Plat Books of Missouri (Collection)


Plat Book of Pulaski County, Missouri
Map of Pulaski -- T.34N. part of Piney R.10W -- T.35N. R.10W -- T.36N. part of Cullen R.10W -- T.37N. part of Union R.10W -- T.38N. part of Union R.10W -- T.34N. R.11W -- T.35N. R.11W -- T.36N. part of Cullen R.11W -- T.37N. part of Union R.11W -- T.38N. part of Union R.11W -- T.34N. part of Roubidoux R.12W -- t.35N. R.12W -- T.36N. R.12W -- T.37N. part of Tavern R.12W -- T.38N. part of Tavern R.12W -- T.34N. part of Liberty R.13W -- T.35N. part of Liberty R.13w -- T.36N. part of Liberty R.13W -- T.37N. R.13W -- T.38N. part of Tavern R.13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Putnam County, Missouri
Map of Putnam County, Missouri -- T.64N. part of Elm R.16W -- T.65N. part of Elm R.16W -- T.66 and 67N. Grant R.16W -- T.64N. part of Elm R.17W -- T.65N. part of Elm R.17W -- T.66 and 67N. Liberty R.17W -- T.65N. Richland R.18W -- T.66 and 67N. Lincoln R.18W -- T.65N. Wilson R.19W -- T.66 and 67N. Union R.19W -- T.65 and 66N. Jackson R.20W -- T.66 and 67N. Sherman R.20W -- T.65N. Part of Medicine R.21W -- T.66 and 67N. part of York R.21W -- T.65N. part of Medicine R.22W -- T.66 and 67N. part of York R.22W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Ralls County, Missouri
Map of Ralls County -- T.55N. part of Saverton R.3W -- T.56N. part of Saverton R.3W -- T.55N. R.4W -- T.56N. R.4W -- T.53N. part of Jasper R.5W -- T.54N. R.4 and 5W -- T.55N. R.5W -- T.56N. R.5W -- T.53N. part of Jasper R.6W -- T.54N. R.6W -- T.55N. R.6W -- T.56N. R.6W -- T.53N. part of Salt River R.7W -- T.54N. R.7W -- T.55N. R.7W -- T.56N. part of Saline R.7W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Randolph County, Missouri
Map of Randolph County, Missouri -- T.52N. part of Prairie R.13W -- T.53N. R.13W -- T.55N. R.13W -- T.54N. R.13W -- T.52N. R.14W -- T.53N. R.14W -- T.54N. R.14W -- T.55N. R.14W -- T.52N. R.15W -- T.53N. R.15W -- T.54N. R.15W -- T.55N. part of Chariton R.15W -- T.52N. part of Silver Creek R.16W -- T.53N. R.16W -- T.54N. R.16W -- T.55N. part of Chariton R.16W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Ray County, Missouri
Map of Ray County, Missouri -- T.50 and 51N. part of Camden R.27 and 28W -- T.50 and 51N. part of Camden R.28W -- T.52N. part of Crooked River R.26W -- T.51N. part of Crooked River R.26 and 27W. -- T.52N. part of Fishing River R.29W -- T.54N. parts of Grape Grove and Knoxville R.27W -- T.53N. parts of Grape Grove, Knoxville, and RichMissourind R.27W -- T.53N. part of Grape Grove R.26W -- T.54N. part of Grape Grove R.26W -- T.54N. part of Knoxville R.28W -- T.53N. parts of Knoxville and RichMissourind R.28W -- T.50 and 51N. Orrick R.28 and 29W -- t.53N. parts of Polk and Fishing River R.29W -- T.54N. part of Polk R.29W -- T.52N. parts of RichMissourind and Crooked River R.27W -- T.52N. part of RichMissourind R.28W -- T.51N. part of RichMissourind R.27W -- T.51N. part of RichMissourind R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Reynolds County, Missouri
Map of Reynolds County, Missouri -- T.28N. part of Webb R.2E -- T.29N. part of Webb R.2 and 3E -- T.30N. part of Webb R.2 and 3E -- T.31N. R.2 and 3E -- T.32N. part of Lesterville R.2E -- T.33N. part of Lesterville R.2E -- T.29N. part of Logan R.1E -- T.30N. part of Logan R.1E -- T.31N. R.1E -- T.32N. R.1E -- T.33N. part of Black River R.1E -- T.28N. part of Logan R.1E and 1W -- T.30N. R.1W -- T.31N. R.1W -- T.32N. R.1W -- T.33N. R.1W -- T.29N. R.1 and 2W -- T.30N. part of Jackson R.2W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.2W -- T.32N. part of Carroll R.2W -- t.33N. R.2W -- T.33N. part of Carroll R.3W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Ripley County, Missouri
