in P‘ “" _ «P F.“ . .4. 1.» '1, _; 4”‘, : ‘s ..s 2 Ir.--- . - a 1 ‘ , ‘. Iv:-'0) 9? fb ,I.¢.+9!fia' ._ r ‘ ’ - - V ‘T - . “ ‘ I - . - ¢' , ‘-t 2'» . ..f.f {Th’e News [lathe *4?‘ aWhIiaDI7. fiNI‘8kl:‘QfarIcaWu'I: -r ,1. '3 1 ‘NE. w ~ . _. . 4 ,,,l',‘......‘‘.'. I young; Flu-zsuiuin Che-rsiit g mum”? C-“Sm A88ALB.flo' ' I - ; . it , ' 7?!‘ ol in-nanleat unis ' "C "'2; , ‘ '0 3, ' A ' i’ I’ ‘I ’ , t«rr_.... . ..'=":..°-E t::~.:¥.:..*..*-.2‘.-::°=..:.r:*=%.=.:...v:.:l FOR SERVICE I l’!GSKlN Glllli» I s basement of the - ,-tian ameh and do your chn°Chm'otm..Keller‘ and McAnavt'r End? Universities in All Parts ‘ its, Qlf D ‘ V _ . at-!f_.£'j:"';";"“',‘;‘°"“"_'“""“‘ 733°‘ _ s“““”' °°°°'“"°’ 9' ", Football Career by of the Country Are I - ‘ * . B - - - aiIPI«0WFNT « ....F‘Z‘.u’s’§..,“E.:‘l.';°.,. "§?.°,. "“’.',’§’ W'1I' ‘ uli:llnFg‘iel§.f.ot D--Ex cook for'Ll0)'d ltldtieally new baby ‘I . , —~~--— —— _ house. Apply at 1501,0net“R;ning1ton gglrdard -rm. 2 RUNNERS ARE HONORED MISSOURI FALLS IN LINE . ' . ‘o. 0. 1 «Ross street. -—- I ---..~_. 1 ~ . '*‘**-_Phone 1929 Mme after 6 p. -n. Lamar and Pittenger Get’ First Unit Here to 5 l in to . W _ _ . , . .'.§;}".‘§I."‘}f.'2°i’x°t’tt..'2t“2} Si... W-82 M’s, While 4 Others s3oo,ooo—wtn Have 4 a I k. Mrs. J. o F ectv Ml ' CC . 7, ' ' ' 225 West Ash St. 79.34 _. 20, conga; ,’,,,m‘,‘; 163"” Recall:-V CM‘: Seatmg C3939“) -“"“T' " ‘ - r . s 20,000. The popularity of football in the last few years has accentuated mo ' - ments all over the country for 1: tion of new stadiums. An , ling in line, Missouri vs stadium. the first unit of which will 008! 3300.000 and will have a seat- ing caracity of 20.000 pouplc-_ t e East, Dartmouth College. the University of West Virginia and I"ennsvlan'la State L'niversity have new stadiums. The pnc at Dart- mouth was dedicated this fall, he 1 ‘Al. Pill-3-Ll.’ WANTED - a . —-—--—- 4 E . FOR ‘SAl.l-3—-Three burner new. Seventeen football M's for serv- ‘ ‘x1'g]}_.-(‘olorcd dining car Perfection oil stove with back. Bar- ‘ice in the football auaon just passed ,‘i.'_.. M sleeping car , porters. gain. Phone 1309 Black. G81-86 were last awardedeby -the.e_x- ' ntmt-cessary. We train -"FOR . LE a ecutlve committee of the Commit- ” - siinn fnec. Write 623 , wsé ~08?‘ K"'>',9""°°=t~ tea cn lntercoflegiate athletics. Two “a‘.a}-fgghnngc, Omaha. Neb. 81 5”‘ l "' ‘Pk-'"d‘d _°°”d"’°"- 613§M’s ftr cross-couitxy. and {our let- - _ T __ Marylu d. Phone '2‘.‘.l. R79-81 . . .. _____,..-. A -- ~—-be ll tors. lmoan as cross-country letter. A ‘I’A.\"l'EI)-. !m‘6!‘_¢N!" }'- . . .. _ ‘I’ ! which consist of an M with a small Icahn !t'- a:ul’l:a'.'c a bic:~'c1C- P1122? E(‘;"‘“m‘°n “°"d h°7‘9t_°8’é! “c" on eithc side. were also voted. Waco U100“-F __ _~ nu" l The football letters went to Capt. FOR L‘-£55 A ’ : APPLES SAL!