawsuit that led to the promulgation of the new regulations, examines the arguments against them contained in the subsequent legal challenge, and discusses some of the policy issues underlying FmHA's actions regarding delinquent borrowers., Jean M. Rawson, Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division., CRS 86-524 ENR, "January 23, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The Fortune 500
The May 1983 issue of Fortune magazine lists the 500 largest industrial corporations in the United States, ranked according to their sales in 1982. This Report lists the Fortune 500 companies and provides the headquarters address, the address of a corporate office in the Washington, D.C., area if there is one, the telephone numbers for these offices, the names of chief corporate officers, and an abbreviated industry code, which represents the company's principal activity., CRS 83-104 C, "May 23, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings amendment for budget deficit control
This illustrative collection of editorials is taken from newspapers monitored by CRS. The sources look at the controversy surrounding the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings amendment to the debt limit increase for the purpose of reducing budget deficits and balancing the budget by 1991. An introductory section contains newspaper articles presenting press coverage on the issue. The articles and editorials are arranged chronologically, with the most recent dates appearing first. [Current Editorial CE79 on budget deficits is also available; it includes editorials on this topic received in Library Services since November 1, 1985.], Felix Chin, Senior Bibliographer, Economics, Library Services Division, CRS 85-1029 L, "October 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings sequestration process for FY 1986
This Alert explains how the Department of Defense is affected by the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings sequestration process, how the President has chosen to use the limited options allowed in the FY 1986 defense budget reduction process, and how the reductions affect the distribution of defense spending., Abstract -- Issue -- Background -- Defense Spending Summary of G-R-H Budget Reductions -- The Effect of G-R-H Budget Reductions on Defense Spending. G-R-H Deficit Reduction Formula ; Programs Exempted and "Sheltered" from the Process ; Distribution of Budget Cuts -- Concluding Observations -- Appendices. Description of a Sample Page from the Defense Section of the OMB/CBO Sequestration Report ; Glossary of Terms., Alice C. Maroni, Analyst in National Defense, and Robert E. Foelber, Analyst in National Defense, Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division., CRS 86-16 F, "January 27, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings targets
Abstract -- Economic Effects of Fiscal Contraction -- Does it Make a Difference to GNP Growth How the Deficit is Reduced? -- Monetary Expansion as an Offset to Fiscal Contraction -- The Simulations. The DRI Control Case ; Expenditure Cuts vs. Tax Hikes ; Expansive Monetary Policy ; Fiscal Contraction and Monetary Expansion -- Conclusion -- Appendix. Table 5 - Expenditure Cuts versus Tax Hike ; Table 6 - The Effects of a 3-Quarter Monetary Acceleration ; Table 7 - Expenditure Reductions and Monetary Expansion., This report examines the potential macroeconomic effects of meeting the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit targets. Both expenditure cuts and tax increases are considered, as is the potential for monetary policy to offset contractionary fiscal policy. It concludes that, because of time lags, an economic slowdown may be unavoidable., Gail Makinen, Specialist in Economic Policy and Brian Cashell, Analyst in Quantitative Economics, CRS 86-1036 E
"December 16, 1986."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
The Handicapped Children's Protection Act of 1986
In 1986, Congress, overturning a Supreme Court decision, authorized courts to award attorney's fees to prevailing plaintiffs in actions or proceedings brought under the Education of the Handicapped Act. This report examines whether retroactive application of the 1986 Act, to the date of the Supreme Court decision, is constitutional., Henry Cohen, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 87-7 A
"January 7, 1987."