Map of Ripley County, Missouri -- T.22N. R.4E -- T.23N. R.4E -- T.24N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.25N. part of Johnson R.4E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2 and 3E -- T.23N. R.3E -- T.24N. R.3E -- T.25N. R.3E -- T.21 and 22N. R.2E -- T.23N. R.2E -- T.24N. R.2E -- T.25N. part of Jordan R.2E -- T.21 and 22N. Union R.1E and 1W -- T.23N. part of Sherley R.1E -- T.24N. R.1E -- T.25N. R.1E -- T.21 and 22N. part of Gatewood R.1W -- T.23N. R.1W -- T.24N. part of Pine R.1W -- T.25N. part of Pine R.1W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Saline County, Missouri
Map of Saline County -- T.48N. part of Black Water R.20W -- T.48N. R.21W -- T.48N. R.22W -- T.48N. part of Salt Pond R.23W -- T.49N. R.19W -- T.49N. R.20W -- T.49N. R.21W -- T.49N. R.22W -- T.49N. R.23W -- T.50N. R.18 and 19W -- T.50N. R.20W -- T.50N. part of Marshall R.21W -- T.50N. R.22W -- T.50N. R.23W -- T.51N. R.18W -- T.51N. R.19W -- T.51N. R.20W -- T.51N. R.21W -- T.51N. R.22W -- T.51N. part of Grand Pass R.23W -- T.52N. part of Cambridge R.19W -- T.52N. R.20W -- T.52N. part of Miami R.21W -- T.52N. R.22W -- T.52N. part of Grand Pass R.23W -- T.53N. R.20W -- T.53N. part of Miami R.21W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Schuyler County, Missouri
Map of Schuyler County, Missouri -- T.64N. part of Independence R.13 and 14W -- T.65N. part of Independence R.13 and 14W -- T.66N. part of Fabius R.13 and 14W -- T.67N. part of Fabius R.13 and 14W -- T.64N. part of Salt River R.14 and 15W -- T.65N. part of Prairie R.14 and 15W -- T.66N. part of Liberty R.14 and 15W -- T.67N. part of Liberty R.14 and 15W -- T.64N. part of Salt River R.15 and 16W -- T.65N. part of Prairie R.15 and 16W -- T.66N. Glenwood R.15 and 16W -- T.66 and 67N. Chariton R.15 and 16W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Scotland County, Missouri
Map of Scotland County, Missouri -- T.64 and 65N. Harrison R.10W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Thomson R.10W -- T.66 and 67N. Johnson R.10W -- T.64N. Sand Hill R.11W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Jefferson R.11W -- T.66 and 67N. parts of Union and Thomson R.11W -- T.64N. Tobin R.11 and 12W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.66 and 67N. part of Union R.12W -- T.64N. Mt. Pleasant R.12 and 13W -- T.65 and 66N. part of Vest R.12 and 13W -- T.66 and 67N. Miller and part of Vest R.12 and 13W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Scott County, Missouri
Map of Scott County, Missouri -- T.26N. R.14 and 15E -- T.27N. R.15 and 16E -- T.28N. R.15E -- T.27N. R.14E -- T.28N. R.14E -- T.29N. R.14 and 15E -- T.30N. part of Kelso R.13 and 14E -- T.26N. part of Richland R.13E -- T.27N. R.12 and 13E -- T.28N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.13E -- T.29N. R.12E -- T.28N. part of Sylvania R.11 and 12E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Shannon County, Missouri
Map of Shannon County, Missouri -- T.28 and 29N. part of Bowlan R.1W -- T.28N. R.2W -- T.29N. R.2W -- T.30N. part of Blair Creek R.2W -- T.26N. R.3W -- T.27N. R.3W -- T.28N. R.3W -- T.29N. R.3W -- T.30N. R.3W -- T.31N. R.2 and 3W -- T.26N. R.4W -- T.27N. R.4W -- T.28N. R.4W -- T.29N. R.4W -- T.30N. R.4W -- T.31N. part of Newton R.4W -- T.26N. R.5W -- T.27N. R.5W -- T.28N. R.5W -- T.29N. R.5W -- T.30N. R.5W -- T.31N. R.5W -- T.26N. R.6W -- T.27N. R.6W -- T.28N. R.6W -- T.29N. R.6W -- T.30N. R.6W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.6W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Shelby County, Missouri