-;_Bu]k‘;(:lydQ Smith. Ralph Keller.‘T"rank WOOD 0‘ A 38908. boxed Jonnthnmt, (:1-;m¢5, Arthur Bond. John Walsh. 7 “Q ;_ J_ Con,‘ °m_h‘u Xorks fund Starks Delicious. Q11’ Charles \'an Dyne. Jimmy Palermo. "ilk '''_,_'h d “No... mg 1. ‘r. Iloward, 441'-'4 for delivery. _-Terry Lewis. Faurot. Sam ':'’____:f_'______.__.. .__< 343 Whitcman. Maurice Mouldcr. Rob- WA.\"l'ED—Y9T-“~33 n ell. Doss Richerson. Fred- mar. I-rllh some capital. who would J ._____ “°-“W' “‘“'" eooitsieoeii;-he crt Sea n ericlr. “Sig” S ord, oc Heri- ibr iw="=‘°“ 5“ “'°”k3§I. "“”°’ 97°‘ I-‘OR RENT-—\'eT}' quiet and de- ifilim icky 8' mm" "M T’ H‘ New Stadiums in Central West _«_;-.1 be \::lson Dc:no- gimme mom for women in 306 S‘ ~~°"v "~ ‘ In the Central West. Ohio State ar. Address Vt. \\.. cane Mis- Sm St ' A ’ ‘nu. e cross country Ms went to University and the University of II- ’ n, _ ”}:a':'_‘8_2 __,__._ g ' ' Harold Lamar. and Aubrey Pitter- linois both have great new stadiums ' _._.: - ~—_ —- -v--— pop Riruv-I-_ Three moms.-mp-gter. The other cross coun ' seating 80.000 and erectel at n casl REAL ESTATE ugh. hom,km,.,,._,_ between $2,000,000 and $.'1.000.¢~oo. not and cdetawards were given to Stanley Val- lglg Br0ad“.a.‘._ l , Robert P0329. Clifford Eddie 30,3] _-and M. H. Trowbridge. the six men, ' iwho ran Kansas in their dual cross- The one at Ohio State University was completed last year and the one t the University of Illinois was Pol! ‘SALE-——A modern 8-room W-"-ter. 5:115. ' " 1 feet. Li ' . . bu A(ll:£e5"2xBo8: D. am Hi‘. Fog RgxT_R°0m for boys. ahlcountfy .3‘-em 1.51 Tlmg-;¢3,~_ dedicated at the opening of the foot- .,u.im_ P253 so garage. 1307 Ross St. Phone: One three-letter man. several two-' N" ””°n this year‘ A 1929 White or 184. A80-82 letter men. and two men who hate W}-lo aha mu INT! 3 The University of Indiana has just « completed and dedicated a new stin- dium, the University of Iowa mm- pleted one this year and the Uni- versity of Detroit has just begun-one won three letters in football are . . - . . 'rl:;nl. — B0OMS:M°d°’“' “elf "‘l“l"l"°d included in the list. Don Faurot. 1-EA,-4 wi,;1,;, Am» 1-; ;tumTln.\' (‘Are "me 0‘ - "°°mS {OT light 11011-‘ergthe doughty 145-pound backfield man. max‘. rm.» I'l'.‘."l‘ on l)ll.()l’-KICK wrnl keeping; second floor; good sur-i who stepped in gym won his spurs n l>!K(‘l‘.Z“I’lO.\‘Al. .u:il.lrv. O'Sl.'l.l.l\‘A?\' lJll”.l*I(‘T.\' TH IfOl\'lIY T0 LOAN on Columbia eats Weathers ‘Realty Go. over Newman‘: Hardware. 56-tf FOR $.‘ti.l'§—Cood foul’ F00!" * p 53614 Red . . . ____ L _ , .- which will seat 65,000 people. The uucggfup slat concrfle basement“! ;‘ou1r;dr:i.;3s" ' none . . 