SuDoc 14. 18/3
The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended through P.L. 98-558
This paper provides a guide to the 12 titles of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended through P.L. 98-558. A brief summary of the programmatic and related content of each of these 12 titles follows a short introduction and synopsis of the legislative history of the HEA., CRS 84-826 EPW, "November 30, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Higher Education Amendments of 1986 (P.L. 99-498)
This report delineates in detail the provisions of the Higher Education Amendments of 1986 (P.L. 99-498), the major piece of legislation reauthorizing the Higher Education Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-329, as amended) through FY 1991. Additional titles of the Higher Education Amendments of 1986 are discussed that add authorities and amend legislation other than the Higher Education Act., Susan Boren, Specialist in Education; Paul Irwin, Specialist in Education; Bob Lyke, Specialist in Education; Wayne Riddle, Specialist in Education Finance; Jim Stedman, Specialist in Education; Charlotte Frass, Specialist in Social Legislation; K. Forbis Jordan, Senior Specialist in Education; Wava Gregory, Technical information Specialist, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 87-187 EPW
"March 12, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
The Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 and the poultry and egg industries
The basic intent of H.R. 2970 is to amend the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, as amended (7 U.S.C. 181), to extend the existing jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Packers and Stockyards Administration over the poultry and egg industries. This report gives a brief legislative history of the Packers and Stockyards Act, discusses the major features of the proposed bill, and presents the views of the various groups that would be affected by the proposal if it became law. A side-by-side comparison of current law and H.R. 2970 is attached., Jean M. Rawson, Analyst in Agricultural Policy, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division., CRS 86-633 ENR, March 25, 1986, SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980
Introduction and Background -- State Court Recognition of Other States' Court Decrees -- Pre-PKPA Supreme Court Decisions -- The Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act -- Pre-PKPA Federal Intervention -- The Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980 -- Post-PKPA-Department of Justice Guidelines -- Caselaw Construing the PKPA -- Federal "Missing Children" Legislation -- Post-PKPA Federal Legislation -- Conclusion -- Appendix I: Survey of State Statutory Provisions -- Appendix II: Select Legal Bibliography., Rita Ann Reimer, Legislation Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 86-621 A, "February 4, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The Reagan administration proposes dramatic changes to National Defense Stockpile goals
The Reagan Administration has proposed significant reductions in the goals for a number of strategic and critical materials currently stored in the National Defense Stockpile. The report discusses the President's stockpile policy decisions, the National Security Council's stockpile study, the uncertainties involved in stockpile goal determination, and the initial congressional response to the President's proposal., Introduction -- Background -- National Security Council Stockpile Study -- President Reagan's Stockpile Policy Decisions -- Uncertainties Involved in Stockpile Goal Determination -- Early Congressional Response -- Appendices. Appendix A.: Cumulative Sales of Excess Stockpile Materials (1979-1985) ; Appendix B.: Cumulative Purchases from the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund (1979-1985) ; Appendix C.: Financial Status of the National Defense Stockpile Transaction Fund ; Appendix D.: A Comparison of the President's Proposed Stockpile Goals with Current Goals ; Appendix E.: National Defense Stockpile, Annual Materials Plan FY 1987 ; Appendix F.: A Brief History of the National Defense Stockpile ; Appendix G.: Summary of Disposals of Defense Materials ; Appendix H.: The Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (P.L. 96-41) ; Appendix I.: Recent Stockpile Related Legaislation., Alfred R. Greenwood, Senior Analyst, Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division., CRS 86-578 EPW, "February 8, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The Reagan approach to housing
There have been marked changes in the Federal Government's role in housing since 1981. Inflation, Federal budget deficits, slow income growth, public disenchantment with programs for the poor -- these and other factors would have compelled shifts in social programs such as housing regardless of the group who controlled the White House. But many of the housing programs in place in 1981 were essentially incompatible with the philosophy of the Reagan team. This paper identifies some of the major changes brought about or proposed by this Administration and the rationale for these efforts., Morton J. Schussheim, Senior Specialist in Housing, CRS 87-142 S, "Feburary 23, 1987.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The Reagan strategy for economic revitalization
In 1981 President Reagan instituted a strategy for economic revitalization which was a major departure from the economic policies followed by previous administrations. In essence, the program sought to reduce substantially the economic burdens of Government spending, taxation, and regulation in order to create an economic environment that would reduce inflation and interest rates, revive incentives for Americans to work harder, spur greater savings, and revive and greatly increase business investment. This paper reviews and analyzes the results of the Reagan Administration's economic strategy thus far., Abstract -- Summary and Findings -- The Economic Setting -- The Reagan Strategy -- 1981: A Year of Surprises -- "Staying the Course" -- The Deepening Recession -- The Continuing Problem of Mounting Deficits., Edward Knight, Specialist in Industrial Organization and Corporate Finance, Economics Division., CRS 83-218 E, "December 7, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The Speaker of the House
The Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is widely viewed as symbolizing the power and authority of the House of Representatives. This report, designed to aid in responding to student and constituent requests, summarizes the duties and the influence of the Speaker. The Speaker is most prominently the presiding officer of the House chamber, but he also fulfills at least two other roles. He is the leader of the majority political party in the House, and he is an elected Member of the House, representing a congressional district. This report discusses each of the Speaker's roles and examines why they combine to make the Speaker a powerful and respected institutional leader. The report concludes with a brief bibliography., Ilona B. Nickels, Analyst in American National Government, Government Division, CRS 87-64 GOV
"January 27, 1987."
SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
The U.S. Filipino population, by congressional district
Table 1 of this CRS Report gives the total population of each 99th Congress district and the number and percent of the population who are of Filipino origin or descent, as self-identified in the 1980 census. The districts are ranked according to these numbers and percents, with one being the highest rank.
Table 2 ranks 99th Congress districts in descending order, from the district with the largest number of Filipinos to the district with the smallest number.
Table 3 ranks 99th Congress districts in descending order, from the district with the highest percent of Filipinos in the total population to that with the lowest percent., Jennifer D. Williams, Analyst in American National Government, Government Division., CRS 86-760 GOV, "July 9, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The U.S. business cycle
This report breifly examines the relationship between selected economic time series and the U.S. business cycle., Abstract -- Introduction -- Real GNP and M2 -- Inflation and Civilian Unemployment Rates -- Manufacturing Capacity Utilization Rates -- Private Domestic Non-Financial Debt., Brian W. Cashell, Analyst in Quantitative Economics, Economics Division, CRS 86-1039 E, "December 11, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The airport improvement program
The Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982 provided for reinstitution of a Federal airport improvement program. This report discusses the major features of this program and experience with it to date. The report also discusses major issues that may affect the program in the future., Abstract -- Introduction -- Program Structure -- Program Authorizations and Appropriations -- Program Grants -- Major Issues. Air Traffic Control System Modernization ; Defederalization ; Legislative Designation of Airports for Priority Consideration -- Summary., CRS 84-701 E, "July 20, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The balanced budget and emergency deficit control act of 1985
This paper details the effects of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (P.L. 99-177), more generally referred to as the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, on transportation programs in which the Federal Government is involved., Kenneth R. DeJarnette, Specialist in Transportation, Economics Division., CRS 86-574 E, "January 30, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The child support enforcement amendments of 1984
The 98th Congress enacted amendments designed to strengthen the 9-year-old child support enforcement programs, a program that is administered by State child support enforcement agencies under the general direction of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement. In many States the program has been primarily serving families who were receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children. The new amendments reflect an effort to refocus the program to serve a broader clientele, and speak specifically in terms of serving all children in the United States who are in need of assistance in securing financial support from their parents, regardless of their circumstances. In addition, the amendments require the States to use stringent enforcement tools, including mandatory wage withholding, in cases involving arrearages. Although there is an atmosphere of widespread support for the amendments, there is also recognition that implementation may raise issues for future Congresses.
(This paper originally appeared as an article in the October 1984 issue of CRS in Review.), Introduction -- Early Hostility to Federal Legislation -- A Turnabout in Congressional Attitudes -- Description of the 1984 Amendments -- Concerns for the Future -- Chart: Children Under Age 18 Living in Two-parent and One-parent Families, 1960-1983, Margaret Malone, Specialist in Social Welfare Policy, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 84-796 EPW, "October 25, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The civil rights restoration act of 1987
As in prior years, there are before the 100th Congress two bills, S. 557 and H.R. 1214, designed to "restore the ... broad institution-wide application" of certain federal civil rights laws in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Grove City College v. Bell., Charles Dale, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 87-338 A, "April 10, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
The concept of "secular humanism" in the context of elementary and secondary education
This paper provides a discussion of the range of meanings for the concept of "secular humanism," as applied to the curriculum of elementary and secondary schools. Included is an outline of Federal education legislation in which this term has been used., Abstract -- Alternative Perspectives on the Meaning of "Secular Humanism". "Secular Humanism" as "Scheme" ; "Secular Humanism" as "Unintended Consequence" ; "Secular Humanism" as "Religion" -- The Topic of "Secular Humanism" in Federal Education Legislation. Education Amendments of 1976 ; Education for Economic Security Act (1984) ; The "Protection of Pupil Rights" or "Hatch" Amendment., Wayne Riddle, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-545 EPW, "January 31, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
The consolidation of the Emergency School Aid Act
The Emergency School Aid Act (ESAA) was the primary source of Federal financial assistance supporting school districts' desegregation efforts until its repeal in 1982. Its activities were included in an education block grant. This paper reviews the provisions of ESAA prior to its repeal, delineates the impact of its repeal and consolidation in the block grant, and describes current legislative action seeking to reestablish ESAA in a modified form., Jim Stedman, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 83-557 EPW, "March 30, 1982.", "Extensively Revised August 31, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3