.& THE EVENING IIBBOUIIAII, GOLD IBIA. IIBSOUBI, TIIUBQAY. SB!’ ‘III!!! 11, 1010. l I _ ' llwent to Jenei-son City today to visit ' f l relatives . 9! __ ll Mrs- James W. Mitchell or Lefloy. l m.. returned to her home after a two‘ J‘ A‘ need O‘ Mcaune w“ in “W” l weeks‘ visit with her sister Mrs. L. B. University’ be hel ._ {today on business. 3 E. l , . ‘Danton. . l____.___’___‘ fi_ . I. . Eaton or hmdalia is vlaltinxi Mr ‘ad M”. Pu” sum). ‘"2 South on as eve litwthe home 0' L’ B’ Damn 0‘ um lsixth street. went to .\i me. 310., to- _ , . . l I . ' .{.is,- 1.. 15. Roberts arrived in co»‘i1‘”n-toetm“ Mm Sum“ mm. ms‘ Ings beg"-Hung F‘-‘day? September A .. . ‘ans. _ \. . - " lK‘.'.'ILT.?.."§?§f "W ‘”’""‘“ '"°"‘" "’! "- E B"'**‘-” °‘**‘~ W‘ ’°“"“°*‘l to care for the large number w ll . S. .\i. Lohtnaix. a student in the L'ni- . ]]'°‘:'e:.hl';_m‘:‘ml:"mafh‘fr spengggmlgrei . ' k _ l ' ‘versity. went to Jefferson (‘tty toda;.'l\'1‘:‘tR:be::3J Bur Zlfmlnua g0um'l Wish SCCUFC - Sweet (‘hot-oiuwu Asesuned ((;lh(E>('OlBll;.’:; for the u.'eek~end. l'Sin‘h street‘ ‘ K ' ‘ l . d .\1i'lk (Thou-olntes .-\.~tsorted 0c 3 ('0-' u - w_ . . . - (.,m,m W, C,,,_,,,..,,, ,hu{mdr*:f§;_f__g1-I*3;";;;g§; gugjgltorg, M 0. J ,.i.,.,..-.., who 1,... been ... now at the Tavern cigar stan . bmmeas ;_(_Merd”_ _the Parker Memorial Hospital since S A “E” of [mums who was “P Monday, was discharged this morn- l ‘L Hm-Ier‘s offers a \'nrlet_\' in uundies so wide and \'n- mlng J S “bore he“, ;.emmed home "IR. -“"5 310°"! “'35 “".l\”°d "1 "1 o ‘ 1 “MI ‘mm you Hm a]“.u_\.§ mm jun‘ Wm“ you “mt ‘_PStel_dav";n”rno0n " -automobile accident Monday after, I ‘‘’l”‘'‘‘‘‘''-'‘' 9'0“ “"“” "- l .\iiss Stella Maddox left tndav forlnoon’ ‘I For IIIsliInI't‘* HU.\’l"F'-* Him’ "1|"d‘*"‘- mild? ‘mm nkniulltt-9. ()kla._ where she willleuvlil “ "°“"l"" di"'“'-'r "Y 3” mm‘ ‘'‘m' the purest of sugar and ti:-liciou.sl_v flavored with fruits [Adm m a high Whom. 'lIl‘(‘l€‘d with (‘otnpnny F of the I-‘ourth and .~'nlr‘t't~'. l’tu‘k"I| III "*"lY"m""‘ iI""l|Kl1l Wt‘ 0"” “H. C _\IV (-hum“ 2“ South Sum l Missouri infantry or (‘ompaiiy F, 138th - ___._____.__...__.._————-----2-— ‘ «ruled zl:I~.~ Jars _fi”H_L “em to Mcuagm loan. ‘D \_1fi“'llIfi1nU'}’ will be held tomorrow even- ‘ . Ask {or your luvorite at hm, mmm,r_ Mrs J C Ga”_ar'd' IJIIK all the Daniel Boone Tavern til 7 Ilu tfrlotk, l\ THE DRUG SHOP :.'...’;..:.“":i.‘::;,“:2.-:°’:;.:‘:“f.i1?r”e Smart New [ittbu \1rs. 3. :4 «mos, X17 Coats street] I was (~u,gymug J A Hroadwiu Phone 302 _—_ A A l S--I-I H 4 p m Hurnrluj aft:-rv-.-psi n-toils! ‘ A rip-roaring. etlanbbung (‘0!!!Ed_\'.; n-.-iui ii; Mr. 5|," ygmpt nnmnpi a ‘ -d In) “P i "The l\’nit'kerho<-ker But-knro". at the ""T'T"" ;““l"';“""’-n '””‘| "‘ , _ , _ ’ * £1 or our a, pan -1 Hm‘ Pfldt) and ‘S"uurdu)' lad“. 0-1 ‘:7 "lw~nlnL‘ of first term of Sborll . " ' ‘ “"“' ‘ * i'-'iur-w- ln .\i:rh-tilturv ut l‘olr--r R P d l-‘re-«Ii rlvor fish at Ht‘tz1t=r's Mm" " -" . y km d , ' \'..t- J’. Tlinukugiring Ilu). ’ . — r ' " “ “ “V ‘M W re showin a wonderful assort- __._-_ ~ -- — . -—-. »-— —.- __ . Don't miss Douglas Pairlpanky in hiss C a 2 V "Tho Knickt-rbocker Buckaroo". at the ) ' - llll‘ Hall E"t'ida_\' and Siititrilny with I rlccs range frorn lkltlfilifl-' l-‘.iirbanlt.- «adv I A for sttttlcnts to report lnr . _ _ V ‘ __ _Z__ __ __ __ " work on the W30 Savitar. ' ' a:~, ()nl_\ about half of last DR.w.S.wHl1TLE vc-.ir'< freshman assistants ' ' — latest 'pl(‘lut‘e. “'T'h¢- Kim-keih-ocker Incnt of NC“: Fa“ Boots for I);-Q53 of ‘l - V ' Buckaroo." (adv i _ 9 ' Fresh l'.l—\‘|'l' ll-ah -.i' Het2:la-i".~ .