T.56 and 57N. R.9W -- T.58N. R.9W -- T.59N. part of Tiger Fork R.9W -- T.56 and 57N. R.10W -- T.56 and 57N. R.11W -- T.58N. part of Black Creek R.10W -- T.58N. part of Black Creek R.11W -- T.59N. part of Bethel R.10W -- T.59N. R.11W -- T.56N. part of Jefferson R.12W -- T.57N. R.12W -- T.58N. part of Clay R.12W -- T.59N. part of Taylor R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of St. Charles County, Missouri
Map of St. Charles County, Missouri -- T.47 and 48N. part of Portage des Sioux R.7 and 8E -- T.47 and 48N. part of Portage des Sioux R.6E -- T.46 and 47N. part of St. Charles R.5E -- T.48 and 49N. part of Portage des Sioux R.4 and 5E -- T.46N. part of St. Charles R.4E -- T.47 and 48N. R.4E -- T.46N. part of Dardenne R.3E -- T.47N. R.3E -- T.48N. part of Dardenne R.3E -- T.44 and 45N. part of Femme Osage R.2 and 3E -- T.45N. part of Dardenne R.2 and 3E -- T.46 and 47N. R.2E -- T.47N. R.2E -- T.48N. part of Cuivre R.2E. -- T.44N. part of Femme Osage R.1E -- T.45N. part of Femme Osage R.1E -- T.46 and 47N. part of Callaway R.1E -- T.47 and 48N. part of Cuivre R.1E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of St. Clair County, Missouri
Map of St. Clair County, Missouri -- T.36N. Collins R.24 and 25W -- T.37N. Dallas R.24W -- T.38 and 39N. R.24W -- T.39 and 40N. Jackson R.24 and 25W -- T.36N. Washington R.25 and 26W -- T.36N. part of Roscoe R.26W -- T.37N. Doyal R.25W -- T.38 and 39N. Osceola R.25 and 26W -- T.39N. part of Butler R.25W -- T.37 and 38N. part of Roscoe R.26W -- T.37 and 38N. Center R.26W -- T.39N. R.26W -- T.36N. R.27W -- T.37 and 38N. R.27W -- T.37 and 38N. Osage R.27W -- T.39N. Missourinegaw R.27W. -- T.36N. part of Speedwell R.28W -- T.37 and 38N. part of Speedwell R.28W -- T.37 and 38N. Taber R.28W -- T.39N. Appleton R.28W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of St. Francois County, Missouri
Map of St. Francois County, Missouri -- T.34N. part of Liberty R.7E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Liberty R.8E -- T.35N. part of Liberty R.7E -- T.34N. R.6E -- T.35N. R.6E -- T.36N. R.6E -- T.38N. part of Marion R.6E -- T.34N. R.5E -- T.35N. R.5E -- T.36N. R.5E -- T.37N. R.5 and 5E -- T.38N. R.5E -- T.34N. R.4E -- T.35N. R.4E -- T.36N. part of Randolph R.4E -- T.37N. R.4E -- T.38 and 39N. R.4E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of St. Genevieve County, Missouri
Map of St. Genevieve County, Missouri -- T.35N. part of Beauvais R.9E -- T.36N. part of Beauvais R.9 and 10E -- T.37N. R.9 and 10E -- T.38N. part of Ste. Genevieve R.9 and 10E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Saline R.8E -- T.36N. R.8E -- T.37N. R.8E -- T.38N. R.8E -- T.39N. R.8E -- T.34 and 35N. part of Saline R.7E -- T.36N. R.7E -- T.37N. R.7E -- T.38N. R.7E -- T.39N. part of Jackson R.7E -- T.35 and 36N. part of Union R.5 and 6E -- T.37N. R.5 and 6E -- T.38N. part of Jackson R.6E -- T.39N. part of Jackson R.6E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of St. Louis County, Missouri
