Congressional Research Service


Automated teller machine (ATM) security
This report discusses federal and state legislative efforts and banking industry self-policing measures to combat crimes occurring to those using automated teller machines (ATMs)., La Vonne M. Grabiak, Paralegal Specialist, and M. Maureen Murphy, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 87-375 A, "April 22, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Avoiding urban/rural wage inequities in determination of prevailing wage rates under the Davis-Bacon Act
Through a rulemaking proceeding that has spanned nearly five years, the Secretary of Labor has fashioned regulations restricting the use of urban wage data in the determination of "prevailing" wage rates under the Davis-Bacon Act (P.L. 71-798, as amended). This paper traces the evolution of the urban/rural data controversy and reviews questions concerning legislative action on the issue., Abstract -- Introduction -- Origins of the Urban/Rural Wage Data Controversy -- The Reagan Administration's Revision Initiatives. Background ; Rulemaking Commenced ; A Testing in the Courts ; The Interested Parties React ; Injunction Granted by the U.S. District Court ; Reversal by the Court of Appeals ; U.S. Supreme Court Denies Certiorari ; A Final Rule Is Published -- Prospects for Legislative Action, William G. Whittaker, Analyst in Labor Economics, Economics Division, CRS 85-631 E, "March 20, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Background information on equal access statute
David M. Ackerman, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 84-842 A, "September 26, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Bank and thrift institution failures
Is the U.S. financial system in trouble? Do the recent failures of thrift institutions, banks and government-securities dealers--and the fears of further collapses--foreshadow serious trouble? Part I of the bibliography cites works on bank failures and Part II deals with thrift institutions, focusing on these questions and issues., Felix Chin, Senior Bibliographer, Economics, Library Services Division., CRS 85-757 L, "May 1985.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Banking deregulation
Banking deregulation may be defined as the loosening of regulatory constraints on these institutions. Since the late 1970s, and as part of a broader trend toward deregulation, banking organizations have experienced many important changes in their regulatory environment. This report identifies the different kinds of deregulation that are under way. It then presents some "pro and con" arguments applicable both to financial deregulation generally and to specific kinds of banking deregulation under consideration in the Congress at the present time. Additional references are provided., F. Jean Wells, Specialist in Money and Banking, Economics Division, CRS 84-574 E, "March 22, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Basic reference sources for use by congressional offices
An annotated guide to publications and other sources of information useful to Members of Congress and their staffs, covering congressional office management, the organization and operation of Congress, legislative responsibilities, services to constituents, and other duties of Congress., Rozanne M. Barry, Resources Development Specialist, Congressional Reference Division. Revised by Ruthann Ovenshire, Reference Specialist, Congressional Reference Division., CRS 84-218 C, "March 1968.", "Latest Revision December 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Bilingual education
This paper analyzes recent evaluations of local school district programs serving limited-English-proficient (LEP) students in the U.S. It discusses the purpose and background of the Bilingual Education Act, describes the Basic Demonstration Projects under this Act, chronicles how the scope of the Federal program has expanded, defines the various instructional approaches for teaching LEP students, and presents the major findings of recent evaluations regarding the effectiveness of various types of local programs serving LEP students. The related research on second-language learning and bilingualism is also synthesized., Abstract -- Background. Basic Projects ; Demonstration Projects ; Expanded Scope of the Federal Bilingual Education Program ; Characteristics of LEP Students -- Alternative Instructional Approaches to Bilingual Education. English as a Second Language ; Immersion ; Transitional Bilingual Education -- Effectiveness of Basic and Demonstration Projects. American Institutes of Research Study ; Department of Education Literature Review ; NCBR Synthesis of Bilingual Education Program Evaluations ; Willig's Synthesis of Bilingual Education Program Evaluations ; Teaching Reading to Bilingual Children Study -- Effectiveness of Immersion Programs with Low-Income, Language-Minority Students in the United States -- Related Research on Second-Language Learning -- Summary., Rick Holland, Analyst in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 86-611 EPW, "March 18, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Bovine growth hormone (somatotropin)