\Itir- Street C?!‘ In brqwn or ‘black lcath’ e V y S 0 0 W e a r ""‘ ""i"’ ’t er, with high Louis or Military heels. . I ‘ f i . .. . . . , . . . ,, lri \\‘r)rl~t lnr advcmccrncnt Elegance is attained in simplictty of design mu“ “_rmn mmnrruw m, 77;» ‘ ( I I b ‘ D0ffI.j‘ , l and .1 dozen freshmen Dglmt I Th‘ st-"lc Pi‘:t_" "d is have t mrtcd as vet. I l 9l1.A radway 3 NCW Brown kld L393 ) cl - Phone 517 l - ,.ll‘1( i Boot with full leather 3 _ _ Tm‘ 533” \"illb<"",i'.i1T_1 A A . l,0u's Heels and Light I ! 'l'/..t‘tl. at close of this ::" “ ‘*f_;__ * = Drcsb. SO]cs_ V Cr), ‘ » txttk. ermns desiring , Special at WANTED: $7_ 85 C of Rich Patent Kid, and Dull Call, with graceful, slen- l dcr toe. Snugly built heel, lit: securely with can and S‘””rd3." "‘fl“rn""Tl ‘hf’ ‘ comfort, Also in Silxcr and Gold Cloth. I\\'t‘CI[ flu‘ htturs H1 * I *4: ; I Thoroughly experienced _ __ ______ _______ ’ ‘Nd ‘ 5‘” "*'l"*’l‘- . ' tenor and bass singer: ' see them in our window. ) /_ O 1 for church quartet. Call ewes 1920 s t . Fmm”_ 3V“3l' E . Mrs. R. E. LUCAS a 3 SHOES (lfllrc in l.o\\'r_\' Hall. J 39: Black l _______. ______j —2— of/—-2 , .. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS BALTIMORE OYSTERS 1-"mesa near TONGUESD (50lld "1631. N0 “MC” ' 3 and 3. pound .t\'cr.igc, wcll trimmed. Channel Cat Fish Halibut "W iwnd » 3°C glagltl Bass firadpgic A LQIN R0A§'[' ti an e na cr . 2 Spanish Mackerel Salmon pp {Wm 3“t Quaml Pwcl‘ ah’ ‘ , BEEF SWEETBREADS . sHllllL‘l_\ boneless. l’cr pound .. 3% V‘ pt-r 1h_ V . _ ._ . -Hg CALF SWEETBREAD5 \‘('l'\‘ lCiit‘l(‘r and dt:llt‘ivit1~‘. Ni) waste. . l’t‘r pound ._ .. ,;;C l.t';in. lctidcr strips oi _\nting l’ork. ’ ' ” sliccd or wliolt‘ .. . _ 35:; PRIME RIB ROAST WAFER SIJCED DRIED BEEF lftllll our rc5,_;iil.1r Qua]. l‘.lt.'t'Il'it'.lll_\' sliced d;iil\'. appctizing. . ll\ Rt-cl. l’cr pound . 29c ' 5 A W LAMB suouwsas .........———*.,..?_... -.___ , YOUNG BEEF LIVER . . . , » ' pnund NC tor Rorists or ( hops. \ oung and Ten- , - ' " ' " tl' 3?. 12?‘. 5 a d. BRANSCBwElGER Ll‘/ER tr 1m tent per p iun ( SAUSAGE BEEF HEARTS A \.U_\- ,,,‘u.‘ ‘inc mr ma! lunch PM nicc halted \\'lIll dressing. Per lb. l7‘*_»c Because We C3"'Y 3 C0l'DplCtC line pound . 2' - i ' GROUND BEEF cut line, ircsh selected beef trimmings, no water, adultcrant or preservatives Djer Kiss, Mary Garden, zurea, Le T,-cf]: Gardenglo and Ho bigam face powders--—l may WILL SOLVE-YOUR paoscems We also have everything in Drugs, Rubber goods and Stationery. p%_E_xclusive agency for Chocolate Sh°P Candy. Also complete line of Johnston's. - MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT OUR SODA FOUNTAIN ‘ EMPIRE PICNIC DAMS , I .\Tild cure. frt-shly smoked. § and (J l Pmmd a"”ag°' P” lb‘ ‘r ‘ 38“ l uscit ,\b5.,1U,¢i\’ mow pum our cus- PLAN!‘ STEAKS tomers tell us they don't have to see {Wm ’8"'af&'y‘l"} Quality Beef. All l it ground. They take our word for it. meat. no waste: Per pound .......... ..3Sc You can do the same. Per pound..2$c V _ .\lcat at the different markets usually Sells for about ‘the same prices, but it varies in quality_according to grade of meat used and the policy of firm. \\"holcsomc meats arc the product of quality stock. cleanly handled and per- fectly refrigerated. As a result of this policy, ambition, people in this vicinity glad}. refer to this establishment as the Quality Store and the cost is no more. _ ;,_W‘ ” A Taverns Drug’ Store" illfllillflllflllllllullllllflilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIIllIIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllflllllllllllllllmmllllllllll . .______.____.