L ~ hseiioon. which will be '_ flidmas ' Parsons. ~A'"“ C""di".’ M“. Am“. Bum‘: yesterday to visit Mr. odltsr‘s tslsfisoe. '1 esllbotwenIsId18o’eleek.' Gosalloaored i ’,~ firs. Thomas J. Parson entertain-f . *-“(pom 3 until 5 l n in oiflbek 'l\nrshy. honor of Mrs. John , who will leave this month for her _|.,‘Johcs. Mrs. (I. C. McCaakc1. Mrs. c_ 0, Whitesides. Mrs. Lester Rick- . J. M. Akers. Mrs. C. ‘pg. Annie Allen, Mrs. Layton Graves. Mrs. E. T. Leo.-brick. Mrs. John Silvers. Mrs. ‘V . . Wyatt of Detroit. Mich. I5 Marion liaire \ wgfi Allen George ‘ ' of Miss’ Marion flu. George were formerly students b the University. Mrs. George was ._ mber of‘the Kappa Alpha so- éy and Mr. George belonged to Farm House fraternity. 5 Mrs. P. Tracy Childa will entertain Tuesday at the Country Club in Kansas City for Mrs. Florence Kline and Mrs. l. 0. Hockaday of Colum- Ha. who are guests of Mrs. Rollins Hockaday in Kansas City. Mrs. Rol- lins Hockaday will have a luncheon Wednesday in compliment to Mrs- ltline and Mrs. Hockaday... Miss Eleanor Denny and Miss Frances Denny of Kansas (‘ity will arrive the flrst part f next week to be guests of Mr. ‘ii Mrs. Mar- shall Gordon. The Misses llenny are returning from Seattle. Wash- ‘ington. Mrs. J. T. Payne has returned to Muskogee. 0kla.. after visiting her hughters. Miss Anna Payne and Miss Mary Foster Payne. Alpha Phi house; and Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. A J. Estes. Pi Lambda Theta. honorary edu- ational sorority. held initiation hst night at 7:30. at the home of Mrs. C. H. Williams. 602 South Fifth ureet. The initiates were: Miss Juie Harry. Miss Gladys Warren and Miss Gertrude Heller. Miss Frances Pethick entertained yesterday in Kansas (‘ity in honor M Miss Virginia Whetton of St. loais. Both Miss Whetton and Miss 3% have been students in the “Isity and are members of the A1 Phi sorority. Byron Shannon and small: ~hter. Patsy Jeanne, who have 1. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Smith. M Allen place. will return to Van- filia tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1'3. Lucas. 2 Lu- $ way. have as guests. Mr. and_ Mrs. R. A. Lucas and Miss lnes Lu- Q of Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Ches-_ hr Cunningham and S. T. Bewick' I St. Joseph. ~ Miss Mary Sheets of Fulton is K guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Payne. West Broadway. Mr. and ' ‘In. w. w. Payne, Jr.. and Miss ' Sheets will .return to Falto n to- Iisht Hostesaes to? }iTe_Co.-eiiiy bridge- Mrs S. C, Hunt. Mrs. J. P. McBaine. Mrs. Curtis Rollins and Mrs. George Dorsey. Miss Dorothy Kaucher will enter- tain tonight with a line party. The guosts will be: Miss Mary Kather- ine Horine. Miss Effie Greever, Miss Helen Averitt. Miss Dorothy Mayes and Miss Myrtle Thompson. _Miss Lillian Ellison. who has been the house guest of Miss Roy Ellen Stewart. West Broadway.ifor sev- C-al weeks. returned to her home in Willlamaburg. Ky.. yesterday. Mrs. Edith Van Duaen'has gone to Denver. Colo. where she will spend several weeks with her son. Ted Van Dusen. who -has been attending Le- land Stanford University. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Shaefer and Mrs. Bettie Shaefer left today on a motor trip to Pittsburgh. .Pa.. when gay will visit Dr. Shaefer’s sister, rs. N. C. Riggs Mrs. W. T. Whittle. Smith apart- ments. entertained at bridge at 3 J DB. J. I COLB V Bsehaago Nat'l Isak Bldg. looms $40 -. .._. ...