Map of St. Louis County, Missouri -- T.45N. part of Bonhomme R.4 and 5E -- T.44N. part of Bonhomme R.5E -- T.44N. part of Bonhomme R.4E -- T.46N. part of Bonhomme R.4 and 5E -- T.44N. part of Carondelet R.6 and 7E -- T.42 and 43N. part of Carondelet R.5,6, and 7E. -- T.45N. part of Central R.6E -- T.46N. part of Central R.6 and 7E -- T.45 and 46N. part of Central R.5E -- T.44N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- T.45N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- T.43N. part of Meramec R.3 and 4E -- t.47N. part of St. Ferdinand R.7 and 8E -- T.46N. part of St. Ferdinand R.6E -- T.46N. part of St. Ferdinand R.7E -- T.46 and 47N. part of St. Ferdinand R.5E -- T.47 and 48N. part of St. Ferdinand R.6E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Stoddard County, Missouri
Map of Stoddard -- T.23N. R.12E -- T.24N. R.12E -- T.25N. R.12E -- T.26N. R.12 and 13E -- T.27N. R.12 and 13E -- T.23N. R.11E -- T.24N. R.11E -- T.25N. R.11E -- T.26N. R.11E -- T.27N. R.11E -- T.28N. R.11 and 12E -- T.23N. R.10E -- T.24N. R.10E -- T.25N. R.10E -- T.26N. R.10E -- T.27N. R.10E -- T.28N. R.10E -- T.23N. R.8 and 9E -- T.24N. R.9E -- T.25N. R.9E -- T.26N. R.9E -- T.27N. R.9E -- T.24N. R.8E -- T.25N. R.8E -- T.27N. R.8E -- T.26N. R.7 and 8E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Stone County, Missouri
Map of Stone County, Missouri -- T.21N. R.22W -- T.22N. R.22W -- T.23N. R.22W -- T.24N. part of Ruth R.22W -- T.25N. R.22W -- T.26N. R.22W -- T.21N. R.23W -- T.22N. R.23W -- T.23N. R.23W -- T.24N. R.23W -- T.25N. R.23W -- T.26N. R.23W -- T.21N. part of Williams R.24W -- T.22N. R.24W -- T.23N. R.24W -- T.24N. R.24W -- T.25N. R.24W -- T.26N. R.24W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Sullivan County, Missouri
Map of Sullivan County, Missouri -- T.62N. part of Bowman R.22W -- T.62N. part of Bowman R.21W -- T.64N. part of Buchanan R.18W -- T.64N. part of Clay R.21W -- T.64N. part of Clay R.22W -- T.61N. part of Duncan R.20 and 21W -- T.64N. part of Jackson R.20W -- T.63N. parts of Jackson and Polk R.20W -- T.64N. part of Jackson and Buchanan R.19W -- T.63N. parts of Jackson, Polk, and Penn R.19W -- T.63N. part of Liberty R.21W -- T.63N. part of Liberty R.22W -- T.61N. Missourirris R.18 and 19W -- T.63N. part of Penn R.18W -- T.61 and 62N. Pleasant Hill R.19 and 20W -- T.62N. parts of Polk and Duncan R.20W -- T.62N. parts of Polk and Union R.19W -- T.61N. Taylor R.21 and 22W -- T.62N. part of Union R.18W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Taney County, Missouri
Map of Taney County, Missouri -- T.21N. part of Big Creek R.17W.; T.21N. R.19W -- T.22N. part of Big Creek R.17W -- T.23N. R.17W -- T.24N part of Beaver R.17W -- T.21N. R.18W -- T.22N. part of Cedar Creek R.18W -- T.23N. R.18W -- T.24N. part of Beaver R.18W -- T.22N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.22N. part of Cedar Creek R.19W -- T.21N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.23N. R.19W -- T.24N. part of Swan R.19W -- T.21 and 22N. R.20W -- T.23N. R.20W -- T.24N. part of Swan R.20W -- T.21N. part of Oliver R.21W -- T.22N. part of Oliver R.21W -- T.24N. part of Jasper R.21W -- T.23N. part of Newton R.22W.; T.24N. part of Jasper R.22W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Texas County, Missouri
Map of Texas County, Missouri -- T.28N. Date R.7W -- T.29N. Carroll R.7W -- T.30N. part of Current R.7W -- T.31N. part of Current R.7W -- T.28N. part of Pierce R.8W -- T.29N. part of Ozark R.8W -- T.30N. R.8W -- T.31N. part of Jackson R.8W -- T.32N. part of Sherrill R.8W -- T.33N. part of Sherrill R.8W -- T.28N. R.9W -- T.29N. part of Cass R.9W -- T.30N. part of Piney R.9W -- T.31N. R.9W -- T.32N. R.9W -- T.33N. R.9W -- T.28N. R.10W -- T.29N. R.10W -- T.30N. R.10W -- T.31N. R.10W -- T.32N. part of Lynch R.10W -- T.33N. part of Boone R.10W -- T.28N. R.11W -- T.29N. R.11W -- T.30N. part of Missourirris R.11W -- T.31N. part of Upton R.11W -- T.32N. R.11W -- T.33N. part of Roubidoux R.11W -- T.28N. part of Clinton R.12W -- T.29N. R.12W -- T.30N. part of Missourirris R.12W -- T.31N. part of Upton R.12W -- T.32N. R.12W -- T.33N. part of Roubidoux R.12W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Vernon County, Missouri
