M-322: Dr. Allen B. and Helen S. Shopmaker American Political Collection


For President/Vice President, Coolidge and Dawes Button
7/8-inch pin back, white button with black and white portraits of President Calvin Coolidge and running mate, Charles G. Dawes encased in ovals for their 1924 campaign. Reverse has paperback label for The Whitehead and Hoag Company (Newark, N.J.)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Cigar Box
Rectangular box (2.5"x9.25"x5.75")with a hinged top featues a portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt on the side and the interior of the top of the box. The box advertises Corona size 100% filter cigars.
Free Rickshaw Ride Paper Ticket
Red paper ticket with black text. Text at the top reads "FREE RICKSHAW RIDE". Under a thin dividing line below, arranged vertically, are the simplified Chinese characters for "gold" and "water" with the English translation below each character - referring to presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. Below "'64" is printed. Below another thin dividing line is text reading "CALIFORNIA & GRANT ST. 3PM-9PM"
Full Dinner Pail Button (Small)
7/8-inch round pin back button with dinner pail over a blue circle on a white button. Button has paper label on reverse for Baldwin & Gleason, Co.
Full Dinner Pail Button - McKinley Roosevelt
1 and 1/4-inch round, pin back button on white with tin pail in the center in front of orange circle.
GOP Elephant Pin
Metal pin in the shape of an elephant with cloth draped over its back that reads, "GOP."
GOP National Convention 1960 Ribbon
White ribbon with golden ribbon badge reading "Illinois" in blue text. The ribbon reads "1960 GOP National Convention, Chicago, Illinois," also in blue text. The circular medal hanging from the ribbon depicts a profile image of former President Abraham Lincoln.
Garfield and Arthur Button
Bronze colored clothing button reading "Garfield and Arthur," refering to presidential candidate James A. Garfield and vice presidential candidate Chester A. Arthur.
George C. Wallace for President Why? Pledge Sheet
Pledge sheet for then-presidential candidate George C. Wallace. The back has a space for signing up as a member of the "American Independent Party". The inside lists Wallace's qualifications and accomplishments.
George McGovern Democratic Primary Sample Ballot
Yellow handbill with black writing "DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY SAMPLE BALLOT". Below is a photograph of George McGovern with black writing to the right "VOTE GEORGE McGOVERN". The rest of the handbill is a demonstration of how the voter is meant to cast their ballot for McGovern during the Ohio Democratic Primary. 7 1/4 inches by 7 inches.
George McGovern's New Look At The Military Brochure
8 1/2 inches by 3 5/8 inches red and white brochure with and red image of a missile launch with white letters at the top spelling "George McGovern's New Look At The Military". There are five pages including the back cover page that deal with how McGovern would act differently about military matters compared to Richard Nixon. The issue brought up is the large military budget asked for by President Nixon and what is attained through the budget. After laying out Nixon's position the brochure then describes McGovern's position as compared against and which starts with the title of "REALISTIC DEFENSE". At the bottom of the back cover page there are black letters spelling "Prepared as a service to the McGovern for President campaign by sane, a citizens' organization for a sane world, 318 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20002. Edward U. Condon and Seymour Melman, Co-Chairmen, Sanford Gottlieb, Executive Director". The first "sane" is in larger print and in red.
George Wallace "Stand Up For America" Brochure
White brochure with red and blue text. On the front is a photograph of then-presidential candidate George C. Wallace. Above him is blue text reading "Stand Up For America" and below is red and blue text reading "Support George C. Wallace for President in '68". On the inside is blue text summarizing Wallace's biography, "From Farm Boy to Governor's Chair", and his policy platform, including his views on "Constitutional Government", "States Rights", "Crime", "Vietnam", and more. On the back is blue text with red headers reading "George Wallace Can Win Presidency With Only a Plurality of Votes" and "Here's What You Can Do to Guarantee Your Opportunity to Vote for George C. Wallace for President of the United States". At the bottom an address in Montgomery, Al. is provided to "Send Contributions to The Wallace Campaign".
Girl Scouts Voting Sticker
2 inches by 2 inches white sticker with black lettering that reads, "girl scouts of eastern missouri Thank you for voting! Troop 794". Next to the text is the Girl Scout logo in green.
Gold Roosevelt Button
Gold button featuring a portrait of Franklin D. Roosevelt with text reading "Roosevelt" arched below.
Goldwater Glasses Order Card
Printed order form from HRB Suppliers for "Goldwater Glasses."
