A--...._ -- . c &l 5' 0NY'l‘O lii!"-‘l ilgrl ll 1 i n E s:rs:ais;l§|} fix s':.a'a-.'.~.:’a‘iii;.5'~§ 3: E; 5 .:.:.....--~ 9'-.:r'.:::::. -~'.....: :1-2:.-.: an «W. an m nnterptiaes as to give support to the old I 0..." “M W. L N Market generally Four loads beet steers, 87.15 to _ . Ball cows. )S.N to fill). llflllfl Ibolll flflnniull (Il 0001! COQY-1 ‘0 how“. bun.‘ ""0 "W/_ "' P'°_* isms to ss.oo. Light vealers. sio. Stock- perous other needed enterprises willkn _d ‘can. quid‘ route tsitli-sui aiii haying to go alter _ them. to i- are made is iiisiirel in. LOUIS ctosinc (2:81! casts snicu good returns. .Il ours is a good. liver'7(§’W'4 $2 ' ‘I 75%-76“ ‘.. . . ll bod ' t'.ol nib’ ’ 'perotiso'n siiilmtiappvl iii: bssur r7';e:tpiieo:.::5'°- 7‘; Mir. 75"“: Jul). 7752*: sitiaen still be nttr.ittt~d.'' ‘‘ pl" ' '_.. ..__.-._ Oats «No. 2 white. 67-47';-gt; No. 3 PAVING iii 0:: iiooii RERB?;ihiie. 06la46%c- No. 4 ..i..i.. 45'2- * . 46¢: M . . s.u&”F"A‘:. gzdi-‘fen: ‘"|I A'I....i "hea.t’1l-btftlret —.\lay, Il.I97u: July. _ , 181.133.: Sept. ms. Paying will '33 be at a boon ‘Age in’. ‘t.’ w,__No. 3‘ .L32_L3_-H 5‘ Coltiilbia ll‘ Omtner. There haye been .4‘ "27; No_ 5. gH5_ but lbw inidsn- 1--r i-uni -ubymiflfll. wt-at lllart.lt——.\u. 1. sun. to the tily muiiil -in l.ir, :i.~t-irdirig to_ _ ._ _ - SALBSIEN DEPLORB RAIN 1.»... a ltiekriell. rily .i.~rL. Favorable ior Taxi Service but Da The citizens along \lelbotirnc stri-et_ protested the petition for paving when! -”u Bud’... Prupcd‘. Rain may be essential to good crops; they learnt-tl the fclsl. That leaves two streets under consideration. They are , ht _ " South Filth afl tentral ayeiiuf. P099‘ ”"::.y.: "Qua L.ny“:.:r;' |l,:,gp.:r,:'I,'. but larly known as Short street, is one block , ‘ , . _ between Broadway and Walnut street. °" "lb hm’ by n" """p'"'"3 according to traveling men. it (‘ffiIlftl\ does daarpen business prospects. Yester- l'olninbia Ilkatly has about twenty- °:.:-::'.:*~::... 3:: . we aw- hto all sections of the city. and it is '"_|_ nlfiacfi '9" '""'“l"‘ ‘Ml’ rareli DNCOUU lor P"“tile ‘to travel ‘on -'°p""°" “l lb? downpour while they lin- ltpared st lor any distance. ‘fled’ M95.‘ '0' “ la“ ‘n l"""“"" The Pro?‘ owners whose lots lace ‘um '° "" "'9" '" °p9°"""l'‘ '" “"lk the tree! to k paied have to pay lor'b":l"_"“" _ y _. Its almost an impossibility to talk " to merchants on a day like this." said one. “and you can tell the world ('olum- bia is not as dry as she should be- ior a traveling man." coi?"ii§r'"”i'6R" PRIZE Upsitsifwiii Accept Last Tnnoern and the city muncil will consider their a. If the council is considering pavement on an tin|iat'ed street, it can Carry out '5 its plans against the will of the property owners. ii the street is less than 1.313 Signs tsss ' ' NW! N. . If the street is nion than LII! fecal Fifteen peed have been submitted so long. a maioriiy oi the resident prop-‘far in the Sigma lplison contest. hirli crtgnnncrs owning a majority of theicloses at noon tomorrow. "ni. ‘.. front for on the street. can object to Matthews. instructor in the English de- tbe paving and kill the plan. artiiient believes that the greatest nuin~ ' *"“ —'"—"'—*—" , sber of matribations will come in at the RU’ “Bx [‘V'1-‘ATBS TEN M8!‘ ‘eleventh hour. The prize poem will be N.