* f“%?'.*‘**§:*'*i: s’“'~_rc' ’ ‘ii?-wail " ‘ — 'r, . . . . ‘. I I v ‘ 3 .~_....:--3.. -':-;r.'.!;.- =. ,t',! Y AUGUST4 192:; gm: rm 3‘ I . _ I , «~ .3 l _ ' _ '- ‘ ‘ I _ ‘ x V ‘ - "“ “ ‘l “ . V ‘ ' " “"'é'S E Aouuat ltTI;. at the Prnhete (‘aim Ina ithewctti day‘ ;t July. I-918. hr the Pro ,. " ~ ~ — ' ‘ iaocria-on-.iaiho or . ‘ i , . "'* ‘MW ‘e ‘file News In,ithe.Field ofsparti . WV“. ‘ .h0. . E31 88 -.;-__,, .;,_-,,,, ..___,,. 0»-M,-_,. -,,-,_;-- -i ---<--~ ---' .» ‘ ' ‘ ___l . - . .. .. - ‘-.‘ 4|‘£':'—- ‘.‘.‘«.:...L" '- -- .—ai"o _. ., . la. !‘L I: ‘ n ‘g l f t E P Iltlt I04 I90‘ dffllllldt Ieaiut the and an "I'Q.:Tg.'!lfI l.-rm‘. . ' “'4” “M '—" ’ MOI’ II‘ II lthfil Cbaadorufind Etch nrvi Inl monha for he E'0R h kl‘ the money to her 30 EAST AND W? Pl-AV LL? . L e w ’ rs hv‘nH”li|:el r.'1’.o for can hobo 3'... or :i:'i.-cult. arhtlw! lna ‘ll: pl»- , 0 - 9 A h h’. ‘.0 . m. W hf. k_ N 3! l d . Do .t ' t ‘ th t o rreditorn. tent at Fnliiilhla. lb eluded froni any In-no-fit of‘:-aid Estate. anal --~--. ~ I ‘nu v-do-h e-Hi-c has -at ~———‘~—s. N m Y1-’-msw 5 333"?“ i... in . as...» hotel. “At the .3... .3... "A .i'.l.i .....Ii .57. $23.. “.33 '"‘"‘~ ““ "3 ",1 31.13;; 3°"-,___. ','_;°°:',;_‘:":';, ";_,:'“;-*,;,"*'.‘__,":,'::",,,';t;; ' ' _ RT’ Oh“ Au’ " 1*’ - ‘Q0 NI.‘ 0!! ‘ll 0*“ ".c""‘" V‘ '- . table helflfllfaed a prominent pro— he added if your appetite is egual mu ,,m"._',_ ‘M 10 ' mm" of on puiiiii-moo of oil. iiou. um .a.ii l- "' “fa in - law’ "' " °"""' "' National Lune. Vfeflar-‘IIf’.poll!iealeeonomy,who was lo p M _ . -._" ‘ at-mu -mi. - - 07 L:“‘::.*£b I m gt.‘ 961 of V50'- Au “an” and “L - ioiqngan ii. mg igygpgpu-_ you ¢,.n,,.,i d., i,..i..,1 .5555‘ 9, axach-roa's riorira .ir.Nm: I. uu.t.uL autom- WORN‘ W M '-.————— ‘ M ' - ' v '. ,~ N ice 1 he-'& vo en en’ Asa: N. A. COLLIER ‘ad mm“ of m..”..“. ‘l SW ‘lgopwaltgr 382133; American Leann. '::l(t!hL ‘;‘:li‘l\::.':‘.K‘;_h:yr:$:l:_TpmY’t“(:£‘3‘(::: ..n.:ii..,',,n on null. Zr it“/ll/;4l.|i¢. ii. lioe;o.o¢ rut-in can I is charged Vith ’ “ ' ' ‘V "’ New Yonyx ‘AL’. ‘:_.rhe old A” '‘m‘ an“ *5 ifira. One 1! asked for “a whole in rippc-srunu-. pleasing to the palate ' nu "Mud ‘O at "M" U ""1 "'"m‘ M“. 16' nu. '.. ” protection for a ganflhci T_’T.h ‘.|h‘ T N“ "R . ditxuuion 0‘ ‘hi 8_I_ANDl”‘—;-—6~‘_~_uiB CLU” did a cap of strong cof- and rich in calories. * “ " * " ‘- from uiiyor llvrlafio : "*~ L ' I oo~- not was all he wanted and J__. 1,... _ ,, . . - I l.