Several U.S. companies plan to introduce a new product to the dairy industry called bovine growth hormone (bGH), or bovine somatotropin (BST). When injected into dairy cows in test herds, this product has stimulated large increases in milk output without corresponding increases in production costs. However, BST, which must gain Food and Drug Administration approval before it can be offered commercially, has raised a number of controversial questions among lawmakers, who are concerned about its impact on an already burdensome U.S. milk supply, on the structure and conduct of dairy farming, and on consumer safety, among other things., Abstract -- Introduction. Overview ; What is Bovine Somatotropin -- Implications for Agriculture. The U.S. Dairy Surplus ; Future Milk Supply ; BST: How Much Milk and How Soon? ; Implications for Federal Price Support Policy ; Practical Application and Cost ; Will BST Hurt Small Farmers? ; The U.S. Dairy Industry at a Crossroads -- Regulation of Bovine Somatotropin. Introduction ; Regulatory Status of BST ; Environmental Issues ; FDA's Consideration of Environmental Issues ; Efficacy and Animal Health Issues -- Some Consideration for Technology Development -- Questions for Further Study, Geoffrey S. Becker, Specialist, Enevironment and Natural Resources Policy Division, and Sarah Taylor, Analyst, Science Policy Research Division, CRS 86-1020 ENR/SPR, "November 20, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Brief assessment of S. 2165, The High Technology Research and Scientific Education Act of 1983
The High Technology Research and Scientific Education Act of 1983 (S. 2165) would modify and extend the tax credit for research and development costs. This report explains the proposed changes and discusses issues surrounding the use of tax incentives for stimulating research and development., Jane Gravelle, Specialist in Industry Analysis and Finance, Economics Division., CRS 84-539 E, "January 31, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Brief history of congressional pay legislation
This report provides a history of congressional pay legislation from 1789 to the present. It discusses the methods by which the salary of Members of Congress may be adjusted, including recent changes in the method by which Congress must disapprove a President's quadrennial pay recommendation. Additionally, the report discusses the pending proposal of the President to increase Members' salaries from $77, 400 to $89,500 per annum. Appendices to the report provide a history of the payable and legal salaries of Members of Congress from 1789-1987 and the effects of full comparability on the salary of Members from 1975-1987. (For companion CRS reports see: Federal Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Compensation: the Situation and Choices as the 100th Congress Convenes, Report 86-1021 GOV; Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries: A Historical summary, Report 86-1050 GOV; Rate of Increase of Selected Public and Private Wages and Public Pensions Compared with Change in Consumer Price Index, 1969-1987, Report 86-1004 GOV; and A Brief Report on Congressional Pay, Report 86-1051 GOV.), Paul E. Dwyer, Specialist in American National Government and Frederick H. Pauls, Senier Specialist in American National Government, Government Division, CRS 86-1022 GOV "January 8, 1987" SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3, Report missing pages 2 and 42
Brief legislative history of title iv-a of the social security act
This paper provides a brief legislative history of the program of Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), which was created by the Social Security Act of 1935. From the beginning each State has set its own benefit levels; but over the years Congress has altered many features of AFDC, including potential eligibility, treatment of earnings, and Federal share of funding. The paper traces these changes., Vee Burke, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 84-546 EPW, "February 24, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Brief overview of cable television law
David R. Siddall, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 84-853 A, "September 13, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Brief report on congressional pay
Frederich H. Pauls, Senior Specialist in American National Government and Paul E. Dwyer, Specialist in American National Government, Government Division, CRS 86-1051 GOV "December 29, 1986." SuDoc 14. 18/3
Budget documents primer
The primer describes basic budget documents, providing notes on content, usual date of issue, distribution, and availability at the Library of Congress., Kurt E. Beske and Kristin M. Vajs, Bibliographers, Library Services Division., CRS 84-516 L, "February 10, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Budget estimates for fiscal year 1987