‘ Mgubgnrp-‘;;:y ‘.3’. ()‘,_'inclu&d in the book ol'Missouri verse ‘den. ‘which is soon to be publuhed. Knee pants that make good whistlingg fig-gg sgj“ Tggfbu A"Q.f_ l"_":‘hl_'" siruw b:-st-: l:u:;ns~GhannrJ 11.. 0.1.-sits Hotel ‘had so first ntg iris g riousy co r ; oun roqfprs ygrday. Four parties di:-d ll‘? ¢‘_°l"fl‘1l Ind l-':‘ld.¢||"|f|lk1 Cid‘ stopped at the hotel, each from a dilierent ‘' ° ‘"33" UP’! " "0' 9 W putol lb liniiui fines. ‘One wnsironi guises for the lace; trainpy-looking Lo. Angels-a, (Zgl., one iron‘ Louisiana. MS. .31‘, many Olllff lllll "Ck? [you Ngsbgjfit ."(" one ‘pom Ppnn. a titan look a great deal like; what he is»,y},.,,;._ not. are all in the liie of a Rut Neal -enbt. I least when he is passing] “' through the trying period of initiation. , (‘.oxey's Army in its most glorious day; , . . ' didn't have a thing on the ten agricul-| |-‘OR '§Al_£_.A pg] harm on St.-tun tural students who passed through them-_..d_ .j g...‘ mg] 5.5, 9.1. figuh, Old?“ ‘Oi lflllllllflfl lint) lllll 001.310‘) ‘gong ‘omfwg. bggimq-“L ggfygnt 53°“ P°|'"'U!°d I Clllflflff rooniutoild in basement. large pantry. _.__.— -- -_ _ . who nuld be found some place in farm i.bund‘n¢€ of dour.‘ |.,‘¢ from po¢¢|,_ llie; each individual in make-up. and'b,,.u.,g patch‘ ,|,,p;,,. pan-h_ [M in each instance bordering on comedy. :7o,27Q_ 5",‘... duct.‘ 50"”. ..,d,.,,_ The Rul New Society is an agricultural ‘po.e.;°n'y0 um. phon, 1353.9 yf orgaiiltation til the bniversiiy, and is: conipnscd of nieinhers ol the upper» ' 5: .3- APPEAR HERE ON WEDNESDA ‘;"""Phi Mu Alpha Bringing 5‘-‘itudiii College. .\t.o.-.., \to., .\i.,...i.,. Orchestra .1836 . .19 15% Louis --Will Pre- sent Afternoon and Night in. .12 I ~55 tCANZ Wm. 81-: sowisrh ‘Present Spring Tour of Organi- ‘ nation Host ' States Visited. The 8. Innis Syifilnny Olcltatrafl iwith Rudolph Can: directing and appear- I ‘ing as piano soloist. will give two con-. certs in Columbia next Wednesday. There at 3:15 o'clock mil an cw-niiig concert at 8.15 olloi-k. This will lie the second this year. It coiiitsi under the auspices of l'lii .\lu Alpha The’ .\t_ lAitit- Symphony llrrlii-slfa in; one of the Hltlfnl syrnpliniiu organisations in the country. .1 mos: yalucil trcasure iil [lg society is g pro.gu| "T up pludy concert given by forty nfiiansu ‘known as the St. Louis Philharinomr So- t'il'iV 00 (hbcr 13. lyitl. The direct nits-‘cndant oi thu organization is the . Louis Symphony Six-it-ti, which was iirflanlld if! 1881. Joseph (M- ien was c-inductor lor lltv organization ltcm In lllbhl; l'i|'tlsl. ll-tm lti lg»: in Nnsrlllk. 1'11‘... \I_g\ /Jt lt. tl-'si~I.‘Ihl t4H1tll1‘lUf I-l lltr lbw lti.'| ~\r:i;:li-my tlrilrsira. became ('UlHlltI ti-r llr ri-tiincl the position 11'tlll lii~ Wleaili in l'o-lmi.ir\. I‘Ul. llutlolpli loans 1N’A.1llll‘ t1lf"‘ I-tr Ill lltr spring til 1921. liu-lolpli him piano-t. composer and 'ilir«—rtor. was born in Zuni-li, .\witaerl.iiiil. . Hr stuilti-tl in t’tIfl‘C?r\‘TOTlPI tiT music in’ Zuriih_ Lazisanne Ind Nrassliurg, aiiil. finally with llusovii iii ll-rlin. lli- maili- ‘llI- tlrltul as .i pianist iii /.tfllt'l| when lio- an 12 \i-nr- olil. aiitl ilio-rafter iriade es- lt'nll0‘t1 tunir-ll ‘mitts til lillftipf. ln lllll 'lie t'.'