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'I'hnt~uII~ltnoneo’theneIIItnpthIm uthenaieeettbeatate 9“ 2 2+ _ 1; new-any ¢¢_l§,od- . . NOT.SPO.lLED NOW}! ....u_ , .11 day. Better use your the M electloa to behold Anni!» Lgtmdoynrdecontlnx. mg, x.‘ ~ wh.,u,."¢,',r,.-..]g‘no¢g1o4 ’ ’ ‘ WEEKES 'l"nbeenheI'5'eleII;tln¢.¥0||ItIId7in‘boeInndlenrnxn oo&l, 8*“ gfygnpgpg-, . th f -7 g.. . SAYS ‘'33- ms rn uuuau love thtmn'." l Make reservations at e 0 Ice 0 . L N" N“ ‘5‘- °""'“'l ‘"’ "" . man‘, .1.“ .“,,,g lb caucus Iineonrhn u u- plate, varnishes. Itch: _ _ . “ . ' . ‘ u""“ thorhd to announce at . 1 , . ‘ ' y ‘ ru.:ou-up-no:-oxzaucn,-I: ::ndl::eul:..nh'P1ofllo -..m:.,,.'f.,., rgu:'¢|..1?’::‘untloahI. H Mmogggt-:;_m' um . y 3 Msscannnti-IQl111.1nn secretaryto the T ‘ ' “‘*“.P“°”"‘3‘"°‘-""""‘uu‘:.'}b":r.¢?-.oasuwoc:uN ' ““"’““""" ‘,§,,,““"‘.,,..“’.',“.7I""‘“'°"'“'“'°"‘,,'”"§f"‘:anooucoau.ubpetucuse- 8ntlstnctlonGnnruIthe1| ' dea“'N.efl 3 ‘°°""°""“"" s‘“"“"'°‘1>uu.no:r.m.x.s ""“. ’ °'“"""""°':‘_'{'.,,,,,,,,,,,ua¢csonuuptnryduuu V g vidmnmayobuinoficketa :rnyJnude:'caw‘tudu¢nt~m“meua.,umh“uha. in “flag. pointed,",',‘¢:g:-.1'?:I.:nohasuvudwitshhohddAu:InI.ntL Phaeton l46.9th8t. ' - C% V” Em , am‘ ‘ ‘ Ir ' 1 9 fig: W " '1: l?}:'“'eo £353 vienéver *‘..‘§,‘,‘,",‘,,';°'§...n.'°' ':"u'.. out over 'nu“cauu. nnuomua u up Glue Decorating Co. 1 All! T11113- u ntic, no can "Hound on om - gonnd (1 his “grave. No truths in wnh‘ wwvv“ h.,&, .1 pm; Q’?-L the tunnel’ . ' ‘;l.o.:‘thouht A “gm ta‘ ‘h’$m‘;‘ their-nnkneu and Independence bf sham; : , W. 'E.|x’;nh‘;”d.‘; ‘ M’ e on one . _ng _ V 1. ; _ pg . ’ , _. gun I“ To“ ':hl:‘g‘:i.::&o:I-y She“-an-ho. yuaghénlgggdty 4i'°f“°' .' axgmun time for God: max . . Formnnyyeersaft¢rthefh‘l¥necoofuexdtf1ereneeninthenI_I' K0011 ['3 vuu‘ . plot II! mule. the Columbia gggggga young women and 33¢ John ngigd Qulgley, Jr.. rnnke- Then bl: 'mll'!cu‘mn’ “me bu I urywutheume-iuuorlcinallyyamagmax. Shelikesthevlytbflup, cudys-Ital Davidson. ,, ,',.,,,d,,,h_c””huw. e laldout. 'rhen.byanuao¢zhe.msexbonlnuuira.uyuu.wuh Cutler: head uuher,‘POY ml “mafia” liuouri lPF'°'0d 7¢5"freedom and absence of tinaldfli Dorothyfidle ydtfinn‘ W h an "at ___ rum-323.1 .the0oIIu!:h0one-‘sheb¢ladtoueetheold~1uhioned, ——o———n «gmm‘hhekunduu_a“__nd -W" W ‘M “* '°- ::..:*'° "W" "°‘m.:.:':: ,:::*..:‘.:'; ":..:'..