Grand National Democratic Banner
Hand colored lithographic print with oval portraits of Presidential candidate James K. Polk and Vice-Presidential candidate George M. Dallas. A depiction of red swagged drapery edged in gold fringe frames the upper half of the print and surrounds the words "Polk the Young Hickory. Dallas and Victory". During his presidency James K. Polk was known as "Young Hickory", an allusion to his mentor Andrew Jackson. A row of stars is above the text. The American eagle holds the edges of two crossed and draped flags in its beak above and between the two oval portraits, while winding ribbon banners beneath the portraits identify the sitters as President and Vice-President. Across the bottom of the print are the words "Grand, National, Democratic Banner. Press Onward."
Grant Carte-de-Visite
Photograph of General Grant by W.P. Jackson of Sedalia, Missouri. Oval photograph with raised flags, laurel, and eagle surrounding. The back states July 4th.
Grover Cleveland Watch Fob
Metal watch fob with clasp and chain showing a depiction of an American eagle with wings spread atop a circular photographic portrait of presidential candidate Grover Cleveland.
Guide to the Iowa Caucuses Newspaper
21 inches by 12 7/8 inches, The Des Moines Register newspaper for January 18, 2004. At the top of the front page is blue and red letters spelling "GUIDE TO THE IOWA CAUCUSES". The majority of the cover is drawn portraits of the Democratic contenders with their name, position, and what page their profile is on. The first several pages are dedicated to educating potential caucus goers about the issues, candidates, the history, and how to participate. The profiles of the nine candidates start on page 5 with Carol Mosely Braun and end on page 13 with Wesley Clark.
Hard Times Medal
Medal with a bust-length relief portrait of Andrew Jackson, surrounded by the words "My substitute for the U.S. Bank." Underneath his image are the words "MY Experiment MY currency MY glory." These words are continued on the back side of the medal with "MY victory, Down with the bank." On this side of the medal there is also an image of a running pig surrounded by the words "Perish commerce. Perish credit."
Harding and Coolidge Button
Blue button with white text reading "Harding and Coolidge." Bordering the text are both a thin white stripe and a thicker red stripe on the top and bottom.
Harding/Coolidge Watch Fob
Watch fob with black leather strap and golden fob. The fob depicts an American eagle sitting atop a dome, flanked by arrows and an olive branch. Below the eagle are the oval portraits of presidential candidate Warren G. Harding and vice presidential candidate Calvin Coolidge. Above these portraits are the words "E Pluribus Unum" and below the portraits are their names, "Harding" and "Coolidge." At the bottom of the fob it reads "Our Choice."
Harper's Magazine - Political Developments of 1864
Article in "Harper's Weekly" depicting "Political Developments Of 1864". On page 667 the happenings of August 1864 are recorded. A large portion is dedicated to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago and then-governor of New York Horatio Seymour serving as president of the convention. Page 668 is headlines "Harper's Pictorial History of the Civil War [September, 1864." The top half of the page contains a drawing of an army camp with soldiers lining up to a table covered in an American flag. The caption reads "Soldiers voting for president." The paragraphs below describe former General George B. McClellan's selection as the Democratic nominee for president in 1864.
Harper's Weekly "Now You See What I Did About It" Cartoon
Full page cartoon from Harper's Weekly Magazine Issue 1124 (Dec. 2, 1871). Caption reads "To Whom It May Concern: New York. 'Now You See What I Did About It. Go Forth And Do Likewise'"
Hearst For President Button
7/8-inch round, pin back button with black and white portrait of William Randolph Hearst on a white background. The words "Hearst For President" in white letters on a blue background surround the portrait. Button has paper label on reverse for the American Badge Company (Chicago, Il.)
Herbert Hoover Gold Pin
7/8-inch, gold pin featuring profile portrait of President Herbert Hoover in promotion of Hoover's 1928 presidential campaign. Reverse of pin has inscription for Metallic Art Company (New York, N.Y.)
Herbert Hoover/Charles Curtis Button
Button with oval portraits of Herbert Hoover and Charles Curtis. Hoover's portrait has the words "For President Herbert Hoover" while Charles' portrait has "For Vice President Charles Curtis." An American flag hangs behind each portrait.
Hillary for America Sticker
Strip of two unused 2 1/2 inch round blue stickers, taken from a large roll. In the center is a capital letter "H" with a red arrow making up the crossbar. White text below reads "hillaryclinton.com".