!H|" to the l mini States, where he taught and ili-l concert work Gtil he be- caltr‘ tlitetztor --l the ‘t luuis orihe-t'a i~i l‘).’l. llc - lllr IIHYHNI-If tel sympliuiiy iiri-lit-stra lntlslo lll.i'|\ picres lair the |-iaii--. anal i-it-r two liuuilreil songs. \lr_ (aim its‘! .t[||N‘.tf as mi-ii-t at the r-ycning iiiitirrt iivll Vsrrh. lltli-t yr-iiiiiiii nt iiiusirians tstlli llte or «lie-tr.i .ti-- ltvrili-rick Ftnfllft. ti nilutti-r. \li-t-rl lint-thrill. con--ertmas 1. r- II \l4\g\tt°mtlel, t‘r'llI1l. (‘Jill ails a~ snluir-I ill I v'iini‘t'rl, ll!‘ suireiider- his baton to Mr, Fischer. who. directs-il the orrhestra lor the remaining Cozy Theatre Today Dick° Talinadge, The Stunt King, lll “Watch Him Step" Also ".‘|(Idl'1.\'t'IAl'Dflt‘f“ “Movie ( hati." .\londay. Tuesday. Wednimilay "lit Ilir .'\anii- iil thr 1.4%" _4 6 classes. These taking the initiation weri-2 Ben Steiner. Horace lltint, Frank Leathers. Davy Cmcltett. llutch Hanscr, Owen .\lcCalinioii. Jack Russell, (ilark Shu~ Dacha, Alliy Anderson and 1-Iyerdt Pat; tersoa. CBLIIIRATES FOR, ST. PATHCK Elementary School Gave Tyfleal, ' rant Wednesday. The pupils of the Elementary School gave a St. Patrick's Day program Wednesday. Jeanne llibbard told about the celebration of the Engineering stu- dents ol the University which will be held tomorrow. llerbert Hooch gave a , short b' graphy ol St. Pat which was _ lsillowedflb ' ' : ‘ ’ ~s.iii.. ..i tltt‘ rs." from mi. imii’ ’ Twins." told by Frank lledriek and “An . . lrish Boy's Day” from "A Boy of Erin."' told ‘by Sidney (lalvert. Other ntilllbern not pertaining to . . Pat's Day were given by several ol the grades. The progrnni was ooncl by singing; “Wen-ing oi the Green" and the play-' ing of two vietrnla records of lrishi -In I, Try a Missourian Waist Ad. V ' V V V V V V V I U, I V ‘ ‘A ‘A '4 ‘s"s"a"a"a ~a"a"a"a 'a nrhatihis Trade-Marbirieasistoyoii-— tliarisiliereasonfor '§.‘i".l‘%ERVER iveelt tioiv at our store v.s v u V, “a"a 's~°a~-.~ .3 V V. V..V V.' V V AC 1 ‘- 4 \— C O 1 .- I -- C DC a C '. ‘U C *1 I1 6'.’ 1 w 1 V . V V v. v -‘alaiataia-a 1V0 , Attarnfled-—Twelve ; ii..-ssnuisssisnaiswuiuo-no-iioossouih-Io; osnfli J id Mr. Zach in 1921. l The 1923 Qring tour of the St. Louis §Sy-plliny Orchestra is the most extensive lever attanptoil by the orchestra. Twelve statcs in the inildlewest. south an south. is-test will be tisite eiglly-lour concerts being acbedtiletl lot rty-two cities. The first concert oi the tour will bf INF" ll gemnd will be in (.0lttlll1)ia. wirn or asianzziiin mas I-‘nrner Preai;e—n-onlwfloberly Bank . Serving Tern. Penss Ulsad . l Kansas (irrv,-.Vlarrh 1(i.-- \lrs. Sy|~ lsig Buadridge, wile cl .1. Walter Bund- ridge. lorifi president of the Farmers’ and Merchants’ Bank ol hlobcrly. here yesterday. She will be buried in- 'rlay at Green City. , Bundridge, who is setting a peniten- tiary sentence in connection with the alleged einbalanent ol Gflllllll from the Moberly built. was not notified ol Y“”o “I- nnch i.ill he an afteinoon program beginning lll‘ "ll‘-"' ‘l"'ll‘- rniiisaif Ronif mi; orsns Si '°.'u“.' "ld heflfl" appearance of the orchestra in thilumbia ‘ Oppggfigp Tgg irgygrg-‘ flqig flgggfl at elei-son (‘ity Today. The sui oi lIlpJ)0‘tn nl st. (Iharles Tim. 058 NOW ON BRUNSWICK RECORDS ONLY Fkst Recordli|' NOW OOSIIO 5(n23—Ht.tn‘a!lall fihaplodyl-N0. .3. 1’art l (ljt) H arian Rhapsody—-No. 2, Part .3 (Liszt) A record to C1l('fl.~ll and prt-.~e‘rve. (‘r_y'st:il clear, not a note lost nor .