‘ ‘or th noses-loba.1Vmuu'm:"""'»""' "“ “‘ 53”?’ “".1""" ‘L’ .‘"’°' °' ‘°°""m' ll" "W00" 5'08“ upon that loiindntion he purpoa,-il . .1.‘ ‘."""' '.," “"‘"“"h'” I . l ' '“‘Iu$mI|Ol'Il“. he *'‘u'“ 3* Vestcrm ha "ow Club. " W. L. Ptt. - l-- l reason \A ly you ll out go _ , _ . ‘ ~ ~ ‘. b‘“ ‘t ‘um-_ 5" M i.’ W Dobie Cornell C15. 6‘ 3‘ llufldln. bu Wlthiiui real food. As 8 matter of 2*‘ "ldw the r”“' work for (B Bachelor of Artal VN has lltldled tealha in both <_g::*:-oak ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' 6‘ u’ “all lt comes to food overyhod)' fact vie are lull in lw more active in .. . “in? t0 "“IYOf Aflyll" “ “ th M W. ‘Cy’ th.rQ ll '30‘. hr l l . . V . ‘I ll 69 ‘8 “ ‘M ll .lprC{(’TCnC9. N0 fiiininu-f than in ‘vinu-f_ Thpff 11 —_.fternoon. aoaoldnt to tie ' "gr an "mi, of hi. “union it ' - ' - ' “ ‘ - ' ' 52 ‘W $5.!” Others of the same family are just as much work to do and. in .4- l l '"d °«°r°dl"‘ --—--—- —--- depéhat on the point of view. ' ' ' ’ ‘ ’ ' ' ’ ' " El 60 .‘o6lll'3OU (0 eat alike. It is natural to ilitinn. tlu-rr are all the Summer out Six hundred new l¢Il'I'I- roll Ilaallfl 0 poflllllltlfl U ‘ . . ‘ “"' ' * ' ' " " '.‘have plfticilat likes and dislikes. iihli-ir sports Whl('h require ener l l _ - ma ll “eflh . . . . . . . . . . I ‘9 M‘ w to qu.nt‘ty and an alnph. food qupply m - ml! Nnvonsible 10' W "M W‘ Phil-delvh-a - - . . « . - -- 81 3'1’ -""0! food. . grapefruit and . can or nirh ll. ‘ ' I l fake ovens. he is laid to have fit dni development of the for'Ird,Bo.ion . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 .27o.~c,.,, _,_, mm‘. ,0 5,3," W Thmfm _ _ , - hnvo xi breakfast of ---~----.~ ———‘~--.vut- we -on by its use for the A - . — l Ha e f 1- Sunda 7 ' fiit til Years after it was adlDt- laenun L..'u‘ '3.’ hearreiam tn l':“al(l«.bteu.l- ‘M. N"! fwd‘ H -W" .d"'"' l" N" ' V O O C »- Pflw 9' l " °" """’" nioili-at lunch. that is all right, lull V T I . lub. L. i ' lbcoritlrel cttimzll-tee: N.‘ Y°"l‘ - ' ‘ ~ ~ A - ~ -- M 3‘ 5.01.“, ‘had’ C'"‘m|y ll” m‘" do not scrimp on tho firs-t ll'Il'fll. ’ . ‘ l‘. '1 k ' ' lug‘. podwitjig Wgghington gnd'("”l‘"d " ' * ' ' ' ‘ '- 5‘ ‘6 bqttf out I? Begin the day with a full stoznm-h . . - ' . . . S . ' . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 46 . “d ‘kw < - c Q. can . Word ii on. six laaertleas far 5: a want 4."‘*'"°' "'°°‘ ‘W "M It - *Y.,,'u};‘§:"° J, ,6 _,.o.