12171 halfback is also captain of the bas- V- _ A . ._. Michigan Andes dedicated the fir“ hr,-clot, close to school. good loca- " 3' jkctbau squ‘d' ‘mi won ‘ mu" m Missouri is scheduled to fare better ;b ‘R ban 1 t . _ _ unit of their stadium this fall. a stat- - am as spnn" hfl“ 30." "lb" “""“ "‘ Eh" \a"°y' dium when completed that will l.'i~.'t« Art Bond hag a track letter. won with only .\lcAnc.w and ht-llt-r leav- a satin‘ ennui‘). of 55.000 fin, 8l,;'-(o.‘t.00. Now renting _m50 P” mum}, i FOR RE!\"l'—Desirable rooms for k . E [d m'°‘"“'m light house keeping. South expos- you. .\ct- us nttmce. y mt Lt and-2 d n . Pho 8,,‘ last spring by his showing in the ing the line and all the regular‘ Marquette Unwenity. in “W finder. Iir-om: I and 2. Miller Bldg. Black :08 Swrh miorst. “:74” 100 and 220 events. Sam White» backfu-ld mt-in due to return. The w3uku_' i! new building“ stadium to > “"33 . . "W "5 °~'*P““" °‘ 1”‘ 5'98” "““"“ “‘~’¥'°“ ""9, "“'.”‘ °{ their seat 65.000. The University of was- --'-"‘ “*‘- "—'-‘*“-‘“‘*‘ FOB Rl‘Il\'T-'I‘svo furnished freshman basketball squad. Doss \‘<‘!'.\' 5051» l‘\‘m-W?‘ ‘f‘1°"'""3 l"“"" cousin this year completed the [03 SAL!-}—-Nearly new 6-room moms for ugh‘ house keeping jn"}{ichcrs,on_ although «not, winning 3 cnll_v all her hat-km.-td stars. Ne- second third of their stadium, which, in bungalow with sleeping modem home; phone 50.000 fl and l:re:-.kfiist nook. fine Io-‘5o2 gmth wm;am,;. ‘ \‘t';ll sacrifice if sold before ;_-.-.;._‘_. ‘ January Isl. . I \Spleadid ihroom btinl/li~ou‘Qj on ksalt-v Lane, a real bargain)‘ 17-19 (;,¢,cn,; track letter, is a good weight man “Parka '0«‘** 3“'l‘l“ “"5 L"‘_""'"°“ _ A77tf‘ in track, and won several places at and “‘h“"-‘- I"'“k'~' "“’‘l 33" ““h°“t N“ the international meet in Chicago B°'~'“°’ """‘ 1”‘ “'""" , _ Though the matter of a \'alley ti- j 3-lvh: Ksllenthis W180“ finished do probably will not be settled this ‘hi’ f°°tb‘n °‘’°°’ 9"‘ “me” he year. leaving Kansas and Nebraska when c plctcd will seat ‘LODGE NOTICES ”'_ ACACIA LODGE. No. 602 in drive is for $1,500,000 and the «stu- C '4'-room brick house. 3 ks A. F. & A. . was awarded his third letter in as M”, mg, W-feet W.“-enmge, in 3 UN When ¢0mPl¢l‘~’d “Fm 393‘ ‘75-' in business district.) will; Thilo Building. H713"? ream Frank Me!-MW did technical tie, it is plain to football 002 MP '3; , , , , . hm --r vary institution in the Big ‘Ten llikevrise, although seven years have follow"-3 am: the best eleven in the ’ Stated ' ' . . - - . . . - C tral W.t." C. L Br-vr. gmm h0u,, modem’ 39", Tuesd‘y ;‘::‘m‘““'_‘f;l6°’:'clapscd smce the filrhtinz Kuard last conference this .