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Egan N‘-oltyArtCo..'i. . .3 ‘ .,... ,1 -~. . 0 - haI..- cu 0' -- 1'1.’ £1!-Q ii... -. ~. - ‘L - ~ ‘ll 5013:‘ x.’ inladecuaievatalnan wont; WANT!-.D—‘ By aloud W" - -‘ "wt “pi” ’°'°‘ “ -~ .3.’ 5.1 .361 ‘”~'m“""'“*. - ‘$39’ ... ?""5" 7- M “'*“"‘* ‘° % . " . -oouup-. -tau umamm M . york. -Would like to 3 far- _ . ,, . Jlflfififl k ‘. 3" " .,,.....,.. ,-..u. n 2290 my . _ .. nun: gut. ... vice. ml wk:-fl-kc; «‘—_— , '0 - ‘ ' . "‘°°' _ "W,“!_' clock Saturday ;\orn- . \\r.«:."rI~:n Bl’ s'rumnrr—~ * 0 .. . . «N .. ’ ‘- - -thlltic «mind it xv-I-aw-. not was owl: ’ Shady won: in Cdnmfl‘. an at _ nu nu ha“. “E. ,..)g- Jlnlvarultytn St.-lanigwhan tho ‘gum ’ hwnwued 9"'J ° 0 '0 . ‘ 0 'X°2T's.22o from either caaullua. 2¢o.a.watrl"°"'°‘°"”“ "“"°“" ““' """ ; "°"""“"‘ . "‘,“."""" mmonawonmsomana _____,____4 - ~_____ ‘on an.‘ Pnlughgggghaghgnyahgg, tout outtoalltho aéoolawhki third lnaootherlnthaattornoon. rL'n:’ m om“ .~ events. hey only «min 1 minutes ._ _. .__ _.____._-——____ --—~—~-~ .:~_~:.- . .__"--~ mam. rzsrnra ]:Po:tofflce. 217-220‘ A. F. a A. u. e“‘°';b def "5 n ’ °°""" 0 0e. §”“‘° - - A . 0 ~—; ,0 . . g‘’'' 0 ‘ ° °°""""°" '- The «mm mm room Newspaper Llbranan . nsw ers £\AI\l'l‘.1)-—(:T‘:) trade élgc bea2.{100-» 8 133111‘ as‘ Speck‘ c°m.mun‘afiw.et.an It. t t 1 aacoul. ' ' .( farm in nriton anty or .a~!'00m8. one ' _ ‘ ‘flue team lc t I llfurttoon or. , __ . _ ‘ 3 . 3115- _ '- ' ' l ‘ 1 r. ’.’-.'oom modem noose.'0W-'lorhr§::ee 0. modern. brick-tnvad moot. " pi-unto hath.‘ Also a u "“"‘ “ °"""" “' “" ° ‘’"’°'’ “"' " """"'°’ ‘“°‘""‘ "" ' ‘-’‘“'‘> W“ “M . . . ' Phéao‘*974 356- 2°‘ j; ‘W "‘:*3'.°:’§’°“¥': P. m’:-'‘’'' 312 ‘b:en:ic'h?irli?x2nll,:t"'th?:1f§:n!:‘:.n?lu8 31:10‘ :1” 6' no ' 0 5- . h .' ‘ ' ’ ‘ . . ’ I ‘ . ad ,::‘:i::',‘h°" "E3 '. - um‘ 2" but menu: In it. e. for Columbia. ‘'11! start the come to- The member: of the Inuourl ~. ' ' ..' ., ‘ -.9 " RE FOR BEN‘!-__Ei‘h0 -day. Rum Will be OILS!!! mound for "gm figvg fig; pgypgg-lg‘ fag thg _ h -We iupink porch. 0‘ uuqn” puuuv M“; none: or rnut. stand!!! the Capital City tearn. ‘ lgmcutoz-‘ game-mpg, gtflifin‘ Q1. ‘ ' -0'.’ 0 )lotieotnhor&7tIvaathathntndc~ ._...-.....o......_.. ' ' hardwood floont, ..g.-ecu, gang“, 0'; ‘ahead-with field wire fence; plenty algnad aocctdx or the mm: at Any 1.] VALLEV "gm uAy 2,,“ ]¢">’. "'*““f‘° '*“¢flI°on in practice Friday alld Saturday P.o;e-mary lane. Will trade"ior ac:e- or spring water during summer: "°""‘- "'“' *3‘ 73'" 5‘‘“'‘; T " ‘M U°“""“7 “'3” A ""“’ ' . A 0 ‘ on. Who: have you? 149- talk mu *0 ucclkm °°o —-ioaet-can otcoiu-Mo. tauaubeeutr. on Every Miisouri Valley inetitu-WW7 ‘“'"’¢- V 1100,, u,,.0.