-. applies: goal food. ro sue CITY or l.BXlN(;1‘UN ;”m .nd W” ‘dew m.Ch‘c"O ._'. I. l. l. l 5” we he‘? much .h)ul thft‘ .‘C0nll- K K K S‘ _i- A‘ 3 at I l ) h. I u . 1. -D:'c::-ah Iberia; : a our ning purposes. Phone 1471-Black, =:;':u:::'t::':":“:er?‘s‘huh:n'::°‘: w.,i,g,,fl,,,, 43 52 453 nental breakfast." a meal of rolls ' ' flu‘ ::'d'_:“';' 3;?" '" ( Ldn -‘ett C t’ 15 (lue~‘tl0n 9¢l*“ll.V A-oclatba e-soled ~ ' _m‘_ . pfihdei A _ _ . _ _ . _ __ 42 54 .431’ and oolee of chocolate. That is all i .m _ .m_ ' _ . , . g...Hi::."-he-.~p‘."'”%.p*“ fl -- " u'°- " W" ' t»’°°{7'°::"' Boston . . . . . .. 36 so .sos'vls'ht' to sun as day whirh h--' “)l'.l-I)ll,.\llG'!‘()N. K\'.. Aug. 4. KU f"1' 3”” Wlth “Ur Sunday Speclalg‘ ‘ ‘H Cull“?! I‘ - h $ " . "M has been lnc 1" to __ __ _ ‘ __ ___ _ , 0‘ ml four or fl"? '“93l-‘V Klux Klan (]f‘]('iRl)§- 5'95].-rdgy 3|“ ' of f t and nblaat dining table. 816. Phone 35. 291. “I9 ll 3' 3 3°" °{ 1”‘ "-"°"~ ' ’ N “O in we “fly ‘km of Mm 5 ~ M nd in ion. Furthermore. it is .. ,,.,,,., ,,,,.., .,,,..,,.,.,,, U, ,,.,,,, d,,,,_i luncheon and dinner. A delectable - *"—~*~1¥ o or. ex ton are next 0 Iv.-hreaafaat which is served two or - .- . . . ‘nu .‘. . _ _ _ , _ _ ago suits against the (ity of l.cxing— , . . II-our-n - uh;-‘h-v-r___ .‘l:l‘!‘N»I POI! 8A_l.~E—’!.‘vuity the play, developed one of the loo!‘ Luis Angel I-‘nrpo. with W‘ "°‘_"“’ '1'?" 5°?" W" """‘ W‘ °“*“°"" ton, following the arrest or Neal ii menu (it appetlzmg and, well-cooked ' “"°"*""' hm” V“ 5"‘ '°'‘'''‘"’ ‘’‘”°''' V" eyes. choline w-llov Ihd -*mI'*""€'Iry In-II of the inverter Amen?!" lnuirher Klan speaker as hr at- -u km: In -«--«---»--I -t """ ""~ °‘" 55' °' ""I‘"" '“ 1-" W" W '“"'° "'° °"*" "'"" press-Item. will ensue with Bar and. in consequence. need not 1* teln tedlto ..i.im.. . '.-......i from foods a con enial cool atmois )hel'c gdnrtioesnent not Oaflothhg D & ml office. & most 0' ll‘? {0l"”3rd P‘“ln3° 'l@| TOM &flC’ l?! I 183-70!!!‘ 110- .;uhstantial Ill another meal la in "H pcounhmuc “ep. w‘dne,(i.’. 7 l ’ g ' K1 8 standards 0‘ X0801. ,. - ~ - - l I ' . ‘ . _ _ , " l-¥WVTl&l'. IO‘ Ill Ulfi 000 fennce m tho “pt 0 p y 9 .‘la '.u$_‘$ ' . l‘ 1‘. “'3” br°.k{.'l "OM "M After giving hiind lit the [)4\ll"t’. U'C‘t- Prlce SC P3“ 3‘ gsurn ‘M’ weuern,u..m3 n '2. _ . ‘ ' ‘Inc mat and. P0l»Il°“'- bu‘ statioit, Lough:-r rt-turned and told . .- .. .. .. .... ~ t°- ~ "2 "‘ "::.."°‘.‘.'::‘..:":.:‘.:::°::*.::.: ...: ...'*‘.'.':'..."'....“"*..';“'.'...'“.::'i."