\car}‘1\\‘as Excbraliska. ‘grectzz of "£';:lcm_‘ “id fight”: s - y o o . - - - . ~ . ‘ . v_ ‘v ._ m. won a letter here. McAnavg “on Kansas, of cour.e, at an cxct en {didn't have ‘ good mbsmmml field letters in 1915 and 1916. placing team and the unusual record of an R,‘ c_ sflLL1vA}q. w_ M_ on the All-Valley the second year. uricrr:s:e1:i gfiala 'lt\ebraskas ,- - 1. M, I13}-JG, Sgcy-et‘fy_ ‘Then came the war. and it was not Corn us '1-rs o. a no or)’ over ‘u’ ‘ ' “nh fummlrc‘ ".""‘ '2 hr" until the summer of 1923 that Mc- Notre Dame and n betur record. in ‘um. . COAL anaw again returned to Columbia. the C0l|f('I‘en(‘(-. The Kansas -‘\lrfl'K"~- 7’-‘ab trad‘ “T” impr°"°d‘ "3" ‘He placed first on at least one All- from ‘W103!’ hflndfi l\'~ U_- 9-‘C8P€‘d 3 - DAVl_S ll WATSON GOAL 00. Valley selection gm; yen-_ trouncing only by the highest good Beat Central Illinois Coal. ‘ To Capt. Clyde Smith. Art Bond. f0T'WM‘- “’¢’”‘ d*_<‘i-‘?"¢‘l3' b¢‘3l"“ bl‘ . ' t d t , .m- d_ *- Call (78 or 88. Opposite Wabash 8t Johnny Walsh. Charles Van Dyne. "W ””‘‘k‘'”'‘‘ “l"bm(‘::T~..hm3d° mg Februkn coma‘; . ,::.:m,: (13,: Fr‘°“m C°“”t7 c°‘L ‘~llm_,mV'“Pllefmo, Jerry Lewis ‘ad bi.-tter r{ct:!'€.c1:i3'“’(:;’;)tCrg 3.!-:::g'-hang ‘city of 35,000. The Kansas Atri- _) .368 Scannell, football letters were-':c:‘)*;e;;l:SP-file K 1; “fm Chawd up‘ completed and ‘ awarded for the second time. while ‘ * '_ ‘ ‘ g. of its stadium ‘ Faurot. Whitcman. Moulder. Rich- ‘l‘;dt::‘;Tu:::_rfr‘(h”'n “must at M“ at - . of , _ .. . . . _ . x" 5"°°“" '“°d°"‘ b““““1°“" has either erected a new stadium or s completed plans for one in; the last few years." West Is Building Also In the West. there has been a great deal of building along thisllinv also. This fall. the University of I I-lynn Realty (‘on~.p:.ny. 203-05 fill! Bldg. Phone 1103 or_ 1620. F 9-84 cultural College has ' ed one side “ilhden i'iio:ii’§1‘v‘r’"” ANTED--To rent small build-' - - v - Stlffofd 38011955)’ W81!" vears ago the Unl\(‘l’'°°* '2” PLAYS EVERY MINUTE Ol" has handed Notre I).-zme two defeats pacity of 75.000. The Ml-Ifjlllfll} in '~t‘0rlTllZ points after l0l.l(l’Id0I'n84_ ‘III. Ila rooms — till. Lift? 7 °""”"" l") "7"" n“"'''’ EACH GAME THIS I-‘Al.l.rin as man)’ years. Coach Richard Stadium at Los Angeles. “'lW~‘ll1 '3 with "4 goals for the reason. Bill. ~ (ll) all in Boone County Iasaouri. witch t - - - hall. full base Ideal “H , .,,.,,,,,,,_;,5,d , 9,, _ ——-—-—— _ Afianly of the llaslzcll Indian squa used by the University’ °‘ so "‘.l5lallor_v. captain of the isle team.| ' “ Ibsscssion soon. Call at.eouuu. list: and tn»-rotor‘ as rvouired 00".“ 075' 8''“. an Ad"“d announces that he was more suc- California and the city hllh 5¢‘h*°°l"~‘l£icl:¢d from the Mid six times fa?