°"". .. w:':;.... s A .. now. am ; :a nun; women P‘""' “ Jd{enaLGu&.JnnenR.BoycI.::ennt::'n1 upect.u:upectol1,..,,, 1sousepn¢tlenllyn1lthetlme.ViI- - ' f nor: are e to there With ~ Richard BI;nhIIn.»tnnkconpenionIhlpb0B|I8¢°’h' 5uteComnttt0I.Ind¢_lld‘d3‘¢b“_’: mm‘hc°ldmn“‘kxh.b°"th¢ 0', ‘_ H. 3. Ready. June: 8. Rollin: and wrest: in the same things, and. ggagury of sate. is In river or ‘O cm“ '1” cm‘ an I William F. 8vit:‘l£r.fl:1riJ8w'lt¢lcr ?on of m$n :’:heul:rt'e::st.nh.:! :9; 3...... above his tin! Boathouse. It l I I I I 3. $111‘ at Cnriton ‘,nn_| Oon- other relations beunnéol thedlfl¢- 51 use woman’: committee I8 y l°|;¢’;u'h‘“"¢ I . ‘__ vedcudonl Couventton_ehat ruaedrenceofuex. _ 19.18. end Is. the, 5"‘ ‘gnu 3; spaces and miles of river. field: 0 b I‘ . an jliuonrl Constituuon. ‘nae Co- Women in suit t€n¢|::3:"':'°°d°“’“ flueourl hold the POI! on e ° “,4 bfgguuu of “- The Morning C untry Journalisln. :. . hub‘. amcwn Aabdhadn ‘ mufled uI‘lmun;ef But today. ‘c. M‘ comma‘ can see {our counties froll. . L ‘Dd.’ opcnun‘ undettheofldndwtdhwmhaun town‘: lnde: Trynliloouffinwutod. “P 1995"" T°"“’u”' “fin mu L - - ' - Y te5' Qtfamed can *1 -event)’-00¢ W" *5’ ""‘~ ‘:0 M um M, H _________ ‘ That Journalism for which the Lmt ta 1s m s "0 ' ‘ ~‘. *5“ "°"°“° 5"‘ "°°.g:"‘°’|""“l _ l -the journals of the smaller cities—will occupy the center Of. "' ‘3‘‘- “‘‘~ "°“""éumcomm°m'be ' - ° tha ' g’s ro m for tomorrow. “Needed- . . land from Idler-eon, ‘ but “mm “M m “ .. V 3 mterest In L mormn p gra .. §.':""......‘.._:i°..‘..".‘."§. me hold *:i'“m;."'° ’"::§“‘::e’_°', 1"", ‘ The Throne’ Newspaper Legislation," is a subject upotrwhrch ‘ 3' '3" —-:—o———— ' v ‘ ' . 0 9:3.’ the old we 0.; eouunon hurl "ms nv'ra~ I8 'romcn'r' of Nirvana)! land, edntor of the Taney County Republican. W1. *3 .8, ‘° u‘"°d"M"n’°'°°d§vvn| Be "lPrenen—F:I Univenllyl . s‘ ' " ~ - Clyde Fuller of the Rustic of ‘Lebanon is going to discuss make- - : 4 A ‘clack. ~ ~' . ,,_, . . '. “ 4.. "M "N? "5..'“d'¢.umm’ml'M "’“A::::.; .:°:’2°‘ °""'°°" by l 9 A ‘ ~.‘s.~ _ . ,. I-up in “Newspaper Make-Up'."' ‘‘?vuuw «. _... r *9 W5" we MN m '°'” pmn‘ ‘clock uw . ’ . 2 ~ : . ‘ ‘- ’ ‘ .. - - grand-tr hi: "‘,;‘.-_‘T‘.;§‘,’...”‘lL the u:dm;§tysA::dimnm. W“ TER§{M_ gAUg :2; % ° . Country Newspaper. 811 8b§°1'bm8 t°P1¢o Wm be P’39¢m°d bl, I fo “the D . L We Val be ' ' ‘ “N “M” ‘"5 “°.?-1'3’ on’ is 15:3: ":7 ‘rm. 73131:. . ’ - O. J. Ferguson of the Demodrateblews, Fredericktown. A Wm‘. » south on ""-2pm, tic organization. A novel of the lotus eaters _ . .m f th Quakerwwntu 1m..uuooafi1mgmnd. -09“ "f Don-ot.hx,8uttonukee thelud in O I wednesda Maya posium, an whxch Charles M. Merodr o e 9 - . ?:f“ Tmm ole he-in oilgf, '°‘°na.ov:°°-E’ o:m::1n}az:e 3.‘: J" 881:8” orderrzt ‘ Pa., Free Press, Clayton T. Rand of the Neshoba Democ1l'at,'; '- ‘- med character actor: 11 e n- ‘ _ _ _ . .-r The Cdnmblinee gum is th¢'fi£¢"{gyt;d 1... mum: of :3 old nu» Pluladclplna, M1ss., and Mrs. H. E. Hague of the Eaton (:0 0) 1. g 1-gun; nanny penonil er ‘a nee» o . , ', . . u ' ' gun who distlnt:iIheddthc';I;elV0luJ;"Leou Ilia.-;lr: the rolnof u:u‘;p<:T;c & . 0 w. Herald mll partxcxpate, on Some Personal Expernences 11;‘ as aw . ,, . - ° '.I'.°.':.°' s."n.:.."' "mm mm w§§§°'v.° ‘Tm. P in uhcwn try Journalism» "3 W’ M‘ P“b1’° ‘°°“'°" ° the We ' ;“.‘.7‘..‘.’."..‘f. A. J. wmi.'m.A mulsuubeun c1$L.§'s§rb.’r‘.‘ new-' . . senator usdhalitinig ggvherng-1: Xl;o!md'~Nelson Jennctt are others in the The Aftel'n00l'l——R.0llI'ld DISCUSSION : . -"cu _ . . . - - ' "" W“ 1359; pa-gag Clarence norm. business nun» . A business meettng of the Mrssoun Press Assocxataon Will Todd, circuit Conn. judce. 1 - _ _______,.:T_..‘_:T ’ ,7 - ‘[1 13¢‘ ’""" 3”‘ “ """“°“‘ °‘ "'° M.-.-.-w-.-.-.-.-.-.- e t » *>° ‘"3"’ W’ W‘ ‘°"‘°”°"’ “"“-’°"°‘”’"‘ am mm W’ ~ 3"""‘"’....... of umsrzlulagzlvxsig. conducted for the benefit of the members of the association, and 5; "f 1359= -'5“ 3- ““"°"' U“‘'‘''"'‘ - ‘ "I011"! ' ° ° h are interested a Round Table‘ gafient} :tt;e:uf‘.w::; gfijgg-{The Journalnsm .. Would ‘V014 80 a 9 2 P‘ ' all other vlsltors of the 8:981: ‘:03 and a Wagon box .0“ .4 0 ‘ ‘ 0 ’ . _ ‘o ' ‘ m I . A com. ms; gc¢°'1‘rJ°_d§¢-m!f;“’;f,‘;,P_iClass of wtthout washmg your hands.. A dlscusslon of vanous «Lo _ P mm an of thme wk 1 ‘ . t o - '- ' X 80¢“? . 4 - . '~ ‘‘ ‘';':S‘“s. Rollins. ms; 1'.Wg‘u°r';‘19l4— {? I by Joseph 5- H“b}’“‘:d' W ° '5 e r l ’ » k. 33.0 §f"?_‘§t,'ct-tr. " Of course not-yet f0? 8°m'~‘ 1‘e33°"t£“'° "9 E souri Press Association. /1 ' 1”‘ ‘ ‘ ’ '7: . . r- . 5 . F wiuauud :'fn.“fim 1 ch 2. may 1: A not qmte 50 pamcular abogaumt odurirt, Oudr g':ne ‘ .1 s°“i°“° i“ we Audiumum of S A lte AD un en - “ ° ' " . W" °'5-.%.°"-'*-......,"’*- ::“..'* M‘ “*“".:.“"°':‘.»: "‘°’“‘“’ W’ P}? "TM ,...J.1... .f§u.g"..., . Y H NEF ' ’ Thomas ' than I-"C0 _ n mum»-«.~.».«... m... ..... 65? y .. JA . F HALL ll t¥&':°"’°“:‘th"‘“ 1-hm graduated ten yanumfircr into the cloth, cuttmg the fabrics as e)’ 8° ' , . var 0 '°°“'¥- . 1 . - . 0;“, ."°:‘,';,," 3:13 '?“m°...g.1 2.1:. ::1mm.orn;::f at and in the end shorten the hfe of the garment. I V . N I ., % , 4 me“... .5. arried out on nnny.rea:prm..nlseume W _ . . A 0 . m .» um. silk bendannn ;. M ..g.,..u.m to com ~. sed larl and 11 0 ~ s “°'" '"""° .... ..:...a.....a.. .~,......u. ... well ......t _ Clothes should be clean regu y , n In Ve..lIl a e e ' °¢“"v °."° “ “"‘- ““‘.,‘;.'.'." properly. Our new suctxonal drymg tumbler . . _ , / ogelnthenuddle.threenien H; ?___ . . rd_ wits ‘ . _ an the ma o‘r’:°d;lth:l’”83:;n ‘O - treats each kmd of matcnal acco mg A SPEC! . ‘HI ",0 l . o ‘W _“fl$"?f'”.;..°'. mom” ...n,s".'2.’ _ need. They leave thus machme dry, flufiy and - 01:‘ Ta]; 3"-vs =~--~;-....~;=-:.:-...-»:.='=' -‘ -**°*:.:-.":*.l.~°:.:-..:?:."'.:..’ lseompnewy aeoaom The mm is raised» the . ‘ -. "'“ “‘''°' " '"'"' * ' fact th - T " .. u:hebCo:unhl: omega-y you we: 13:60:! 3'1: luster of the colors brought out-—m CY V “B: nnnncrrnowult,¢5d_i“ service reuollvru areasnew. . a ' ‘ ,,,,.,. ".m¢.u‘ ' ale: l’reddent. “"‘_n“"’,,. ,.°f...:s:”:o .' ' ’ A J E mwuflfi §.a...u. :4 treated to-cone A trial will convince you why persons hv- , t , emu . - ‘gnaw. than me; am! "“"‘ . . ing as far away as ldaho send us therr gar- _ ‘,,..,,P,,. m‘ of d“ W ' .' ~ _ 5‘ ' ‘ ' the:-ebnnenncyin f mentsforcleansmg. - . '1. ."nI.".3'.".ae....asy:h-r-=-* _ = _ e. THEDANIELKJONETAVEBN1 can at 1-3? °°°"c_' nauw been Phone - . . '. . W‘ ‘[3: 0 d f ‘ .. no” x ..‘>_ BALLROOM .2‘ ' all registered outarl’-town . " .. Tldnete tnmedhtel! 87330!“ W 1 ., , n_eItI—othu-I|>!ll'“35."'d7_- , . .; . J _ ‘._~. " #1 i 1' . ‘:;= 4 .. .0 \“"‘\_::7 . ‘.",;:; ‘ g, ___»..A 2.‘. ‘,3 _‘A A '_'.