°'"....:'.:‘:°" ""' '°"'°"""' " *~' 7 ‘“' "3 ' FOUND-—Anubll dwto .""" 3’ ° _ ' , |lCII|- t’ .ltli-l-lth-m’ [wit a a ., d at 30 cents per roll. Phone 0"," "my in" 3’, gdguwrt Easterners emphasize defense. Ialua-y_,'altluq'|I fiat: llfi in Amen‘ “N “N”, foods the egg 3:t;:,Kll::d-3 ‘p,:;,.,. 1",, :,:,‘;.,‘:.“~. Wl‘.'I.L Bl‘; k . ‘”3‘m3 Xiasourian office and paying for ad.‘fl_°' _“'°"d;' lb‘ ;"‘"b::1‘"°:“ 't':_.lil:“iL“‘¢“" F333‘ :1 l;.‘::r" is one of the richest in body-building America. lmmi-diaely after, ho was l .""A‘\-.n_:D__R“l "V. W“ h._ —-29¢,“ iznge °E““t":O TM’ 1005;] b: '&.'§ K” ‘i ' ' and health-Civina Products. lt con- rcarrellted-on {hr same ("l'l‘lfR“‘. ' —————— "*1 ' 3'. T u ‘d’ taina fat albumen and re air nia- Kl ffldeni h d t ted th~ ‘ . k A * ‘w i _ u ' . P Ill 0 3 an KIDI ( . t‘g|r'o.d3;a;9?;et'&?,‘o . m FOR SALE-—-Plano and [II lQfl’i"l.! I What should the MI, W M '.|u.bie pnndn p“h(,. mnve ‘nd h.d p".p‘".d . p.._ , ‘6 In ‘ . A:mair‘n‘C. Pllom Or N. “hCI"CI3'll'l(‘ \\'(§l.CrT‘l. C0‘ ‘nit A t p0s_ tition for ‘n injunctifin re’.r."n"ng. ~ p‘ ' ' D131“-‘ W000 *0 llllnl‘ W “‘''m’‘ “l H°‘" °‘"' 'Pltpe' lan't fall!‘ and! chill‘? aeaaea is the variety of its preparr tho p0lI(‘(' from interforing with the :- j—- ~ — — - ——— ——————:-——-———--~ - _ 999. ; ‘Q1134’ 320 weguy gpgre time at . _ ‘ . _ l ‘lnke °‘“ {°' '4'" 3'"'d" °' "10" fill‘ II lt W011" Qt. ‘GK 910 mm. lt may ha bollod, poached. meeting. It was presented to the , ‘dd;-eggin‘. mgjiin‘ mugic . FOR ‘SALE Hohsehold turn!“ The intersectional matches. how.-vfeifl for Ill $0 ‘WW5 acralnbled. coddled, fried or ahir- circuit court of appeals in the ab-. , rs. Send me for music. in- :.‘:{n°h::£'n.{:u:tu‘;: ,:::,°'b Ox?’ ever. have wiped out to I larire exvfnfllldh Icllfllllllld for 09% 14- red. iii-nce of the judge but he l‘t‘{ul4(‘(l :.. . tlon. American Huaic Co.. 8. pkg“. l3él_whiu_ 1306 xvii’; “M In)’ dl3‘l"Cl~l°“3 l"_‘CW‘l Pk!’ &Vld'. all Ehillilllllan. lo about A delicious sumnu-r dish is an act on it on such short notice. ‘ . Broadway, Dept. A-42. N. Y.'A”_ R_ 8 la“ _a”_ between the East and West and the as blg as Plrpo. He is six feet om omolette nude of eggs and chipped’ it d d . t _- ., . - , ldnflffitc DOW consists largely of and one-half inches tall and weighed H. gnofiha on-Qllg-nt gummnr I t l “ 3 7- 4” § ll)! KAI.B—Brevn walnut dln- 050 Point 07 Vlflh '-315 Pound‘ 5"’ V98" _I¢°-"',l|0'l M food baraoae of its low fat content. ‘ ' REAL ESTATE lac room set: had. davenport. Vlc- "RP" Comm“ To 81.. Lung $tY)l|M‘_d f:ihnicdby_.flI‘:::‘_nl"P§ If you will lnw yourself :1! him ‘ssmuum Non”. ‘ —-—"- S ! I E s. l rugs numarooa othe’r| _______ In. In y s 4;)‘ $1? ‘or . 