Map of Vernon County, Missouri -- T.34N. Missourintevallo R.29W -- T.35N. Virgil R.29W -- T.36N. Clear Creek R.29W -- T.37 and 38N. Bacon R.29W -- T.34N. Dover R.30W -- T.35N. Badger R.30W -- T.36N. Walker R.30W -- T.37 and 38N. Blue Missouriund R.30W -- T.34N. Drywood R.31W -- T.35N. Center R.31W -- T.36N. Washington R.31W -- T.37 and 38N. Osage R.31W -- T.34N. Missouriundville R.32W -- T.35N. Deerfield R.32W -- T.36N. Lake R.32W -- T.37 and 38N. Metz R.32W -- T.34N. Harrison R.33W -- T.35N. Coal R.33W -- T.36N. Richland R.33W -- T.37 and 48N. Henry R.33W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Warren County, Missouri
Map of Warren County, Missouri -- T.44N. part of Charrette R.1W -- T.45N. part of Charrette R.1W -- T.46N. R.1W -- T.47N. part of HIckory Grove R.1W -- T.45N. part of Charette R.2W -- T.46N. R.2W -- T.47N. part of Elkhorn R.2W -- T.48N. part of Camp Branch R.2W -- t.45N. part of Pinckney R.3W -- T.46N. part of Pinckney R.3W -- T.47N. part of Elkhorn R.3W -- T.48 and 49N. part of Camp Branch R.3W. -- T.46N. part of Bridgeport R.4W -- T.47N. part of Bridgeport R.4W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Washington County, Missouri
Map of Washington County, Missouri -- T.35N. R.3E -- T.36N. R.3E -- T.37N. part of Breton R.3W -- T.38 and 39N. R.3E -- T.39N. R.3E -- T.35N. R.2E -- T.36N. R.2E -- T.38N. R.2 and 3E. -- T.37 and 38N. part of Breton R.2E -- T.39N. R.2E -- T.39 and 40N. part of Richwood R.2 and 3E -- T.35N. part of Belgrade R.1E -- T.36N. R.1E -- T.37N. part of Walton R.1E -- T.38N. part of Liberty R.1E -- T.39N. R.1E -- T.40N. R.1E -- T.35N. part of HarMissouriny R.1 and 2W -- T.36N. part of HarMissouriny R.1 and 2W -- T.37N. part of Walton R.1 and 2W -- T.38N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W -- T.39N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W -- T.40N. part of Johnson R.1 and 2W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Wayne County, Missouri
Map of Wayne County, Missouri -- T.27N. R.8E -- T.28N. part of Jefferson R.8E -- T.26 and 27N. R.7E -- T.28N. R.7E -- T.29N. part of Cowan R.7E -- T.30N. R.7E -- T.26 and 27N. R.6E -- T.28N. R.6E -- T.29N. R.6E -- T.30N. R.6E -- T.26 and 27N. R.5E -- T.28N. R.5E -- T.29N. R.5E -- T.30N. R.5E -- T.26 and 27N. R.4E -- T.28N. R.4E -- T.29N. R.4E -- T.30N. part of Logan R.4E -- T.26 and 27N. R.3E -- T.28N. R.3E -- T.29N. part of Benton R.3E -- T.30N. part of Benton R.3E., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Plat Book of Webster County, Missouri
Map of Webster County, Missouri -- T.28N. part of Finley R.16W -- T.29N. R.16W -- T.30N. part of HIgh Prairie R.16W -- T.31N. part of Union R.16W -- T.32N. part of Union R.16W -- t.28N. part of Finley R.17W -- T.29N. R.17W -- T.30N. R.17W -- T.31N. R.17W -- T.32N. R.17W -- T.28N. East Benton R.18W -- T.29N. East Dallas R.18W -- T.30N. part of Ozark R.18W -- T.31N. R.18W -- T.32N. part of Washington R.18W -- T.28N. West Benton R.19W -- T.29N. West Dallas R.19W -- T.30N. part of Grant R.19W -- T.31N. R.19W -- T.32N. part of Jackson R.19W., Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