‘ Ill:-fiquin A.,.,._ phone 157 whi¢,¢,fhr law --ho-rinr that and «late in indebted R°¢°"d‘ 5509" ‘'7 cossful. According to the Haskell was dedicated last year. It hits it »_rw0 “RY -QBEHNG4, ’ - N79-82 ‘ "'"‘ “." '3.” ;',,."‘.“ f" ‘‘'’‘'‘f,‘,, ‘md"‘;j *°°“"" "‘""- coach. it is likely that his team will seating capacity of 75.000. Seventy-. - . .._ _ there n s icicn nu-ta . . ._____.._ . .. . I . ---—‘*- —r- t "‘"*1"’-‘AW " cu ' -mu " Playinz ever)’ single minute oflNfl)' 50”‘ M‘""°1'°“‘ ‘md “"‘°°“‘“" UV” t,h°u”"d pwple d‘.umdef 3;fi=Dean Mcllainc and K. C. Scars to I wst OI VIIBIIIICHDII lhO!'IDf.‘ll it Offlflfd "7 every me f‘"' .IlL‘Xl. year. &dlCIh0n of Bu ltlmbith ““erJ As,“ u¢n. I gv 4-*-"—‘“ “V '5" "" ""°"' i''‘"'‘'"’°‘ ‘” tain Clyde Smith made a record that‘ K t““;1'1T‘i‘n'5th honor of U“"'°""y °’ °"‘f"‘' 1' t rum: Dean J. I‘. Mcliainc and Proffii - . Pair black rimmed 8P¢¢':"" 5”" 0 he notlfid u..- .m gddom “fled by ‘M mama“ ans“ "0 0 5 3’ " bet!“ in “"3 l"'°°°” ". “Ms "M llicnnc-th C. Sears of the School of,‘ ‘ ,_ _ jloplicafioa as alum-laid has made and “I, being the only mzuor football liquid for two years. It will seat 703.0(1); ' . . “.533 ca..c. Renard. Phone 844.. , M d. , ,, . Lav. arc plannln nd the Mia-. . that dies the century be shown an or player In each of the ti: (11 to ,u,,.,,u,_.h the 1923 season with- '1')”; tadlum said Mr. - , . ‘ 79'“: 35: 4‘: :1! Damn . 19:3. °'}'~lron battles he was fightinlt even’ ommiu. gm! hem; {toned but i“%‘;_°cw:'r _is pm§..bb_ 0'" “nit he BarKAss eetinign-:..o 11:0 .-5.._..__,__,___ __ act 7- ‘ II d d H - hppy for . ." - . _p in anaaa 'ty in . .’, ...e« on «g; I .::°._..-'"*=~""*~.':.-.:-.~:.*~~ .:" e we - :23: 2:2; ::.*:.:::: ;’.:*‘:1.:".:::~. ‘:.;3.:.°a“ 3‘-win *°°'°"°' °‘ "" “'°°*‘~ TN ed ins’ oeleortlaereni I“ " d , suall grasp-* , , , -, , ' . . ' 0n- o x :Hl;Il‘:!1:ri(I‘:;lg:)af;lce.'onR¢fl!'d| U.“ "I. ht W bad. or an "mile (glen Tkeledu andy hurlingthe J” £618,153 N. M“ ' '°u.m‘bu°-:p'iw'y °’,,1°E,’°2gi Th” Ml5‘°“"i P’°'°°“'~°"' MW‘; 40""-3:? 81:82 :g’hu,,..,.,.h "ya." '9' an W-nllthem back for a on. and a sure pas- ::::dn'ag‘im: 3‘ ‘{"';un<m':n'ckc:fy!am_ke_ ;ciatio_n meeting will be held in Kan-1 - *~‘-"_:§ u» Wu“ '0“ 6 Au v.. a - c 1”’ " '9 ° '°” °“ ° points and ‘Syracuse. 19 p’):2'l‘t8. :3;-on 9 ,5. 5”] my “ ‘be "me fi"‘°‘. ll!‘ 11., ' . ” °f - ‘.3; at 0-I-T--I-r be blunt in a --u .cot-hell was the only major football‘ ‘ 3,.u..n.. anon stadium Em‘ °'‘' ’’'°'‘‘‘“' "‘ "“""°’ °' ‘= . a pp. Phone 985 X3! . 1 tn but . ,. . lBoone County, expects to attend . . . . , . la cal Count for four that smith gchkved 0 Hll . d ‘ D to score more, h the south ‘nd ‘ll pvt‘-_ ' . 1.» .1’. g d°;_i;°\ e.°“d‘.