- .._-- ._..___. ..- Colamhb Matbt Factory Old mattresses remade. Mswaattrsasesaadepssialosdca l'hsae isss L A TIGER TRANSFER . Phone 243 We Move Anything That's loose. o’ thisaftsrnosnforli-s.Lowls E.-‘Cooke! .l(y..whois Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hotsler and children will leave tomorrow morn- liioliamotarti-lptoClearLske. la. Thtrwllbogonetwowoeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rollins have returned from Spring Lake, Mich.. where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarkaon Rollins. _.o..__,. . Miss Blanche Overstreet and Miss Mlldl'0d' Ovoratreot of Jelferson City are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Proctor. Mrs. J. P. Gant. who has been in Excelsior Springs and Kansas . City for three weeks. returned home this afternoon. Mrs. l. O. Hockaday and Miss Jen- nie Hockaday went to Kansas (‘ity and Mrs. Rollins Hockaday. Mrs. .l. i-:. AT-‘ori.stell, we Hitt street. has as her guest. her mother. Mrs. l). K. Smith of (‘olumbus. Miss. » Mr. and iii-T"(';ZJrgo Wolff of New Haven are week-end guests of their daughter. Miss Myrtle Wulfl. at the Alpha Phi house. l)r. B. M. Anderson. Jr.. of New York City. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Anderson. 1201 Paris road. Miss Louise Smith is spending the summer with her mo her. Mrs. Gus- sie Smith. at the l i Delta Theta house. A llU.\lnt‘.‘~'i-‘ nieetinglof the W. (‘. T. V. will be held at the Christian (‘hurch at ‘.3330 Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Belcher went to Kansas (‘ity lhlts morning to visit Mr. and .\lrs. Mumii Belch:-i‘. lli-ii .~\. Ftii‘..~on of St. Louis will be is wt-ek-i-iid ;,".lt'.\t at the Kappa Alpha hotist-. James B. Ti:ylor entertained at dinner at the ('ountry ('lub last night. .'\llt'n llilli-I‘ inf Kuhukn is 3 guest at the Daniel Boone Tavern. PERSONAL. ITEMS { '8 '5“ S #“‘x_,"""' -':a_’¢“.'* ,1; ' "£‘fl‘Z"T;"‘.‘£'l""‘;:;*.i"- '~ '~ -- leioeoesl -its tooth-ll -sud. ON -v°°'“"¢. There will be morning prayer and 0-,. vacation at Lake Alexandria. Minn. Mrs. l. 0. Hockaday and Miss Jen- nie Heckaday left yesterds! 70'’ Kansas City where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollins Hock- ah y. Mrs. W. E. Carter and daughter street. left yesterday for Kansas City. Mrs. John Flournoy of Columbus. Ga.. who has been the guest of Mrs. Paul W. Torry. left this morning for Us Ann - Prof. D. E. Thomas of the Bible College left today for Kansas City. where he will supply the pulpit of the First Congregational Church to- morrow morning. (‘. (‘. Cunningham and family and O. H. L Cunningham and family who have been touring Missouri and Arkansas are the guests of Mr. an Mrs. Reuben Lucas. Mrs. W. A. lieffern and son Billy returned yesterday from Kansas City where they have been spending, several days. Mrs. Heffern left yes- terday for Moberly where she will be for a few days. Dr. S. S. Gant, who has been vis- iting at the home of Mrs. W. E. Watson and Miss Delora Dunning. 