The various budget proposals and estimates for fiscal year 1987 from the Administration and Congress are included and discussed in this report., CRS 86-1010 E, "November 20, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Budget sequestration procedures for fiscal year 1987
Listing of Tables -- Executive Summary -- Background -- Issuance of Initial and Revised OMB/GBO Joint Reports -- Issuance of a Report by the Comptroller General -- House and Senate Action on Sequester Resolutions -- Action on Alternative Deficit-Reduction Legislation -- Modification of Sequestration Procedures., Robert A. Keith, Specialist in American National Government, Government Division, CRS 86-1049 G "December 23, 1986" SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
Burlington committee of the town of Burlington v. Department of Education of Massachusetts
Nancy Lee Jones, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 85-741 A, "May 6, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Campaign finance proposals to limit PACs and to grant free broadcast time
This report analyzes the major campaign finance provisions of S. 1806 which was introduced by Senator David L. Boren in the 99th Congress. A constitutional analysis of the proposals to limit political action committees and to grant free broadcast time is made. The constitutionality of other provisions is made regarding such proposals as the prohibition of "bundling" by PACs of contributions to federal candidates., CRS 86-1017 A, "February 25, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Carbon dioxide, the greenhouse effect, and climate
The report summarizes the present state of knowledge with respect to research and assessment of carbon dioxide effects, articulating the areas of emerging consensus and continuing disagreement, and focusing attention on the crucial uncertainties. Key scientific, technical, and social issues of contemporary carbon dioxide/climate debate are identified, and the implications and options for dealing with the possible effects of carbon dioxide-induced climatic change are outlined., Abstract -- The Issue -- What is the Greenhouse Effect -- Increases in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration: What the Record Indicates -- Sources and Sinks for Carbon Dioxide -- Temperature Effects -- Analysis and Discussion. Predicting Future Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Levels ; The Detection Problem: Finding the Signal in the Noise ; Effects of Increasing Carbon Dioxide on People and the Environment -- Summary and Conclusions., CRS 84-594 SPR, "February 1, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Cash and non-cash benefits for persons with limited income
This report summarizes basic eligibility rules, as of May 1983, for more than 70 cash and non-cash programs that benefit primarily persons of limited income. It also gives funding formulas, benefit levels, and, for fiscal years 1979-1981, recipient numbers and expenditure data for each program., CRS 83-110 EPW, "June 6, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Changes in the rate of child poverty
Between 1979 and 1983, the propotion of children aged 5-17 in the United States who were in poverty families rose from 15.3 percent to 21.3 percent, falling to 20.3 percent in 1984. This report examines the possible implications of this trend for the Federal program of compensatory education for educationally disadvantaged children under chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act. Specific topics discussed include the correlation of poverty and educational disadvantage, the specific effects of poverty concentration and duration on educational achievement, and a comparison of trends in chapter 1 participation with those in the number of poverty children., Abstract -- Introduction -- Relationships Between Child Poverty and Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act -- Correlation of Poverty with Educational Disadvantage. General Consolidations ; Summary of Research Findings ; Findings of Individual Major Reports ; Sustaining Effects Study, Final Report and Technical Report Number 20 (1983 and 1982, respectively) ; National Institute of Education Compensatory Education Study (1977) ; Synthesis of Correlation Studies by Karl White (1982) ; Analyses of the Relationship Between Poverty Concentration and Educational Disadvantage ; Relationship Between the Duration of Poverty and Educational Disadvantage -- Possible Implications of Recent Child Poverty Trends for Chapter 1 Programs, Wayne C. Riddle, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 86-773 EPW, "July 10, 1986.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Chapter 1, Education Consolidation and Improvement Act grants to local educational agencies for the education of disadvantaged children