11 1!It-t0-MI|OI!‘hrl'OkfIilt g eats. Mu“ .3_ hm“ W" m _" W m_d,m_ i ‘ ' . " - e w . 0 receive ‘ a ‘ . v ‘u . ‘Ff? V 0 .4» ii Ian:-lfl £-vut.2118o-‘I6-Nb 80-'""' -E-- II"! I-"""‘ ~"“"""""-7" C°"°"" l(nocotatFu n'..n..i...reu"-"'°”°'" M '"7‘°'° ’",.g"'""~"* '- ""-W--' .'**-‘l an annual: aaaaaaa aaaaaa ‘ ~. I _- P-u7tl_ . N0_Wiamn Bout l( U ll.0 _ D Will hIVOC “DC f0l.lD(l8lIOI'| {UT 8 St] the untbr-igne-l auignrc will. on ThurIda7.4- . . . . ' . . . - . I . . . - ‘ . . ‘ . . E‘ SALE OR 5;"-I-__8“_room h United Press. rounds later. He is 32 years old, - ' , ' ' -' l ‘ . -- _‘ 0 ' l NT ‘ ‘ E $118. Io.. Aug. 4.——The and has been in England for the last._ Tfi' ‘ “ ‘ “ "'“r - Bea-fuse. H *- l " ( W s N "*9 ‘W h*"m8m$ N J “)0 Pllllfll Will be [Vii )\ar.. sat:-8-aocilul; guoiccly ‘..__t_l-_.'.i_ .-_. _...1_7...“‘ ‘”‘ i’_""“‘f’ i‘ ' , " “’” , ‘ ‘$‘£';§'°'«-u"°""" “'*»“““”‘c:as ’i’ii>8’8N-I ~"'° "°"°_.l‘3L" :l:':'.::'."‘1.:.*“;:.::.‘;:'..:.: ‘° . ' H ' —~-% . - , ' llbfl. 81351 ._ ti’ in —d. “ 04"“ I‘‘“" They plan to go through Denver ‘t biifi ‘i M“ u " Ink‘ G°'."°" and to Santa Fe where William . " ...J '..“-' ' W ‘hU1"o mt. ‘Cd’ 7'0 50”. Wllliaai Iattllews. l8. Matthews wlll deliver ii letter tot'he 7'' l*'UIl‘5‘ 79 ‘V in-. ‘IWIC 0Ii'I¢0- _--lV0§f- aadleary 0.”. meat from governor of xi-w Mexico. I-‘mm 3”’ W*“' °- "*‘*':*‘”' ‘flit have in Portland. I|e.. elxht there they will go to Salt Luke gnu ‘ m ICC "3 35°‘ P‘-'°Pl(‘ bICl(_ "1 finally to San Francisco. After they . ' ' ' M “Y home Out the nu? 390%’-'0" hako nizih emit! money to rafllrlau 0"‘, ‘ ‘*1.’ °A‘AGB w‘NTzD 7’ 33 53"’? II “I0 P5039‘-‘T ’°"b°3T3- homo on the train. both will start k‘ . ‘_'*_‘.”°. Wald” 7"" 93° {N °"° Wllllam Matthews said ll(‘ was back to Maine. d to see some geography - . _ ° __'_ instud of always reading about it. You are iiiissing opportunities if . . ' _ i" l ' ' — _ ° ‘W. fii\'T..R¢.g- of Bi‘ 4' WANT ENT—Sept.emher~n° “YE "N0 001' €41" PM Ul)'l~l|l'\.ll you don't usc s.id l‘l‘ZHl Missourian I "5 A a p. 24 N. High ' Itreet.'flf8¢. 3 of 4~I'00lI fflffiltllfll IPI|'1- °"" °" "‘° "°" ‘l’°‘" °°°"°""‘; want ads. » men‘ um, pfivue b.fh; or , fur- matters either. because we startci ‘fished house. phone 63l_R‘.,i_ 29-_i_ out with $5 ouch flllil hail tn earn KI .El‘lT—K00llI8 for male stn- _ ‘ ' 4"-'1‘?! 