714 N. Eighth street, left yesterday for Kansas (‘ity. Dr. Gant's home is in the Haitian Republic. Mrs. J T. Thornton returned to her home in Kansas City this morn-. ing. She has been visiting Mrs. J. E. llathman and other relatives in Columbia and Boone County. Mrs. llathman acconipanind Mrs. Thorn- ton to Kansas’ City. 0 AT THE HOSPITALS Boone County. The following persons were ad- mitted yesterday: Mrs. Mable Mar- tin. J. Thomas Gibson and Lucille Gibson. Parker Memorial. The following persons were ad- mitted yesterday: Thelma llomes- Iey. Marjorie Oliver, Bertha Lang- worthy, Elva Liter and J. Chandler Robert M. Leavitt was discharg- ed yesterday. Mrs. Hortense Stinson was charged today. dis- A. R. Morrison went to Moberiy yesterday. Miss Be.~:sie Trowbridge left this morning for Kansas ('ity to visit relatives. Herbert Wliite. H06 Rosemary lane, went to lligbee yesterday on business. Mrs. John (‘. Smith is spending the week-end with her son. Frank L. Smith. in Kansas City. Mrs. J. N. Belcher lI‘Vlllltlnfl her son. Mason ll. Belcher. in Kansas City. 'Mlfl Alma Grooms left this morn- 1 ing for Kansas City, where she will 'ait relatives. Allan T. Hiller of Kaholta. M0,, is a guest at the Daniel Boone Tav- crn. Mr. Hiller is a farmer student in the University. Virgil Spurling. assistant director of athletics in the University, re- turned yesterday from a four-day visit in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Sigler are spending the week-end in Kansas City visiting relatives. Mrs. James H. l-‘orbis and James H. l-‘orbis, Jr.. left today for Kansas City where they will be the guests of r. and Mrs. Ed. Border. Mrs. James Pauley who has been visiting Mrs. O. (7. Nichols. 412 N. Eighth street. returned to her home in Kansas City. Kansas. today. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Thomas are DE LUXE BEAUTY SHOPPE ‘ Open for Business. 807 Walnut St. Phone 1441 Learnto DANCE Private Lessons by appointment only MRS. JAMESON Phone 2048 Central Dairy’s Special Brick for Sunday Lime Ice And Vanilla Cream Phone 819 For Yours. Just a Little Better. ' j—" 0 -1.... 1‘ -1-: ; ‘J "Hui ‘.1, —' AT THE CHURCHES u M‘. sermon service at 10 0' oc . Evangelical Lutheran Services with Holy Communion will be held at the Maccabee Hall at 10 o'clock. The text of the sermon will be Acts 13:44-49. Visitors are welcome. Albert (‘. Bernthal. 2lU l-ldgewood Ave.. is pastor. For ad- ditional infurmation concerning the services call 2094. Presbyterian Sunday school begins at ‘.v:.‘lU and morning worship at lU.-I5 o'clock. The subject of the sermon will be "The Place of Music in (‘hristian Worship." This is the last service at which Dr. H. P. Eames will have charge of the music. Prayer meet- ing on Wednesday evening at 7:45. Broadway Methodbt Sunday svhool will l.c at !l'.".0 o'clock; morning worship at l0:30 o'clock with a sermon ‘.-y the pastor. The senior Epworth Lliague will meet at 7 o'clock and the Interme- diate League at the shine hour. The church will participate in the union ‘re’ we-w , . I "T -A., ‘ 1 . "av. THE COLUMBIA séouiiisift ssrunnsv ‘AUGUST 4, 1923 A .,_-.... service It the uni Theater u 3' l . o'clock “‘ wiiim Boulevard Methodist Sunday school begins at 9:30 och. The pastor will preach at 11 o'clock. Junior League at 2:30 o'clock. Senior League at 7 o'clock. and a church conference at 8 o'clock. On Sunday evening. August l2. Dr. B. D. Stippel will deliver a sermon and will preside at the fourth quar- terly church conference. (‘hristian Science Services are held in the Virginia liuilding every Sunday morning at ii't'lil('K. Th!