Brookfield, Missouri maps
Brookfield, Missouri, 1911 September, sheet 09
Brookfield, Missouri, September 1911. Streets: N. Macon, Shelby, N. Monroe, E. John, E. Wood, E. Brooks, E. Boston, Grant, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 10/25/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Brookfield, Missouri, 1911 September, sheet 10
Brookfield, Missouri, September 1911. Streets: W. Helm, W. Clayotn, W. Clarke, E. Helm, E. Clayton, E. Clarke, S. Livingston, S. Main, Market, Sanford, E. Clayton, Brunswick Avenue, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 10/25/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Brookfield, Missouri, 1911 September, sheet 11
Brookfield, Missouri, September 1911. Streets: Beverly, S. Clinton, S. Caldwell, S. Linvingston, W. Helm, W. Clayton, W. Clarke, W. Robard, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 10/25/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Brookfield, Missouri, 1911 September, sheet 12
Brookfield, Missouri, September 1911. Streets: W. Clarke, E. Clarke, E. Robard, W. Robard, E. Canal, W. Canal, S. Main, Harrison, Market, S. Macon, S. Livingston, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 10/25/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.
Brookfield, Missouri, 1911 September, sheet 13
Brookfield, Missouri, September 1911. Streets: Market, S. Monroe, E. Helm, E. Clayton, E. Clarke, E. Robard, Digitized by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office on 10/25/2006. Original held by University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries.