To His Most Serene and August Majesty Peter Alexovitz Absolute Lord of Russia &c. This map of Moscovy, Poland, Little Tartary, and ye Black Sea &c. is most humbly dedicated
Appeared in a previous atlas, ca. 1714, with a variant imprint.
Decorative map with many towns, and with the mountains and forests and waterways depicted. Decorative allegorical cartouche with both secular and religious elements. Boundaries hand colored in different colors.
Insets: [Continuation], To avoid too great a contraction of the scale, the north part of Russia &c. is continued here -- The River Wolga from Peter Gorod to where it empties it self into the Caspian Sea -- Asoph or Asof and ye forts, and mouth of ye R. Don or Tanais &c.
Note: The greatest part of this map relating to Russia is done by the Czar's order, according to ye actual surveys of Cornelius Cruis His Czarrish Majesty's Vice Admiral, John Thesing, Captain Pamburg &c. whereby it appears that all other maps of this country yet extant are very erroneous and defective, and the Czar himself in this noble undertaking was present at ye soundings in in ye Palus Maeotis, and ye Straits of Kafa, which are set down in feet, and those in ye Black Sea in fathoms. NB. This map has all the improvements and corrections of Capt. Iohn Perry.
Prime meridians: London and Ferro Islands.
Relief shown pictorially and depths by sounds in feet and fathoms.
Shirley, R. Maps in the atlases of the British Library, Vol. 1, T.Moll-4b, Map 13.