‘ iIUlljt‘('t of the lesaon for tomorrow is “l.ove." The Wednesday evening testimony begins at it o'clock. Sunday school for students under twenty years old meets at 9:31) o'clock. The reading room. also in the Virginia Building. in open from 3 to 5 o’clock daily ex- cept Sundays and legal holidays. The public is invited to attend all serv- ices and to use the reading room. Christian Bible school begins at {trio and morning worship at lU:4.'i o'clock The subject of Rev. Haushglts-r's sermon is “The Pleasant and Gentle Deceptions of timl." l'nion servici- will be held at the Hall Theater at .m 5 T J ‘_l5 '53,! l if you had begun paying for 8 home on my monthly pay- ment plan ten years ago you would have it paid for now. \our mistake. If you begin now. buying and paying for one of those pretty Park Hill homes on the monthly pay- ment plan, you will have it paid for in ten years and will not have paid more than rent. Why not own your own home-',’ A Home in Park Hill 3 Joy l"ore\ er .I. A. Stewart 8; Sons lluh. N:st'l Hank Bldg. Phoae ill? I The great thing is-you get so.’ You’; ‘muchforsolittlewlsen Experience Only teaches a lot of the things that a miller has to know in order to duce a flour that is d better. to use it to produce a outstandingly suc The fact that we mill this better llour. It takes a personal knowl- edge of just what to use and how superioi-—a flour as H-P. for instance. seventy-three years in the busi explains how we have learn BOONIE CSGUNTY MHJJNG ('1 ELEVATOR co pro- ifferent and flour that is have been to .0. Young People's Societies 8 o'clock. invited. Mid-week service will be II. I’. Stephens Purchases l_.ot. of the various churches will unite held Wednesday evening at 7230 H. P. Stephens i-un~l~.s-zed a lot in in a union service at this church at o'clock. The Women's (‘ouncil will Westmount in-in Avthnr .\\\sinnn 6:30 Sunday evening. All young people of the city and University are meet Friday beginning at ll o'clock. yesterday. W B l'ulim-r made the The public is invited to all service). transaction A. -...... ... 7 1 ST. LOUIS SUNDAY PAPERS ARE NOW 100 Now that you have to pay 1_Q cents for all : Sunday newspapers WHY NOT BUY THE BEST? ‘ The gr ’11t Sund-.i_v (lliiuigti Herald $3 Examiner ~ 3 HAS Pl\’()l 'I*.'[) ITS (JLASS BY ()L"l‘- SELLING ALL (I().\1 l’l*I'l‘l'l‘()RS AT DOL’BLl£ 'l‘Hl£lR PRICE. ' 'I vs I A -$4 JL‘L_4L-— ‘_j‘L.L..g‘L_ You can N()\\' bu)‘ .l’R()\'lCl) SL’l’lCRl()R ()L’ALl'l‘\' in your Sundaiy llC\\'Sp1lpCl' zit the S.~’\.\li~I price you have to pit) for ‘.1 paper of ordinary quality. -sssversvhi. runes >uc'I|v sol - Tc‘/(‘P/lam’ your /o(u/ rieu‘5(/ca/er TUD44 Y to reserve your rap)’ of NIfX T SI/ND.4 l"S L / Rec;/7/(12119 SSTGUKTES norzn T1 i2.i‘a1.s‘ (‘ii :7. 1/10. iii Ill ..j . Private Bathln Every Room Ctrculatlnglcewster FreeMornlngNewspapers Hi. In,“ -, ’ j ‘I - / ' 1'14’. ‘ . ./ ’ 'li_i ill in ‘ill iii an ill Ill lll iii in Ill ROOMS WITH BATH $1.50and Up &nJ agw ii... cum ‘- Mayor ° - I II . iii ‘O: s ‘ll I I PAGE THREE . . ‘ ‘ t . 2 r -. 9 ‘M' ' ' . 0 - ‘ ‘ M 4": i . M1,”...-"..:"4’{..‘&.!-.’_. {$13. }’§'hti' -. ‘T-{L ‘uf- .. 6 -;~...-. 4 ilisfxi ..