00711 S|"C°-" ha; and double xaraxe at 819 I W.Ah:|dTl'-D‘ fl"-«‘iT.-Sm?‘ The two toy. lntvr"l to .~.-.- tho 1 Dr. ii. R. Kingery 7091 —2’3- “"1" “"7 mu‘ °' ‘"'wrS' 5' univ(~r.~'itit-I and tho (‘Ull(‘L7(“i. for. llt-ntist I ,\ "—""“" ‘ “ ‘ "W ' m." ‘nd Wu“ Box can. both of thpm grr high xchmil \tu- ll(Illl'.‘l R [0 «F! and ll)‘ nppointmclit. NR‘ R|l'"‘:T;£"k‘ve .{umq.‘hed °{'"l”.url.n' 292 dents and intend to go to ('ulll'S!" ' “"0"!-‘ 55. llIf‘l¢‘fl Bldll l ‘ .0‘ I“ t “G eel)..." ‘ c 1 1 They will start for Kansas ('ltv soon ' Phones l'J0‘.l 8-H Just 1. others 15 to 25. 108 so. . WA F3D—Three rooms or fill - fit‘ sum" mmm‘ 82‘_bl“_k. run“ rm". “"69"”. Sum pm-"_ where they intend to vioik for it —-——— . l_ A-233¢{i Address Box 1'. care of Missourigi. -——~ — J4 ..____—_—_—.——. —290. '. '08 RENT—A nice cool apart- - ..-—~».._ .----..— has-ion July 1. raau“sIa.Ia-eii. non home for San» 1. no-r Um- - ' 8-um... "'..‘!.‘_!-_..;P:°n-.1.4!§!_-°|.L- 311-.“- p‘ y___._ ___-_ d_. .. .._',"”"°‘“33'-"""' ""' “‘ noon AND BOARD f 1 fall. Lifllfl Wlhf; ‘ alt nsllee ‘ Roofl ARI) BOAR.D.—At reduced -Nb M Coluunbit. Call 38!? or i-uaac use Walnut. Pliono 904. In B. J. Coats at Ballenger farin.l 344.11, : I-inane mus or_lll-_t.ov_»__. I3 ‘- -.,*.;~- rs “ ‘o c * ° " ‘i ' ROOMS I-‘OI! RENT LOST AND FOUND ' e , I-‘OR IEN'l'—'l‘wo front rooms DOST» -Black dog; lllflliln ai:e.- with alldlq doors hflieen. fine for Angifiey-9- t. thy agape J ‘*Pri|'|@."f& ICOO III‘ lhlfl room. Alao l - - 999 .,,h°fie .m_ . G_.1_1,.,., mu, M‘ mu m, ,,n._ and more remunerative work with . ' -~» - -- ——-——————--————— ular or as 2 or 3 room suite to man FoUND~_-F-~~t— -M i mm. M ‘M . ' l The speaker was the Vice President it ~ ra ern p n. . g 4.5.. 9,. 0 ~ , . - ' .. have ...... i. n...«.... in; ......°...."““"‘.... ..'.‘:..... .‘::.:’.... Enjoy a Week of Education bis corporation» and be ‘M ° 2 * , N Pfirllll for this -6- - +290» fqniot room call at 61.7 South at great chemist. usetof thelsenses and the nlblnory in se- ' . T SAL!-‘.—lalleable Steel eooh: la °' "-°"‘ ’°“'“““' 2" ' ' g and storing information. He tnins lag stove; small heating stove: iron‘ POI l.ENT—Tvo vcp ' The mm to whom he spoke - 4 9 ll : s ‘V J’ .. o c 9 -am‘-vv -a Real.Mans,Work - 0" .. ‘ '¢o’_ ‘ - The teacher honors in the use- of his students. And the teacher engineenng, especially. His laboratory his materialsareinthe inindsofmen. .. -_—._.... - “Why are you satisfied to spend days here when you might be doing bi ‘; r E Illa. Phone 397. -1‘. rooms for ladies. Phono 1:? his stndy window out over . th “amen? ‘Dd will to and,” ‘fl ' Tam... Ha .. ........ ......:’ ‘I-'oi.—i.i:‘iii-“_i..'.. 1... an Ti. r ~ on “ - - . campus for several moments ‘clove Ir *°. "'“‘°."" W‘ "° ‘*°"°‘°P' "'° ‘ p on no... wiiiiliin. or Broadway. farnlahed tools: for iigiii lIouaakeep- - mun’ you 5' °:£°m'::y '° °"’°’ ' 3°" . plied. Finally his answiir came, “I W1“ $0 <10» 15° 851153)’ to till! d°¢iI50B-5IIl0 ‘ Jhooe 5284-Green. 290'ln§ Phone govlocrooo mmu. "'“*'°°-'P' ¢ €d°¢¢°°0 to royllly ¢0'¢'W°°d- l . “-5 because 1 am mom miaumi in lp. accomplishment, the quality that always 3 muiliuo;i'id.‘:_i.‘.b‘..o....ouiil‘ ' The 575,000 premium olerhig lo. brought countless i mg to.malte men than I would.lie' ust marks the successful enilil-oer. who is s ' .:-.'"..n.. by ioenzityiu ‘N, i W - \- _ and livestock exliibiu to Sedalla--van aueIn- ' inking (lungs. _- H4 man whogsu things done. . .._|_*:e-_IflAs-«furl;-n «Met. ‘'31-. a , _s_r,e-let “WI 10" lit" 0“ 00"! l>¢l°N=- Thig thing of building men is one the Westinghouse, and every $037“ 3"’ °°"' 9"" °°"‘ 0"‘ “W '0“ Amusement leatares include circus peilormances. a ' most fascinatinl V0360” known‘ The . H hm‘ ...i ,(XX],StyleSbou, l..n¢..g..,.b.g|5.,,.joym.¢,_ 4‘ pleasuethatgrowaoutofratchinguien ‘ §|5oq.;*a’i§Q’ fig.‘ i ' l ¢bvdop,out ofseeingthemmahoeflective M intenest havebeenaninapirationaulasune " "' ° " . . ‘ 1 ' useoftllefnndamentalsthathavebealao Woundatitnfollfie" ° that W""°‘"P"“"°“9I'“"°°*'°*’°‘°'*P'""V“=*= .4»- .,...i..iiy;iveoiii‘eiimo.e-ii,i.doobi—": - ;-',:....“..,nooniai‘ ,. 5‘ .'‘'.''°d °“ "°"'~'d"""'°‘l°"' ‘ iii! if there canbe aiwplsasure niich-‘L . ~«e «. l".~ -, ‘deeper-ormoresatiafying. ". _ It i ' _ L j T’ l no.’ .77.. " ' 9-54 ‘V {it'- v W M‘ 4 l ‘. 4.. .~". D l"' I ‘I - . use CAMPINQ onouuo . i I - _. - . , \ ‘ i u ,- ‘ l «\ _ p - . ~ . ' C ‘ .=l- ‘ 4' K, n tar . 3‘ I ‘ ' ' I . "s ‘P l '. I ‘-'4 '3."U'r":‘ ‘/.‘-'l''‘'’' k. Q s k- fl‘; . "L V’ 3 .7.’ i ‘ ' ' ,— '. ‘.' -or lb LY .‘ _§, H. .». .4 - ., . .:- . ' - ‘‘‘g._. _‘ _' ..,‘ _ '.. ' "'. ‘ ‘ ‘»,,. :" ,_ .-' .. ._ vi . , .3’ -. _ ‘ _ ~ 3.’. ' &“""'I‘ 5"... .'n{‘z: il3'."..r. -:..' 9) £.»\ .' . -i-I1‘. 1....‘ I . _ ' .. . ' ',‘ ._ _.‘ A. i_- _s"' . ' V U "' -in ' *1! t‘ L‘ ‘L’ l . * Al.“ ‘ l a ‘ l