‘h0m_ .30,-kg, F03 RENT-‘:¢!7 d¢85l‘0N°% 00 190 4-! If ‘-3- 33* !tion will be represented at the am; The tcn-man team-will be ac- . wodcvn. Double mac. ‘‘'|'""'‘'''‘ “' 5”“ Awtmotl . “"4-* '1-""33 39”“ gm: Missouri Valley track and fleld.lectcd iron: the following macaw. _‘ . yomcn-_. price 6"" Plume . 121133 0;‘-but ,_ {championships to be ll“ It theft '8! IlllflO§é ‘I1 IJCUL I059 . . ‘,,1,,,,.c 0, mom; u, __ . . - I l .0 University of 2.1 raaka nu; 23.24,-r. uke. who is the ‘team coach: V6 7 Wm” FOR RENT fiarniahed hula tor . % I" o-mom “H3115! with We '30”. M “Q0 Odie“. . ’ , olliccrs 0‘ the nlveraity al.hlctlc‘C. J. Wa‘t:‘0n. E. G. Ac 1,; 000 30,0 g0¢.,-00,099; 50.; 569 Buck. i‘ L Kenya“. and ,I..’‘‘'‘'''. J’ _ .333" °"’**~ department announced. Entry lists-Smith. P Vaughn, 0. u ddcl.‘ V 0, geeping porch. large lot. ¢x- ______._.____..._."““""‘*“‘;‘f“"" -.5,-.; ,,..,""" .,_"“"n-cceived from amltie Kan-50A. 3. Fellini. J. H. Grain 1- 5- _- 0. -. .1...» cg... . roaaau; * a......,* 3.... ’ 0 ~ :1’ .8 '1 J. K. neck. , _ - ""3; 3:‘; ';;,§.‘{‘_’‘ M, 3, 000 _ u_...‘.'t'3?’n..u..°'.3"s.-'.'...o. ....-. i::'.o.$.'€§?¢u 0 °f‘:.°'{"f 3.3.. Dryhagfiodge. James FINCIILEY HAS 1ssr.wu.sm.p A - terms. ' FOR 8A_LE—Ilale Rat Terrier : w the can ' Hiasouri olitcccd ‘twenty-two ath-Emier and 8_. C. Whlalir. ' jfR£$I{ ‘AND ‘7‘.4.S‘T£FUI. STAND. it you want to buy. 1.: us on 9‘? 95°? no inc. .. ....''‘'‘''‘..''a.. ...'''''‘'’o. .:..»..... lav an 0 .‘ 3-“ v_ ARD or ATTIRE. w/IICH IS REC. on. W “M to "M an a ran SALE-Unda-wood tyne- "‘,,‘{,’,_‘;_;'_'¢_f.'u_-“_'=_*‘;_f‘ ‘L-:_-;« W “myth-ir_d‘h ot"“m,a‘_‘°“_ 3.0,“ 00;‘ _ Harvey weetz. nuui». Wil- OGNIZED-AND ACC£P2‘£D .8? u L...‘ want to sell: as with u. ,';'“fJ..¢'°°°lum.“ M’ ‘.2.."'.‘."'.....o."" "“.'."..""'.";.‘ £'...‘..’?"‘ °*°‘°* P"*-'**“'- .‘h=r-M" *oe1{',,‘,f,‘_.’,‘§‘“‘.;,"0,,“"'”_, ,3” """ gm. /4CA'£TS omvsur All man”. transactions wear‘ ' ""'- ».........o......« ..o.. u.1*o¢_ two: was an-1 39- "fl 0 ~ °"“""‘ sums ARE ruu..sop1.4:.o AND . . llaaourian. and . ,m, K, :30. Sctwangit Foreign Wan. - . nrsammn. It you not a -en-M - o ~—-o ::':,:',:,_':":',:'-.;'.':,"'_.°":§, mg, ,“"",,,..0,,~,, 0,0,0 ,.,, to-by dab.‘ 4m.-.u.rt.ao.-1 nus TROUSERS or ’CoRR£C1' 3;,-',§‘\.'_;:*.;.0,‘, Ram. 00 '03 I .3AW-l“*"W_mm;°';fi;‘;;f own» an u_-¢-u_~i:o--n--r; * WWW. . -, 0 n_-luau , an-I-Ittwcw couscura morn. mamas lvhone 1914 and lfll ' ‘E. ‘Aacfih. 3153 a aa as to VII mm8 uw XL‘ a ma BALB—-Rica saa..?|'x‘au'o".T"£o‘L."..........".1".‘-:..".;'.'£ o ' 0 :30» we-nszauoa ow-II|—' D’5T”*'CT"’”V‘”” ‘~’”*‘““'- l0€0‘EJc.;0wlnAN on an nu“! :?..~'hIa vane 70- --7,045:-’e':r huhnaa-Vanity. can-a I'll Be 05.; .¢ c.0g._ . u‘”r.m-h7.o~ on - at-hen price.’ P500! $70. . a-rnanntc cunt. . . . . Newman‘: nardwa:a.- E04! 1 . ‘ :.uI.-ea I-r tuneup rouusvur - LOOKING Box A 110113-11. « ' ' Pele: . w the btlild you one just lib tit. _No matter-what youand