The 100th Congress is scheduled to consider legislation to reauthorize the Federal program of aid for the education of disadvantaged children, under chapter 1 of the Education Consolidation and Improvement Act. This report provides a discussion of a number of possible options for amendment of chapter 1., Abstract -- Outline of Selected Chapter 1 LEA Grant Reauthorization Options Discussed in this Report -- How Services are Delivered -- What Services are Delivered -- Who is Served -- How Resources are Allocated., Wayne Riddle, Specialist in Education, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 86-1032 EPW, "December 12, 1986.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Child sexual abuse/day care centers
This Editorial Commentary includes editorials on child sexual abuse at day care centers selected from 100 newspapers monitored by the Congressional Research Service. The Commentary is divided into two sections. The first focuses comments on instances of child sexual abuse and is arranged chronologically. The second looks at suggestions, particularly administrative and legislative recommendations, for dealing with the specific problem of abuse and with the general issue of readily available quality day care. This section is arranged alphabetically by state. (For a review of legislative activity on this issue, see the issue brief IB81027 -- Child Day Care: the Federal Role.), Abstract -- Child Sexual Abuse -- What Should Be Done?. Arizona ; California ; District of Columbia ; Florida ; Idaho ; Indiana ; Mississippi ; New York ; Nevada ; North Carolina ; Ohio ; Rhode Island ; Tennessee., Marsha K. Cerny, Senior Bibliographer, Education and Public Welfare, Library Services Division., CRS 84-789 L, "November 2, 1984.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Child support enforcement
From FY 1976 to FY 1982, total child support collections rose from $512 million to $1.8 billion; Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) collections rose from $204 million to $787 million. During the same period, the number of paternities established increased from 15,000 to 174,000. Notwithstanding its achievements, changes are proposed in the program because of the rising net cost of the program to the Federal Government and the perception that many parents still fail to pay child support obligations. This paper examines the financing of the child support enforcement program, discusses various collection methods, explains the Administration's budget recommendations to restructure the Federal financing of the program, and analyzes title V of the proposed Economic Equity Act., Carmen D. Solomon, Analyst in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 83-530 EPW, "May 31, 1983.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Child welfare, foster care, and related programs under titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act
This paper provides an historical overview of child welfare, foster care and related programs authorized under titles IV-B and IV-E of the Social Security Act and discusses how the programs currently operate, including participation data., Abstract -- Introduction -- Historical Overview (Prior to 1980). Child Welfare ; AFDC Foster Care ; Reasons for Change -- Current Program Descriptions. Child Welfare Services ; Foster Care ; Independent Living ; Adoption Assistance., Sharon Stephan, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division., CRS 87-324 EPW, "April 13, 1987.", SuDoc# LC 14. 18/3
Circumstances under which grandparents may petition the court for visitation rights with their grandchildren
Rita Ann Reimer, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division, CRS 85-549 A, "January 24, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3
Civil rights enforcement under H.R. 3821, the educational voucher or "Equity and Choice Act of 1985"
Charles V. Dale, Legislative Attorney, American Law Division., CRS 86-617 A, "February 6, 1985.", SuDoc# 14. 18/3, The report has duplicates of pages 11 and 15.
Civil service retirement
Abstract -- Introduction -- Withdrawal of Employee Contributions Under P.L. 99-335 -- Reduction of the Annuity. Retiree Characteristics Affecting the Annuity Reduction ; COLAs, Inflation, and Interest Rate Assumptions ; Accounting for Survivor Benefits -- Making the Withdrawal Decision -- Old Tax Law. Taxation of Pension Plan Distribution ; Old Tax Law Pertainting to Regular Pension Income -- Effects of New Tax Law on Withdrawals Under PL 99-335 -- Appendix A: Examples of Annuity Reduction Rates When CSRS Contributions are Withdrawn., The Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-335) allows retiring Federal employees to elect to withdraw, in one lump-sum, their contributions into the retirement system in exchange for a reduced annuity. This paper describes (1) the withdrawal provision and Office of Personel Management (OPM) regulations for the annuity reduction, and (2) tax treatment of the lump-sum withdrawal., Carolyn L. Merck, Specialist in Social Legislation, Education and Public Welfare Division, CRS 86-1023 EPW "October 23, 1986" "Updated December 10, 1986." SuDoc # LC 14. 18/3