~ubtlct_\ «it t'\|It'C~\l0ll omitteil. (lite of the great geiiiiiscs of time pcrpciuatcrl the worlilk clt-zirt-~t rt-proiliidionsuctiultl achieve. Hear it tutl;1_\‘. l’l.'1_\x~ am ;in_\ ]:liutii,ig¢i[ilI. Six Other New Recorfl Just On Sn1e— ' JUST HI’-Ali , ,4 H¢$7w(M!l) I366-—-PhlLs~ For Trot Iinieneadd)~—i-‘ox Trot THE NF:W' HALL 7"/(Tl 771617171 ._.._._‘._ _ ..-,-. .. NOTTCE T0 CONTRACTORS. “lb dill” "'l."7 '°“-, Sixty days alter this notice. beginning 5‘ 55°C 5”" “J” l“ lb‘ chwll C°'": May 19. all bod carriers‘ brick layers‘ at leflerson City by .1041‘ "9"? 1- and plaster laden‘ st le of wage 65¢- w"“l"'°" l hour. common laborers 50c per hour. Folowing the action oi the State High- , Tiine and one-hall tor oyertiirie. Local way Loifiission in locating the cross/75). International llml (.arriers' Build- state road 0" lb!‘ futile designated by the ‘ ing and Comnioii laboii-rs" l nion of legislature. the taxpayers instituted suii,.,\m¢-ma, thdr contention being that the primary road systeil must be a part ol the By Uiilct ol the l’rt-iiidenl. D - -<. Southwestern Teachers’ Agency "Quick and lillicicnt .‘rrvIrr Free enrollment. Send tor lilanlu. it Let us get your creilo-ntial.- tog:-tliv-i ‘.~r I". 1”.t ‘mt be-pl p-vslllnii-. W. L. Baker, A. M., Mgr. T08 Scliwritci Building “intuit. Kn“. -"'ll 1l(iW -_....—j.—..... .. ._§.z natad systein. Werta Writes wsrssiiop Play. ‘ "law? and Psycholon," by "gfw¢,| We-ru, will be the school class playl staged by the "Missouri Workshop.‘ It will be presented at 1 o'clock on the at ti inoons ti Marcli 23 and N. The cast will include Haney Werta. Edna Cole, John Miller. Shelby Swift and Mabelt \lessick. ‘Love and Psychology" will' he followed shortly by another "orksbop production. C Prsgrani On Philippines Given. A prograpi. "(iii the Philippines." by I the Woman's Auxiliary, was giyen at 2:3” o'cl«-ch this alternoon at the Epis- copal parish house. There were talks on “The Philippine Women" and “Ed- tifallun in the l’1tilipptm-ii." i OF FAME ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY - I as only Briinsysick RCC0l'(l.s‘—— -_.....__-j_é_: Flies Was Maia Ooorsu ‘cue blur More and Male Qsrtd It Dual! From Seventh to Second Place in the automobile industry in two years is proof of CHEVROLET’S value and popularity. There were 50 per cent more ('hc\rolt-Ls sold last year than any othcr fully t-quippcil car. Economical Transportation has been made possible by ('he\'rolel. Priced remarkably low, the new (‘hcvrolet stands out in a class by itself. See Chevrolet F irsti K1 ’ Z G -“‘. rt-elvfl --mi:-0'I.‘."L-! @s~a- -5. n qr’--rip rr asifi-..¢--v-ov _. _ ' t , ,...-1-_. .e at _.I -s . i Q. ,} 3‘ ‘ a HALL THEA TRE' y Tonight and Saturday “G104 3888.” With “Ball” Montana . Al1t0n’s Garage 1105-07 East Broadway .{?‘v._ ~-.. '1' .-u 6&2»-wt-— ‘s.-s-to Phone.-.1153 v vvvvvv v vvvw The picture to see first oi all! A sensation-on the stage. n A stuiner on the screen! A wonder-drains oi Eastern love and Western 1ove—and the old. old colorconllict. We guarantee this to be the best picture Constance Talnnfie ever niade. .4444 A..- AAAAAAT {C L of Reamoiite WESTGATE HOTEL 1@nsa5 (7i'U.}}2o. F 9‘ c.fio'olu{¢) zrepmql All Outside Rooms Private Bath in Every Room Circulating Ice Water Free Morning Newspapers“ s ROOMS WITH BATH $1.50 and Up A R San‘]0s?'%oger . Frail Clodiiis ‘r Ass’! Mosque < R3 "2