“‘—“m.5:sts :-Do£sLnh:mlfi3. an it la lune . honor. poaalhle to a larerétufi 300 point! ‘mm: the mat at 1 thflI‘,;’:u;":'sutu um‘ hue Mm ‘ g this meeting. ’ _ . “ - . . _5oadai-ad: t oevnv-s-I , ' , . e , 4 .67 31g¢k.f‘ 30.‘ ;tbao¢} sauce herein for :;;;:orcl;,:e,nu,t3 ’°'_" , ,, , , "°°'°d 32°,niimba' of small stadiums with Q! - . — . - ---- -- -- - - :3 I ~;', , ' _ ;l'' '“ ".3" “V” l”’ ‘*9’ W“? *0 *’*_.”".ll‘I l . “‘ "h in of points. “est Vlrginui was “gang capacity of 10,000 to l..000 _ i ." --. "§«s;'l“"' ""350 533 ‘"5 ‘ 33:‘ 3?" ‘I n"""""'|'| L”; ml”“"_fh° lf" l”°"°d_' w° 3' “pt: Hefivith 296 Poibts and ’l\'otre Dame e,erocted in the last fol‘ 5'0"‘-4 n°°’ 8F'“'-‘£33 ‘ s’°°‘“_’ ' f Vi‘ -Qllltl doriiie. an .. 5d,’. 1*...’ ‘fill “C97 F-$13 ll "nix zwaa third I'lth{275 points. . an '3 ya.’ mg-aging to note 3_ _ mat,-k sand“, Na.‘ A 593;. = ontheK.C8tar‘sAll- . t . . . ai . Qgandler. 2185 _.g..;...;o¢ oela accused nolalu i-gsegwas , ' ad ' . """“‘—"""“'"' stain increase-in the mien - pasqum cup“ ,0“ w_ w_ _ . _ .—’.—‘-‘r-loanutyl-1 Baas notice or on slug «Valley team in this, his 0000 7017 HA! ENTEBVILLINOIS RELAYS. — - cased by W d ho I . ,~ . . A .--. - ___________ ae,p ne909Blaekor9£8. ‘ ' .8-he‘ nmmed an-‘Q’ um’ "ma u ‘“:°” the vugim ad hrbohid upon-Illaaoa ‘ Will ‘Alter’ to Co the eruofioti of-new stadiums." Ir. - - I Bernice ‘Turner’ ongtonygh ' tastlieoutstanding center for next‘ - '1 it . PF IF?“ _,_-A_...; - . .. r4‘ _Phoile 271 Black. si-st;--**' ‘_ joext year. -.. , -. . . 3 "“"' .._—.. _ —-3; ~ —, won 7 4‘ oiog’ ’' ' "th:mif'i°°o't°.‘"'toaooe"”"‘i".°°"t;"'."‘°heee"’" ’ «f‘ I .-~. l’ -etbool: aontai =‘ § ' l in ‘re ya _ve _ , -. _ c g I will railroad p--sic-at I . ll 3P0R’T5€AT RAND0Ml{aet for Batch 1.: ill.-.eoot-l is at-'_ ,._ __ b. . _ ltagnnond German. 3.. . - . . ‘ o ‘ _ aainijo Il"l‘:ID¢ 591’ ‘ c c j ‘ .3’: ‘Q , ’ ‘ _ IV .- of » . V‘ ‘ I . '11-‘ f I" . I J " ~ ' ‘ The‘ record! theaaaaoa. 'l'he“5“0*'¢hY’- 1 1-‘ 31 .. '5" 1. 2.! f¢I|!IIl|ll|9'°§3’°”°‘h-' l'""~fl 3 Wltli_croaa-counIf!.ov_e_r.tIistaaek; i ~' Zlfikrd Vernello lath. 1 ftatakingathlscsi-ajthsrsaayasnu-I ’" I --? ' -‘7 c . be « rm . 2 ' up 4 - e. . i --.;..T‘::: 772.. .......-—~..—* — 1 “ ' j_d._‘* 3 - ‘* , .. . Ansiaoilsasa I 1.,.,-on-..~....a.,.~ - . - ~ . ' ~ ' e in out/“‘:tlal1~‘tIi¢|iIIa a . I . ‘ . . .. . I ‘ - ‘ pagauaaanuiae ' l . . “ ' ‘ L i ‘:1... :- ..:-"ti 2~.oe-.: 1 - ~ V—**.‘‘«”‘r ' ' ’ ‘ = - ' . 4‘ 4': .'.'‘o..': vi‘ ‘~---.-35'“ ‘W .~*.?~. ‘ * 5 - ; - .*:.~ ‘ ‘V. o , ‘-57;“ ’ HALL. THEATRE Daley act thazvorld aright—8o Daley thought I‘ ,in, up I Q ‘ 4 fr I I i‘-' a ..g_<.- ....._.__.__.-. v-0'--o-~»-———-.. -—-v§aO.-<§-v ~..-. . ... .. .. . . - - . s. . . . -_.____4.._